-11- Gyutaro and Daki
Wrath. Anger. Fury. Hatred.
Those emotions filled Muzan to the brim, making him want to kill and destroy everything in his path.
It was one thing for it to be Doma. It was one thing for Doma, the Upper Moon he had always hated, to betray him. Doma, who could get under everyone's skin like a writhing little worm. Doma, who had only been good for his hunger and power. Doma was no real loss of loyalty. But Akaza?
Akaza... Akaza had been loyal, stubborn, and had held a drive for strength. Those were things Muzan needed, those were things Muzan desired in a subordinate.
Why then, had he betrayed and deserted Muzan? Why had he joined up with the very demon who he despised? Akaza helping Doma? Such a thing was so inconceivable that Muzan couldn't wrap his head around it. It didn't just make no sense it was impossible! Gods themselves wouldn't be able to make the two of them get along!
The fact was that it had happened and Muzan now had two immensely powerful traitors. This... this was even worse than Tamayo. Suppose the two found Tamayo... suppose she was to test their blood and find a way to kill him. What if they had already found her (that would explain why he couldn't see through their eyes or drag them back). No, that could not happen! That cannot happen!!
What demons could Muzan send to kill them? They were two of his strongest! How could he stop this!?
Kokushibo was a force to be reckoned with, but could he stop both of them? Could he snatch the hybrid child? Could he risk them infecting Kokushibo with whatever moral stupidity had overtaken both of them!?
Those two were so strong that Muzan himself would have to be involved himself to ensure victory... but surely Akaza and Doma knew that. Surely they expected him to show himself, they were many things but neither of them was a fool. They would have a plan.
If he wasn't careful he'd walk into a trap... He was certain he could stop both of them in their tracks. But he'd been certain that Akaza was loyal. He'd been certain that Doma's pet humans had been just that; measly pets. He'd been certain and now he was paying for it. If he wasn't cautious... if he wasn't careful...
Muzan hissed and in his bloodlust and rage grew. Someone had to pay. Someone had to be punished!
The demon lord's blood pounded in his ears and his fingers thrummed with uncontrolled anger. He stalked the streets of a city, finding himself a meal... one that screamed and begged. Once that one was dead and devoured, scores of others followed. The blood soothed Muzan's anger as his hunger was quenched and watching mere mortals contort in fear and agony at his whim was enough to calm the fury that resided in his eyes.
That's right, he was all-powerful. He was near-perfect. He would make those two rue the day they'd fallen from grace. The blood on his hands and lips ensured his strength.
When it was done and only the carnage remained, Muzan summoned Nakime and had her transport him to the infinity fortress where he met with Kokushibo. The one constant that Muzan was certain would never sway (but certainty was a fickle thing as of late).
"Master," Kokushibo bowed, expecting some sort of scorning for his failure. None came.
Muzan had to keep loyalties close. Doma and Akaza were terrible threats to his existence and should demons start turning to those two... Muzan would face a terrible threat. He needed demons he could trust close to him and would cull the rest. It was time to cleanse his ranks.
"Thank you for your loyalty, Kokushibo," Muzan told the demon. Of all the pawns he held, Kokushibo was one of his most favored, and Muzan would not lose him to the temptation of rebellion. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Muzan may even consider Kokushibo the closest thing he had to a partner. He was powerful, staunch, full of fortitude and loyalty. He must be kept close.
"Master?" Kokushibo questioned, wondering why Muzan was speaking such words of admiration. It was... rare for the demon lord to be kind, to anyone, especially after they failed.
"This scenario has shown me that loyalty in my ranks is weak... Yet, I fear no such betrayal from you," Muzan explained, a gentle smile on his face. Kokushibo recognized this tactic, it was the same the demon lord used on that young fool, Daki. Compliments were meant to sooth Kokushibo's ruffled feathers and Upper One didn't much care. He'd failed and that was unforgivable. He'd work harder to make up for such mistakes.
