C H A P T E R 12
*Ava's Dream*
"YOU KILLED HER!" Ava yelled.
"So what? She was a bitch, like you." Her dad pointed to her. "But also, sexy." he licked his lips. Ava started to back up.
"NO! DAD DON'T!" She ran to the front door, but her dad caught her. "NO!" She yelled.
"You going to have my 3rd child." He whispered in her ear.
*Dream over*
"AGHHH!" I woke up screaming. I sat up fasted and looked around.
"Ava, what happen?" Luke got up and looked at me. I started to cry.
"No, no, no!" I put my hands through my hair.
"Hey Ava," Luke brought me close to him, I put my head on his chest. "Its ok, it was just a dream." he pet my hair.
"no-no it wasn't." I cried even harder.
"Jesus Ava, you going to wake everyone up." He said. I pulled away from him.
"Asshole." I got and ran out.
"Wait Ava! I'm sorry." I ran down stairs, I see the front door. the door. I heard someone run down the stairs. "AVA!" He shouted. I ran and opened the door, but couldn't make it out. Luke covered my mouth and dragged me back inside.
"Ava! Stop!" He threw me down on the couch. I tired to get back up, but he pinned my arms down.
"LET ME GO!" I yelled, struggling.
"AVA STOP! What is wrong with you!?" He asked. I didn't answer, but I did stop struggling. I took a deep breath.
"Bad.... dream." I said out of breath. He started to let me go slowly. "Just a bad dream...." I felt a tear go down my cheek. "Thats it...." I sniffed. Luke stared at me, with sympathy and confusion.
"Ava?" he's voice trailed as I remember the night.....
*Flash back*
"Avaaaaaa, oh Ava...." her dad moan, as he raped her.
"MMMMM!" He put a sock in her mouth and duck tape over it.
"Oh do you like that honey?" He asked. She cried harder. "I can't let this happen," Ava thought. "He will kill me like mommy."
"Mmmm" Her dad finished, letting go of her hands. With no time to breathe, Ava kicked her father. "AGH FUCK!" She ran out of the room to her. She locked the door, and ripped the tape off spiting the sock out.
"I need out." She grabbed a back pack and stuff as much as she could.
"AVA!" her dad bang on the door. She moved a bookshelf so he couldn't get in. She zipped the bag up went to the window. She opened it up and started to climb out.
"AVA!" Her dad opened the door, as he did she jumped. When she felt the ground she ran and didn't stop.
*Flashback over.*
I opened my eyes, and I found my self on Luke's lap.
"Morning beautiful." he said. I scoffed at him, I sat up.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Well I think you were having a panic attack and passed out." She said. "You scared me." I looked up at him confused.
"I scared you?" I asked. He shrugged and nodded. I rolled my eyes and stood up, I was about to go upstairs till Luke grabbed my arm.
"Ava, whats wrong?" He asked. It sound genuine, I sighed.
"Was just a-"
"Don't say nightmare, because you passed out after that." He interrupted me. I closed my mouth, and shrugged. "What was it about?" he asked, he let go of me. I crossed my arms and shook my head.
"I can't say." I backed up and ran up stairs, where I ran into a shirtless Mikey.
"Michael?" I looked up and down at him. He smirked.
"Like what you see?" he put his arms out. I scoffed.
"Don't flatter yourself." I rolled myself, he laughed.
"Hey, want to come in my room?" He asked. Weird question, I was hesitant but at this point what do I have to lose? I nodded and walked forwarded. We went into a room with dark green walls and black carpet.
"Take a seat on the bed." He said, point to the bed with all fingers.
"You're not gonna rape me, right?" I asked, sitting slowly down.
"Nope, I don't do that... anymore." He said. My eyes widen.
"Anymore?" I questioned. He turned to me and nodded, disappointed.
"Sadly yes, I use to be worst then Luke, but I changed my ways." He sat next to me. "Enough of me, what was this thing about a nightmare?" He asked. I took a deep breath.
"It had something to do with my past. I don't really feel like talking about it." I crossed my arms and looked down.
"Ava I already know you don't have anyone, so might as well tell me." He said. I didn't say anything, I really hate talking about it.
"Or I'll tell what I know." He said in my ear. My head shot up, I looked at him. He was just smirking. Damnit.
"Fine. It was about my dad. He killed my mother and then raped me." I told him. He lost his smile and looked at me shock. "Yeah I was raped by my dad, so many times." I stood up. "And now I'm being raped by a teenager."
"It was only once." Mikey defended Luke.
"I don't care if it was for a second, THATS RAPE!" I yelled. Michael stood up and told me to shhhhh.
"Ava, I know you're upset, but Luke won't do it again." He put his hands on my shoulder. "I can promise you that." I rolled my eyes and shook his hands off me
"Don't promises thing if you can keep them." I walked out of his room back to mine and Bree's.
"LUKE!" I heard Michael yell.
"Yes?" Luke yelled.
"Down stairs, NOW!" He sound angry...... never imagine him being angry. I shrugged it off and went to the bed. Weirdly I start to feel sick, I hope I haven't gotten anything.
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