Chapter 8
A/N listen to this when I tell you also imagine the cliff like the one in the music video. Brett is played by Jacob Morton ;)
Update: he was previously played by Brent Rivera but I have switched him round, so if some descriptions don't match it's probably because I was describing Brent, I am trying to change the descriptions of him as best as I can :)
'Call the doctor!'
Maths is the bane of my existence. I can't stand it nor do it. I watch my maths teacher drone on about some shit I didn't understand. My thoughts waver to music as I unconsciously doodle them in a corner of my maths.
" Miss Harrington, what is the formula for figuring out trigonometry?" My head shoots up as I hear the she-devil I call my teacher glaring at me.
" I- I um, I dunno," I stutter knowing what's heading my way.
" Well, I am 100% sure you know what detention is," I inwardly grown as she gives me a satisfied, smug look "I will see you after school."
I sigh, attempting to focus for the rest of the lesson.
The bell rings 10 minutes later, I grab my bag, heading out the room to my last lesson, gym. As you can see I was not having a good day.
When I reach the girls changing rooms, I see Luna and Kelsey already half changed.
I pout, getting out my running leggings and sports crop top before changing into them and heading out to the field.
"What are we doing today?" I ask Kelsey, stretching my legs.
She groans "Cross country".
Our coach comes over to where we are standing " Alright girls, due to the fact the boys' soccer field is out of use, they will be joining you for cross country,"
Giggles and a few cheers erupt from some girls as Kelsey gives me a smirk "I guess it's not gonna be that bad for you, I mean Brett is the captain of the soccer team, plus I might find a cute player,"
I roll my eyes, a blush tainting my cheeks as Kelsey continues "You might want to work extra hard for Brett," my best friend gives me a wink as I scoff and shove her.
Before I could make a remark I felt a looming presence behind me "Hey Savannah,"
I turn to face Brett's handsome face, I give him a smile before replying "Hey Brett,"
"So cross country together huh?" he rubs the back of his neck with a sheepish smile as I nod with a smile.
"So we still on for tonight?"
I cock my head, slightly confused what he was talking about before it dawns on me,
"Oh, shit Brett, I forgot to tell you, I can't, I have a detention,"
His face falls a little, " Oh, that's ok, how about tomorrow?,"
"Yeah, text me your address."
Our coach's voice erupts through the conversations, "Right, start your laps, you have an hour!"
Me and Brett give each other a look before I pull my eyes away from him and start running. My head becomes focused on putting one foot in front of each other, determined to get this over with. I was in front, people jogging metres behind me.
I was a fast runner, if I wanted to be, but I'd rather not put myself out there after everything that's happened to me in the past two years. But in this moment, I feel like myself again.
My old determined self.
As I am lost in my thoughts, someone overtakes me, I look up and see a tall boy with brown hair.
Brett turns around and gives me a smirk.
I gasp in surprise, thrown off a little, I shake the thoughts off focusing on getting back in first place. I force more pressure into my legs causing me to gain speed, in a couple of seconds I was tailing Brett.
I push a little harder, making me overtake Brett.
I continue running but look over my shoulder "Try me bitch,"
Determination washes through his eyes as he tries to run ahead fast.
But I run faster.
I look ahead and see I only have about 100 metres left so I decide to sprint, I push my legs to the limit, breathing heavily, I pass the finish line.
Falling to the floor in exhaustion, I give a massive grin to Brett, who passes the finish line seconds after I do.
"I win, sucker," I give him a smug smile.
He pants, looking at me with a smirk " We were having a competition?"
My smile falls as I realise how childish I sound. He laughs at my expression walking closer, he gives me hand, I look at it for a second before taking it. As soon as I touched it, I felt a small spark, a spark that was barely there, but still there.
I stare at his face and I know he felt it as well, his expression changes as he leans towards me. My heart thunders as his mouth comes near my ear.
"I took it easy on you," He gives me a smirk before walking towards the changing room.
I stand there, sweaty and confused.
He sounded like...Hunter.
I stand in the door of detention with my mouth hanging open.
What the hell is he doing here?
I close my mouth thinking to myself, are you an idiot Savannah? He's basically the bad boy of the school, obviously he's gonna be in here. He looks up from doodling in his book, his crystal blue eyes holding the look of boredom...until he met my eyes.
