-5- Anger
They entered the dining hall together, so close they may as well have been touching shoulders. He was greeted with a reduced amount of fanfare. His followers stood, bowed, welcomed him back, sang his praise - the usual. They also minded his space, distracted by other matters, it seemed.
Doma saw Kotoha's husband before she did. The weasel was sitting in the corner of the room, the picture of poorly-repressed anger. He glared at everyone who passed and didn't seem to know how to hide any of his emotions. An old woman sat by his side - his mother, Doma assumed. The old woman matched her son's scowling face and the crone looked ready to bite the head off of any poor soul who came near. It was obvious that the duo was given a wide berth by the other cultists, secluded in their little corner. Unsurprising, even a human would recognize their stench.
His followers were also terrible at hiding their opinions. A few stared openly at the duo, scowling. Ohhh, the wonders of an open-door policy paired with a no-violence order...
Maybe Doma should've made an exclusionary clause for exes and mother-in-laws. Could divine beings make additional clauses to heavenly-mandated rules? Probably...
The mother saw Kotoha first, her gaze latching like a constrictor snake as the cult began to settle down and allow their gracious one to take his place. Doma rather obviously switched sides with Kotoha, who was prattling on about changing the seating arrangements as she tried very firmly to ignore the glares on her shoulder.
Doma had no such qualms and stared at his newfound "followers" with an empty, pleasant smile. The poor things tried to glare at him and Doma almost laughed at their audacity. Maybe they saw something in his gaze because they suddenly looked away, unable to glare at him any longer. Unfortunately, that meant Kotoha was the subject of their gaze, and that just wouldn't do at all.
He felt Kotoha tense as she dared a glimpse at the two at the worst possible time. She was drawn up tight like a bowstring, holding Inosuke just a little firmer. Her husband stood up and seemed ready to storm over. Doma dared him to and, for the second time that day, the human made a smart decision and retreated, backing down into his seat. Several other followers did the same - funny... they'd mirrored him. Hmm, perhaps his followers were a bit more adept at this whole business than he'd expected. My, my, had he fostered a cult capable of murder?
Doma only gave Kotoha's shoulder a reassuring grip and he thought he felt her shoulders relax as they grew closer together.
"Don't be afraid," he whispered to her leading her towards his grand chair. "This is my domain, he can not harm you here unless, of course, he has a death wish."
Doma almost hoped he had a death wish. Then again - perhaps it wouldn't do well to have Inosuke witness decapitation at his age. He also wasn't willing to test Kotoha's friendship with grandeur actions of extreme grotesque violence. It just didn't seem conducive to long-lasting friendships. Though... circumstances being what they were Doma wasn't ready to clear the option from the table.
Kotoha took a deep breath and stared at the floor as she walked beside Doma. The Upper Moon walked up to his chair, covered in comfortable pillows, and grabbed two before placing them on the ground. He led Kotoha to one and sat down on the other, right beside her in a perfectly absurd display.
He knew no one would dare question it, not when he'd so kindly returned from his 'week of prayer'.
A few cultists noticed and they all smiled. A few giggled at the sight and began their usual gossip. One man gave Kotoha a thumbs up which made her blush in the very slightest despite the circumstances. Odd, as ever. Inosuke, seeing his mother smile, let out a huge screech of happiness earning a laugh from a few cultists as they ate and brought a smile to Doma's face.
Ah, he really didn't give the humans he surrounded himself with credit. They were all kinder to Kotoha than he could ever be.
A meal was brought for Kotoha but, as expected, she hardly touched it. Instead, her every moment was focused on feeding Inosuke who seemed to hate everything except shrimp tempura. Doma could respect the boy's pickiness, he had been the same with his meals not too long ago. Too quickly, the boy got tired of the slow rate he was being gifted small bits of shrimp and proceeded to snatch and stuff an entire shrimp into his mouth before giggling at his mother's horrified expression. Somehow, Inosuke didn't choke but that didn't keep Kotoha from scolding him gently. As she ranted, Doma let his eyes wander upwards and rest on her once-husband.
Such a meager little human, capable of so much strife. How annoying .
The human was fuming at the distance between them. His mother placed a hand on his arm but she too glared at Kotoha as if she was trying to plant daggers in the woman's back. Doma instinctively leaned into Kotoha and relished her scent as he hid what he could from their gazes. He almost forgot about them for a moment as he breathed in her presence. It was like a meadow, natural; she smelled like the woods and the river after a rain. She must've taken Inosuke for a walk before all hell broke loose.
"They're glaring at me, aren't they?" Kotoha murmured as she fed Inosuke.
"Uh... no, in fact, most of them are grinning at you," Doma whispered in her ear looking to his followers who just wouldn't stop giggling . Why were they laughing? What was comical about this situation? What did they know?
Kotoha gave a small smile.
"Your jokes are getting better."
"Oh... you meant those two," Doma realized, looking back up. He met the gaze of Kotoha's husband who seemed to be trying to kill Doma with a look. Ha, good try but even if the man did have a sword he'd be dead before he could draw it.
"No... actually, it's me Weasel-Bastard is glaring at," Doma observed.
His nickname for her husband made Kotoha snort and then giggle uncontrollably which made something in Doma glow. He wasn't sure how she'd react to the blatant disrespect of her previous engagement but seeing as it made her laugh he was happy to continue doing so.
