Rules to write an article~
The main part of writing an article is Paragraph Formation. And a single paragraph contains many things and many rules.
Every paragraph has a Topic Sentence.
-Topic Sentence
A topic sentence has two parts.
1. Main Idea
2.A certain view of the main idea
Private Schools charge alot of money from parents.
Main Idea Certain View
Here, Private Schools is the Main Idea.
And 'charge alot of money' is a certain view about the topic sentence that what does the main idea says.
Important note:
We must use one idea in one paragraph.
We should avoid random thoughts in one paragraph.
For instance,
The Topic sentences for a paragraph about advertising are:
-Advertisement is a creative industry that employes many people.
-Advertising is a form of modern art.
-Adverts are great entertainment for people.
Now, you've got the topic sentences and you have to write a paragraph by justifying the topic sentences. Here, justification is another problem.
You have to write at least two points to justify a topic sentence.
[-Advertisements is a creative industry which manipulates people ] Take this Topic Sentence for instance.
Justification: Companies require numerous professional artists like prolific doctors, singers, designers and producers. It is one of the hot fields of interest, employing a plethora of people, aiding them with their personal and social expenditure.
~ Notice how all sentences are linked to one another. First tells this field employes people, the second tells how it does to, the third; it's positive consequence.
Moreover, the use of proper vocabulary is pretty imperative.
- Your article must be beautified by the right register at the right time -
Try your level best to use advanced words for adjectives and adverbs i.e. describing words, and use plain simple language for nouns and verbs. It has a good impact of understanding on the examiner.
Some important words go here~
1- When you need to write a new reason or point, you can utilise words like :
To begin with/ firstly/ formerly, foremost (for start)
In addition/ additionally
Another benefit (etc) is
One of the major...
2- If opposing the first point, and choosing to write a negative paragraph, the begins go like:
On the other hand
On the flip side
If considering the other side/ opinion of the story
3- Advanced words for common use:
Word Meaning
Procrastinate Delay, postpone
Indispensible, Imperative Important
Invincible Unbeatable
Baloney Nonsense
You are a toast You are in trouble
Transpired Happened
Prolific, flair, prowess Skill
Escapade Adventure
Castigate Critisize
Cliché, jaded Useless
Goes to dogs Waste at the end
Adolescence Adult-age (late-teens)
Biased, prejudice Favour someone
Correspond Match, agree
Solely, merely Onle, one, completely
Sporadic, isolated Scattered
Accumulate Gather
To bust a gut Make huge effort to achieve
Buskers Street singers
Off the peg Read-made
Skin flint Miser
On a shoes string,Flat-broke Moneyless
Belied Getting wrong impression
Cumbersome Clumsy to manage
Sustenance, amenity Useless for survival
Retrograde Decline
Radically Thoroughly
Adverse Unpleasant
Lackluster Booooorrriiinngg
Serene Vicinity Pleasant surroundings
Panoramic Wide view
Vocabulary Phrases
■ Promising Step
■ Desire for distinction
■ Diversity of Opportunities
■ Spectrum of Choices
■ Core Motive
■ Strong Will
■ Common Viewpoint
■ World of Opportunities
■ Crave (desire) for knowledge
■ Expertise
■ In-depth
■ Sense of Freedom
■ Harvest Knowledge
■ Heights of success
>All in your head (refers to imagination that cannot be possible. E.g "Gaining an A+ in English is merely something all in your head"
> All ears (When you are eager to do something: "Speak, I am all ears to you."
> All hell broke loose (Violent situation)
> All on the same both (All in a same unpleasant circumstance)
>All greek to me (Something tough to understand/ learn. E.g. "Urdu is all greek to me"
> Beggers cannot be choosers (The one who is superior gets to choose, the inferiors have no right. A teacher can say this to the pupils when they demand for free lessons. "Beggers cannot be choosers, you have to do what I impose on you."
maidenhead_03 And there you go, best of luck for your exam!
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