So, this is a special request for Teary-Eyed_Bride. I hope that this is what you had in mind, and I hope that you and everyone else enjoys this little offering.
Arthur reluctantly made his way up the stairs to work. This was all he needed, the start of another working week, the start of another week. The only good thing was that Ha-Ha's seemed to be busier than usual which meant that Arthur had a little more money in his pocket at the end of the week, but that didn't take away from the fact that they were the same demanding, obnoxious, rude, and in some cases, just downright abusive clients.
With a heavy sigh, Arthur placed his hand on the door to the locker room, reluctantly pushing it open to be hit by the familiar smell of body odour, flatulence and cheap cologne. That, and the sound of Randall's voice over the top of everything.
It was another morning of having to sit and listen the Hoyt drone on about what terrible jobs they were all doing, about how they could all improve in every way. How they should smile more, how they should try harder, Arthur always feeling that Hoyt was looking at him in particular. Yet there was one thing that gave Arthur hope, one person that made turning up to work every day worth it. And that person was (Y/n).
She had only been with Ha-Ha's for six months, but from the first moment Arthur had seen her, from the first moment she had been introduced to him, and smiled her beautiful smile, there seemed to have been a connection between him and Hoyts new go to girl.
(Y/n) had given Arthur his faith back in human nature. Made him believe that there were some good people out there in the big, bad, dark city that they both called home. She was his hope, and hope in Gotham was a hard thing to come by.
Arthur took a seat in his usual chair, his eyes focused on the door as he waited for Hoyt and (Y/n) to make an appearance. He couldn't wait to see her, to see that beautiful smile that he hoped was meant for him and only him.
On countless occasions, Arthur had tried to summon the courage to ask (Y/n) out, he had tried to tell her that he would like to get to know her better. But each time he tried, his self-doubt and his demons would always manifest themselves. The fears of his laugh, or just the fact that he might ruin what he already had with (Y/n) always rearing their ugly heads whenever he thought that he could take the next step.
Arthur watched as Hoyt walked in by himself, with no sign of (Y/n) who would normally come in behind him.
"Do you know where (Y/n) is?" Arthur whispered to Gary, as Hoyt began his usual morning rant.
"No. She would usually be in before any of us, but this morning it was Hoyt that opened the place. I haven't seen her at all." Gary replied as quietly as possible, trying not to bring Hoyt's ire down on himself.
Arthur sat, no longer hearing a single word that was being said. Since she had been there, (Y/n) had never been late, she had never missed a day of work, she was the most reliable person there. And given that, the fact that she wasn't there this morning was only making him worry.
The morning meeting seemed to have dragged on longer than usual. But whatever Hoyt had complained about had basically gone through one of Arthur's ears, and out the other. All he could think of was the worst case scenarios. Had (Y/n) been in an accident, had she been badly hurt? Was she dead? Just the idea of any of those was making Arthur's chest tighten and his pulse race. Surly nothing could have happened to something as wonderful as (Y/n)? Surly he had not missed his chance to let her know how he felt about her?
"Hey, Arthur. The meetings over pal." Gary said, nudging the larger man next to him. It more than obvious that Arthur was completely spaced out.
"What?..........Oh, yeah. I.........I just need to talk to Hoyt." Arthur replied, as he jumped to his feet, and quickly followed after their boss.
"What's wrong with (Y/n)?" Arthur called out, as he rushed up behind Hoyt. Hoyt turning to see who was yelling after him.
"Oh, it's you Fleck. I don't know. I just got a phone call from her last night, she said that she wouldn't be in today. All I know is its damn inconvenient." Hoyt complained, as he turned and continued on his way back to his office.
Arthur made his way back to the locker room, slumping down onto the bench in front of his locker.
"She could be sick. She could have hurt herself." Arthur mussed to himself, as he sat there, not realising that Gary had joined him.
"Who's sick?" Gary asked, not sure whether Arthur had actually heard him.
"(Y/n). She phoned Hoyt last night to tell him that she wouldn't be in today. She could be sick, hurt. Shouldn't someone go and check on her?" Arthur asked, Gary still not sure whether he was talking to him.
"I am sure that (Y/n) is fine. But if you are that concerned why don't you go around and see if she's ok. I know where she lives." Gary said, Arthur suddenly turning to look at him.
"You know where (Y/n) lives? How?" Arthur enquired, not sure how the little man would know so much about (Y/n).
"Oh yeah. We went for coffee one lunch time, and we got to talking. She told me lots of interesting things. Even things about you." Gary chuckled, as Arthur's eyes grew wide, and a pink flush began to rise in his cheeks.
