-16- Prejudice
Inosuke's choice left Doma feeling anxious even though the boy had been gone for months. He feared for the boy out in the world, even with Daki secretly tailing him and watching out for him. Death took but a moment and if something happened... if Daki couldn't reach him in time... if the demon slayers found out where he came from... if Muzan found him...
Still, he did understand that the boy had to go; he had always had a wildness to him so it was only natural he chased after danger instead of fleeing from it. That still didn't stop him from seeing terrible visions of Daki bringing back a corpse... but he found Kotoha soothing those daydreams away.
"It's normal to worry," she told him one day, as they took shelter in a small empty building. "You're not the only one."
"It doesn't feel normal," Doma confessed as he held his aching chest. Kotoha wrapped her arms around him and laughed.
"Gyutaro's worried," she snickered. "So's Akaza. I'm sure wherever Daki is, she's worried too."
"Gyutaro?" Doma asked, caught genuinely by surprise. "He's just angry."
"That's how you know he's worried," Kotoha teased. "We all show our worry differently. Gyutaro's been so irritable lately because he's scared for little Inosuke. You've been so quiet because you're scared too. Miku's been so determined because she's insistent on being just like her brother."
"Oh gods, please no." If Doma's heart was still beating, it would've had palpitations at the thought of Miku going off to hunt demons.
Kotoha laughed and planted a kiss on Doma's cheek. "It's how I know we love each other; the worry we hold."
That did strangely enough make Doma's chest warm. He settled down, laying his head in Kotoha's lap and staring up at the wooden ceiling as his mind wondered...
Akaza was out on a hunt and Gyutaro was off acting independently as he often did, Doma didn't care for what the demon did as long as it didn't affect what happened back home and didn't end with humans dead.
Both Gyutaro and Akaza had taken a foul hobby of... eliminating certain humans if they fit a specific match and make. Akaza had occasionally let his hand slip and killed a few monstrous humans they'd met on the road, especially any in power... Gyutaro had lashed out at more than a few people who'd raised a hand at a child. It was beginning to drive Doma insane and he'd made it as firm a dictate as he could; no humans.
But he killed his own monstrous human? Hadn't he? As he looked up at Kotoha he thought of a distant night with a sick man's blood on his fingers. He'd killed monsters in human skin...
So when Akaza came home covered in blood, a flower in his hand from a thankful family spared from a terrible fate... Doma only gave him a gentle look. When Doma found Gyutaro comforting a sobbing child in the woods, her monster of a father dead in a ditch, Doma helped the girl to her Aunt's house and only gently slapped Gyutaro upside the head. He reprimanded them... and then let it pass.
Did that make him a bad person? What made them different from any demon Inosuke ran across? What made them better? Morales? Emotions?
God... Inosuke...
Out there with two swords and a very frail mortal body standing between him and death itself. Gyutaro was right to be killing more demons out of rage... Kotoha was right, they were all worried. Akaza had been on high alert ever since the boy left and Gyutaro had feasted on demons like it was his last meal. They all saw the same thing... little Inosuke covered in his own blood with no way out -
Doma clenched his hands together and he heard Kotoha giggle, pulling him out of his ponderings.
"You're still worrying," she reprimanded gently.
"I am..." Doma managed with a weak smile, looking up at her from her lap.
"He's going to be alright," Kotoha soothed.
Doma closed his eyes and allowed his body to relax with Kotoha's soothing voice. She messed with his hair; braiding it and then undoing it to form more elaborate braids, experimenting with his long silver strands in a gentle way. Doma pondered her words as she assured him, sighing before looking up at her again.
"Do you worry?" he asked.
"All the time," Kotoha agreed with a small chuckle, taking one of his bangs and twirling it in her fingers. Her eyes were distant as her mind was occupied by the many things that caused her some fear. "I worry about you - about... Muzan. I worry about Akaza and whatever haunts him. I worry about Gyutaro and Daki, they've got such anger harbored against the world and that concerns me. Of course, I worry about Inosuke and the dangers he's getting himself in. And I worry about Miku... I worry about what this world means for her."
Doma glanced over at the small girl who was curled up on her tatami mat, wrapped in blankets and sleeping the day away. She'd been asleep for a few days now and if she didn't wake up soon Doma would have to carry her to the next safe house.
