-9- Loyalty
For six brief and wonderful years, Doma was able to forget about his traitorous meeting with the ancient traitor. For six bright years, he kept that syringe hidden in his robes and clothes, and he let himself forget about it.
It was easy to forget such things when things so much more important grew before his eyes.
Mirakuru transformed from a helpless lump of giggling into a lovely little girl. At six years old she was a force to be reckoned with. She loved to help, especially her father, but would never miss an opportunity to run away into the forest with her eleven, almost twelve-year-old, brother. Her rainbow eyes were large and vividly expressed her multitude of emotions, her hair was like her brothers and mother's and she loved whenever someone fixed it up, usually that someone was Doma.
He would sit for hours on end with Mirakuru in his lap, listening to her try and read him poems as he braided her long hair. She'd taken to learning much more eagerly than Inosuke who still resisted the lessons Kotoha would give. Kotoha had taught herself to read (something Doma hadn't even realized was a privilege he'd been given as a child) and she insisted that Inosuke learned. The boy had to be dragged into such lessons and would often escape to the woods to evade them, but Miku was happy to learn the texts her father showed her. She had her Mother's eagerness to learn and intelligence and her father's patience.
She quickly became the golden child and Inosuke couldn't have cared less. The boy refused to be beaten in everything except schooling.
"But whyyyyy do I need to learn?" he'd whined as Doma tried to get him to write.
"So that you can learn more about the world," Doma instructed with a smirk.
"But I don't care about the world! If someone's trying to say something they should just say it! Who cares about stupid words on paper?"
"What if that person is very far away and wants to talk to you?" Doma asked gently. He glanced over at where Kotoha was softly reciting syllables with Miku and smiled to see both of their eyes gleaming with joy as Miku mastered it.
"Who wants to talk to me?" Inosuke demanded, pulling Doma's attention back to the boy.
"Well, I would like to talk to you if I'm far away," Doma chuckled.
"But you're not gonna be far away!" Inosuke argued. "You're gonna be right here and if you want to talk to me, just talk!"
Doma sighed and ruffled the almost-teenager's hair.
"Maybe I want to tell you a secret, and I don't want anyone else to hear," Doma smirked. Immediately, the boy perked up.
"What sort of secret, Old Man?" Inosuke asked with a suspicious look.
"Oh, all sorts of secrets. I know a lot of things," Doma teased dramatically. "Things I can't say out loud, but alas, I guess you'll never be able to learn them."
"Hey - hey, I know how to read okay! And I can write stuff too!" Inosuke argued. "You can totally tell me, or - or write to me!"
"No, no, what if you misinterpret a word - what if I use code?"
"Why would you use code!" Inosuke argued back.
"Why wouldn't I?"
"FINE! Give me that!" the boy snatched the pen from Doma's hands and scowled as he began to scribble on the paper. Doma smiled and shook his head as the boy sloppily began to transcribe a few lines from his book.
Another victory for Doma. Honestly, these small battles were more fulfilling than any fight he'd held with a demon slayer.
"Papa! Ino-san! Listen to this!" Miku called from across the room. And like that, Inosuke's focus was broken. Oh well, what could you do but laugh?
Inosuke was still plenty of trouble for the cult, but Miku had her own quirks.
Whenever Doma sat and listened to the prayers, needs, or confessions of his followers it was almost guaranteed that Mirakuru was about, either sitting at her father's feet while engrossed in a picture book or was sitting in his lap and watching him intently. Sometimes she'd make a poorly-timed interruption to ask her father what a word was and Doma would have to smile politely at the devoutest as he explained how to pronounce a specific kanji to the girl in his lap. Other times, she'd watched too closely and people would become unnerved by the girl's inhumanely bright eyes that were filled to the brim with wonder.
Doma's daughter was a strange girl, everyone knew that. Nothing seemed to hurt her and wounds would be fully healed in less than a day - something that annoyed Inosuke to no end. If they both fell out of a tree it was Inosuke who was bedridden the next day - it truly ticked the boy off that he, for some reason, wasn't superhuman and he vowed one day he'd figure out how to heal faster. Doma could live with him never figuring it out.