"So... what are your wishes?" Kokushibo asked. Muzan's false smile turned into a true one full of malice as he regarded his favored demon. Upper One, always one to get right to the point.
Muzan looked away from the demon and instead stared out over the Infinity fortress and narrowed his eyes. "I will have no more rebellions. Akaza and Doma will suffer greatly for what they have done but before I can inflict pain on them, I must ensure that my own ranks are full of nothing but fortitude and loyalty. Do you understand?"
"You wish to test the other moons?" Kokushibo asked.
"Yes," Muzan growled. "Not just the moons but all demons. Every insect and lowly worm must know I am their god. They will fear me but most importantly they will worship me. If they do neither, we kill them and start over."
"Yes, my lord. That sounds prudent," Kokushibo nodded. It would be difficult and most lowly demons would likely fall through the cracks but it was doubtful such weak specimens would be able to do anything if they rebelled. It was doable though... and Muzan ordered it, so it must be done.
"Yes..." Muzan trailed off wistfully, "I know."
It came to no surprise that Gyokko and Hantengu were loyal. Gyokko was too vain and stupid to be much else and Hantengu was petrified of the demon lord. The lower moons were loyal... but they were also weak.
Kamanue, Lower Six, was too rebellious in his thoughts. The young demon was slaughtered immediately. Muzan would not let such rebels stew in his home.
Rui, Lower Five, showed no fear and merely accepted the fact that if he was to die it would be by Muzan's hand. The boy lived and Muzan spared a few soft words to encourage a stauncher loyalty.
Mukago, Lower Four, begged and groveled for her life, pledging absolute loyalty and swearing nothing else. She lived. Muzan could live with cowards
Wakuraba, Lower Three, tried to save his own skin. He was struck down mercilessly for his cowardice and rebelliousness.
Rokuro, Lower Two, made the mistake of trying to beg Muzan for blood to prove his strength. He too was reduced to a stain of crimson on the floor.
Enmu, Lower One, was the perfect example of what Muzan desired. A devoted servant who served with suicidal loyalty. He lived without question and if the demon was only a bit more offensive in his demon art Muzan would've made him an upper moon but alas, the demon was only good as a human killer and would be a laughing stock if he rose any higher.
Once the lower moons were dealt with, Muzan went on to the last and final of the twelve Kizuki, a pair he'd saved for last because, if he was honest, they were the most likely to leave him. His dark intentions glimmering in his eyes. He would cull the weak and purge the traitors.
Gyutaro knelt before him, alone as Muzan had requested. Muzan glared down at the true Upper Moon Six and bit back a snarl. Gyutaro could be so much more if he simply released his pointless devotion to his sister. Devotion was what had torn Doma away from his loyalty... Muzan would not let it happen again.
"Gyutaro," Muzan murmured, looking down at the demon.
"Yes, master?" Gyutaro answered evenly, his eyes glued to the ground as he bowed.
"Are you loyal to me?"
Gyutaro looked up, panic apparent on his face. "Of course, Master Kibutsuji! I am your loyal servant!"
A well-rehearsed answer.
"And yet, you owe your life to Doma?" Muzan pressed, softly.
Gyutaro looked down and made no response. It was true. Doma had saved his and his sister's life all those years ago. The news of the Upper Moon's betrayal had come as a shock but Gyutaro had never really known the man. There was no kinship, no loyalty. Perhaps there was the smallest hint of gratitude that bloomed on cold nights but it was easily squashed beneath Gyutaro's heel. Doma was beautiful, privileged, wonderfully perfect and Gyutaro envied him so heavily he had often imagined ripping the bastard's eyes out and squishing them between his fist; Ruining that perfect stupid face. Oh, the envy...
There was no loyalty to Doma.
"I... I have no other reason to know him. Besides, to follow him would be death. Everyone knows what you plan to do to him. I would not betray you, Master," Gyutaro spoke truthfully.
Muzan's eyes narrowed. "Are you willing to prove it?"
"Anything," Gyutaro nodded eagerly. He didn't see the glimmer of cruelty in Muzan's eyes.