"But, worry is a comforting sort of thing," Kotoha continued. "Because I worry, I know that I am lucky to have so many people close to me that I care for. I have faith in you and Akaza and Daki and Gyutaro, and of course, in Inosuke. To worry is to suffer twice, so I will be assured that because I worry, I know that I am lucky and that no matter what happens, I have no control over it."
"It doesn't bother you that you have no control?" Doma asked, confused.
"No... control is... scary," Kotoha murmured honestly. "I wish I could force Inosuke to stay and be safe, but to do that would hurt him in ways I'd never want to. I wish I could give Gyutaro back his childhood. I wish I could take back all the terrible things Daki suffered. I wish I could force Akaza's pain away. I sometimes wish I had control... but control means that you're responsible for so much more... I don't want that. I want this."
With that, she leaned down and kissed Doma's forehead, her hair cascading around his face, and her smile illuminating his entire face. A small smile pulled at his lips and his hand reached up to cup her face lovingly.
"I want this too..." he breathed truthfully, allowing his worries to flow off of him with his next breath.
Kotoha giggled and for a moment, Doma felt nothing but love and adoration for the woman before him. She deserved the world... a fresh, living, bright world of daylight and wonder... but instead, she chose to be here and somehow here made her happy... somehow he made her happy.
"You know... there's going to be a spring festival in the villages," Doma murmured, his mind suddenly remembering something Gyutaro had complained about; all the lanterns being strung up in the town down the street. It made lurking in the dark hard.
Kotoha's large eyes blinked in wonder above him. Gods, he loves those emerald eyes, bright as a sun-touched field and deep as a forest. "Oh?"
"Perhaps, if you would like, we could participate in those festivities?... I think Miku would appreciate it... and... it could be... fun," Doma offered.
If the girl woke up for the festivities that was... he almost chuckled at the thought.
"Is that... would that be alright?" Kotoha asked in hopeful wonder. It had been so long since any of them had dared to go into a town unless it was necessary, especially all together... and a festival was nearly unheard of.
Doma smile broadened as he stared up at his love's hopeful expression. Kotoha's large eyes glimmered with excitement and Doma felt satisfaction and excitement curl in his chest.
"Oh, Doma! I think that sounds wonderful!" Kotoha exclaimed.
Wonderful barely described it. The small town the group came to in the dark of night glimmered like a star on earth. Lanterns were strung above the streets, giving off a soft glow to the dirt streets that weaved between carts and caravans selling all sorts of baubles and trinkets. Such beauty wasn't something that was lost on Doma, even when he had no emotions, he was able to recognize beauty. This was something gorgeous, not only the celebration itself but the way his Love and child's eyes lit up as they darted around.
Little Mirakuru demanded that she see every traveling performer and her mother was always eager to agree as she too enjoyed watching festivities. They watched an array of magic tricks, they had an old man tell them their fortunes, they watched as a woman performed glassblowing over a furnace, eagerly learned how to make small paper lanterns with the other children, and seemed to try everything they could.
"Papa!!" Mirakuru grinned as she ran up to Doma. "Look! Look!"
She proudly showed him a small origami swan that she'd just made, the lopsided uneven paper thing rather sad in her palms.
Doma crouched down and rubbed her head as he gingerly plucked the swan up by its wings. "It's lovely Miku."
"Do you want it?" Mirakuru asked, giggling as she watched her father look over the paper swan lovingly.
"You would part with it?" Doma teased with his smile. Miku giggled to see her father's fangs bared in a playful smile.
"Well... I did work pretty hard on it, so you would have to pay me a whole lot if you really wanted it," she could hardly contain herself with this new joke, her smile growing to such a length that Doma had to smile.
"A whole lot..." Doma pondered thoughtfully, tapping his chin. "Hmmm, well, let's see what we can find." With that, he picked up little Miku, who wasn't quite so little anymore, and wandered around the festivities, looking for something the child would deem 'worthy'.
He stopped at a small jewelry stand. Little girls liked jewelry, right? It was shiny and pretty. Hell, Inosuke would probably like jewelry, Daki did think the boy would look good with some earrings. Doma reminded himself to have a gift prepared for the boy whenever they ran into him again.