Mirakuru, or Miku as she more commonly came to be known also had strange sleeping patterns, sometimes not sleeping for days and then falling asleep for a whole month which had scared the high heavens out of Kotoha when it first happened. If not for Doma, the entire cult would've gone mad with worry (not that Doma had been in a much better state when it happened but he could at least smell that the girl wasn't sick or dying). The girl also didn't eat large meals. She always preferred the meat in her meals anyway but the meal was always small and sometimes she only ate a snack a day. Many dismissed it as a godly blessing passed down to her by her father and in a way, they weren't wrong... but in many ways, they weren't right.
Mirakuru was a demon in more ways than one. She didn't have to eat or breathe or drink to survive - she liked doing those things but she didn't need to. Her regeneration was efficient, her speed was incredible, and her strength was unmatched by any other child her age. She was a brilliant child and learned all sorts of things, from sonnets and poems to stories and a multitude of songs from her mother.
Mirakuru was also human. She didn't crave human flesh, something Doma thanked whatever god existed for every single day, and she could eat human food (though only in small amounts). She could sleep, though in strange intervals, and could dream. Perhaps most importantly, she could play in the sun without being the least bit affected. The sun.
When she first stumbled into the unrelenting rays Doma had almost screamed, panic taking over as his toddler babbled and toddled into the rays. He had been a second too late, his speed hadn't been fast enough to grab her... but he didn't have to. She had walked into the sun without a hint of fear or pain, turning around and giggling at her father who had stared at her in wonder.
The sun. That, in his mind, cemented her humanity. She was no demon, she wasn't damned. She was human, like her mother, like her brother. He had only barely tainted her and she was human enough. She was strange but also perfect and when Doma saw her playing in the gardens in the middle of the day, he thanked the universe and smiled in joy. If anyone deserved the warmth of the sun, it was Miku.
Still, there were questions. Most of them, Doma could wave away. His daughter was blessed by heaven, of course. It's merely a blessing from above. It's completely normal. No, no, there's no need to worry.
Other questions... those weren't so easily avoided.
"Why are you and Miku different?" Inosuke asked softly.
Doma felt his world freeze and slowly, he forced himself to unclench the hands he held together.
"What do you mean, Inosuke?" He asked.
"I know you are," the boy stated. "I can feel it. You're different."
"You're going to have to elaborate," Doma chuckled dryly, forcing himself to stay calm. It would be perfectly fine if Inosuke knew. Inosuke should know, the boy deserved it.
"You don't go out in the sun. You don't eat either. Miku barely eats and Mom doesn't tell her to eat her vegetables! She heals fast too! What's it about? I'm old enough to know!"
"You are old enough, now," Doma nodded slowly as he stared over at the moonlit window. "But it's a bit complicated... and I don't want to scare you - "
"You can't scare me!" Inosuke announced. "So tell me! Why are you different!?"
Doma sighed and wondered where to breach the topic of demons. How far was he to go? Was Inosuke old enough to not only learn about man-eating demons but that Doma had once partaken in such activities? Should Inosuke learn about the blood on Doma's hands?
"Your father is special." A soft voice jarred Doma out of his thoughts and he smiled. He hadn't sensed her coming because Kotoha's presence was such a commonality. He was completely at her mercy sometimes, it was funny really.
Kotoha walked in, ink on her fingertips and a black stain on her cheek from where Miku had doubtlessly gotten too eager to open the ink.
"But why? Why is he special?" Inosuke demanded.
"Because I am a demon," Doma murmured. Kotoha's arrival reminded him how to be brave... how to be honest.
"Huh?" the boy tilted his head and stared. "What do you mean?"
And so Doma told him. He told him about demons, demon slayers, and the dangers of both. He told him about the type of monsters that are much worse than those hiding in the closet. He told him about the strength and horror of those creatures, but before he could get to his own sins, Kotoha placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled.
"Like Doma said, you need to be cautious of other demons, because your father is a very special man, just like Miku. He and Miku are kind and good. This is a secret though, so you have to keep it safe" she smiled softly, giving Doma's shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
Inosuke had been gaping the whole time and now that silence filled the air he grinned.
Oh, the wonders of childish innocence... but Inosuke wasn't much of a child anymore. That brought a bitter-sweet smile to Doma's face as he watched his teenager gawk and grin over Doma's demonic state.
The years had passed... and so much good had come from it. It didn't begin to make up for all the evil that stained Doma's hands, but it meant so much more to him.
Miku was bright and happy, Inosuke was growing stronger and braver with every day that passed, even Kotoha seemed to grow more beautiful and serene with every sunset.