"Do you know why Doma betrayed me?" Muzan asked softly.
"... No."
"He claimed it was in the name of love. That he loved his family more than he loved me," Muzan continued, there was fury in his voice. "He couldn't bear the thought of his mortal family dying for my passage into perfection."
Gyutaro's heart leaped into his throat, constricting him in fear as he started to put two and two together. Forsaking the idea that Doma had loved (no way in hell), Gyutaro knew enough to read the room. He had been called here alone, without Daki, which was strange in itself. Muzan was questioning his loyalty. Not Daki's. He was asking him to prove himself. Not Daki.
She'd been so jealous. She worshipped Muzan and had pouted when Gyutaro had to come alone.
Tell me how gorgeous he looks, I hear he's taken a new form. You just have to tell me Gyutaro! Oh, why didn't he call for me? That's so unfair! Unfair! Unfair! You have to tell me everything!! she had begged of him but as Gyutaro tried to take in Muzan's form, all he could do was feel sick.
"You are a smart man," Muzan approved. "Do you understand what I'm asking of you?"
Gyutaro's throat was dry. His heart was thumping in his chest and he was trembling.
"Prove to me I have no reason to challenge your loyalty. Kill your sister," Muzan ordered coldly.
"D-Daki is one with me, lord... I-I don't know how I could - how I could possibly - " Gyutaro began desperately. He was shaking - he hadn't felt such fear for a long long time. Not Daki. Please, please she was just his stupid little sister! She wasn't -
"It's very simple, really."
Gyutaro looked up at his master, recognizing the dangerous look in his eyes. Muzan wanted Gyutaro to argue. He wanted Gyutaro to fail. It was dangerous enough that Gyutaro had been close to Doma so many years ago... Muzan didn't want to risk anything, and Gyutaro knew it.
"Take your sister and string her up in a courtyard. Leave her there for the sun to deal with. Sever yourself from her and grow into what I need you to become." Muzan explained coldly.
Gyutaro shuddered at the thought... what choice did he have? If he refused... he and Daki would die anyway. Little stupid, beautiful perfect damned Daki would die either way...
Muzan's eyes narrowed. The boy was considering doing it. A part of Muzan was disappointed, he had an urge to slaughter the demon simply because Doma had been the reason for his transformation. The other part of Muzan was relieved. Gyutaro would finally rid himself of his stupid sister and could read his full potential. He would prove himself a loyal demon and Muzan would have at least one demon to replace the two he had lost.
"I-I will do it," Gyutaro murmured, the words almost choking him.
"We will see," Muzan growled. "Do so and return to me when it is done. Do so, and I will reward you, handsomely. If you fail and you betray me... you will suffer a terrible fate. You and your sister both."
Muzan's threat hung with Gyutaro all the way back to the Red Light District. It danced on the air with the laughs of the oirans. It settled deep in his gut as he slowly pushed into Daki's room through the window.
"You could knock," she reprimanded immediately, not even turning to see him. It made the sickles in Gyutaro's hands heavier as he realized she wouldn't even know what hit her. She was oblivious to his intentions, as always, and was fussing with her hair, insistent that she looks her best. She never had to change much, she was always the prettiest in the room, clearly, but still she tried.
"So, Master had nothing to say then? Was he really as pretty as those demons said in that new form? How'd he wear his hair?" Daki asked as she fixed her hair up, struggling with a few strands. Usually, this would be when Gyutaro intervened and tried to help. This would be when his fingers wrapped around hair, not weapons. She'd laugh at his poor handiwork, but she wouldn't fix it, and then would repay the favor by braiding some of Gyutaro's hair and promising to fetch him the best meal. The prettiest and worst type of asshole who would scream the sweetest. She knew what he liked.
Gyutaro tried to make himself do it. He tried to lunge forward and decapitate Daki. Tried to tell himself that it was for the best. He would drag her to the courtyard and tie her down, pin her with his scythes. She would never forgive him, but Muzan would be happy, and he would live...
He would live without her.