Mirakuru's eyes were as wide as the full moon above as she gawked at the gorgeous display of craftsmanship.
"Would one of these pay for your swan?" Doma offered.
Mirakuru looked at him with awe and amazement. "Oh Papa, can I really have something from here?"
Doma chuckled because of course his child could. He had plenty of money from the many different threats and raided houses he'd taken part in (it was only at the moment that he realized how bad that would've sounded allowed) but he could easily afford half of the things on the stand and if worse came to worst, he was not above using some gentle threats to get his little girl some jewelry.
Mirakuru's eyes sparkled as she peered at every piece before her, her eyes glazing over ruby-encrusted rings and emerald necklaces, finally settling on a small green and blue hairpin.
"That one," she exclaimed pointing at the glimmering piece. Doma studied it and nodded. It was a small blue Lotus Flower with a small sapphire in the center, glimmering in the firelight. The Lotus flower was sitting on a green leaf that twisted to form the pin of the hairpin. It was decent.
"A good pick," the woman behind the counter smiled, her wrinkled face pulling into a large smile. "A blue lotus stands for wisdom in its perfection, so you may have a brilliant little one on your hands," she directed that last statement towards Doma who smiled as he picked up Miku and paid for the hairpin.
"I'm afraid she's already quite the brilliant little girl," Doma said fondly.
"Papa!! I'm not little!" Mirakuru exclaimed.
"You are compared to me," Doma grinned.
"B-But you're like... SUUPER tall. Even Uncle Akaza says too," she puffed out her cheeks to display her unhappiness which only made Doma chuckle.
"Well Uncle Akaza is quite little too," Doma teased, knowing he was likely going to get punched for that later. Somewhere in the world Akaza was probably standing up and planning his murder.
"Here you are," the old woman smiled as she handed Mirakuru the hairpin and accepted the payment. "You'll look lovely in it dear."
"Thank you!" Mirakuru smiled as Doma began to walk away. She then wrapped her arm's around her father's neck and hugged him. "And thank you Papa, I would've just given you the swan if you really wanted it..."
"Oh I know," Doma laughed as he held up the small origami swan, "But I wanted to get something pretty for you."
At that moment, he bumped into a smaller woman and quickly apologized. It seemed Akaza was right, he really was too tall and a danger to the shorter-being community.
"So sorry..." Doma's words tampered out as the woman looked up at him angrily. She had a permanent scowl etched on her face and her purple eyes danced with annoyance that quickly faded to horror as she looked up at him. She was dressed in a simple black kimono with purple butterfly patterns that matched the pin in her hair. She looked to him and then to Mirakuru.
There was nothing too strange about her, other than the fact that she smelled heavily of wisteria which sent Doma's senses recoiling, but that wasn't uncommon. There were plenty of wisteria trees around, the only real downside of springtime festivals.
"Sorry about that, I didn't see you there," Doma dismissed, turning and walking away. He couldn't place his fingers on it, but there was something weird about that. About her... what was it?
Movement from the rooftops caught his eye and he saw a familiar ribbon twist through the air... Daki, she must have news from Inosuke.
"Let's go find your mother," Doma smiled as he scanned the road for Kotoha, finally following her scent to a food stand where she had bought her and Mirakuru some onigiri.
"Mama! Mama, look what I got!" Mirakuru grinned as she wormed out of Doma's arms and held up the hairpin.
"Oh my, it's so pretty, just like you," Kotoha smiled.
"No, like you," Mirakuru grinned, her rainbow eyes glimmering with happiness.
"Well, why don't you eat your takoyaki while I fix up your hair. Doma... I think Daki's back in town" Kotoha offered, leading Miku over to a bench where the little girl happily sat down and began to eat the snacks her mother had so diligently bought.
"I think you're right, I'll be right back," Doma dismissed himself easily enough while Kotoha set about to fix their daughter's hair.
"Tell her hi for me Papa!" Miku urged.
"Of course," Doma smiled over his shoulder as he took off at a brisk pace, eager and worried at what tidings Daki brought. Kotoha shook her head knowingly as her Lover slipped away.
