It was midnight, one month until Sophie's due date when he received the call. Sophie was in labor and Simon was coming to pick him up. When he heard the words, having just woken up, he considered it a dream. Upon realizing it was real, he shot out of bed, panic and adrenaline rushing through him.
Nathan was quick to get dressed, shoving on jeans, a shirt and a hoodie. After sliding on his converse and grabbing his phone from his bedside table; he left, just remembering to lock the door, as he rushed out of the apartment building.
The second Simon's truck pulled up, he raced in. Dread filled his stomach when he saw the fear on the older man's face.
"How is she!" Nathan demanded, his fear obvious in his tone.
"In pain, there is no sign of this being an easy birth. She wants you," Simon informed, regretting his first statement as Nathan's worsening fear was obvious in the teen's face.
"She'll be fine," Simon reassured.
"But the midwife said this was the highest chance of a miscarriage. What is something goes wrong and I lose them both?" Nathan's voice rose as he put his head in his hands.
"Nathan, listen to me. Nothing is going to happen, okay? Panicking won't do anyone any good."
"Okay. No panicking yet. I can do that," Nathan mumbled, more to himself than Simon.
The rest of the car ride was hell for the teen. No matter how many times he told himself to calm down, that nothing was going to go wrong, the young man didn't stop panicking for a minute.
When they arrived at the hospital, nurses took both men to the hallway outside Sophie's room, her heart-wrenching screams only increasing Nathan's worries.
"Why can't I go in!?" Nathan shouted at the nurse, his heart beating fast.
"I'm sorry, but birth has already begun. You will be allowed in the second the baby is born." The nurse gave Nathan a look that was a mix of sympathy and pity. Nathan fought hard not to glare at the woman.
"Okay, we understand. Thank you," Simon spoke before Nathan ha the chance.
"I understand you're annoyed, but we can't change anything. It's the rules. Everything will be fine, I promise. "
Nathan just nodded, trying to ignore Sophie's agonised screams.
Three agonising hours later, the same nurse as earlier approached, a smile giving away Sophie's condition.
"Both mother and baby are going great. I'll take you to see them." At those words, a smile echoed its self on Nathan's face.
That smile got wider when Nathan saw his girlfriend lying in bed, holding a screaming bundle in her arms.
Upon hearing footsteps, Sophie looked up. Abandoning her quest to calming their baby, she gestured for Nathan to stand beside her.
"You have a son," Sophie said, passing their boy to Nathan, who had a look of awe on his face.
Their boy calmed and snuggled into his father's arms.
"Hello little one," Nathan cooed, rocking the boy.
"What's his name?" Simon asked, smiling at the teens.
"How about Dylan?" Sophie questioned, as Nathan handed his sleeping son to Alissa.
"I love it," Nathan smiled, kissing his girlfriend.
"He has your eyes, sweetheart." Alyssa smiled, handing Dylan over to his grandfather.
"I know! I can't believe he's mine," Sophie mumbled as silent tears fell down her cheeks.
"I hope they are happy tears," Alyssa spoke, smiling at her daughter as Simon handed Dylan back to Nathan.
Dylan's hard day resulted in him falling asleep in his father's arms, his little fist clasped around Nathan's finger.
Nathan placed Dylan in the cot beside Sophie's hospital bed, while Sophie and Alysa discussed what Sophie will have to do when they get home. Simon had left to get Alyssa and Nathan some coffee.
"Hello-" The doctor began after he opened the door and smiled at the family. "Before we begin, I would like to say congratulations. I am going to go some checks on you and your b baby. If you wouldn't mind, I prefer to do this in private. Considering your underage, you can have one parent or guardian remain with you," the doctor announced, looking at Sophie.
"I'll stay. Simon. How about you and Nathan get some food? We'll be alright," Alyssa questioned, gesturing towards the teenager, whose eyes never left Dylan's fragile body.
"Sure. Come on, kid."
Simon's hand on his shoulder snapped Nathan out of his thoughts. When he realised what was happening, he turned and glared at the doctor.
"No! I won't leave him!" Nathan refused, shoving Simon's hand off his shoulder.
"I'm sorry, but you don't have a choice. I promise nothing will happen," the doctor smiled at the boy. It wasn't the first time someone had snapped at her.
"Come on, Nathan," Simon ordered, grabbing the boy's shoulder and forcing him to leave the room, ignoring the teen's protests.
The horrible hospital food mixed with his lack of appetite left Nathan staring into space, his tuna sandwich being forgotten.
"Come on, Nathan. You need to eat," Simon pushed, understanding the teen's worries.
"I'm not hungry," Nathan protested. But sighed when Simon gave him a look that Nathan recognised as 'do as I say'. Giving in, the new father opened his sandwich and took a bite.
Considering it was only 4 am, it surprised Nathan at how busy the cafe was. Over half of the chairs were filled with anxious family members.
Nathan was halfway through his sandwich when Simon's phone rang.
"It's Samantha." Simon stood up as he answered his phone, leading to a more quiet place.
Nathan had finished his sandwich and had sipped his Coke when Simon came back. Nodding in approval at the empty packet.
"Is Sam okay?" Nathan questioned.
"Yes, she's worried, and I told her she can meet Dylan after school. I didn't tell her anything though."
"Is she home alone?"
"No, my sister is with her. I doubt she's able to sleep."
Nathan nodded before taking another drink, his mind preoccupied with thoughts about his and Dylan's future.
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