It struck him like a lightning bolt. He had no purpose without his sister. She was all he had left, she was all he had ever had. Thinking of her dying reminded him of cold nights, with Daki's soft hands nursing painful wounds. Her beautiful face pulled up in a smile as she stared at him. Her face a mess of charcoal and embers when he found her in a ditch... His Daki, burned alive and barely breathing for taking out a samurai's eye because the man had insulted Gyutaro. Everything she'd done in life she did for Gyutaro. Everything she risked in life she'd done for him. He'd nearly watched her die once to the fire. Not again. Never again!
Daki was taken by surprise when her brother suddenly hugged her from behind.
"Gyutaro, what's wrong?" she asked, tilting her head as she looked back at him. She didn't even glance at the scythes in Gyutaro's hands. She was so stupid. So trusting! Stupid! Stupid! He didn't deserve her! She trusted him too much! What an idiot! "You're going to mess up my hair!" she cried.
He squeezed her and hissed in her ear, "We have to run."
This was it. He was betraying Muzan. He was going to die.
From afar, Muzan hissed. He had spoken too soon, the boy didn't have a strong enough constitution.
Gyutaro was betraying him.
He immediately willed the boy back. He looked through his eyes and imagined pulling both of those brats close enough where he could end them himself! He imagined sinking his claws into the blood granted to those brats and pulling them all the way back to infinity fortress. Nakime strummed her biwa and Muzan waited to feel their will bend to his whim.
But the blood in the moons wouldn't obey. For a moment, all Muzan knew was panic.
Why!? Had he grown weaker - could he not pull them both - had he...
No... No, he knew that feeling. He tried to pull deeper into the siblings and felt something in their blood revolt against him; Doma's blood.
All these years later and that demon's blood still sat in Upper Six's bodies. It was still a part of Doma and it changed as he did. Whatever Doma had done to himself to resist Muzan now lay dormant in Gyutaro and Daki.
Muzan felt fear strike him pure and true.
That would mean any demon who Doma had changed would be immune to Muzan's whims. That would mean any demon Doma did turn would be immune. An army of demons could rise and Muzan would have no control... No... NO! Muzan felt his chest close around his still heart and he screamed.
"KOKUSHIBO!" he ordered and his scream resonated in the head of every demon in a fifty-mile radius.
The two fled the Red-Light District as fast as demons could, Gyutaro explaining everything. Daki's eyes were wide and once the story was over she cursed Muzan out in every filthy and vulgar way she could. It was almost impressive, how quickly her idolization of the man turned into disdain.
Had any other demon sprouted such words, Daki would've sneered and turned them into a stain but she trusted Gyutaro more than anything and if he said Muzan wanted them dead then Muzan wanted them dead.
"I can't believe him! Me!? I thought he liked me!" Daki whined.
"I don't think he likes anyone," Gyutaro hissed as they darted over the streets. Had Muzan not realized their treachery... they hadn't been dragged back yet...
"What a bastard! Me!? He wanted you to kill me! What a prick!! That's so mean! That's so wrong! I did everything he asked! I made myself prettier! I learned how to kill to make him proud! I - I did everything!"
"He thought we would join up with Doma!" Gyutaro hissed.
"Why! We were loyal!!"
"Because he's paranoid! Now shut up and run!"
"Don't snap at me you fuck! Don't be mean!"
Unfortunately, the two met with a hurdle in their escape; Kokushibo.
"Master expected your insolence," the six-eyed demon stated simply. He was growing quite tired of chasing run-away demons. "So... you must die."
The two faced him on the outskirts of the Red-Light district and watched in horror as he drew his sword. Gyutaro's mind raced and he felt his gut plunge. Not Upper One, it could only have been worse if Muzan himself showed up. Why hadn't Muzan shown up? Why hadn't they been dragged back to the infinity fortress!?
"What do we do?" Daki whined to her brother who was petrified. "Do you think that if Kokushibo's here that the bastard Muz-y can't pull us back? Do you think that was a lie too? Maybe he's not even that strong - "
"Do not speak such slander!" Kokushibo snapped.