The demon quickly found himself in an ally that was in the shadows of the festivities.
"Daki?" he called quietly.
"Doma," the familiar voice answered as the female demon jumped down from the roof in front of him.
"What brings you here?" he asked.
"Thought I'd tell you what was happening with your brat," Daki answered. "He's in a medic ward recovering at the moment after having a run-in with Rui - "
"A lower moon." Doma pondered the thought with a healthy amount of horror.
"Yeah, look, your brat is crazy," Daki deadpanned. "He passed final selection no problem, which is great, because that entire mountain was covered in wisteria and I couldn't have helped him if I wanted to. Then, he got stuck in a damn demon house and I almost had to decapitate a drum fuck but two other demon slayers came and your brat made friends... After punching them. Humans are fucking weird. Anyway, he had a run-in with one of Rui's bullshit family members and almost got his throat crushed."
Doma stared at her, his fear turning into a bit of a glare.
"I would've stopped it before it happened, god don't look at me like that. No, a hashira showed up and fucked the demon up... and then tied Inosuke up in a tree... That was fucking funny."
"And he's alright?" Doma pressed.
"Yeah... and I'm fine too, thanks for asking," Daki growled, brushing herself off with a sarcastic tone. "Nearly got decapitated by a butterfly bitch but that's fine, I'm fine. I'll be out with Gyutaro if you need me. Inosuke has like, a while before he can leave because humans take forever to heal, so I can do whatever the fuck I want," Daki grinned fixing up her hair. "I'm starving, you saved me some blood right?!"
"Yes, and thank you" Doma grinned with his usual fake demeanor because underneath he was worried sick for Inosuke. Of course, the kid would go find a lower moon mere months into his life as a demon slayer... Muzan didn't know about him... right? The moon hadn't been sent to find Inosuke, right?
"See you later," Daki dismissed before vanishing to the rooftops and away leaving Doma in the midst of a crisis.
Doma rubbed the back of his neck to try and work out the tension he'd just received from that interaction and then walked out of the alley where he found Mirakuru sitting alone on the bench, looking around worried. Her hair was fixed up with the hairpin but her eyes were tumbling with anxiety.
"Miku? Are you okay, where's Mom?" Doma asked as he came over.
"She went to talk to a pretty butterfly lady who wanted to talk to her. She said she'd be right back but... I think something's wrong," Mirakuru looked crestfallen.
That... that didn't sound like Kotoha at all. She would've never just left Miku here by herself.
Everything in Doma's senses went on high alert as he felt that something was very wrong.
"Well, let's see if we can find her," Doma murmured, picking up Mirakuru and looking around. He tried to pick up her scent but the overwhelming scent of wisteria flooded his nose and he took a step back.
Wisteria... There was only one group that knew a demon's aversion to wisteria and that would surely explain why the scent was suddenly so potent.
Kotoha knew who these people were before they revealed their uniforms under their kimonos and put on their swords. Demon slayers. Two sisters by the looks of it, both wearing similar butterfly ornaments in their hair. She knew the look in their eyes so when they demanded that they speak with her, she told Miku to wait for her father, hoping Doma would be able to read the signals to know something was wrong and could get her and himself to safety.
Hopefully, by now, they were already heading out of town. Doma was smart, he'd figure out something was off and Kotoha would slip away later. The demon slayers they'd met before had never cared about humans and this wouldn't be any different. In this situation, she was the safest distraction they had.
"Ma'am, this will be hard for you to hear," the younger sister stated, anger in her gaze as they pulled her into an alley. "But that man your with is a demon."
Kotoha wouldn't lie that the immediate assumption that she was ignorant made her gut broil. She was not stupid, nor was she blind, but... but, Doma was a special case. There were likely no demons like Doma and she knew she couldn't blame these girls for doing what they thought was right, though the sight of their swords still made something in her chest harden.
"You don't seem surprised," the older sister recognized her brow knitting together.
Kotoha sighed as her mind raced. Maybe she could at least distract the siblings long enough to give Doma a headstart.
"I... know he is a demon," Kotoha managed, "but he's not a bad one."
Ah, brilliant argument. She sighed at her own inability to argue.