His eyes immediately brightens as he gives me his infamous smirk," Are you here to see me princessa?"
I scoff, walking into the room, I hesitate for a moment.
Why the hell not?
I fall into the seat next to him, to his surprise "Yeah, I just couldn't stay away from your charm," I say sarcastically.
His eyes brighten before I scoff, "No you dimwit, I got a detention,"
"Ooh what scandalous thing did princesa do?"
"Well a certain maths teacher decided I wasn't paying attention today,"
He put on a face of mock pity, "Poor princesa,"
"Do I even wanna know why you're here?,"
His smirk widens "I was minding my own business in econ, when the teacher decided to give me detention, how crazy is that?!"
I nod and roll my eyes "Now tell me what you actually did,"
"You know me to well princesa, I was making out with this girl,Merissa, I think her name was,"
I scoff at his antics "You mean Melissa,"
He shrugs "If you say so Princesa,"
Several minutes pass in awkward silence, Hunter continues doodling in his book as I do some homework.
"Wanna get out of here?" I look up to see Hunter looking intensely at me.
"But the teachers not even here yet, shouldn't we wait?" I bite my lip, sounding like a goody two shoes.
"I've been here often, the teacher never comes, is this your first detention?" he looks at me, amused as a small blush creeps up onto my cheeks.
"Come on princesa, I wanna take you somewhere," I chew on the bottom of my lip meeting his eyes, they had turned into the most beautiful ocean blue which held an intense emotion which I couldn't place. I thought for a couple seconds before deciding.
"Fine but I swear to g-," before I could finish my sentence, Hunter grabs my hand making me gasp as an overwhelming electricity passes between us, I know it sounds cliché but I could feel the static travelling up my arms. I gaze up to his eyes which held my exact confusion. He probably just electric shocked me, I shake off the thought as he continues to drag me out of school.
We reach the car park and he leads me to his car.
My jaw drops open as I see the sports car with its sexy black finish "You have a freaking Lykan Hypersport? Dude these things are like 3 million dollars, how rich are you?,"
He throws a proud smirk to his sports car "So you know your cars, you impressed then?"
"This is literally the sexiest car ever, " I run my hand on the smooth paintwork. I look up and meet Hunter's stare, his eyes darkened.
"Get in then," He ushers me into the sports car, the inside of the car had leather seats, next to the steering wheel there were dozens of buttons, each having its own purpose.
Hunter starts the engine, the car begins to move at a smooth pace.
"We might be here for a while," he throws me a smirk as I frown, "Where are we going?,"
He focuses on the road as a mysterious smile comes into his face "Out of town,"
I sigh at his discretion, I turn to face out the window, knowing we'd be here a while.
"Princesa," a voice breaks me from my sleep as I mumble in tiredness.
"Go away Ryder," I snuggle deeper into the cold material.
"Fine princesa, I'm gonna tickle you in 5," I open one of my eyes, my sight fuzzy.
"4,3,2," I hear someone counting down, it wasn't Ryder.
"1," a hand connects with my sides, tickling me. I gasp springing up from the seat, creasing in laughter.
"S-stop," I laugh hysterically, I meet that handsome stupid face, I think for a minute and the previous things flood back to me. I look out the window and see we're on a cliff, the sky hung low with grey clouds, like it was about to rain.
" How long was I sleeping for?," I ask him rubbing my eyes.
"About an hour,"
I stretch "damn, where are we?,"
"One of my favourite spots, I come here to think,"
"You drive for an hour to come and think?,"
He shrugs and nods, getting out the car. I follow suite, as I step out the car, a gust of cold wind hits my face. Luckily I was wearing a hoodie today.
I gaze at my surroundings, we were on a cliff, evergreen grass layered on top.
"Come here," Hunter motions me to move forward with him. I follow behind him as I watch his slightly curly hair get tousled even more by the wind.
Hunter suddenly stops at the edge, I walk next to him and gasp at the sight. We were on the edge of a cliff overlooking crashing waves below. The water was stormy and grey, it held a certain sense of mystery which made it breathtaking.