"He does look a bit like a weasel," she admitted softly - like she was afraid she'd be condemned for it.
"Moor Mama!" Inosuke pleaded, breaking out of his blankets and, reaching for the tempura.
"You need your vegetables too," Kotoha scolded putting the chopsticks down and rearranging Inosuke in her lap.
"I no like vetabal!" Inosuke denied.
"They're good for you."
The argument of vegetables and no vegetables went on for a while with neither side giving in until Inosuke shrieked in unhappiness and threw the assorted greens across the room. A few people laughed fondly, some mumbling how they agreed with Inosuke's view of veggies while Kotoha reprimanded her boy.
Doma pondered for a moment and then snapped his fingers in a realization. He actually did have experience with this, at least. He'd watched Muzan's pet wife do something similar years ago with her toddler and while he'd been a little busy trying to appease Muzan's horrendous temper the visual had been somewhat amusing.
Maybe it would work on Inosuke.
"May I give it a try?" Doma asked. Kotoha smiled and gave him the chopsticks. Doma plucked a bit of mushroom off of Kotoha's plate and taunted the little manipulative Inosuke.
He would learn true deception today.
Inosuke gazed at the demon and looked skeptically at the food on the chopstick. Doma only waved it further out of his reach - Inosuke was so easily distracted by anything that moved.
"Here comes the bird, flying into the nest!" Doma grinned waving the chopsticks playfully. Inosuke's eyes widened as the food approached and he eagerly opened his mouth and chomped down on the mushroom, munching happily afterward.
Kotoha gasped in disbelief.
And Doma? He had never felt so victorious. Akaza could go jump off a cliff at this point, Upper Three would never understand or feel the jubilation that came with victoriously feeding a child vegetables. Never. Kokushibo too. Neither of them could hold a candle to this victory, Doma was certain. This was arguably the greatest victory he'd ever had - definitely the only one that had him smiling earnestly.
Kotoha giggled and Doma beamed as Inosuke clapped his hands excitedly and demanded an encore.
"See, two can play at manipulator," Doma teased as Inosuke's demands grew frustrated. "You want more ?"
Most of the cultists watched the interaction and gossiped to one another fervently and happily about how cute the two looked. Others, especially those close to Kotoha, watched Kotoha's husband and mother-in-law carefully, ready to jump to her defense in case something happened.
Doma listened and watched all, almost hoping that the weasel-man and his crone of a mother would do something. Wishing for them to give him a reason to use his golden fans that seemed to be humming in his hand, desperate for blood. Kotoha seemed to be trying to push their presence out of her mind and she focused solely on Inosuke, something that Doma guessed she had done when she lived with that man. But every now and again, they'd touch and Doma would watch all of the fear drain from Kotoha's eyes as her face changed color. Those were the best moments when Doma knew he'd already won the unfought battle with the bastard in the back.
That man and his mother had no control over her now. She did not have to hide here - she had control here, not them. A wrong move on their part would make Doma's day. Hers too.
Of course, he did need to figure out what to do with them...quickly.
Eventually, the dinner ended and everyone began picking up and preparing to settle down to bed. Doma stood up and offered Kotoha his hand once her meal had been taken. The first order of business was getting her out of collateral's way. He was barraged with greetings from the cultists and kept Kotoha close by putting an arm around her shoulder and slowly leading her down the hallway. Inosuke had begun to fuss, insistent that someone other than his mother hold him which Doma was all too happy to take advantage of. A second Inosuke victory in the same day - oh absence truly made the heart grow fonder. Well... either that or Inosuke had just missed Doma's headdress ribbons.
The room was much emptier with many people retiring to bed - perhaps that was why the two grew strangely bolder. They followed, quickly, weaving through the scores of people and jogging to catch.
Kotoha tensed at the familiar voice and Doma's anger flared again. The demon turned around with a smile and pulled Kotoha closer to him as the Weasel-bastard-fucker approached. He got it now. He understood it now. He finally got why Akaza was so angry all the time if these were the types of people he was eating.
Maybe this was why Akaza couldn't help but respond with violence .
"Why hello, what can I help you with?" Doma asked sweetly, so sweetly in fact that the man almost flinched.
"That's my son," Weasel-man snarled jabbing a finger at Inosuke who was still trying to reach for Doma's headdress ribbons.
"Your son?" Doma pondered looking at Inosuke as if he was considering it. "That's strange... Kotoha... didn't you say this was your son?"
Kotoha looked at Doma fearfully, until she saw that playful glint in his eye she apparently knew so well. She almost smiled. Almost.
"Yes... Gracious One," she nodded, relieved, but there was still a quiver to her voice. It was so odd on her.
"Oh dear," Doma sighed as he looked back at the waste of oxygen. "Now, usually I would believe you, but I have yet to meet a man who has given birth to a child. Therefore, I have to believe that the child is Kotoha's."
With that, Doma smiled innocently and went to turn around.
"That's my wife," Weasel-man snarled pointing to Kotoha.
Kotoha almost began trembling, something catching in her throat as she tried to speak up. The words died in her throat, it seemed.
"Your wife?" Doma almost sounded mortified but there was no color on his face or emotion in his eyes.
Not in front of Kotoha. He couldn't kill him in front of Kotoha.