"There are only evil demons," the younger one tsked and there was such condescension in that tone Kotoha crossed her arms and clenched her jaw.
"Shinobu," the older one reprimanded gently with a smile on her face before Kotoha could argue. Then she looked back to Kotoha, some curiosity in her gaze. "What do you mean?"
"He... he doesn't eat innocent people anymore. He... he did once, but he doesn't want to anymore. He... he's different."
Both sisters looked at her with pity, like she was someone ignorant or naive... like she was a victim of a terrible crime.
"I know it sounds crazy! I know it doesn't make sense and that you won't believe me, but he is a good man - "
"Kotoha," a familiar voice rang out and her heart dropped.
As much as she loved him, goddammit, she could take a page out of Akaza's book and punch him right now for being so stupid. His usual mask of passive happiness was broken and his eyes were full of concern as he took stock of the situation, recognizing one of the slayers from earlier and noting their weapons.
"Doma," Kotoha began slowly, noticing how the girls were slowly going for their swords. "Run."
The younger one drew her sword first, meaning to pierce his shoulder with a strange blade but Doma dodged that easily and pushed the girl into the common street. Kotoha tried to grab the eldest but she was far too quick.
People took notice, saw the girl, saw the sword in her hand, and began screaming and fleeing.
Doma meanwhile looked to the next, eldest sister and found her sword racing for his neck. He ducked, pulling Mirakuru closer to his chest before jumping into the air after avoiding the blow and sinking one of his hands into the wall of a nearby house, anchoring him on the wall. He stayed perched above the group, holding his daughter close with his other arm and looking past the elder demon slayer at Kotoha, trying to figure out how to get her without risking Mirakuru.
Miku meanwhile was staring at the slayers in horror, her blood twisting and curling in her body as she recalled all the lessons her father and Daki had given her on blood-demon art. She'd been practicing on animals... should she use it now? Her father's arms were firm around her and she forced herself to remember that her Papa was the third strongest demon in the world... he could do this. She looked up to him and saw their shared eyes fill with cold observance; he was planning.
Doma noted the fleeing crowd, he noted Kotoha's firm expression... how she was ready to intervene if necessary. He also noted Miku's tense body, like she too was ready to strike even though she trembled in fear...
The older woman was fast, much faster than other demon slayers he'd met recently. She had leaped up after him, and he was forced to retreat further as her sword grazed his neck.
"DOMA!" Kotoha cried after seeing the close call. She ran towards him and wondered how she could stop the two.
"RUN!" Doma yelled to her as his mind began working out the situation.
Could this woman be a hashira? She was certainly strong. And her sister? The one that smelled of wisteria? Was she just as strong? Why was the younger one's sword so peculiar?
"Papa," Mirakuru whispered into his chest as she clung to him.
Miku. He had to get Miku away. If the demon slayers discovered what she was they would -
A searing pain raced up his leg as something punctured his ankle and he pulled away before landing on the earth besides Kotoha. He recognized the pain that spread through his bloodstream temporarily before it was dispersed. He kicked the younger sister away, trying to use as little force as possible but it still sent her skidding away from his family.
The younger sister held up her sword triumphantly and suddenly the design of the sword made much sense - she used poison. Her petite body probably wasn't capable of beheading demons so she'd improvised. She was also quick. Doma would have to keep an eye on her, but it was the elder one he was concerned about. She was just as fast but her swing could decapitate him in perhaps two swings, should he flounder.
He couldn't fight efficiently while clinging to Miku but he was reluctant to let her go. He felt Kotoha grab his sleeve and he let out a breath.
As long as he could keep these two girls on him, perhaps Kotoha and Miku could get away. And... perhaps if he made large enough of a scene, Daki would sense he needed some help and the two of them would be able to make a large enough diversion to both get the humans to safety and slip away from the demon slayers
He could feel the demon slayer's eyes boring into him as he glanced at Miku in his arms before returning his gaze to them. They were posing to attack again, searching for his weaknesses, likely.
"Mirakuru, listen to me," Doma whispered in her ear. She was still clinging to his robe, crying as she buried his face in it. "Run with your mother, keep her safe."
"What 'bout you," her muffled voice whined. "I don't want to go! I can fight -"
Doma stared at the demon slayers who were blocking the way out of the alley, the only way to go was up to escape, unless...
