Nathan probably only had around four hours of sleep that night. Tossing and turning for hours on end. The fear of an uncertain future hanging over his head was nothing new to Nathan This time it was worse than usual. Nathan knew it wasn't just his life that will change.
Nathan had just made his coffee when he heard his ringtone. Still half asleep, he didn't bother checking the caller id, he accepted the call.
"Hello?" Nathan questioned, his eyes heavy.
"Hey Nate, you didn't come over yesterday," a woman's voice filled the room.
"I know Scar, Sophie came over and she told me something." Nathan drank his coffee in one go, still not feeling awake.
"What did she say?"
"Can you come over? It'll be easier to explain face to face."
"Sure. I'll be there in 20."
"Okay, see you." Nathan hung up and took his coffee cup to the sink; before cooking some eggs and bacon and putting bread in the toaster. Although it was closer to lunch, Nathan couldn't be bothered to cook.
Nathan was halfway through his breakfast when Scarlett came into the kitchen. She instantly headed towards the fridge and got a bottle of coke out.
"Haven't even been here two minutes and you're already raiding my fridge," Nathan commented, smiling at his best friend.
"Whatever-" Scarlett rolled her eyes and slipped into the seat opposite Nathan. "So trouble in paradise?"
Nathan shook his head "No, well... I don't know. Erm, Soph came over last night. She told me she's pregnant."
"She's what? How? I thought she was on the pill? That's what you told me." Scarlett's eyes became wide.
"That's what she told me. It came out last night, she forgot apparently."
"How do you forget? Hang on a minute, so you're going to be a father?"
"Yes. My girlfriend is pregnant with my child. Well done." Nathan rolled his eyes jokingly and burst out into laughter when Scarlett hit his shoulder.
"Shut up!"
"Adoption! How could she say that with a straight face? How dare she suggest that! After everything you've been through... she had the nerve to say that!"
Nathan stood up and put his empty plate in the sink, trying to form his plan for the day in his head. He knew Sophie wanted him to be with her. He also needed to clean his apartment and go food shopping. Nathan hadn't had a call from his boss asking him to come in, but he didn't doubt the older man would when it got busy later in the night, alongside all of that, he had to find time to finish his essay that's due in two days.
"So what's your plan for today?" Nathan asked, hoping to get Scarlett to help him with his chores.
"Nothing, everyone's busy. Are you alright with me staying here?"
"Sure, but you have to help me with my chores."
"I thought you have a paper to finish?"
"I do and probably work tonight, I know I have a shift tomorrow and I have to finish it by Monday."
"Have you nearly finished it?" Scarlett questioned, going into Nathan's cupboard and getting out the cleaning supplies and a cloth and began spraying the counters.
"I'll do the cleaning, you focus on the essay." Scar smiled and pushed Nathan slightly towards his room.
"Alright, I'm going!-" Nathan held up his hands in fake surrender. "Thanks Scar."
"Anytime," Scarlett replied, smiling at her longest friend.
It was 3 pm by the time Nathan had finished the essay. Nathan smiled at his time. Just four hours, Nathan was sure it was his personal best.
Scarlett had finished the cleaning and had just set another load of laundry off.
"Thanks, Scar," Nathan mumbled, rubbing his eyes.
"You'd do it for me. You would have been on for hours doing all that. You have enough to worry about."
"I know." Nathan sat down after Scarlett declined his offer for taking over the ironing.
"What would I do without you?" Nathan questioned, a smirk on his face.
"I know you would be dead."
"Me? Who saved you from that foster brother?"
"Yea and got us both kicked out. I'm just thankful I got your number."
"They were horrible anyway. It just sucked that we weren't placed together again."
"I know." At this point the ironing lay forgotten as Scarlett stayed lost in her memories.
"You got lucky, though. I was sure neither of us would get adopted."
"So was I. You know you're welcome anytime, right? My parents would love to see you again."
"I might take you up on that offer on Monday. I have nothing to do. Are you hungry?" Nathan asked, beginning to walk towards the kitchen.
"I could eat. What are you making?" Scarlett hurried to get the ironing done, not wanting to leave Nathan with it later.
"Nothing, by the looks of things. I have nothing edible in," Nathan mumbled, just loud enough for Scarlett to hear.
"Okay, why don't we go out?" Scarlett suggested.
Nathan took his phone from his pocket and checked his bank. After paying his bills and his new clothing and the weekly food shop and placing £50 in savings.
"I have £100. I don't know if I want to spend it."
"Don't be stupid! I'll pay, idiot." Scarlett smirked.
"Okay, I'll get my jacket." Nathan walked towards his bedroom and grabbed his jacket off his desk chair and slipped his phone in his pocket, before grabbing his keys and meeting Scar at the door.
Scarlett wasn't kidding when she said she was going to pay. Despite the restaurant being a fifteen minutes walking distance, Scarlett insisted on getting a taxi.
Their meal only lasted an hour, with Nathan unsure when Sophie would build up the nerve to tell her parents, and Scarlett's parents calling and saying she had to pick her sister up from her friends.
Nathan was sitting at his desk, rereading his essay. The task seemed easy: 'use the image, write and create the beginning two chapters of a novel.' Nathan found being forced to reference something made writing a lot harder, making him rush the project.
Nathan was supposed to spend half an hour editing the punctuation that turned into him, rewriting the end of the project. He was close to rewriting the entire plot, but he decided against it, certain he wouldn't have the time.