"It's beautiful," I say looking at Hunter's smiling face, which was gazing down at the sea. My heart flutters as I see a real smile on Hunter's face. A smile of happiness, clearly this place meant alot to him.
I look back at the sea "Do you know what this reminds me of?,"
Hunter faces to look at me "What?"
"The music video of 'Theres nothing holding me back,' by Shawn Mendes," I reply with a massive grin as Hunter groans, " You like his music I'm guessing?"
"I love all of his songs, he puts so much emotion into them, you know?" I watch Hunter as he nods.
He looks deep in thought for a moment " Wait here, let me go get something,"
"You're not gonna kill me, are you?" I ask with an uneasy laugh. He winks and walks towards his car as I scoff.
I look back at the crashing waves,which at the horizon met the rolling clouds. Suddenly, I hear guitar chords beginning to play, I whip around to see Hunter with bluetooth speakers by his foot and him holding a guitar. He continues playing the chords as 'There's nothing holding me back' begins playing.
My heart skips several beats as his husky voice tore through the wind.
A/N you can start listening to it now if you haven't already
I wanna follow where she goes
I think about her and she knows it
I wanna let her take control
'Cause every time that she gets close, yeah
My breath catches in my throat as my heart starts feeling unexplainable emotions, he begins strumming his guitar harder as it reaches the chorus.
She pulls me in enough to keep me guessing, mmm
And maybe I should stop and start confessing
Confessing, yeah
Oh, I've been shaking
I love it when you go crazy
You take all my inhibitions
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back
I bite back a gasp, the way his voice goes rough is so sexy, even though I hate thinking it.
You take me places that tear up my reputation
Manipulate my decisions
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back
There's nothing holdin' me back
There's nothing holdin' me back
She says that she's never afraid
Just picture everybody naked
He gives a small smirk and wink after he says the line making me roll my eyes and laugh.
She really doesn't like to wait
Not really into hesitation
Pulls me in enough to keep me guessing, whoa
And maybe I should stop and start confessing
Confessing, yeah
His voice was beautiful, and I'm curious how both of ours would sound together. I wait for the chorus as I start singing as well.
Oh, I've been shaking
Hunter gives me a shocked look but covers it with one of his rare smiles.
I love it when you go crazy
You take all my inhibitions
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back
You take me places that tear up my reputation
Manipulate my decisions
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back
There's nothing holdin' me back
I stop singing letting Hunter finish the song.
'Cause if we lost our minds
And we took it way too far
I know we'd be alright,
Know we would be alright
If you were by my side
And we stumbled in the dark
I know we'd be alright,
I know we would be alright
'Cause if we lost our minds
And we took it way too far
I know we'd be alright,
I know we would be alright
If you were by my side
And we stumbled in the dark
I know we'd be alright,
We would be alright
Oh, I've been shaking
I love it when you go crazy
You take all my inhibitions
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back
You take me places that tear up my reputation
Manipulate my decisions
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back
There's nothing holdin' me back
I feel so free
When you're with me,
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back
As he finishes singing, his face breaks into a massive grin and he laughs happily, his face brightening, making my heart leap. Without thinking, I laugh grabbing his shoulders and giving him a hug. He freezes for a moment, as I think about what stupid thing I just did, he returns the hug by wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer, causing sparks to erupt between us, again.
Savannah, pull away why are you hugging him?
A voice in the back of my head screams. I frown pulling, away a little, I look up into his dazzling ocean eyes, my heart thundering on my ribcage. He gives me a confused face, like he was trying to read me. I suddenly become aware of how close we are, I could smell his peppermint breath. He begins leaning down a little.
Before I could react, small, cold droplets splash on my nose, causing Hunter to let go of my waist as I step back. I look up at the sky, it had become a dark shade of grey, threatening to rain.
"Let's get back," Hunter breaks the silence walking to the car.
How can he just act like nothing happened?
I ignore the thoughts as I follow him.
As I get into the car, Hunter starts the engine, an awkward tension passing between us.
He looks at me with his stupid smirk which had returned, "Our voices sound good together princesa,"
I give him a tight smile, a little hurt that he could just act so carefree after that.
Stop it Savannah, it didn't mean anything, it was just a hug between two friends
We drive back in silence, the only noise is the static radio playing unknown classics.