"She.......she talked about me? Really?" Arthur asked, as Gary grabbed a piece of paper and began to scribble something on it.
"Well, to be honest, she never stopped talking about you. According to (Y/n), you are the sweetest man in the world, and she just wishes that you liked her back. So, of all the people that she might like to have go check on her, you would probably be the one that she would like to see the most." Gary chuckled, as he placed the piece of paper in Arthur's hand. Arthur looking down at the address that had been written on it.
"Go check on her. And for goodness sake, tell her that you like her too." Gary told Arthur, patting his friend on the knee as he left him staring down at the scrap of paper in his hand.
Arthur looked at the door to the apartment, not sure whether he should knock or not. He had rushed over from work as soon as he had finished, anxious to find out if (Y/n) was ok, but now that he was here his usual doubt had set in. Even though she had told Gary that she liked him, would she like him just turning up on her doorstep unannounced?
Taking a deep breath, Arthur pushed the piece of paper into his pocket, straightened his clothes, and raised his hand. His fist cautiously connecting with the door.
Arthur heard a scurry of activity before the door slowly began to creep open. A teary face gradually appearing from behind the ingress.
"Arthur? What are you doing here, is everything ok?" (Y/n) asked, as she opened the door fully. Arthur looking at the ground as he tried to pretend that he was ignoring the fact that all (Y/n) seemed to have on was a pair of shorts and an oversized sweater.
"I.....just came to make sure that you ok. When you didn't come into work today, I got worried........" Arthur began, slowly raising his eyes to look at (Y/n).
"Oh Arthur. That is so sweet of you. Why don't you come in, I think that I could do with some company." (Y/n) said with a sniff, as she turned and moved back into the apartment. Arthur closing the door behind him as he hesitantly followed.
"Is everything alright, (Y/n)? You don't look yourself." Arthur asked, as he nervously joined (Y/n) on her sofa.
"Yeah, its nothing really. I just........I just needed some time to myself." (Y/n) told him as she pulled a blanket over her legs.
"Have you ever felt like the world was just too much for you, Arthur? That people really don't care anymore? Normally I don't mind going to work, I can even put up with Randall. But when someone says something about you........well it sort of gets to me. I thought that living in Gotham had showed me all the worst sides of people, that nothing could shock me, but yesterday this woman called up to complain that she wasn't satisfied with the job you had done at her kid's party. She just kept going on and on about how bad you were, and I got angry. I told her that you were the best clown that Ha- Ha's had, that she should be grateful to have someone like you agree to perform at her snivelling brat's party. Then I told her that she was a horrible human being and hung up the phone." (Y/n) told Arthur. The shocked man next to her not sure what to say.
" would do that for me?" Arthur asked, growing wide eyed as (Y/n) took his hands in hers.
"Of course, Arthur. I hate it when people say terrible things about you. You are the real reason that I turn up to work every day. You are the one that gives me hope that there are still good people out there, that its worth getting out of bed in the morning. I watch you put up with crap every day, and I hate that so many terrible things happen to such a wonderful person. I know about you getting beaten up, about your laugh and everything, yet you still go out into the world and do all you can to make people happy. Try your best to make people laugh, despite how horrible they are to you. You give me faith in the human race again, Arthur Fleck. And there are not many people out there that I can say that about. Whenever I feel that my life is terrible, I remember what you go through, and I know that if you can face these things with a smile, then so can I." (Y/n) said, as she leaned over and kissed him gently on the cheek.
"Go out with me!" Arthur suddenly blurted out, his hands flying up to his mouth as the words escaped. He had wanted to ask her for so long, but he had always intended to ask her in as romantic a way as possible. Not just blurting it out when she was having a bad day because she had been protecting him.
" you mean that Arthur? Because.......because if you do, then I would love to go out on a date with you. You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to ask. I thought that you didn't like me, but Gary told me that it was just you, and that eventually you would work up enough courage." (Y/n) chuckled, as she moved closer to Arthur.
"I know I look a mess, but what do you say to us having our first date now. I mean, you're here, I'm here. What more do we need?" (Y/n) asked, as Arthur looked her up and down, not sure how she could ever believe that he might think she could ever look anything but perfect.
"I.......I'd like that." Arthur replied, as (Y/n) jumped off the sofa, telling him that she was going to make them some tea.
Arthur couldn't help but smile as he heard the sound of (Y/n) singing happily in the kitchen. His soul filling with hope that no matter what the world threw at him in future, he would be able to face it if (Y/n) was by his side.
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