As for Doma, he couldn't have been happier. It had been ten years since he had first met Kotoha and yet for all those years, the time had seemed to move at a perfect pace. Doma hadn't been called to Muzan's side in years and the Upper Moon appreciated the peace. Doma also hadn't eaten in years. It became strangely bearable as the years went by and while the scent of blood could still make him drool, the hunger had become a mere normal pain in his daily life.
The bit of hunger was always worth the happiness of every day. There was no more guilt in his heart or heaviness on his chest whenever Kotoha leaned on him. There was no self-doubt whenever Inosuke came home with a scraped knee and a broken arm (which had happened seven times). There was only love and devotion to his family.
But, happiness is not in the cards for a demon - It never was.
One night the peace broke. Inosuke and Mirakuru were asleep in their rooms. Kotoha had fallen asleep leaning on Doma as they had sat talking in the garden. All had seemed peaceful until the acrid scent of Muzan Kibutsuji invaded Doma's senses.
His approach was silent and still, the only way Doma noticed him was his scent and how the hair on the back of his neck sprung upright. The Upper Moon looked up suddenly and found himself staring at Muzan who stood across the garden, hands behind his back. The demon was a terrifying figure and the very air seemed to tremble in the presence of the demon king. The half-moon above bathed him in a white light that illuminated the fury-filled ruby eyes.
"Master," Doma breathed. He would've gotten up but Kotoha was still leaning on his shoulder and he feared to disturb her - strange how he feared that more than Muzan's wrath.
Muzan was glaring at him in such a way that Doma knew he was about to suffer. His only thoughts, however, were on the woman next to him and the children in their rooms.
"Bring your daughter to me, immediately" Muzan ordered coldly, keeping his steady stare on the demon.
A blossom could've dropped from the tree and Doma would've heard it clear as day in the silence that followed. His heart would've stopped had it still been beating.
"What?" Doma question was a breath of wind.
"Do not tempt me, Doma, bring your hybrid of a daughter to the infinity fortress. I've waited long enough," Muzan's voice was thick with anger and so Doma didn't dare question how Muzan knew or what he wanted.
"Yes... Master," Doma answered slowly, the words nearly catching in his throat.
Without another word, Muzan vanished leaving Doma there, fearful for the first time in a very very long time.
"What will he want with her?" Kotoha demanded, her eyes still clouded in sleep as she watched Doma walk back and forth, likely about to wear a path into their room's tatami flooring.
"I don't know," Doma answered softly as he paced his room. Kotoha sat on her cot, clearly distressed.
"Will he hurt you?" Kotoha asked fearfully. "Will he punish you for what you've done?"
Doma looked at her, unsure of how to respond.
"Are demons not allowed to love?" she asked fearfully. She was scared... for Doma. How ironic was that? She was a mere human on the receiving end of the demon lord's rage and she was scared for Doma.
"It's not a rule," Doma dismissed, trying to smile to assure her. He then went back to his pacing as he thought. "No, he shouldn't punish me for that."
Kotoha bit her lip before speaking again, "What about not killing humans?"
Doma turned abruptly to face her, "Kotoha - "
"I know you haven't eaten in a while," Kotoha admitted, her voice shaking. "I know you've been starving yourself and I know that's made you weaker."
Doma opened his mouth to argue but there was nothing to refute, it was all the truth.
"I... I suppose that would be the reason for his anger," Doma concurred softly. "He'll likely reprimand me for my insolence and demand I continue to stay strong, to which I'll agree... to a point. He'll study Mirakuru because she is something that is unheard of but will likely come to the same conclusion I have; that she is just an immensely strong human. A human. He has no other reason to hurt me or Miku," Doma concluded.
Kotoha clenched her hands together and looked at her lap.
"Please don't get hurt," she pleaded. Doma sat down beside her and gently lay one of his hands over hers.
"I will be fine," he vowed. He then reached over and pulled her closer. "I will keep Miku safe. We will be alright."
She leaned into him and nodded, the scent of fear and apprehension radiating off of her. Doma kissed the top of her head and began to stroke her hair. He tried to soothe her but it did little to soothe the worry in his own heart that hadn't beat in centuries.
"I promise," he told her. "I will be back with Miku."
And he prayed to his fate that he didn't just tell a lie.
