I hope that you are all able to enjoy and spend time with your loved ones during these holidays. So, Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah and a wonderful Kwanzaa to you all.
(Y/n) sped through the streets of Gotham. She knew that she shouldn't be going so fast, but she had to get to the office. She needed one of the secretaries to type up everything that Arthur had told her. She needed to get it all down on paper. To see it, every last awful detail, in black and white. (Y/n) sure that she hadn't been able to take in everything that he had told her. Even though she had read through the brief more than once, nothing had quite prepared her for hearing things right from the horse's mouth, as it were. To see the contrast in the personalities that lived within the clown's mind. The way he would express and hold himself. The confidence and bravado of Joker, compared to the nervous and quiet Arthur. The slightly seductive smile and demeanour of the clown, in complete contrast to the tentative and shy Fleck.
It was sometimes difficult listening to the details of bad crimes, or at least (Y/n) sometimes found it difficult. And even though she knew, as a lawyer, she had to remain neutral. To remain professional and not judge. Occasionally, and especially now though, she couldn't help but let her emotions show. It was the thing that made her different from her father. She couldn't help but form more of a friendship with her clients than she should. To let her emotions come to the fore. To let her heart rule her head. And with Fleck, her heart was definitely beginning to rule her head. She knew that she shouldn't. She knew that he had killed six people. That because of his actions, six souls had been sent to an early grave. But there was something about him. Something at once sad and sweet. Something needy and lonely. But then charming and daring. Smug and witty. (Y/n) for some reason finding that she had begun to feel that the world would be a darker place without the clown in it. Even if he was only in it, locked up securely in Arkham for the rest of his days.
Suddenly she slammed on the brakes. The car in front of her coming to a halt as the stop light turned red. (Y/n) shaking her head at herself. Chastising herself for not paying attention. For not concentrating on the matter at hand, rather than the words of the clown that still were drifting through her mind. Quickly, she reached into her bag and grabbed the small recorder. Reversing the little tape before pressing play. The voice of the clown filling the small space.
There was something nice about his voice. It had been soft and gentle most of the time. Filled with all manner of unspoken emotions. Emotions that (Y/n) felt were being held behind a large barrier. Desperate to escape. A wall that had been built up over the years. But then it would change. As if someone had flipped on a light switch. Those emotions tumbling out. As if the Hoover Dam had cracked and let out the trillions of gallons that it held back. Fleck's emotions taking with them anything that stood in their path. (Y/n) almost feeling as if she were drowning, as the anger, pain and loneliness flooded over her. As the look in his eyes that had been filled with as much rage as his voice.
"Oh shit!" (Y/n) exclaimed, as the sound of the horn from the car behind her, honked to indicate that the light had now turned green. The lawyer quickly putting the car into gear and driving the vehicle around the corner. Pulling up to the kerb so that she could continue to listen to the words of her client.
(Y/n) couldn't help but yawn, as she turned off the engine and placed the voice recorder on top of the dashboard. Despite the fact that it was only the early afternoon, the dark grey blanket of typical Gotham weather that hung heavily in the sky made it feel as though it were much later. As if night was drawing in all around her. (Y/n) sure that the fact that she hadn't slept properly for the last couple of days, wasn't helping either. But she was finding the sound of the rain almost hypnotic. Like a kind of white noise that people would often use to help them sleep. And she had to close her eyes. The sound of Fleck's voice. His words, as he had managed to steer the conversation from his crimes for a moment, filling (Y/n)'s mind, as she drifted off into a slumber.
"Parents can really fuck you up, can't they." Joker stated, as he looked between the picture of Penny in the hospital bed and the woman that sat across from him.
"I think you could say that. I lost my mother when I was young. My siblings are all older than me, and my father had neither the time nor the inclination to deal with a small child after her death. Part of me can't blame him. He had just lost his wife. But the rest of me hates him for the fact that he pushed me away too. That instead of being there for a daughter that had just lost her mother. That was suffering just as much as he was, as much as the rest of the family. He sent me away. From one boarding school to the next. Only able to see my brothers and sister when the holidays came around. Only ever seeing him if he wasn't too busy. I suppose that other people would probably rebel. Would become everything that that absentee parent hated. But for some reason, I still felt that I needed his approval. That I needed his love. So, after school, I decided to go to law school. And when I told him, he was over the moon. It was the first time that he had ever really paid any attention to me. The first time that he ever seemed to care. And I wanted more of that. So.........here I am." (Y/n) replied. Laughing at how pathetic it all sounded as she said it out loud.
"At least you had a real mother, not some woman that managed to somehow convince the authorities to give her an orphan. A real father. Not just one made up in the mind of that said mentally unstable woman. But if you ask me, your dad sounds like a real asshole." Joker retorted. Pulling his umpteenth cigarette from the almost empty packet. The clown smiling as (Y/n) burst out laughing.
"Yeah, he is. He really is. He sits in his office like a king on a throne, letting the lesser human beings come to him. Human beings that hope for just a moment to speak to the great and wise attorney................"
"So, why do you bother. Why do you still do this? Why spend your life dealing with guys like me? I would say screw what dad wants." Joker interrupted, before taking a deep draw on the cigarette.
"Well, I have realised that despite the fact that I feel that I am missing out on so much of my life, I can help make a difference for some people by doing what I do. Even though I work for my father's firm most days, certain days of the month I help out people that can't afford high paid attorneys like my father. I go down to a centre and sit in a small room giving out free legal advice to anyone that needs it. Assisting them with anything I can. And it's that that keep me going. Not the rich, entitled clients that can afford the best of the best. Just the normal people that that are trying to survive.............."
"So, I'm not the first sob story case that you've had to deal with then? Here was I thinking that I was something special." Joker chuckled. A plume of smoke surrounding him. (Y/n) sure that at any moment her client would disappear into it, like one of those Vegas magicians.
"Sorry. I'm a sucker for a good sob story. And yours isn't the first, and I doubt it will be the last that I have to deal with. But I'll give you one thing. That no matter how many more years I do this job for, I seriously can't imagine that I will ever have to deal with another capital case against a clown. Now, lets get back to that said case, shall we?" (Y/n) chuckled. As she pushed the crime scene photos of Randell in front of Arthur.
"Miss! Miss!" A voice accompanied by a loud knock, came. (Y/n) almost jumping out of her skin as she shot up in her seat. Her eyes turning to look at the elderly man that was hiding under a large black umbrella, knock on the driver's side window.
"Miss. Is everything alright?" The man continued. (Y/n) winding down her window and giving the concerned looking gentleman an apologetic smile.
"Er.........yes. Sorry. I didn't................"
"Not the best place to sleep around here. Might be better to get yourself off home." The man explained. (Y/n) looking at the clock on the dashboard and seeing that she hadn't been asleep long. But still long enough to now mean that she was running late. That if she wanted to get to the office before most of the secretaries left for the day, she really would have to move.
"Yes.........I............thank you." (Y/n) replied. Giving him another small smile, before starting her car and making her way back into the now much busier traffic.
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