"I'll curse out Muz-y all I want!" his brat of a sister snapped back and Gyutaro almost admired what Muzan would've called stupidity. Muzan...
As if Gyutaro knew why the hell they hadn't been dragged back kicking and scratching, it wasn't important and he really didn't care. With sickles and ribbons at the ready, the two prepared to fight. Daki was just barely trembling as her ribbons danced around her, a familiar look in her eyes that she'd learned from Muzan. Gyutaro's brow was furrowed as he rapidly created a plan to escape.
This was it... was this how they died!? Gyutaro looked between Daki and Kokushibo as a desperate sort of plan formed in his head.
"Daki," Gyutaro murmured. "Run."
Daki almost looked offended. "You run."
"Only one of us should face him at a time so that - " Gyutaro began to argue but Daki was already lunging at Kokushibo, her fears suddenly gone as she immediately understood.
"Good plan!" she cackled as she ducked under Kokushibo's first blow and struck out for his face. Her ribbons were extensions of herself that shielded her from the terrible sword blows and plunged themselves towards Upper One.
Damn it Daki, Gyutaro could've strangled her. But she'd made the decision and, trying not to feel like a coward, he ran, almost stumbling when he heard Daki scream in pain. But no... no, she would live if he lived. They could sprout from each other - that was their strength! They were not alone! They would not die!
Like a parasite, or perhaps a tumor, Gyutaro felt his back begin to bulge and, in only a moment, Daki was bursting from his spine, covered from his blood and wearing a look of fear and fury. She abandoned her earlier body and doubtlessly it was turning to ash somewhere behind them.
"He killed me so fast!" she cried as she clung to Gyutaro's shoulders and pulled the rest of herself out of him, her ribbons curling around them both to shield them.
"Then you run, get some distance. I'll be useful," Gyutaro scowled as he readied his sickles.
Daki bit her lip, but launched herself off Gyutaro's shoulders and continued to run as Gyutaro pivoted on his heel was immediately met with Kokushibo's furiously strong attack.
The sibling demons may have been the "mere" Upper Moon Six, but they had something on their side that Kokushibo did not; numbers. They were the only demon moon who were composed of two bodies, two demons, two hearts. In that way, they had an advantage. No single thing could kill them if they were separated. As long as one lived, both would...
And to think, Gyutaro mulled scornfully, that Muzan dared call this connection weak.
As one sibling faced Kokushibo, the other fled. When the one facing Kokushibo was struck down, they merely sprouted from their sibling and continued running. Both had to be beheaded to permanently die and that meant that as long as one was running and one was fighting, they had a chance. Kokushibo killed them both hundreds of times over but that did not stop them.
They had always been good at running.
It came close, once.
Kokushibo's hand wrapped around Gyutaro's throat and pulled him back. A sword pinned him to the ground he slammed onto.
"Enough of these games," Kokushibo snarled. "We will stand here until the sun rises and at least one of you will die."
"You filthy bastard!" Gyutaro spat as he tried to blind the demon with a scythe attack. Kokushibo didn't even flinch. And he wouldn't. He could pin Gyutaro here for eons, he could wait and Gyutaro could not. He would die here and -
"OFF MY BROTHER, YOU FUCKER!" Daki's scream accompanied a flood of ribbons that filled Gyutaro's vision. Her vicious surprise attack sliced through Kokushibo's defense. He stumbled and Gyutaro ripped himself free of the sword and the hand that held him still.
"Daki! You idiot!" Gyutaro cried as he took off running.
"You're welcome! Stop being mean!!" she was at his side, sending her ribbons behind them at their enraged pursuer.
"He can kill us both!" Gyutaro scolded as they both jumped to avoid one of Kokushibo's attacks of terrifying proportions. Trees fell, cut cleanly, and the siblings both ran.
"Next time I'll let you roast!" Daki rolled her eyes as she leaped to the tree branches above.
So run they did.