"Papa, is this 'Master' nice?" Mirakuru asked, tilting her head as Doma led her through the infinity palace, his hand holding hers. Doma had been gentle when he woke her up and held her tightly as he allowed himself to be pulled back to this place.
"He's very powerful," Doma told the girl carefully. "You must be very respectful."
"Okay," Mirakuru answered uncertainly as she looked around. She tightened her grip around her father's hand and moved her feet faster to keep in pace with him.
"Why couldn't Inosuke and Mama come?" Mirakuru whimpered.
Doma didn't answer but kept a firm hold on her hand. He kept his pace slow so she could keep up but also so he could sense any dangers. He recognized the emotion of cold nervousness flowing through his body. He tried to calm himself by repeating the same thing he had told himself for the past few years; they were not in danger. He had not done anything wrong. There would be no punishment. They were going to be alright. He was still loyal.
There was the sound of a biwa as the blood in Doma's blood pulled him away, Miku's hand still in his. Suddenly, Doma and Mirakuru were standing on a platform. Mirakuru would've been awed at that magical act if not for the man standing feet away from her. She stiffened in fear as the aura of the demon washed over her. She released her father's hand, instead choosing to cling to his pants as she shied away and hid behind him. There was something about that man - the white-suited man, that made her very skin crawl... she wanted to run away as fast as possible. He just felt... wrong, like someone was clawing under her skin or picking at her lungs. So very, very wrong. She looked up and up and up until she saw his eyes. His eyes. They were terrible. Terrible! Her skin crawled and her blood curdled to see those eyes the color of staled blood.
Muzan stood on a raised platform, staring down at the duo coldly. He had dawned a new skin and aura, Doma realized. His pale face was now framed with wavy black strands of hair that made his light red eyes appear to glow. He was a tall young man dressed in a white tuxedo and topped off the look with a white fedora. It was stylish, perhaps, but not a look Doma would ever adorn.
Doma bowed reverently but did not kowtow as usual - something about going down on his knees made him uncomfortable. He wouldn't be able to move quickly, it was better to stand especially with Mirakuru trembling behind him.
But he was being foolish, he wouldn't have to move quickly. It was going to be alright.
"Doma," Muzan greeted with a sneer.
"Master," Doma returned the greeting happily, covering his emotions up with the familiar mask of fake sweetness. "It's been a while."
"This is your spawn?" Muzan asked, turning his attention to the girl cowering behind Doma's leg.
"Yes," Doma nodded, leaning down and reaching back to assuringly rub the girl's back. He was trying not to let any of his anger bleed into his smile. Spawn? Had Doma ever been so blindly arrogant to call living, breathing children spawns? He hoped not.
"She is half-human and half-demon?" Muzan demanded an answer and Doma forced himself to cheerfully give one.
"Yes," Doma agreed.
"How?" Muzan asked with narrowed eyes.
"I don't know," Doma answered truthfully with a fake smile. "Just happened, I guess."
Muzan's eyes narrowed and he looked back at Mirakuru. "Girl," he ordered, making her flinch. "Come over here."
Mirakuru shook her head and pressed her face against her father's leg fearfully. Doma leaned down and gently pushed her towards Muzan. "It's alright," he assured her, completely unsure of the truth in that statement but knowing that blatantly refusing the lord of the demons was not the answer.
Mirakuru reluctantly released her father and gingerly walked over to where Muzan stood, keeping her eyes down the entire time so she wouldn't have to see those eyes. Muzan stepped off of the pedestal and knelt down before the girl, grabbing her chin with his hands and studying her face.
"She can heal herself?" he asked, directing the question at Doma while studying the girl.
"Yes," Doma answered curtly, trying to swallow a surge of anger. No, no, he must not get angry. That was just how Muzan was; he studied things like objects. He hadn't come to the same epiphanies Doma had, he didn't see people as anything more than pawns and objects.
But had it been anyone else touching his daughter like that, they'd be dead.
"And her speed and strength are enhanced?" Muzan persisted, grabbing Miku's chin to keep her still as he judged something in her eyes. The girl whimpered under that gaze and tried to look back to her father for guidance.
"Yes," Doma responded again, he swallowed another surge of answer and forced his hand to stop trembling.
"She hasn't eaten any humans?" Muzan pondered.
"She has not." Stop touching her, was what Doma wanted to hiss.
