I'm Fine and the Devil? Hey My Bestie Got Out of Hell Yet?
I love how I'm just chillin' with this relaxed devil like "Bitch I don't give a shit," right now. Cause I don't.
Was I supposed to?
I guess.
So the embodiment of "I'm Fine" and the Devil saying he isn't always the bad guy.
I sound really demented right now.
And this'll be on the internet forever.
.... I'll just..
Go then.
Haha 66 words not counting these. Irony
-blows whistle- Actually, that's a c9incedence. Y9u easily c9uld have triggered a literary pr9fessi9nal, and y9u sh9uld have tagged y9urself. 6ut, instead 9f giving y9u the full lecture 9n pr9perly tagging y9ur triggers, I'm g9ing t9 th9r9ughly explain the difference 6etween ir9ny and c9incedences.
Trigger warning, #6eing-inc9rrect #grammar #9pini9ns #religi9n #unrelia6le-sources
[k9h-in-si-duh ns]
1. A striking 9ccurrence 9f tw9 9r m9re events at 9ne time apparently 6y mere chance, example:
9ur meeting in Venice was pure c9incidence.
2. The c9nditi9n 9r fact 9f c9inciding.
Syn9nyms are "accident", "luck", and "fate".
Ant9nyms are "design", "plan", and "scheme".
[ahy-ruh-nee, ahy-er-]
N9un, plural ir9nies.
1. The use 9f w9rds t9 c9nvey a meaning that is the 9pp9site 9f its literal meaning, for example:
The ir9ny 9f her reply, "H9w nice!" when I said I had t9 work all weekend.
2. Literature.
A technique 9f indicating, as thr9ugh character 9r pl9t devel9pment, an intention 9r attitude 9pp9site t9 that which is actually 9r 9stensi6ly stated.
(especially in c9ntemp9rary writing) a manner 9f 9rganizing a w9rk s9 as t9 give full expressi9n t9 c9ntradict9ry 9r c9mplementary impulses, attitudes, etc., especially as a means of indicating detachment from a su6ject, theme, 9r em9ti9n.
Syn9nyms are "sarcasm", "satire", and "m9ckery".
Ant9nyms are "h9nesty", "truth", and "sincerity".
As y9u can o6vi9usly see, the differences 6etween the tw9 are clear and precise. I cann9t p9ssi6ly understand h9w s9 many humans and tr9lls mix them up. It is a simple matter 9f understanding their usage. Hence, ir9ny cann9t 6e used in this situati9n as it d9es n9t pr9perly fit. T9 say this is ir9ny is entailing that y9u mean the 9pp9site 9f what y9u are saying, s9 y9u are saying the 9pp9site 9f "Haha, 66 w9rds n9t c9unting these. Ir9ny". In essence, y9u are saying "66 w9rds is not c9incedental,", which is very 96vi9usly false. It is a clear fact that this is a c9incedental statement. Y9u are meaning that this num6er 66 is "ir9nic", rather c9incedental, due t9 it's human hist9ry c9nnecting t9 the devil Satan and having 66 specifically 9n a chapter with a drawing 9f said devil. F9r th9se uninf9rmed 9f this c9nnecti9n, I shall explain.
In the Textus Receptus manuscripts 9f the New Testament, the B99k 9f Revelati9n (13:17-18) cryptically asserts 666 t9 6e "man's num6er" 9r "the num6er 9f a man" (depending 9n how the text is translated) ass9ciated with the 6east, an antag9nistic creature that appears 6riefly ab9ut tw9-thirds int9 the apocalyptic visi9n. S9me manuscripts 9f the 9riginal Greek use the sym69ls χξϛ chi xi stigma (9r ϝ digamma), while 9ther manuscripts spell 9ut the num6er in w9rds.
In m9dern p9pular culture, 666 has 6ec9me 9ne 9f the m9st widely rec9gnized sym69ls f9r the Antichrist 9r, alternatively, the devil. The number 666 is purp9rtedly used t9 inv9ke Satan. Earnest references t9 the num6er 9ccur 69th am9ng ap9calypticist Christian gr9ups and in explicitly anti-Christian su6cultures. References in c9ntemp9rary Western art 9r literature are, m9re likely than n9t, intenti9nal references t9 the 6east sym69lism. Such p9pular references are theref9re t99 numer9us t9 list.
It is c9mm9n to see the sym69lic r9le 9f the integer 666 transferred t9 the digit sequence 6-6-6. S9me pe9ple take the Satanic ass9ciati9ns 9f 666 s9 seri9usly that they actively av9id things related t9 666 9r the digits 6-6-6. This is kn9wn as hexak9si9ihexek9ntahexaph96ia.
In s9me early 6i6lical manuscripts, the num6er is cited as 616.[3]
S9me stated references t9 the digit 666 are as f9ll9ws:
In the 6i6le, 666 is the num6er 9f talents 9f g9ld S9l9mon c9llected each year (see 1 Kings 10:14, 2 Chr9nicles 9:13 and als9 in Ezra 2:13).
In the 6i6le, 666 is the num6er 6f Ad9nikam's descendants wh9 return t9 Jerusalem and Judah from the 6a6yl9nian exile (see Ezra 2:13).
In the 6i6le, there may be a latent reference t9 666 in the name 9f the great sixth-century 6C king 9f 6a6yl9n. C9mm9nly spelled Ne6uchadnezzar, transliterating fr9m the 699k 9f Daniel, the name is Ne6uchadrezzar 9r Ne6uchadrezzur in the 699k 9f Jeremiah (see Jeremiah 49:28-30). The num6er 9f each name can 6e calculated, since He6rew letters d9u6le as num6ers (see Gematria, He6rew numerals). Ne6uchadrezzar is 663, and Ne6uchadrezzur, 669. Midway 6etween the tw9 variants is 666. If the mysteries 9f Jeremiah are t9 6e related t9 th9se 9f Revelati9n, Ne6uchadrezzar, wh9 came (th9ugh 6idden by G9d) t9 crush G9d's pe9ple, may prefigure the end-times 6east.[4]
Using gematria, Ner9n Caesar transliterated fr9m Greek int9 He6rew pr9duces the num6er 666. The Latin spelling 9f "Ner9 Caesar" transliterated int9 He6rew pr9duces the num6er 616. Thus, in the 6i6le, 666 may have been a c9ded reference t9 Ner9 the R9man Emper9r fr9m 55 t9 68 AD.[5]
N9w that every9ne is caught up as t9 why this is a c9incedental statement fr9m its human religi9us hist9ry, I will c9ntinue.
Y9u may argue that y9u were merely c9mmenting this was ir9nic in the sense 9f sarcasm, as y9u wr9te the chapter itself and easily c9uld have planned f9r it t9 end with 66 w9rds. I will c9unter y9u with the fact that with the way y9u w9rded the c9mment, y9u seem mildly yet genuinely surprised this happened. Y9u seem t9 n9t have n9ticed and it was just a little thing that happened. Thus meaning, fr9m the receiver/reader's p9int 9f view, it is still a statement 9f c9incedence. N9 matter y9ur intent, y9u must read 9ver y9ur w9rk fr9m the receiver's perspective. Despite y9u p9ssi6ly meaning full well an ir9nic statement, this was very unclear and triggering. I d9 h9pe y9u understand, and try n9t t9 let it happen again. If a sch9lar 9r even simply a well educated person read this I fear they w9uld have 6een immensely triggered. I d9 very much h9pe y9u will try t9 n9tice this s9rt 9f thing next time.
... I cannot believe I actually just spent part of my life writing that.
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