"I've got one more place to take you princesa," He gives me a smile as he pulls into a carpark of a diner.
"I usually come here after I visit the cliff," He says leading me into the diner. A waft of burgers hit me as I secretly moan from the need of food.
We get a booth in the back as a middle aged waitress comes to take our order.
Her eyes twinkle as she sees Hunter and a smile erupts on her face, "Hunter, you haven't been here in ages, good to see you boy," her gaze follows to me "you finally got yourself a girlfriend then?"
I blush at the comment as Hunter replies with a sheepish smile, "Good to see you Dolly, and no, this is just a friend,"
"They all say that at the beginning but it always ends up the way I say in the end," she give a sigh and takes our order.
After Dolly brings our food, we converse about everything and nothing until I squeal.
"Oh my god! It's 'what makes you beautiful' by 1D!"
Hunter groans "How can you even like them they are absolutely shit,"
"Shhh, don't hurt my babies," I pout and continue eating. The song continues, I look up to see Hunter's mouth moving.
"You know the lyrics!" I call him out for singing it. He chuckles while rolling his eyes.
A little while later, we were back in the car, nearly home, in silence, again.
A new noise emerges as Hunter's phone starts ringing, he answers it "Hello? What? Ok fine I'll be there in 5,"
Hunter gives me a apologetic look "I'm sorry, can I drop you off here? I need to go help a friend"
I give a small nod " Yeah sure" It was only a road away from my house so I open the door of his car. Before I could close the door, a hand grabs mine. A small spark passes for the millionth time as I look back at Hunter with a frown, "I hope me and you can be friends, Savannah,"
I give him a smile and eager nod "Sure, see you round Hunter,"
He flashes me a smile before driving off.
Wait a minute
I frown.
Did he just call me Savannah?
As in my own name?
I quickly whip around looking behind me seeing that he was just about to turn a corner. He looks at me and flashes me a smirk and wave. I scoff and smile.
Sanchez you got me,
this time.
The house was empty, so I head up to my room. Kicking off my shoes, I try and work on some new lyrics for a song. I bite my lip, frustrated. I've been here for nearly an hour and I still had nothing. I slam my hand on the table, causing a picture to fall off the table.
My favourite picture.
I pick up the picture, tenderly, turning it round and looking at it.
It was a picture of the day I was born, with me in the arms of the only man I loved, my Dad. Tears begin forming in my eyes as I stare at the picture with sadness.
I miss him so much.
I run my fingers around the edge of the photo frame, he looked just like Ryder and I, everyone would say so. I had his eyes and his passion for music, he was there when I learnt to play my first instrument, sing my first song. But now he's gone, torn out my life. I didn't have him long enough, long enough to see me grow into who I am today. He left my whole family with a void.
And it was all because of me.
I sob as the memories of that night flood back, pain filling my head as I drop to the floor, my head in my knees. I hear someone enter the room, but I continue sobbing.
"Shhh, baby it's ok, shhh," my Mom wraps her hands around my body, hugging me close.
"I'm so sorry Mom, it was all my fault, I-I," I continue sobbing.
"Baby you know it wasn't your fault, these things happen, never blame yourself," my Mom rocks me gently, laying my head on her lap.
"Go to sleep my love," my Mom whispers. I hiccup and sniff a bit, my sobs getting quieter.
I didn't know how I fell asleep or when, but I still felt the pain.
I wake up with a jolt, sweat streaming down my face. I turn my head to the side
Shit. I missed school. Before I could start panicking, my Mom enters the room with a tray.
"Morning sweetie, don't worry I called in sick for you at school," she smiles brightly setting the tray down on my lap.
I yawn "Thanks Mom,"
"Eat your breakfast, I need to get to work, I'll call you every hour but I think Ryder and Avery will be back soon from house hunting,"
I smile as my Mom kisses my forehead before leaving the room. I grab my phone scrolling through the texts I have received. I had one from Josh and Kelsey asking me if I was ok. I scrolled further down to see that Brett had texted me as well,
hey S, we still on for tonight?
I think about it before replying,
sorry brett, i'm not feeling to good today, can we do tmrw? :(
I nearly put my phone down before I realise I had a text from Hunter as well.
hey princesa, noticed u weren't in school today, u good?
i'm fine just feel a bit ill.
