C H A P T E R 15
*Ava's POV*
Its been a month since I was kidnaped, and pregnant. The other boys were on to me. I have tired to leave so many times, but every time I would try Luke was their to stop me. I was in my room right now, writing in the journal Bree give me.
I have no choice but to keep this baby. I don't want to bring it into this world though, I'm afraid for it. If it's a girl, will she end up like me? Or if a boy, will he end up like his father? I just want to get out of this Hell, I need to for my unborn child.
"Ava?" Some said. I closes the journal fast and look up.
"Yes?" I said with a smile. It was Luke, of course. He looked confused at me.
"What's that?" He asked, walking over. I quickly put it under me and sat on it.
"Don't worry, nothing special." I smile. He raised a eyebrow, then rolled his eyes.
"Hand it over." He put his hand out. Luke still has no clue I'm pregnant, he can't find out. Then i have no chance of leaving.
"No." I said. He eyes widen, I haven't said no in a while. He got angry and reached over me and under.
"NO!" I yelled. He grabbed one end I grabbed the other.
"AVA LET GO!" He demanded.
"PLEASE LUKE DON'T!" I started to cry. Ever little thing makes me cry now. It comes in handy though for times like this.
"Ava are you hiding something?" He asked, know I was. He let go sending me back on the bed. I clenched it to my chest, breathing heavily. He climbed onto the bed and hover over me.
"MMM!" He yelled.
"It was my mothers." I lied. His head went back, suprised.
"It's the only thing I have left of her, please don't take it away." I said. He thought about it, then sighed and nodded. I sighed relieved and hugged him.
"Thanks Luke." To sell it, I kissed his cheek. This made him chuckle.
"Don't let the other know." He kissed my check. We let go and I sat on the bed. "So your mother-"
"Is dead." I interrupted him. It shocked him. "No need to sugar code it." I stood up and look at myself in the mirror. "My dad killed her when I was 10 and then he almost killed me, but lucky I got out." I told him. I looked at him in the mirror, he had a sad face on. I'm sure he felt bad, but I didn't need his pity. I have to act like I'm still upset about it.
"It's been hard, but I'm getting through it." I turned and faced him. I give him a weak smile.
"I had no idea- I'm sorry." He said, getting up.
"It's ok, it wasn't your fault." I said. I started to rub my arms as he got closer.
"Ava, I'm sorry for being a jerk. I won't hurt you again, I just-" he stopped and sighed. I looked up at him into his eyes. "I've never met someone like you before." I smiled at him.
"Promise not to hurt me?" I asked, taking his hand. He chuckled.
"I'll try." He smiled. I grabbed his hands.
"I guess that's all you can do." I sighed and swing our arms back a forth from side to side. "Can you get me something to eat?" I asked him. He looked up and down me.
"I don't know, you've been eating a lot. Also getting bigger." He light tapped my stomach, making my heart drop. I acted offended and hit his arm.
"Shut up." I told him. He just laughed.
"As you wish." He bowed. He looked up and winked at me. I giggled as he left.
That was close, he almost find out. Now this is my time to escape or find a way out. I went to the walls, to see if it was hollow anyway. Nothing in the room. There really isn't a way out, its only the window or the door. I won't risk jumping out the window anymore, I have to think for two now. The front door Is the only option.
"Hey Ava," someone said. I look and see it was Mikey. "How are you?" He asked. I smirked getting a idea. He frowned his brows at me. "What?" He asked, suspicious.
"Nothing, just was wondering what you boys are doing tonight." I asked. Michael still didn't trust me.
"Nothing much, Calum and Ashton are going out I think." He said. This made my smile get bigger. Perfect.
"Ok, I think I might go to sleep early after I eat." I smiled innocently. He out his mouth to say something, but was interrupted.
"Here, Ava." Luke walked in and handed me a plate of mash potato.
"Thank you." I thanked him. He nodded and sat next to me as I ate. Michael squinted at me and left. Tonight is the night me and Bree leave.
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