Even when the sun peeked over the hills and they recognized death, the two siblings didn't stop fleeing. Kokushibo finally relented, recognizing that he had failed. Gyutaro and Daki were now traitors... they would likely find Doma and Akaza. Muzan would not be pleased. Kokushibo cursed his inability. He was unbeatable in a fight, but as a hunter, he seemed poorly equipped... His skill was in proper fights, not these foolish games.
And like a coward, he had to duck away from the sun. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he thought he heard a familiar chuckle of his brother, taunting him still from the afterlife.
Gyutaro and Daki finally rested right the rays of the sun threatened to brush their skin. They hunkered in a small cave, Daki in her brother's arms as she contemplated their fate. Betrayed by their own kind... where could they go?
She'd already thrown a small tantrum, cursing and damning Muzan as much as she could until her claws dug into her skin and her screams made her voice crack. Finally, she calmed down and sat next to Gyutaro... and she felt... warm...
Not like she was burning... just a gentle warmth. She wiped her eyes and looked at Gyutaro who eyed the entrance to their small cave. He'd chosen her... he chosen her over Muzan.
She hugged him. She studied his messy hair and hugged him. All that mattered was that they were together... but still... where would they go? What would they do?
"We'll find Doma," Gyutaro explained as if he read her mind. "He will care for us."
"Doma?" Daki questioned as she reached up and began picking branches out of Gyutaro's matted hair. "Why?"
"Because," Gyutaro shrugged. "He saved us once... if we're lucky, he'll do it again."
"But you heard the bastard Muzy; he's all soft now! Why can't we just go find a new place to live and eat?" she whined.
"And risk master finding and killing us? No way, we're better off with a stronger, prettier, stupider demon to take the heat off of us," Gyutaro muttered. "Even if I hate his face."
"But it's Doma," Daki sighed. "What if the rumors are true and he doesn't eat people anymore? We'll starve!"
"It doesn't make me happy," Gyutaro growled. Daki looked up at him and smiled as she played with his low-hanging bangs.
"That's right, someone's jealous of that stupid clown," she teased as she paused her playing of his hair to poke his cheek.
"Doma's a prick... and a handsome one! Just thinking about his pretty little eyes makes me want to gouge them out and eat them!"
Daki stuck her tongue out. "Then we don't go! I don't want to go anywhere if it makes you unhappy, you brat."
"You're the brat!"
"No - you!" Daki flicked Gyutaro's forehead for extra emphasis. "We don't go if you're unhappy."
"Then let's try and if he's a prick we leave," Gyutaro muttered. "We should still try. Or are you that much of an idiot?"
She puffed her cheeks and rolled her eyes as she sat up and began to braid his hair. "Fine, but if we leave we should go far. Like... far, far."
"As far as you want..." Gyutaro nodded. "We'll go to the ends of the earth."
"Together," Daki stated.
"Of course, I'm stuck with you - you're like a parasite," Gyutaro snickered.
Daki gawked in shock and slapped her brother upside the head. "If anything you're the ugly parasite, you fuck! You'll be lucky if Doma's changed or else I'm going to make your life a living hell!"
"Oh, whatever will I do?" Gyutaro asked sarcastically.
Ah, if only Doma knew the chaos that was approaching. No, he was completely oblivious to the sibling's trial. As the sun rose his now nocturnal family retired to bed. He and Akaza sat in a windowless room of an inn as Kotoha and the rowdy kids began to settle down. They heard squealing as Inosuke tickled Mirakuru and Kotoha's soft yet firm order for them to go to bed.
"What's the plan from here?" Akaza asked, his arms crossed. His eyes now too dawned the large X's through them. Neither Demon tried to hide the scars carved into them, though they could.
Doma opened one of his fans and closed it again. He repeated the motion as he pondered their predicament.
"We have no allies," Doma murmured. "He will kill us if he ever gets his hands on us and I doubt the demon slayers would be overjoyed to have us join their ranks."
Akaza scoffed at the thought. Demon Slayers. Those humans would attack before they could get a word in edgewise.