It was 7pm when he got the call. Sophie invited him for dinner in half an hour. Knowing the occasion, he changed his clothing, unplugged his phone and grabbed his keys.
By the time Nathan got there, it was half seven. He knocked on the door, before zipping and unzipping his jacket, to calm his nerves.
Sophie answered the door, smiling as Nathan pulled her into a sweet kiss.
"You ready," Nathan whispered into ear after kissing her cheek.
Sophie just nodded and led Nathan deeper into her house.
"It's great to see you again, Nathan." Sophie's mother smiled, drawing the boy into a hug.
"It's good to see you too, ma'ma," Nathan answered before shaking Simon's hand.
"Where's Sam?" Nathan questioned, looking around for the teenage girl.
"I'm our room. She isn't coming down," Sophie answered, smiling at Nathan.
"So Nathan, how's collage?" Simon asked, taking another bite of his steak.
"Good Sir, it's a lot harder than I thought, but I enjoy it."
"That's good to hear. Stick in and you'll be fine." Alisa added.
"You don't say this to me mom!" Sophie complained, glaring at her mother.
"Sophie! What has gotten into you! You have been this way for months!"
Sophie's eyes instantly filled with tears that shocked her parents.
"Shh Soph, it's okay," Nathan mumbled, leading his girlfriend away from the table. Nathan brought Sophie in his arms and kissed her head. This continued for five minutes before the girl calmed down.
"I can't do it anymore," Sophie sobbed.
"Do you want to tell them now?" Nathan questioned, mumbling it, ensuring her parents couldn't here.
Sophie nodded and dried her eyes as she calmed down.
"Mum, Dad, we need to talk," Sophie announced, just loud enough for them to hear.
They nodded and walked towards the attacked lounge, with the couple following them.
"What's going on?" Alisa asked.
Sophie instantly lost her confidence and buried her head into Nathan's jacket.
"It's okay, you can do this." Nathan caressed his girlfriend's hair.
"I'm pregnant," Sophie mumbled.
Her parents' face instantly went to one of shock, which then began a mix of anger and disappointment.
"Your're pregnant!" Simon shouted, fury in his voice.
"Is it yours?" Alisa questioned a lot calmer than her husband, although the look in her eyes told a different story.
"Yes ma'am," Nathan replied, not breaking eye contact with the woman in front of him.
Alisa sighed and rubbed her eyes. While Simon was still fuming with anger.
Nathan wasn't sure how he planned this going, the only positive was he hadn't been kicked out yet.
"How far along are you?" Alisa questioned, causing Sophie to freeze and her eyes snap to Nathan.
"Sophie! Answer your mother!" Simon snapped, glaring at his daughter.
"She's ten weeks," Nathan supplied, not once taking his eyes off Simon.
"Ten weeks! Are you kidding me?! When did you find out?!" Simon questioned, glaring at Nathan.
"Just yesterday."
"Sophie-" Alisa began, causing the girl to lift her head and look at her mother. "You waited over two months to tell someone. I just thought you were gaining weight. You didn't even tell us you were having sex! I can't believe you." Alissa glared at her daughter.
"Your mother is right! You knew for two months and said nothing. You both need to think about this. This isn't a game. In seven months you are going to be parents. We're not happy with you. Ether of you! But It's done. There is nothing we can do about it. Just know, we'll always be here for you." Simon smiled at his daughter, however that look instantly became a stern glare when he looked at Nathan.
"Nathan, a word?" Nathan recognised that tone, he knew it wasn't a question.
"Yes, sir."
Nathan's throat tightened as he followed the elder man. He led the teen into the kitchen and ordered to shut the door.
"Before I start, I'm not happy with you. But you know that. Whether I like it, you got my daughter pregnant. I don't care about how this will affect you or your plans. If you think for a second you walk out when it gets hard, we're going to have a problem. Now you know the options, I highly doubt you want to put this child up for adoption-"
"I'm not killing or abandoning my child!" Nathan interrupted as he glared at the older man.
"I understand that. But this isn't about you, and it isn't about Sophie anymore. It's about your child. I will not tell you or Sophie what to do. It's your choice. If you both are committed to raising this child, then do." Simon sighed.
"Do you think she will? Leave us?" Nathan bit his lip once again.
"Honestly, I don't know. That's why we always wanted her to tell me when she started having sex. At least then we could remind her to take the pill or use condoms. Which is what you should have done," Simon reminded.
"I know," Nathan mumbled.
"I understand why you thought you didn't need it. Even if someone says they are taking something, sometimes it's best not to take their word for it. Yes?"
"Yes Sir, I know."
"I understand you do, Kid. I'm just reminding you," Simon replied, patting the teenager's back.
"We should probably get back to the girls."
Nathan nodded and followed the older man back into the kitchen. When they walked in, they found Alissa cradling her daughter in her arms. The younger girl's sobs had completely gone.
The second Simon entered the room, Sophie stood and raced into her father's embrace.
"I'm sorry, Daddy," Sophie apologized; her father's shirt muffled her voice.
"It's okay. I'm still annoyed, mind you. But It's done."
Sophie nodded and kissed Nathan, grabbing his hand and forcing him to sit beside her.
It was half 11 when Nathan got ready to leave. Thankfully, Simon had offered to take the teenager home, not liking him walking alone at these times.
Sighing to himself, Nathan decided to just get changed into a shirt and pajama pants before getting into bed. Because of Scarlett helping him with the chores, he had nothing to do. Unlike the past night, sleep came easily to the teen.
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