"I told you not to drink," she shrugged.
"Fuck off," he mumbled, laying his head on her lap.
"And now you're hungover."
"No shit, sherlock," he gibed, sighing in relief when she started playing with his mop of brown hair.
"I won't help you if you keep being mean," she said, massaging the top of his head gently, having been in this situation too many times.
He was quick to shush her," You're being too loud."
She quietly laughed, and continued to talk quietly with him and play with his hair, slightly tugging it when he said something rude.
Her hand wrapped around his wrist, pulling him into the great hall for lunch. He squinted and groaned at the bright light.
Selena chuckled, rolled her eyes, reached into her pocket and handed him a pair of muggle sunglasses she had gotten from a random ravenclaw boy.
"Thank Merlin," he sighed as he slipped them on his face. The two sat down at the Slytherin table per usual.
They were mainly quiet while eating, Selena deep in thought and Callum was shoveling food in his mouth.
"Hey, Selena," a tentative voice sounded behind her.
She straightened up and turned her head behind her, a confused expression filling her face at the redhead standing there.
"Um-" Ginny smiled, "Could I sit?"
"Oh- uh yeah sure," Selena scooted over, ignoring the complexed looks a very delirious Callum was sending her.
"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come practice Quidditch with me this afternoon? Fred and George will be there, I think Ron and Harry too."
"Oh- I," she bit her lip hesitantly, "Um- yeah, sure. I'd love to."
"Awesome! Thank you! Callum can come too, of course."
Callum nodded his head, digging into Selena's shoulder and groaning, "Save me."
Ginny laughed, "Is he okay?"
"No, I'm not," he mumbled.
"He's hungover. It happens pretty easy," the blonde girl shrugged.
"If you move your damn shoulder one more time, I'm gonna hit you," he threatened.
"Are you, though?"
"No, but I'll be really fucking mad at you."
"Ouch Callum, I don't think I could handle that."
Ginny laughed at their bickering, "I need to head back to the Gryfinndor table, I'll see you later, yeah?"
Selena pursed her lips and nodded, "Yeah."
"Can I be the keeper this time?"
"Lenny, our mum will have our head if you get hurt," Fred and George looked at each other.
Selena shrugged, "I never get hurt."
"Mhm, why's there a bruise on your elbow then," George raised his eyebrow.
Selena gasped, "That wasn't even my fault. My dad told Luna about this type of bug or whatever and she was so scared and she thought she saw one and pushed me."
Fred covered up his laugh with a cough as George elbowed him.
"It doesn't even matter if I get hurt," The blonde groaned.
Now it was Ginny's turn to gasp, "It does to!'
"Not you too, Gin," Selena sighed, laying on the grass of the field they used to play quidditch.
The twins shrugged, "Sorry, little Lenny."
"Can I be a beater then?"
Selena bit the inside of cheek as she watched Cormac McLaggen walk down the hallway. She replayed the words he had muttered to her unexpecting sister, about how she was "crazy" and "off her rocker".
"No, Selena," Callum said as he grabbed her wrist before she jumped the smug blonde.
"I'm gonna beat the shit out of him," she mumbled, yanking her wrist from his hold.
Callum sighed as he watched her walk over to him.
Selena cupped her hands around her mouth before shouting, "Aye! McLaggen."
He turned around startled, in which Selena sent a fake, flirtatious smile and waved him over. He smirked and slyly walked over to her. He stopped in front of her and looked down, his eyes dark with lust.
"Bend down," she stated. "I have a little secret to tell you."
He bent down, "Yes, Darling?"
Selena rolled her eyes before sending a clean punch across his face and then immediately kicked in-between his legs. He groaned as he fell to the floor, holding his crotch. Selena smiled, nicely waved again, and skipped over to Callum, who was watching with a bored expression.
"Happy now?"
"Yep," she gleamed. "Now come on! I wanna go play quidditch."
She was the tiniest bit nervous to spend a complete afternoon with Ginny. It was no doubt going to be awkward and Selena tended to spit random shit out when she got nervous.
"Carry me, I'm tired," she sighed dramatically.
"And who's fault is that?"
"Your's actually," she narrowed her eyes at him. "You're the one who got so bloody pissed whenever I stopped playing with your damn hair!"
"I had a hangover!"
"And who's fault is that," she asked teasingly.
He groaned, "Just get on my damn back if you're so tired."
She raised her eyebrows proudly, "Thank you!"
And that's how they walked all the way to the quidditch pitch. Selena sat on his back with her legs wrapped around his stomach and her hands grasping his hair.
"The party has arrived," she yelled as they walked onto the pitch.
"That was cringy," Callum whispered.
"Shut the fuck up," she said as she hopped of his back.
"Little Lenny!"
The twins rushed towards them, stopping in their tracks at the sight of blood dripping down Selena's knuckles.
"Uh- should we ask?"
"Probably not," she deadpanned.
"Can we at least know who it was," Fred asked curiously.
"Fuck, she beat us to it!"
"Damn it, Lenny, we were gonna do that after practice," George groaned.
The blonde shrugged, "You still can if you want. I'm not gonna stop you."
"Selena," Ginny yelled, rushing over. "I was worried you were gonna bail- what the fuck happened to your hand?"
"I was serving justice."
"Do you need a bandage or something?"
"No need," Selena said, pulling her wand out and flicking it towards her hand. Bandages appeared and wrapped around her knuckles cleanly. She raised her eyebrows happily, "Magic."
"Impressive, little Lenny," George said. "We should come with something for our shop that does that, Fred."
"Fuck yeah!"
"Now, onto the reason we're here," George clapped his hands together. "It'll be me and Fred against you kids. We're all just playing chasers."
Selena groaned, "I hate being a chaser."
"Too bad," Fred gibed, causing Selena to stick her tongue out at him. "Real mature."
After a few minutes, their bickering came to an end and they started playing. It was a pretty even playing field seeing as there were three 5th years and two 7th years.
They passed the quaffle back and forth, quickly moving towards the goal while also trying to keep it away from the twins.
In the end, they were left tied and laying on the grassy pitch exhausted.
Despite her tired breaths, a smile rested gracefully on Selena's face.
"That was so fun," Fred said, still breathing harshly.
"It was just like old times," George grinned.
"We should do it again sometime," Ginny said.
"Agreed," Selena said.
She looked over at Callum, who was half asleep on the grass.
"Callum, go back to the dorm," she laughed. "I'll be there in a bit."
"Don't have to tell me twice," he mumbled, pushing himself off the ground and walking back to the castle.
Fred and George exchanged looks and smirked, "We have detention, so we need to go."
Without another word, they simultaneously got up and walked to the castle, leaving the two girls alone.
"Thank you for inviting me," Selena thanked.
"Of course, I enjoyed it alot," the redhead said, a slightly awkward tone to her voice.
Selena groaned as she pushed herself off the ground, and then reached out hand towards Ginny. The redhead took her hand and Selena helped her to her feet.
"I'll walk you to your dorm."
The two walked to the Gryffindor common room together, an awkward yet familiar silence between them.
who wants to be the callum to my lenny??
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