"Yes!" Weasel-man shouted. He didn't notice the cultists watching him carefully, ready to jump in if needed. His mother did.
"I assure you, sir, that must be impossible," Doma smiled at the man, almost too pleasantly. "See, Kotoha here is quite small and very gentle. You said your wife attacked you, you've told others she did it without warning. Now, I know Kotoha to be quite level-headed, and never once have I seen her resort to violence needlessly. I find it quite out of character, don't you?"
"You probably think you're fucking funny, don't you?" Weasel-man demanded.
"Now hold on," Doma grinned because yes, in a sick way, he did think this was funny.
" You attacked me ." They all looked over as Kotoha stood a bit firmer. Her voice was trembling but her glare was... enrapturing.
"She was in a terrible state when she arrived," Doma concurred. "And long have I wondered who was responsible -"
"I don't know what happened to her after she kidnapped my son!" Weasel-man objected.
"So, you deny any knowledge of Kotoha's terrible treatment?" Doma asked, tilting his head innocently despite the hatred in his eyes. "I find that very unlikely."
Kotoha could run, he tried to make that clear. He released her shoulder and took a step toward the people that made her quiver. If she didn't want to be here, she could leave. She could run and if they chased after her Doma would relish their screams. But she took a step forward with him... she grabbed his hand. She glared at the two flesh bags and Doma would swear on his immortal life that she seemed braver than any demon slayer choosing to stand up against him.
"I never laid a hand on her!" Weasel-man denied.
"Well then you can't be her husband," Doma concluded with a fake laugh, squeezing Kotoha's hand and hoping he wouldn't have to rip away to commit a murder. "If you never laid a hand on her then you couldn't be her husband and this couldn't be your son. And if you did - then they are still no longer yours ."
Doma was still beaming but his eyes held a sort of danger. It took everything he had to keep smiling, to keep himself beside Kotoha. He wondered how she looked... how she felt...
His emotions were burning so clearly but... perhaps hers were messier.
Kotoha's mother-in-law came forward and sent a nasty glare at Kotoha which almost lost her the dark eyes in her sockets.
"Dear, why do you spread these - these lies about your husband? He's done nothing but provide for you and care for you as any husband should. This is how you repay him?"
"You know that's not true -" Kotoha began, almost pleading. "You know -"
"You two were such a happy couple. Such a sweet couple, and now you've run off and taken your son to a cult !? What would your mother think?"
Kotoha shied away, looking down. Doma did the opposite; he leaned forward, looking at that wrinkled mess of flesh folds and liver stains in the eyes and relishing in how she backed away fearfully.
"Oh dear," he feinted horror as he straightened up and put a hand on his heart. "Dear sir, I beg of you not to panic, but the thing to your left just spoke."
The mother-in-law's jaw dropped oh-so-satisfyingly. Both Weasel-man and Kotoha gawked at Doma's blatant disrespect. Kotoha though, covered her mouth to hide a smile. He knew her by now - that was a look of amusement.
"You should respect your - " the crone began, and before 'elders' could slip from her lips the demon grinned and shut her up with a look.
"Now if you don't mind, I really must be going and I'm sure Kotoha needs to put Inosuke to sleep. I wish you goodnight!" Doma smiled turning around and calmly leading Kotoha away from the two who were sputtering with rage much to Doma's newfound satisfaction.
Of all the new emotions, smug satisfaction was likely one of his favorites. Oh it just made him feel so lively -
He saw Kotoha risk a glance over her shoulder, and he just barely turned his head to do the same; They both saw the glares that chased after them. Kotoha drew herself closer to Doma and looked down... and she smiled . Inosuke, who was peering over Kotoha's shoulder had caught one of Doma's ribbons and was chewing on it happily. He looked at the two angry people staring after his mother and proceeded to be oblivious to it, instead, focusing all of his efforts on chewing on Doma's headdress ribbon.
"You can't just -"
Weasel-man strode forward angrily, his face red as a beet but was stopped by a burly, tall cultist. Tsu was his name if Doma remembered correctly. Yes, the man and his husband had been chased out of town for their marriage and now they both stood over Weasel-man with rage in their eyes.
"The Gracious One must retire to bed now, I must ask that you not disturb him," Tsu explained standing in Weasel-flesh-bags's way. He needed to come up with a better nickname for the fuck.
"That's my wife!" Weasel-man objected.
"Is it now?" Tsu asked dangerously, "If that's the case, then I know plenty of people who would like to thank you for her kind treatment."
Weasel-man took stock of the situation and then noticed the group of cultists watching him. All of them had been clearing tables and had weapons ranging from chopsticks to entire frying pans. All of them were glaring at him and his mother. All of them shared the same rage that their leader had - and their leader had just made his position very clear.
Kotoha would stay.
"Not now," his crone of a mother spat grabbing his wrist, "Later... we'll settle this later."
"I'm gonna kill that bastard," Weasel-man spat angrily looking around the burly Tsu and staring at Doma's back. "YOU HEAR ME! YOU WHORE! I'M GOING TO KILL THAT FUCKING SMUG BASTARD AND THEN WHO'LL DEFEND YOU!? BITCH!"
Tsu yelled something and others did too but it hardly shut the bastard up.
The man continued yelling and Kotoha edged closer to the demon whose veins were boiling fury. It was so powerful he thought he may have been growing warmer as his anger grew.