"I'll be right with you," Doma answered, before gingerly putting her down and shuffling her behind him. Kotoha swept her up quickly and held the child close, despite how big she was getting.
"Can you beat them?" Kotoha asked softly.
Doma unfurled both of his golden fans and allowed himself to drift back to that familiar persona that he had so long grown accustomed to. He threw Kotoha a glance and watched her nod, her faith in him apparent.
Then, Doma lunged. He forced an opening between the two girls, forcing them into the street and letting Kotoha slip away with Miku.
They clashed for only a few precious moments before they separated again, the women searching his body for anything they could utilize against him. Doma only stood taller and hoped that he was enough to intimidate them... this wouldn't go well for the town or the girls if they drew this out.
"Truly fate is lucky to let me have this run-in with such beautiful slayers, though I am rather saddened that this means the festivities will have to be cut short," Doma fake pouted as he smiled at the slayers.
"You lie to that poor woman, claiming that you're good and moral, but aren't you responsible for the deaths of the Doro family?" the younger sister demanded.
Doma's mind raced. Doro? Who were they? They hadn't killed a family recently... would Akaza? He did sometimes get reckless with his little 'games' of beat up the asshole. The perverts and abusive assholes that made themselves known to him were known to get pounded but few actually were killed. Besides, Akaza only killed men, that was one of the most predictable things about him -
"Three of the young men of the family were slain and their corpses dragged away by some 'forest demon'," the older one clarified. "Are you that demon?"
Dammit, that was absolutely Akaza. Doma was going to have his head for this. Did he really kill an entire group of men and not tell him!? As an answer, Doma lunged forward and pushed the two girls back, sparks flying as his fans clashed with their swords.
He heard Kotoha make it out of the town, glimpsed it in his periphery and let out a breath of relief that turned cold as he tapped into his blood demon art. An attack of ice and frost shot out, making both girls retreat further as the frost clung to their clothes and threatened to pierce them.
Most of the civilians had fled now but Doma could hear the frightened heartbeats of nearby humans in the surrounding houses so he thought it best to not destroy anything. But now, there was another problem, Muzan would hear about this and Doma would have enemies on his tail within the next day.
All because two demon slayers happened to find him. Akaza was so fucking dead.
There wasn't much more time to think as a pink blade soared for his face and he was forced to deflect it with his fans. There was no doubt these girls were talented, strong and agile in one's case, while the other was quick and toxic. No good way to deal with them except, of course, the easy answer, which was to kill them. But that would be counterproductive as these were demon slayers who had the same goal as him; kill Muzan.
Besides, there was something more. Something twinging in the back of his mind, feeding him some strange emotion that he hadn't quite grasped yet. Guilt? No, he knew guilt. This... this was strangely personal. He could imagine Inosuke in these girls' shoes, two slayers doing their duties and being unlucky enough to come across a beast like him...
Worse yet, he could see Mirakuru in these girls' shoes. What would happen if he died to Muzan's hands; would she grow up with hate in her heart, devising ways to kill demons instead of fantasizing about how to catch a fairy? Weren't these girls just twisted reflections of what all human girls could become should they lose someone? Is this what his daughter would be if the world wore her down?
Perhaps he was just thinking too deeply. Damn emotions.
He deflected another blow from the elder and twisted to avoid being sliced by the younger.
Could he flee? Not likely, these girls were fast on their feet and could likely keep up with demons. Where was Kotoha - ah... there. Doma spied her sprinting down the street, her shoes abandoned and her bare feet carrying her to the forest... to safety...
Good. If she reached Akaza, no harm would come to her.
"You are both very talented," he mused as he jumped to one of the rooftops and watched the two follow.
The younger girl clenched her sword and fixed her jaw as she stared Doma down with absolute hatred. "I don't want compliments from you."
"Oh, but there's so much to compliment," Doma smiled falsely, his golden fans glistening with frost.
Shinobu hissed in displeasure. This was a very irksome demon, what with his masquerading as a human and tricking an innocent woman and her daughter that he was harmless. It was a clever trick to throw demon slayers off his trail while he massacred humans. What didn't make sense was why he was so strong... the signs had all pointed to a lower demon who could only handle killing two or three humans at a time but this... this demon was very different...