"And... she can walk in the sun..." Muzan finally released Miku's chin and the young girl had tears in her eyes as she took a fearful step back and hugged herself. She was scared. Doma wanted to swoop her up and cradle her, promise it was alright, take her away so this was just some terrible nightmare to her.
Doma carefully watched Muzan, his feeling of unrest growing by the moment. "Yes..." he murmured.
"Good," Muzan concluded, his eyes set on Mirakuru as he stood. "Then she is what I've been looking for."
A beat of silence that Doma's still heart couldn't break.
"What?" Doma breathed.
Muzan's grip struck like a snake and latched onto the girl's wrist, much to Mirakuru's horror.
"PAPA!" she screeched as her arm was grabbed and she was dragged away. She couldn't even begin to compete with the strength in that hand. Doma surged forward but was stopped by a strong hand grabbing onto the collar of his shirt and a sword pressed against his throat; Kokushibo. The Upper Moon stood behind Doma, his six eyes piercing Doma with their glare. Doma hadn't even sensed his approach!
"She's not one of your demons!" Doma objected, glancing at the sword pressed to his throat. "Devouring her won't grant you immunity to the sun! She is more human than she is demon!! She is not the answer you're looking for! I promise - I swear!! She's no threat! She's of no use!!"
Muzan turned slowly to Doma, ignoring the struggling girl he held by the wrist. "She is very much one of my demons. The same blood that courses through your veins runs through hers. Her born immunity is something I have been seeking for years, and you saw fit to hide it from me. You hid what could be the key to my perfection away from me."
"I hid nothing!!" Doma objected, his expression breaking in horror and his voice cracking.
"No?" Muzan taunted. "Not the fact that you've spared humans or that you've grown weak in your constitution!? Not the fact that you've spared demon slayers or starved yourself to a miserable point of frail weakness, sullying the name of the Twelve Kizuki? Or perhaps the fact that you lusted after a human girl and through some strange case of experimentation had her bare you a child?"
"It wasn't lust!" Doma cried though it felt stupid to argue that point of all points, but it was the one that made fury rise in his heart the most. "There was no experimentation! I love her! Mirakuru is the result of that! I've never done anything against you Master, I swear! I never meant to keep anything from you! I am loyal! I fell in love, that's all!"
To that Muzan only laughed and turned away. "Demons can not love. What you fantasize are only mere lustful delights."
"PAPA!" Mirakuru cried, desperately trying to wiggle out of Muzan's gasp.
"No! No you can't!" Doma cried trying to rip away and lunge for Muzan. He was trying to lunge for Muzan. What was he doing!?
That was his girl. His little girl.
Doma would've called out for her, he would've tried to tell her it was alright, he would've tried to call after her all of which were lies but he would've tried to tell her something. He never got the chance. Kokushibo's sword sliced through his throat, causing a river of blood to pour out of him and drown his next objection in a cry of pain and anguish. Doma went to try and stem the bleeding, horrified at the slow rate that it was healing. Kokushibo released him and shoved him forward, holding his sword at the ready. Surely not... surely he would not be decapitated here... by his own kind...
He'd done nothing.
He'd done nothing and both he and Miku would die for it!
For Mirakuru it was too much. Seeing her father bleed so much, hearing him try and scream, knowing she was being dragged away by a strange and terrifying man, all of it struck something in her that made her tremble. Something in the girl shuddered and wanted to erupt and with her next scream she let it, her blood curled and her lungs seemed to burn as something strange in her awoke.
Her blood demon art burst forth and a scream erupted from her lungs making Muzan stumble and forcing Kokushibo back. It was at such a decibel that the very air shook and clashed together in disjointed chaos of sound and cacophony. Doma looked up and found he wasn't affected as the others were, Miku's scream was just that to him; a scream. He didn't waste a moment. He practically flew forward, his golden fans flashing as he drew them. Muzan stumbled around just as Doma struck. There was a splash of scarlet as the fans sliced through Muzan's neck and arm.
To Muzan, Doma looked as emotionless as ever. His eyes were dull and his movements were merely reactionary. To Doma, however, everything was vivid and sharp, with Mirakuru at the center of it all. He hooked an arm around her before rushing away towards the familiar biwa player.
Nakime had also been affected by the sonic shout and hadn't recovered yet when Doma crashed into her, kicking her in the head, decapitating her so that she couldn't hinder his escape. Mirakuru saw nothing for she was too busy sobbing fearfully into Doma's shoulder as he held her in one arm. In his free hand, he held his open bloodstained fan and was prepared to use it against anyone else in his way. The wound in his neck was still bleeding profusely but that hardly mattered to him.