"Kotoha," he soothed looking down at the woman who looked as though she was trying not to cry.
"Yes?" she asked looking up at Doma.
"For... precautionary reasons... how would you like to rest in my quarters for now?" Doma asked gently. A familiar blush tinted her cheeks and she seemed flustered. "They're the most well-guarded," he assured her, and they were, for obvious reasons.
"Y-you really don't have to. Inosuke wakes up often a-and I'd hate to be a burden," she began nervously.
"You are not a burden," Doma assured her, "I will ask a few of my followers to bring me another mat and perhaps a few more blankets for Inosuke. Besides, I doubt I'll be sleeping much after my travels."
He was not risking that bastard trying to break down her door in the early mornings. The very thought made him wonder how slowly you could kill someone.
Kotoha looked down before murmuring a quiet; "Thank you."
Doma could feel her shaking in his arm and he gripped her shoulder, trying to assure her that it would be alright.
She would be alright.
She still had the knife on her.
He noticed it as he arranged his new linens on the floor. It was purely performative - he hadn't slept in his room in... ever, but for the sake of appearances he supposed it was important to set up a place to sleep. He'd offered to take a different room but that seemed to horrify Kotoha more than invading his space.
She still had the knife, in her sleeve.
"Were you going to kill him?" The question just sort of rolled out of him before he had time to think. It was just... an odd image. Not far-fetched he supposed.
Kotoha stood up from her own bed-arranging startled: "What?"
"The knife," Doma elaborated with a lazy wave of his hand. "Were you going to kill him?"
"No. No, no, no," She denied it so quickly. "It was just - if he broke down the door I... I took it from the kitchens for protection. I wasn't going to -"
"I mean I would hardly blame you."
She didn't respond immediately, tucking Inosuke in before pulling the small knife out of her sleeve. She stared at it for a moment, turning it over in the candlelight.
Doma sat down and found himself wondering... wondering and wondering and...
"Do you want to kill him?"
Kotoha looked up and that wasn't horror . It wasn't eagerness either. Maybe it was fear but not at his offer... at least he didn't think it was. It was something set and firm but trembling all the same.
"I..." she fought for words, her eyes landing on Inosuke: "I don't know..."
"That sounds like a no -"
"I just want him to disappear," Kotoha managed. "I wish he'd just leave and never come back. I don't want - I just don't want anything to do with him and I wish... I wish...No matter where I go or what I go he's always going to be there. I'm... I'm always going to be afraid. I can't leave - I can't do anything ."
She sighed and sat, pulling at the sheets. He tried to sit still and calm the fury in his blood, but every time he looked over at Kotoha a new icy pain clutched his heart.
"I will dismiss them, in the morning," he supposed. "It's rare, but we have forced followers out -"
"They'll only come back. He always comes back."
"Perhaps," he hummed.
Perhaps he would just kill them on the road - far away from Kotoha's observations.
She was crying again, softly.
"Do not blame yourself," he tried.
"I blame him ," she hissed vehemently. "I - I..."
As if it burned she dropped the knife beside her pillow and pulled at her hair.
"I hate him. And... and yes I... I would've."
Doma watched, and he wondered, but he said nothing. Kotoha didn't either. She lay in her bed, and he did so in his - neither sparing another word as the hours ticked by. She did fall asleep eventually, but all the demon could do was stare at the ceiling and... ponder.
He should just kill them. Logically that made sense. There was just the worrisome notion that Kotoha would know. She knew so much and could always just tell .
But, doing nothing was like letting a rat gnaw at his ribs. Obnoxious.
Early in the morning, only mere hours after midnight, Doma stood up from his cot and looked over to where Kotoha was resting. She had refused to let Inosuke sleep alone and was sleeping peacefully beside him. Inosuke had a frown on his face and was kicking his blankets off as he dreamt. Kotoha also had her brow furrowed as her eyelids danced - she too was dreaming, although Doma had a terrible feeling that she wasn't dreaming about anything pleasant.
Slowly, he walked over and pulled a few of her bangs out of her face. Something in his stomach was burning and it was much stronger than his hunger.
"I'll be back soon," he promised her. He couldn't explain the strange thing in his heart or why he was so furious but he was... and he wasn't going to fight it. He was hungry... for something other than the usual.
He pulled Inosuke's covers back onto the child and chuckled when the baby babbled something in his sleep and clenched the sheets with his small, fat hands. So small, so spirited - so weak. Rage bubbled in Doma's stomach as he imagined someone hurting something so small.
He had. He had hurt plenty like him - but it hadn't been Inosuke. It didn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, Doma supposed hopelessly, but it mattered to him now.
Doma then silently left the room and turned to the expanse of the temple. He strode forward with the speed only a demon was capable of. His eyes burned and glowed with anger as the emotion in his chest festered with every passing moment.
There was a rhyme or reason to it, but still... a demon feeling such virulent emotions for a mere mortal. A weasel? A rat. A mortal who had harmed other humans: who had hurt Kotoha and Inosuke. Doma could feel a growl in his throat as he envisioned images he never wanted to see... strange... he had never shied away from horrors before, why now? Why when it came to them?
He took a pause in one of the larger gardens, looking over its dark shadows and trying to plan the perfect murder. He'd done plenty of imperfect ones... and then there was this annoying little twitch.
