I got tagged by MarvelKenley❤
(Whoever made this tag, its hard to read cuz it blends to much in the background)
1. Tolkien and NImruzirFanfiction (R.K Lander) ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
2. Hmmm... Maybe when my sisters and I almost got in trouble with my cousin because we were playing,got loud and it was late😄
3. Ahh..not even gonna count 😀 Tons of Legolas,Lord Of The Rings,The Hobbit,poems and Art books
4. Um...Scariest thing.. That I dont know right now
5. ❤My family and friends ❤
6. Many things i guess
7. Will try to list as much as i can
@Edankwa21356 Hopboy10 RRRodriguez84 ronalddonkor sexylegolas _GodOfSexAppeal_ Trev_Raymond SamuelWong1 PawPatrolGeek1 Blazer_The_Dally imsmolandkawaii marshall_lover2003 Nighttime_Thoughts Nightpelt71 nightwraith17 Stars_Alight Middleearth_fantasy ThatCutePsycho dracollavenore OfficialEyeofSauron Posi24 CelticWarriorQueen17 IsaRosette -sleeping- _princessssss_ bbersrkkary Havecouragebkind i got loooot more but thats all i can do for now, got jobs and church in a bit
8. I dont know..
9. live for Jesus. Thats my goal
10. I dont want to change anything about me
All the people who i tagged can do this but dont have to :)
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