C H A P T E R 13
*Luke's POV*
"WHAT THE FUCK!" Michael pushed me into the couch.
"I didn't have sex with her, again." I defended myself.
"What did you do then?" He asked. I looked down, a little a shamed.
"I just did what I wanted." I stood up and went to the kitchen. "Where the fuck is Bree?" I asked trying to change the subject.
"Calum's room." he still looked really pissed.
"I guess they are having fun, huh." I tried to joke, but Michael didn't laugh.
"Luke you know Ava is stronger then the other. We can't force her into silenced." He walked over to me. I sighed, knowing he was right.
"What are we going to do then? Kill her?" I asked.
"Maybe," Ashton walked in.
"What?!" Me and Michael shouted.
"Well we can't let her go, she will tell, and I don't know how much longer I can take her." He said rubbing his head.
"NO! I want let you do that!" I got in his face.
"Nor will I!" Michael backed me up. Ashton rolled his eyes.
"Fine, but when you get sick of her don't ask me what to do, you know my answer." Ashton pointed at us. We both sighed, then he headed up stairs.
"Michael, I told Ava I loved her." I finally said.
"What?" he asked.
"Thats why she came out crying. I don't know why, I didn't think it mean anything." I said. Michael rolled his eyes.
"Luke, some girls take that serious. Don't say it in less you mean it." he put his hand on my shoulder. When I didn't say anything back, he went upstairs.
*Michael's POV*
As I was about to go into my room I hear a throwing up noises in the girls room. I go in and see Ava, my eyes widen.
"Oh shit, Ava are you ok?" He asked. She looked up, still with a little throw up on the side of her cheek. She shook her head.
"I-I don't know." She began to throw up agin. I nodded fast.
"I'll get Bree." I ran to Calum's room to see them still sleeping, cuddling. Ew.
"BREE!" I yelled. She shot up and looked at me.
"Hum what, Mikey?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.
"Ava needs you, she throwing up." I told her. Her eyes widen and she ran out of the room. I followed but she slammed the door on me.
"Rude." I mumbled. Calum got up with only boxers on.
"Dude, what the fuck?" He asked.
"Ava is sick." I said. His eyes widen.
"What are we going to do? We can't take her to the doctor." He said, coming closer. I shrugged.
"Let Bree handle this first."
*Bree POV*
"Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded. "Positive?" I asked again, with a little fear I my voice.
"Yes Bree! YES!" She yelled.
"Ok Calm down, it's ok. I mean you're just late on your period and your throwing up." I shrugged. "So you think you're pregnant? " I said, laughing a little.
"We need a pregnant test to make sure. When can we go shopping again?" She asked.
"I-i i don't know." I said. I was scared for her, what if she was really pregnant? They would make her get rid of it or kill her maybe.
"We need to Bree, please." She took my hands. "If I am, then......." She looked down and took a deep breath. She looked back up at me, her eyes started to tear up. "Then I need to get out." I nodded, agreeing.
"Ok. When should I ask?" I asked.
"Now." She demanded. I nodded and went to the door. "Mikey?" I asked. He came out of his room as soon as I called him.
"Bree, is she ok?" He asked, grabbing my shoulders.
"Um yeah, but she wants to talk." I said. He still had a worry look on his face, but lightened up a little. He nodded and walked it. I followed and closed the door behind him.
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