Did he... deserve to kill them? That was foolish, of course, he did. They annoyed him - angered him even. That was all it had ever taken to turn the fury of Upper Moon Two against you. All it would take was one teeny little move and it would all be over. Weasel dead. Problem solved. Kotoha safe.
It didn't make sense. The guilt didn't make sense. Why - why did he feel guilty?
He ran his nails down a large river rock, craving thick crevices into it as he tried to reason it all. The anger he could get but the guilt? The hesitation? Kotoha's husband and mother-in-law had been given a small home on the far side of the temple. Doma's cultists had put them there to keep them away from Kotoha. No one would hear their screams. It would be so easy !
So why wasn't he going?
He rubbed his face and cursed his confusion for the millionth time. Whatever was happening to him was making him soft. Terribly so - and half the time it didn't make sense!
Half the time it felt like -
Oh? What was that?
Doma stood slowly, ears straining to make out footsteps on dewed grass. His cultists sometimes had similar sleep schedules to his own, but never did they sneak by the fences. Doma silently began to follow, and it didn't take long to identify the stench.
The anger began to rot into something... satisfied.
He smiled.
The demon mirrored the intruder on the other side of the large fence, pausing as they did, and grinning as the fool began to try and scale the fence. He would give it to the man, Kotoha's husband was nothing if not determined. Stupid, but determined.
The demon was on the other side of the fence faster than a mortal could see, standing behind the little rat. He watched with a sadistic level of pleasure as the man tried to pull himself up the large fence, a large knife held between his teeth.
"Plan to kill me while I sleep?" Doma taunted
Shock. Fear. Anger. Panic.
It was rather nice being able to identify the emotions as they flashed in the fool's eyes. Being snatched off a fence and dragged by the throat could be so disarming to a human but Doma had never had the chance to truly understand everything that likely went through someone's skull.
"You -" the man cried in shock from under Doma's nails.
"Me." He smiled.
It seemed his mind was made up then, another moth, another flame; another human between his teeth.
"I would admire your audacity," Doma supposed as he dragged the man back to that distant corner house, choking any screams out of him. "But I'm not in the mood to admire."
The weasel couldn't get any words out other than the beginnings of questions. His sick anger began to die into fear. He couldn't break out of the grip. His knife was long gone. He was being lifted as if he weighed nothing more than a child. He was helpless.
Doma wondered what was going through his head. He wondered what thoughts fed that delicious fear he saw.
He kicked the door down to their quarters and heard the mother-in-law startle.
"What are you - " Killing the old woman was simple, he accidentally did it too quickly and cursed himself with a grin painted on his face. The grin was fake, for some reason, nothing about this brought the usual bought of pleasure killing usually did. It all felt...
It felt necessary.
"Oh dear," he supposed dryly as he stared at the stain of crimson. "That was quick."
The demon dropped the weasel at his feet and watched him squirm.
"What - what did you - what are you! ?"
A familiar scream.
Doma felt a laugh tug at his throat: "Something far more dangerous than you ."
Kotoha's husband lasted only a few minutes longer. When the man begged for mercy Doma leaned in and smiled.
"Did Kotoha ever beg?" Doma asked softly. He knew the answer, Kotoha wasn't weak by any means but she was gentle and sweet... people like that would beg and plead at the end of it all... and the idea of that made Doma sick. Of all those he'd heard, he never wanted to hear her plead or beg...
This man had.
And he gave him a timid answer: "She... I guess?"
"And... did you show mercy when she did?" Doma smiled, his bloodied golden fans itched to sever this monster's ties to Kotoha. They itched and his blood boiled.
"I - I never went too far, please ."
The man's next words were shattered as Doma's hand wrapped around his throat and squeezed. There was no entertainment in how the human struggled like a fish out of water. Nothing was entertaining about it. Nothing.
How... strange...
"Did you show her mercy?" Doma hissed, leaning closer so he could make out every fascinating emotion dancing in those small dark eyes. "Don't lie now..."
The silence was such a heavy answer. It almost brought Doma joy to see the man's hope shrivel and die. Almost.
"Well then," the demon supposed.
The man's scream was cut short by a slice of a golden fan and a river of scarlet blood. Then, all was still and blessedly quiet. Tranquil as it so usually was.
Doma looked over the scarlet-bathed scene and took a breath, composing himself.
Interestingly, there was no temptation to eat or even the instinctual joy of food, instead, there was a calm relief. Never again. They'd never bother her again. He licked his lips and spat what blood touched his tongue. Disgusting creatures, they even tasted rotten.
Being unable to eat the corpses, for whatever reason, left him with the problem of disposing the bodies. Not to worry - he knew just the demon to rely on.
"Delivery," Upper Two hummed as he dragged the corpses through the infinity fortress. Nakime was always so quick to respond and Gyokko was always hungry.
One of the many doors of the fortress slid open and a familiar pale face poked out.
"Oh, Doma ! How wonderful, what inspirations have you brought for me today?"
Gyokko was a familiar useful subordinate, or at least Doma had always considered him such. They'd shared interests once... now they just shared victims.
"Some blank canvases," Doma supposed pleasantly enough as he tossed the two bodies before Upper Five. "I wasn't fond of their taste, so perhaps you'll find some use for them."