I eat breakfast while scrolling through Instagram. Deciding to finally get up, I head downstairs. My mom had already left so I head to sofa to have a Netflix and chill day, before you dirty minded people start taking it the wrong way, not like that. I switch on the t.v and click on teen wolf.
Currently, I have binge watched the first season of teen wolf and I'm surrounded by various different junk food. I hear the doorbell ring, sighing I put my cookie dough Ben and Jerry's ice cream down "I'll be back my love,"
I look at the pot one more time I groan as I grab it "I can't leave you, I'm sorry,"
I carry the pot of ice cream to tone door, answering it.
"BONITA!!! You're alive!," Valentino grabs me into one of his bear hugs "And you have Ben and Jerry's ice cream!!!," he grabs the tub out of my hand and takes a massive scoop out of the tub and into his mouth.
I stood there shocked. He just touched my baby.
I pout as I look behind Valentino to see Emilio and Ivan "Why are you guys not in school?,"
"We got suspended the other day for vandalising the principal's office," Ivan smirks as he enters the house along with the other two boys.
"We bought you loads of ice cream and our company of coarse," Emilio says holding up a bag filled with every flavour imaginable of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. God I love these boys.
"Don't forget the alcohol," Ivan adds as I wrinkle my nose in disgust.
"Come on Netflix is awaiting!," Valentino shouts from the living room.
Emilio takes the end of the sofa whilst I lean against Valentino, my legs across Ivan.
"Oooo you're watching teen wolf!," Valentino says with excitement as I squeal, we discuss everything about teen wolf whilst Ivana no Emilio sat there looking bored.
Several hours pass, when Emilio decides to get the alcohol out.
"Anyone wants a beer?," Emilio asks as Ivan gestures for one. The three boys all sit there drinking beer as I watch in disgust.
"How can you drink that vile substance,"
"It numbs the pain and all that shit," Ivan shrugs.
I bite my lip as Emilio continues "come on S, have one, it's not gonna hurt you,"
"Well it will in the morning," Valentino rolls his eyes.
"Savannah, I dare you to chug a can of beer, unless you're a pussy," Ivan smirks.
Did he just imply I'm a pussy.
"Fine. Emilio give me a can," Emilio tosses me a can as I crack the top open. I bring it to my lips, the bitter smell filling my nose yet I resist the urge to gag. I take a swig as it burns down my throats causing me to cough.
"Savannah you don't have to do it," Valentino begins as I shake my head bringing it back to my lips. I take a breath before chugging the rest of the can down.
"Whooo, I did it," I slur with a giggle my head going fuzzy.
"Good one Ivan you got her drunk," I giggle as I see pink kittens fly around the room.
"I wanna fly like you guys," I try and catch the imaginary kittens.
"This is too funny," Ivan grabs his phone out his pocket recording me, clearly to put on my story but all I care about right now is to fly with those pink kittens.
"Wait for me you guys," I chase after one of the kittens.
"Right um, give her hot water, that's what sobers them up right?," Emilio questions the guys as they nod quickly.
"Come on Bonita, lets go get you a drink," Valentino grabs my hand, " But I want to flyyy," I whine.
"I promise you I will take you flying when you're sober and you will regret it for the rest of your life," Valentino mutters as he sits me down on a chair. He begins filling the jug up with water as I giggle.
Valentino turns the kettle on as it starts heating.
"Noo, the kettle has a temperature, feel how hot it is!," I gasp in surprise running out into the living room.
"Call the doctor!," I scream.
Emilio and Ivan jump up "Wait is Valentino hurt?" Emilio asks in panic.
"Noooo, the kettle has a temperature!," both boys flop back down and Valentino comes into the room.
"We need to sober her up before her Mom, worse brother comes back," Ivan gulps.
Valentino forcefully makes me drink the warm water as I sit down.
I continue talking nonsense as the door opens.
"Hey Savannah, Mom told me you were ill how you fee-," Ryder stops talking as he sees the boys.
"What are you three doing here?," Ryder asks with a frown.
"Um we were er, looking after her," Emilio stutters.
"No they weren't! The pink kittens were teaching me how to flyyy," I giggle as Ryder's face turns from confusion to fury.