Kanae was upon him in moments, her sword moving too fast for Shinobu to register but the demon had no issue parrying her blows with his own. He was relaxed, much different than when Shinobu had first seen him.
Were his emotions simply a mask and this was his true nature? Cold and calculating with a cruel smile dancing upon his lips. Shinobu's hands shook with rage and she took a breath to compose herself. She balanced herself on the balls of her feet before leaping upon the roof and racing toward the demon, tag-teaming with her sister as they tried to throw the demon off with their dual strategies.
Surely, her poison must be kicking in, she'd stabbed him earlier but he didn't seem to flinch at the poison, perhaps there hadn't been a large enough dose with the first delivery.
The next blow was substantial enough as she sliced deep into his cheek, piercing under his cheekbones and ripping all the way to his ears. She'd been aiming for his neck but she took whatever opportunity she was given and waited expectantly for his skin to start decaying, and it did... but it grew back just as fast.
The demon blocked Kanae's next blow and put a hand to his face.
"You should take pride," he said, looking to Shinobu as he blinked away the blood-shot veins in his eyes. "I've not met any poison users this effective."
This effective. Shinobu felt her blood boil as she tried to understand why it hadn't worked. Sure, it hadn't been a large amount of poison but that should've still crippled him momentarily, it was powerful enough to take down a lower moon with two slices but...
What was he?
"Nee-san" Shinobu murmured tentatively as Kanae landed next to her.
"Yes?" Kanae asked, upbeat as ever.
"I think... I think he's an upper moon," Shinobu murmured.
"Oh, I'm almost certain," Kanae nodded and Shinobu could've strangled her sister had they not been in the middle of a battle.
"You know?" Shinobu hissed as the demon looked at them both.
"It would explain his fast regeneration and calm demeanor, also - in the midst of the fight when you pierced him, there are kanji glistening in both of his eyes, briefly, he's concealing them," Kanae pointed out.
Shinobu's heart fell into her gut.
"Yes, you are right," the demon nodded as he shrugged. "I was an upper moon, but that holds little importance now since you've decided to kill me without even granting me a conversation," the demon wore a pleasing smile the whole time which made Shinobu want to punch him.
"Grant you a conversation, after the countless lives you've taken?" she hissed.
"Oh come on, is talking so hard? I'm sure we can talk about this," the demon grinned gently.
"Sure," Kanae murmured, her face set in stoic indifference. "The woman you're with - she claims you're a good demon."
The demon's face seemed to grow tight for a moment, his jaw clenched and his eyes hardened.
"And the little girl," Kanae continued. "She has your eyes."
A familiar expression seized the demon's expression and the air grew colder. Rage... the demon's eyes held rage.
"Nee-san," Shinobu warned under her breath as goosebumps raced up her arms both from the cold and the power radiating off that demon. Her instinct screamed danger.
"They are both humans," the demon spoke slowly, clearly, decisively. "They have nothing to do with this."
Well, that was a... strange tone.
"Is the girl your daughter?" Kanae asked, her voice soothing and gentle, her sword still held at the ready.
The demon tensed in the slightest way before he laughed, it was a false laugh. "Impossible... how could a demon have a child?"
"She could've been your child before you turned," Shinobu muttered. "Or you're impersonating her father."
"She has nothing to do with this," the demon reiterated coldly. "I'm the demon you're trying to kill, you have no quarrel with the humans."
"We do if they're harboring your kind!" Shinobu shot back. Why weren't they attacking? Why were they giving this demon time to heal!?
Now, the demon truly looked angry. Shinobu cried out as the demon lunged too fast for her to react, her sword knocked aside and his palm colliding with her chest. Her breath left her lungs and she was nearly sent flying off the roof if Kanae had not caught her. The elder sister wrapped an arm around Shinobu's shoulder and held her sword out separating them from the demon while Shinobu caught her breath and rebalanced her breathing technique, reclaiming her sword quickly.
"You will not touch them!" the demon snarled. "They have nothing to do with me."
"No," Kanae soothed, slowly lowering her sword. "No, we will not harm them."
Shinobu looked at her in disbelief.