"Pawning off your scraps on me!?" Gyokko cried.
"Is that a problem?" Doma fell into the usual routine easily enough. Smile wide and laugh lightly, lean in a bit too close, and make the threat clear. Danger. That was what he was and had almost always been. Danger. It felt odd now, like wearing the wrong clothes - or perhaps the wrong skin.
Gyokko shied away as he always had, fumbling about how the two may be of some use after all.
"Wonderful! Thanks so much, buddy!" Doma laughed as he left.
"What's the rush?" Gyokko demanded with a familiar lilt: "It's been so long since we've compared artistry."
"Afraid I haven't been very artistic much of late."
"A shame... oh - actually I did have a question!"
Doma stopped in the doorway and found himself having to fight to keep his composure. There was still a house to clean and his clothes to scrub and a million more things to do before Kotoha awoke.
He didn't have time for this. But he would've used to.
"What is it?" He turned with a broad smile, faux joy bubbling at his stitched seams.
"I was wondering when your next little culling would be," Gyokko giggled. "I have some ideas for what to do!"
"Looking to leech off my meals, oh how cute ~"
"Not at all! Not at all! Well... okay maybe one ..."
Doma raised an eyebrow, waving himself with his fan: " Oh ?"
"I heard, up our lovely grapevine, that the cult's taken in child," Gyokko grinned.
Nakime was spying then. Unsurprising but... it did something to Doma. It carved something out of him and placed a pit in his stomach.
Gyokko was still talking: "I think it's a wonderful trade, seeing as you're not a big fan of the stringy ones. You know how much I love using them as a base -"
The fan snapped shut and Gykko had lost four of his hands. The demon flinched as his superior stepped back into the room
"Oh dear," Doma pouted, his eyes sparking with a familiar mania. "Sorry - a slip of the hand."
"You - you could've just said no !" Gyokko whined, retreating back into his pot with a wail. "What's got you so happy! That hurt!"
Hah. Happy. What a notion.
Doma felt his gaze melt into a glare as he stared at the pot and the bodies before it. Slowly, one of Gyokko's hands reached out from its pot and grabbed a hold of the bodies, pulling them closer and closer until they disappeared into the porcelain with a sickening 'pop'.
Inosuke. He'd been talking about Inosuke. Inosuke in the place of those two bodies - in the place of the hundreds of bodies that had come before him... that little charming manipulator in Gyokko's hands...
He needed to leave.
"Just a good night, I suppose," Doma hummed, turning and leaving as fast as he arrived, his tone failing to match his glower. "Till next time buddy! Oh Nakime~"
A door opened to his left and led him back to his haven, closing that realm up as he stepped through. Immediately something seeped out of his being - why did he feel exhausted?
And... angered?
He held his head and sighed. These emotions were getting annoying again. He had work to do.
He cleaned up the house quickly, taking a few minutes to scrub the blood off the walls and throw out anything bloodstained. He then turned to his clothes. It was a commonality now, and Doma was able to clean himself of blood in a reasonable time. It helped when you wore mostly black and red.
Two hours later, he walked back into his room absolved of his crimes and evidence. It was thankfully silent in the haven of his chambers. Kotoha and Inosuke still slumbered... mostly.
Inosuke was beginning to fuss and had kicked his covers off again. The boy slowly opened his large emerald eyes and was about to cry when Doma's strong hands gently removed him from his position and held him up. Inosuke looked at the demon and smiled sleepily.
"No crying," Doma instructed with a faux sternness. "We don't want your mother to wake up; she needs her rest."
The baby cooed at such a familiar face and settled into Doma's arms, the same arms that had just slaughtered two people without remorse. The demon began to gently bounce the child, as he had seen Kotoha do, and slowly Inosuke fell back asleep. There was a strange sort of wonder that emerged from Doma as he watched the child sleep. It had been a ridiculously long time since he had been able to sleep, being a demon and all, and he couldn't remember the last time he had dreamed.
What would Inosuke dream of? Crickets? Beetles? Perhaps they would be more meaningful. Perhaps he dreamed about his mother and her smiles. Were his dreams always happy or could they be terrifying?
The time went by quickly, Doma enjoyed the distraction of keeping the child asleep as it occupied his mind. It was surprisingly involved. Any wrong move would have the little thing stirring and whining.
Then, suddenly, Doma heard Kotoha's breathing grow short and hurried. Her heartbeat tripled in its rhythm, and with a gasp, she awoke. She looked over to where Inosuke had been and, realizing he was gone, she sat up fearfully and cried; "Inosuke!?"
That knife was in hand again.
"He's here," Doma assured her from the side of the room.
That knife was turned on him. He blinked and she gasped. Tears were spilling from her emerald eyes once more as she quickly put the knife aside.
"I'm - I'm so sorry -"
"What for?" Doma slowly approached, trying not to scare her. He sat down just a few feet away, offering the baby in his arms.
She would not be able to see in the dark, but Doma could make out every detail on her face: The trembling of her moonlit skin. That soft face twisted in haunted fear and those eyes were dark with memories.
"He was fussing," Doma explained softly looking down at the boy, "And I wanted you to sleep. I'm sorry if it startled you."
Kotoha reached over and brushed Inosuke's hair out of his closed eyes as if ensuring that he was real. She then let out a shaky breath and leaned back, biting her lips. She let him stay where he slumbered.