"But..." Doma continued. "He wouldn't be as eager to attack us if he thought we were working in tandem with the demon corps."
Akaza almost laughed. "That would be a wonderful idea. Hey there demon slayers, recognize me? Yes, I'm an Upper Moon, you know, one of those guys you've been trying to kill for centuries. Yes, I've eaten a bunch of you too! Man, you tasted great. How would you like to be buddies?"
"You would have to be more diplomatic for one thing. For another, I never said we'd actually be working with the demon slayer corps," Doma corrected Akaza, ignoring the demon's sarcastic tone.
"Then what do you mean?" Akaza asked in a growl.
"Kotoha and the kids would be safer among demon slayers," Doma pondered.
"They'd kill your daughter and you know it," Akaza scowled. "She's the one thing they've been fearing for years, a demon immune to the sun."
"She's not a demon," Doma hissed, his gaze darkening.
"They wouldn't care," Akaza growled. "She's the secret to his immortality, at least he thinks so. The demon slayers will come to the same conclusion and kill her to keep her out of his hands. I don't think those humans are above killing innocents to keep him mortal."
Doma stared at his fans. "Then I don't know what to do. We can't go back to him and we can't find any help."
"We don't need help," Akaza sneered. "We're not weaklings. I doubt even Kokushibo could take us both on if you were at your best."
Doma wanted to argue that he'd never be at his best.
"So you need to eat," Akaza continued darkly.
Doma's answer was solid and firm, leaving no room for question. His fan snapped shut and the demon looked to Akaza, his rainbow eyes flickering with emotion - a sight that was still strange to Akaza.
Akaza's fist came quickly, it burst through Doma's chest, ripping through tissue and bone until it protruded from Doma's back. Doma let out a shocked gasp and looked to Akaza, looking betrayed.
Akaza wore a look of indifference as he ripped his arm out of Doma's body, leaving the superior demon to lean back in his seat, holding his wound, still speechless. Damn, his blood was ruining the floor.
"The Doma I knew wouldn't have flinched at that attack," Akaza growled, flicking the blood off his arm and growling.
Doma took deep breathes, finding that the wound healed faster when he did so. "That was rather rude..." he breathed.
"You're weak. Pitifully so," Akaza explained coldly. "If you want to stand a chance, you must feed. You have the entire demon race gunning for you and your humans."
Doma held his chest and let out a shaky breath.
"I..." he began.
"Don't say you can't," Akaza sneered. "I don't care how moral you think you are. I've watched you tear young women apart like they're wings off butterflies."
Doma looked down and stayed silent. He almost saw those eyes again... those girls in the closet... never again. Never again.
"If you don't eat... you'll be slaughtered the next time Kokushibo comes for us," Akaza growled. "Where would that leave your family then?!"
The two sat in silence, Akaza tapping his foot as he watched Doma think. Finally, with one less wound in his stomach and much thought, Doma sat up.
"Akaza..." Doma sighed after a few minutes, "Do you think hell exists?"
"What the fuck does that have to do with anything?" Akaza demanded.
"Well... I always assumed that heaven and hell were imagined objects of a human's mind, due to emotion and all that. And now I have emotion... so do you think heaven and hell exist?"
"How would I know!?"
"I was just wondering..." Doma murmured.
"Oh, please, what, you're now scared of hell so you don't want to kill anyone?! Got some morality or something?" Akaza sneered.
"Oh no, it's not that," Doma assured the other demon. "I just... if it does exist, I would hate it if Kotoha tried to follow me there."
Akaza narrowed his eyes.
"Are you kidding me!?" the pale demon demanded.
"No," Doma murmured. "If there's an afterlife, no matter what it is, if it exists I want to be there with Kotoha... which means I have to find a way to redemption."
Akaza rolled his eyes at the word 'redemption'.
"You still have to kill people," Akaza sneered.
"No," Doma smiled, putting on his familiar empty smile. "I won't. I have to stay strong, at least until I've kept Kotoha, Miku, and Inosuke safe. I will do many things Akaza but I will never eat flesh again. Never again."