"Nee-san!" Shinobu cried as her sister took a step forward, leaving Shinobu behind.
"I see something strange in your eyes, demon," Kanae murmured. "It's my duty to strike you down... but should you give me information about your master, perhaps we can work out a deal."
"Him?" the demon chuckled dryly. "You'll need decades before you can even think of taking him on."
Shinobu felt anger flow through her system like liquid fire. How dare he.
"Does he have any weaknesses?" Kanae questioned.
"The sun," the demon chuckled. "He's afraid of death, afraid of losing control. But I'm afraid if there's something else that can kill him, I don't know of it."
"Where is he now?"
The demon shrugged, "I do not know, I don't want to know. I make it a point to avoid him."
"His information is useless," Shinobu scowled, her sword still at the ready.
"Demon..." Kanae spoke again. "What is your name?"
The demon blinked, once, twice, then he grinned.
"How scandalous of you, asking me to give my name to unassuming women. I'm afraid my heart's already been taken - "
"You smug arrogant bastard - "Shinobu began.
"Your name," Kanae asked again, sweetly.
"Well... if you must know it's - "
The sisters suddenly tensed and turned on their heels as a second demon landed behind Doma. The pale demon was shorter, stockier, with a hand that clapped on the taller's shoulder and shook it.
"Akaza?" the first demon asked. "What are you - "
"It's him. Even I could sense your damn demon art from miles away! He's coming, I felt it. We need to run, now," The one named Akaza ordered.
Fear. That danced in both the demon's eyes. The one named Doma looked back at them and smiled; an obviously fake smile that made Shinobu sneer.
"Lovely talking with you ladies... but it would be best for all of us to run now for you see... we'll have some company and I would bet Upper One is on his way and he's not one to be messed with, believe me," Doma smiled sweetly. "Don't worry we'll lead him away from the town."
"Upper... One?" Shinobu breathed in disbelief.
"We cannot just let you leave," Kanae murmured.
"Let's go!" Akaza ordered as he took Doma's arm. "Leave the damn demon slayers. Gyutaro and Daki are already moving Kotoha and Miku, so let's go!"
"Alright... Akaza, we're having words later," Doma sighed as he threw another look back at the ladies. "Until next time."
"We cannot let you - "Shinobu began as the demons took off. She went to run after them when Kanae placed a hand on her shoulder. "Kanae - what are you doing!?"
"Did you see his eyes, Shinobu," Kanae murmured. "Did you see both of their eyes?"
"What - why!?"
"They're both Upper Moons."
A chill ran up Shinobu's spine. "... What?"
"They are both outcasted upper moons. You can just barely see their kanji glimmering in the moonlight. Two and Three."
Shinobu felt her resolve crumble at the thought. "Ousted Upper Moons..."
"We have to report this... and tell the other hashira."
"We should track them! Make sure they don't kill anyone."
"No... no there was something else... something else in their eyes, did you see it?"
"Fear?" Shinobu muttered as she sheathed her sword and tried to make out the demons who had already disappeared into the forest. It seemed the taller colder one was yelling at the striped one... and now they were arguing... and they were gone.
"Love," Kanae corrected gently as she smiled at her younger sister. "Those demons love... unthinkable, isn't it?"
"I think you're wrong, or crazy Nee-san."
"Maybe... but either way we need to tell the others."
"Shinazugawa is going to think you're insane. You could lose your rank for this!"
"Maybe - but something like this can't be taken for granted. A demon that can love... love a human no less. How peculiar." Kanae tapped her chin and seemed to smile to herself. "And the child... how peculiar indeed."
(Alright, so before y'all come at me:
Why is Shinobu not at the top of her game? Well, I headcanon that she forced herself to become better and stronger and faster after Kanae died. After Kanae died, Shinobu became obsessed will avenging her and therefore killing demons. She dedicated a lot more time to perfecting her demon-slaying techniques and learning to fight solo. In this fanfiction, she didn't have to suffer through that. She's skilled in tag-teaming with her sister and she's well-versed in poison, but she's less refined in her sword skills because she has a life still.
So, if you're wondering why she's less 'cool' per-say, know it's because she's happier
Hope you liked it :D)
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