"What happened?" Doma asked gently.
Kotoha shook her head, "It's nothing."
"Nothing?" Doma echoed unbelievingly. He pushed a bit of her hair behind her ear and met her gaze.
Kotoha bit her lip again and took a shaky breath as she looked into space. "H-he was here... he was - I... I tried to scream, but I couldn't a-and he said that he'd kill me once he was d- done an-and - and he was going to take Inosuke and..." her voice cracked and trembled as held her head in her hands. "It felt so real -"
Doma reached over and pulled her to his side. She was warm as all humans were but her warmth made something in Doma feel... whole.
"He will not get you and Inosuke is not going anywhere," Doma promised her, pressing his nose to the top of her head.
"I know," Kotoha breathed shakily, she leaned into him, and with the next shaky breath she smiled; "I know."
Doma began to stroke her hair again, marveling at its softness. At everything with her as he so usually did.
"I know I'm safe," she murmured looking down to Inosuke who lay in Doma's other arm. "And I know Inosuke is too."
Doma smiled softly as he ran his fingers through her hair.
"You've been nothing but kind to me," Kotoha shook as she rested on the demon. "And... and I can't repay you for any of it."
"Repay me?" Doma questioned incredulously; "What are you talking about?"
Kotoha laughed a little: "You're too benevolent... You welcomed Inosuke and me, you've given us everything we could've dreamed of, and... and you protected us even when it became dangerous to you."
Doma grinned a bit at the thought of him being in 'danger'.
"No Kotoha," Doma murmured, his eyes resting on Inosuke. "You misunderstand, I'm trying to repay you."
Kotoha slowly sat up with a puzzled expression on her face. Doma put a hand on her cheek and smiled.
"The time you've spent with me," Doma murmured. He took his hand off of her cheek and grabbed her hand before pulling into his chest. Could she feel it? The turbulence of emotions raging in his chest? The sign that he was different. "Don't min the dramatics but I... you've made me realize something and I didn't know what it was for the longest time. Now I believe it's happiness. Kotoha, you did something I didn't even think was possible - I am happy . Pathetic or not as that sounds, I... I can't ever do enough to repay that."
Kotoha stared at Doma with large eyes; there was a new sort of light in them as her nightmare was forgotten. She was beautiful in the dark and he wished he could show her. Her dark hair and ethereal eyes were something that Muzan could only ever dream of mimicking.
"Doma," Kotoha smiled as she pulled her hand away from his chest and grabbed his hand with both of hers. "I've wanted to tell you for a long time but... but I thought it would be rude a-and rather disrespectful, and you may... this may be terrible... but... I... I think I love you."
Doma looked at her, unsure of how to respond. Love? What was love? Was love the twisting burning feeling that was flaming in his chest and urging him to hold her and comfort her?
Kotoha's face was a blush pink and her eyes were on the cot as she nervously awaited an answer.
"You - you were always so kind to Inosuke. I didn't know men could... I didn't think anyone could... and you are so kind to me. You're sweet and funny and... and gentle and you understand things -" She was rambling now and Doma felt something pushing him to do something.
Doma released logic and instead acted based on the burning feeling in his chest which made him reach up, and put a hand back on Kotoha's cheek, it was stronger this time. He didn't know what he wanted to do but he knew he wanted her close. She looked at him and something sparked in those eyes that made her sit up and kiss him.
Doma almost jumped back in shock as the warmth invaded his senses. He had enough sense to control himself and as her scent flooded his nose and instead let himself lean into it.
There was nothing but a certain sort of adoration in the motion. The kiss was a promise and an assurance. Kotoha was timid after the initial contact and Doma was unsure but the purpose was clear; whatever this was... it was...kind. Sweet as their touch. Soft as her eyes.
She beamed at him as they pulled away, making the fuzzy feeling in Doma's chest grow which made him feel lighter than air. It was a wonderful and strange feeling. Doma pressed his forehead to Kotoha, breathing in her familiar scent and forgetting all other thoughts than the ones that demanded the protection of the woman before him and her son in his arms. Oh had it always been this easy? To drop all concerns and thoughts to just wallow in this wonder.
"I am married," Kotoha murmured nervously, fearing that perhaps fact would deter him.
Doma only chuckled knowing full well that the fact no longer applied, "I've dismissed them."
She blinked, leaning back.
He blanched. Why did he say that?
"They won't bother you anymore," he answered honestly, but slowly.
She just stared at him, searching his gaze for something. He did not look away... what did she see... what did she know?
"Did you..." she began and he knew what she was going to ask.
He looked away.
"Doma did you..."
"If I did?"
" Did you?" She pressed. "Did you... kill them?"
There were a million and two reasons to lie. He looked at her and sighed.
Wow. Why did he say that!?
She sat further back, gazing into space with... disbelief. Horror? He couldn't tell. He reached over and lay Inosuke in her arms - probably for the best now as he was making every blunder possible.
The warmth was fading from his lips - his hands. She was drifting further away and he could not hold on to her. He cursed himself.
What was the point of all that cleanup if he was going to blurt out the truth!?
"Just... just like that?" Kotoha breathed.
"... Yes."
She shook her head: "I don't... why ?"
"He..." Oh well that was a complicated question and his emotions weren't being very polite: "I did not want you to be afraid."