"YOU GOT MY SISTER DRUNK?!," he shouts as Avery runs into the room.
"What's happening?," she asks as Ryder continues shouting "THESE IDIOTS GOT MY BABY SISTER DRUNK!,"
"It was just a dare," Emilio says in a small voice.
"And who's idea was this dare?," Ryder hisses. Emilio and Valentino immediately point at Ivan as he gulps with an uneasy smile.
"I KNEW IT! YOU AND YOUR COMMENTS! NOW YOU GOT MY SISTER DRUNK OFF HER ASS! YOU ARE DEAD!," Ryder goes to grab Ivan but he narrowly misses as Ivan reacts running for his life.
"HEEEELLLLP," he screams running outside, Ryder following suite.
"What's going on?," Liam enters with Serena behind him.
"There are flying kittens and they are teaching me how to fly!," I giggle.
"I don't know if this is just normal Savannah or if she's drunk or high," Serena mutters.
"Still, it's hilarious," Liam grabs his phone filming me.
"Liam, put your phone away and don't you even dare think about making fun of your sister," a loud voice erupts from behind them as my Mama arrives on the scene.
"Mama Bear! There are flying kittens!," I giggle hugging my Mom.
"Are there now," she says her voice laced with amusement.
"Your not angry?," Emilio asks my Mom.
"I went through this with Ryder, this is nothing," she laughs.
Ryder and Ivan return through the door, Ivan looking a bit roughed up, my Mom shakes her head "You boys it's late you might as well stay over"
The boys smile at my Mom, thanking her.
"This one," he motions at Ivan, " Is going nowhere near my sisters,"
"Valentino can share with Savannah and those two can take the spare room," Mom finalises.
"Yay Valentino!,"'I giggle hugging him.
"It's gonna be a loooong night," Valentino sighs.
And he was right, it is gonna be a long night
A throbbing pain pounds my head as I sit up groaning. I throw my feet of my bed, as I step out, my feet step on someone causing them to jump up in pain.
"Owwwww," Valentino moans his blonde hair sticking out crazily.
"Valentino what the hell are you doing in my house, in my room, on my floor?," I question him confused.
"Do you not remember yesterday, you got drunk etc etc.," he mumbles rubbing his eyes.
Flashes of yesterday comes back as I groan "Shiiiiit,"
"How had was I?," I ask.
"Ummm pretty bad?," He replies.
I groan again picking up my phone and going on snapchat I had a snap from Brett.
I thought you were Ill, guess not, guess u just wanted to ditch me and get drunk
I look at Ivan's snapchat story which he forwarded to me, it was a video of me attempting to fly.
Brett I was Ill, those 3 came to keep me company and dared me to drink beer and I ended up getting drunk, I'm sorry I didn't ditch you, promise x
I put a kiss at the end hoping it will soften things a little.
Oh ok, sorry, wanna do tonight then?xx
I promise, definitely tnite x
Better be at my door at 5 sharp ;) xx
I'll bring the notes x
See ya love xxx
I smile at his kisses and how he always put more than me. I follow into the next snap which was from Hunter, also forwarding Ivan's story (I'm gonna kill him later).
You guys had a party without me, damn I wanted to see drunk u ;(
Haha, funny, not
Seemed like you were really enjoying it tho
Nope I woke up with a hangover and I'm pretty sure Ryder kicked Ivan's ass
I put my phone down heading towards the bathroom before I stop, hearing muffled voices from Serena's room. I step closer, trying to hear what was happening.
"I'm sorry ok? I've regretted it the moment it happened please Serena," I hear a male voice which I identify as Emilio.
"No, y-you ruined me, I was dead inside, I couldn't tell my own twin because of you," I hear my twin sob making my insides hurt, I hated seeing my sister cry, I guess twins can feel each other's pain.
Not being able to take it anymore, I open the door
"What's going on?."
Hey guys,
So this chapter was extraaa long so hope you enjoyed. Anyways, has ppl seen Shawns tour dates!!! Got me excited!!! And Shawn and hailed at Met gala, what are ppls opinions on that? Comment below I'd like to see!
Proofread by: thirisak16
Word count: 5254
Luv Tarryyy X 🥂
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