He whirled around and with a snarl unleashed one of the most brutal and destructive forms of blood art he ever had. His blood spilt on the floor erupted in pillars and explosions of ice, blocking the demons from him and spreading in unrefined, ugly bursts that only served the purpose of giving his pursuers a hindrance.
He had to get Mirakuru out of the infinity fortress. He had to escape. Damn him for his blind hope and devotion - it was going to get them both killed. He needed to run - he could run! He was faster than Kokushibo - not as skilled, but definitely faster. Muzan... he just had to pray that Muzan didn't take immediate chase.
As he ran he pondered the consequences of his actions. He was going to die for this, there was little doubt about that, but that didn't scare him nearly as much as the thought of letting Mirakuru go and allowing her to be devoured. Letting her go with Muzan.
There was something strong in Doma, something he had never felt with Muzan. Later, he would realize it was staunch loyalty. An unwavering bond tying him to Kotoha, Inosuke, and Mirakuru. It was nothing like the flimsy bond of reverence he had once held for Muzan which was why when it came down to it, Doma didn't hesitate to betray the demon lord.
Gods, he hadn't hesitated. He was so immensely dead, but it hardly mattered anymore.
What Doma loved came first, always and forever. His free hand brought his fan to his face where he held it between his teeth allowing that hand to slip into a pocket in his pants and pull out a syringe he had held secret for years; Tamayo's blood.
He jabbed the ancient thing into his neck, making Miku flinch at the sight.
"It's okay," he tried to soothe as he kicked down a wall and jumped down a verticle hallway. He pressed down on the plunger and felt that foreign blood enter his system. It ripped through his essence and Doma almost faltered, almost.
He stopped for only a moment as a wave of dizziness came over. Something ancient in his blood was fighting back, screaming at him for his insubordination, but that was quickly overrun by an overarching sense of freedom. Doma shook his head and charged forward as the feeling seized him. He could not be spied upon by Muzan, he could not be summoned against his will... his collar and leash were gone.
He still could not say the demon lord's name... but that was hardly important to him. He was free and that was all that mattered.
Doma crashed through the infinity fortress following his nose towards the exit and beating any walls and doors in his way aside.
Right when he found an escape, Akaza emerged in front of him causing the demon to skid to a fearful halt. Akaza looked just as surprised as Doma felt. The newfound freedom in him screeched a warning.
Akaza looked Doma over in confusion, noting the strange child in his arms, the familiar child that Akaza had only ever seen from afar. He'd been summoned under the pretenses of a "promotion", whatever that meant... now suddenly it was making sense. The girl in Doma's arms was trembling and when she turned slightly to stare at Akaza, the demon found the eyes of Doma staring back at him in her sockets.
Akaza's expressions spoke for the demon as he took a step back in confusion. The child - the woman - Doma. The truth was staring at the pale demon and his head was screaming with the sound of fireworks.
Doma had fallen in love and somehow, someway, the demon had a child. Akaza felt his very chest shaking as he stared at Doma and saw a fighting spirit so bright and so pure radiating from a fellow demon. It was something both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. He'd never seen such a desperate and bright fighting spirit from a demon.
"Miku, I want you to run as fast as you can to that door," Doma instructed softly nodding for the door beyond Akaza.
"What about you?" Mirakuru asked timidly, clenching her father's shirt as she whimpered into his shoulder.
Doma would've responded had Akaza not stepped out of the way, leaving Doma to watch Upper Three in shock.
"Go, I never saw you," Akaza ordered in perhaps shock and quick understanding. Nothing and everything made sense all at once to Akaza and all he knew was that he wanted nothing to do with it. The noise in his head was too much and he couldn't hear anything over the sound of fireworks, fireworks that only he seemed to hear.
"No, you didn't," Doma agreed softly before taking off once more and crashing through the final door. He emerged into an empty alley and raced for his temple, running as if satan himself was chasing him - which wasn't too far from the truth.
It happened. Shit went down. ALL ABOARD!!
Any thoughts? Any opinions?
Fun Fact: Mirakuru's blood demon art weaponizing her voice is due to Kotoha's mastery of the vocal range. She's her Mama's girl.
Thank's so much for reading! Hope you guys have a great day/night!)
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