That... that was it, right? The crux of the matter. The reason for it all. Kotoha was still staring at him.
"You can go where you like now, be whatever you want. It wasn't right to see you... scared. It wasn't... I didn't..."
It sounded so awkward in the air like that. It may far more sense in his head. She was still staring at him. Oh, this was the end, wasn't it? This is where it all fell apart -
Kotoha leaned closer: "So... you would... you would be alright if I left?"
No. Doma frowned at the thought. Forcing her to stay didn't feel any better though. That made him feel equally sick.
"If... you want..." he managed. "I can't keep you here. I would... miss you, I suppose. I... I just did not want you to be scared anymore. It felt... wrong."
She just kept staring at him! What did she want? What was he supposed to do!?
"I didn't mean to frighten you," he managed, his mouth suddenly very dry. Maybe he should've eaten. "I... apologize. Good night."
He stood, rather quickly. He wasn't sure where he was going to go but it was better to be anywhere other than under her gaze. Heavens, it had all fallen apart so quickly.
It was such a simple request that shook every thought and emotion to its core. He looked down at her. Shock didn't begin to describe it.
"Stay," she repeated. "Please."
The request made something Doma soar as he settled back down and muttered what may have passed as an 'of course'.
"You don't frighten me," she murmured, reaching out and taking his hand. "You don't."
"I probably should." That was an understatement, actually, but he wasn't going to be that honest.
"I do... have some questions," she managed dryly. "But I also figure I probably shouldn't ask."
"I would... prefer you don't," he winced.
Why was he still being honest !? Had he just forgotten how to lie!? Did emotions do that !?
She ran a finger over his knuckles, thinking about something.
"Is this... have you killed people before?"
"... Yes."
He was tempted to dig a claw into his chest and pull out whatever streak of honesty had him by the throat. She hummed at that, turning his hands over and studying his palms. Then she laughed.
"Always full of secrets," she hummed.
"That doesn't... bother you?"
She looked at him again - really looked at him: "You've never once frightened me."
"Well - well, I've hardly confessed to killing someone. Have I?"
Was that why she seemed so unsurprised? Did she... know!? Had he already said something.
She just laughed: "And you call me strange."
"You are!" he objected, somewhat affronted. He'd just confessed to murder and she was holding his hand!
She nodded, her laugh breaking into a mix of disbelief and something darker: "Maybe..."
"Are you... angry?"
"No," she shook her head. "Nothing like that. I'm just... I'm surprised it's over so easily."
Their eyes met and he barked out a chuckle. He could not believe her. Every time - every time . She surprised him every time.
"You're such an odd one," he managed.
"You are too." She was holding his face again, cupping it in her hands as she shook her head. "But... thank you."
Slowly, he reached up and met those hands, something dangerously wonderful pulling at his lips: "Thank you ."
They settled down with Inosuke between them as if they were some protective barrier for the child. Doma and Kotoha stared at each other for a few moments taking in one another's beauty before Kotoha closed her eyes and tried to sleep.
"I still love you," she murmured softly. Certainly.
He smiled: "A questionable decision."
She opened an eye and something warm sparked in her gaze: "Maybe."
Not a hint of fear - not a hint! After a few minutes, she succeeded and Doma smiled to see a peaceful expression back on her soft face. Inosuke had also fallen into a deeper sleep which almost made Doma jealous.
They were both safe now, there was something about that fact that made Doma feel as though he could stride into the sunlight and remain untouched. The sudden disappearance of Kotoha's husband and mother-in-law would be dismissed as a cowardly move of the two to run away. Kotoha wouldn't have to dedicate another thought to the monsters and she would live peacefully.
He could protect that a little longer. Protect . He would protect a human.
Oh, his logic was screaming at him. Kotoha was merely mortal: she'd die in a few measly years. He... he could turn her into a demon but that thought was followed by the familiar stab of guilt. No; Doma couldn't do that for some reason... his emotions forbade it. She would lose her gentle smile if she was turned into a demon and that would hurt more than any demon slayer nichirin sword.
The logic warned about the inevitable, about what would happen when she found out he was a man-eating monster. Sure she took to these murders surprisingly well but surely she had a limit. Surely he was too far gone for someone as kind as her.
She was a human. It was supposed to be an inevitability that this whole... thing would end in blood; Her blood. Doma almost growled at himself and put a hand to his chest. He would not eat her. That he was certain of, he wouldn't let anything else happen to the woman... or her son.
Even if she did grow to hate him, even if she forsook him, he would protect her because she had made him feel and those feelings were the most confusing and wonderful things he had ever experienced.
Doma watched Kotoha and Inosuke sleep, gentle fondness filling the void made earlier by his boiling anger.
"I believe..." he murmured to the night. "I believe I love you too."
Love. What a funny word for such a deep feeling.
(awwwwwwww they loooooooove each other :D
Doma has 0 idea of how this romance works and is in a constant crisis because he thinks he's doing it wrong.
Kotoha is 100% like "any way he's cute, he's caring, he's sweet, he's responsible - wdym murrrderrr??? What murrrdar?"
Inosuke just thinks these two peole are neat.
They're such a cute couple guys
The Judge: What about the lies? And the Murder??
Me: WHaT Murrrrdahhhh???
ANYways - have a great day/night. Love y'all )
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