Akaza scoffed. The two demons again fell into silence. Doma went back to opening and closing his fan while Akaza leaned back and stared into space.
"He knows we'll keep your family safe, especially the girl. He'll send demons after us and we'll slaughter them. Our best chance would be to stay on the move, keeping up our strength and searching for a way to kill him," Akaza explained. "That's impossible with flesh. We need blood to keep us strong."
Doma nodded, thinking. "We could eat the demons he sends our way. We'll survive off the scraps of Muzan's blood in those demons. There's plenty if we look hard enough."
Akaza stuck his tongue out in disgust but didn't object. A few moments passed by before Akaza sighed and looked to Doma again.
"There's another thing we need to discuss; what are you going to do about your... humans," Akaza asked, the tone of the conversation changing.
Doma looked to Akaza, "What do you mean by that?"
Akaza rolled his eyes. "They're humans, what happened when they die?"
Doma blinked.
"What are we going to do in eighty years when they're dead and gone?" Akaza asked with a glare.
Doma thought for a moment, opening his fans slower this time.
"After they die... I find a way to retribution," Doma explained, his voice void of emotion. "Our first priority is keeping them safe and staying away from him. I want them to live. I want them to have a life, to be happy. I'd like it if they could live without fear and trouble. Once Mirakuru dies, and she will for she is human, he won't have any other reason to chase us except for the fact that we're criminals. It's then that I find out how a demon can atone for his sins."
"This again, atone? Doma... we're past atonement," Akaza scoffed.
"Perhaps," Doma murmured, staring at the floor. "But... if I can kill him... perhaps that'll count for something..."
Akaza almost laughed at that. "Well... if there is a god, I'm sure they'll appreciate it if we kill that devil."
"Perhaps," Doma shrugged.
"Dad?" a voice asked from the doorway tearing the two away from their conversation. Inosuke stood there looking at the two demons.
"Yes, Inosuke?" Doma asked sweetly, in a tone Akaza almost punched him for. It was still offsetting to hear the man all paternal-like. "What are you doing awake?"
"Mama and Miku are sleeping but I've gotta talk to you," Inosuke explained curtly.
"About what?" Doma asked.
Inosuke walked over and sat down in front of the two. "I wanna learn how to fight."
"Oh," Doma murmured.
"You guys are demons, so you're really strong. I wanna learn how to fight so I can fight demons. That way I can protect Mama and Miku."
"Inosuke... Demons are - "Doma began.
"You'll have to train to death, weakling, and it'll take years for a scrawny human like you to be a good fighter" Akaza growled. Now it was Doma's turn to almost punch Akaza, the smile didn't leave his face though (it was trying, it was very trying).
"I can do it," Inosuke grinned.
"Yeah?" Akaza sneered. "Not likely."
"Yeah!" Inosuke nodded eagerly, jumping to his feet in a challenge. "Inosuke will be the best! No one will be able to hurt me!!"
Then, Akaza laughed. It was a condescending one, but it still showed that the demon was entertained.
"I like you're fighting spirit," Akaza jeered.
"So I'll learn how to kill demons!" Inosuke asked eagerly. "I will be the best!"
Doma looked to Akaza and Akaza looked to him.
"We'll see Inosuke," was all Doma managed.
"We'll see what you have brat!" Akaza smiled wickedly. Oh... oh, Doma was going to have to kill this fucker wasn't he?
(Hello!! Alright, so I know there's a bit of interpretation when it comes to Gyutaro's and Daki's sibling abilities but I believe that, as a defense mechanism, if one of them is in immense trouble and die, their conscience can abandon their body and emerge from their sibling. This is because the two siblings are both separate and one. They can survive without the other, but they cannot die if the other doesn't.
Anyway, hope you liked it!
Who's your favorite sibling, Gyutaro or Daki? And do you think they can actually give up their diet of humans?
Also - Inosuke learning to fight? This can only go well.
Have a great day/night)
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