For SmilingDiana. Thank you for getting Arthur to speak to me again.😊
Arthur sat in the almost empty diner, doing his best to not make eye contact with the few faces that sat around him. He was sure that he had been sat there for hours nursing the same cup of tepid, watery coffee. But in truth he knew that it had only been about twenty minutes and the coffee had started off watery and tepid. But really, he didn't care. He wasn't there for the coffee or anything else that the neon lit mom and pop restaurant had to offer. He was just there to meet (Y/n).
Since he had sat down in the booth at the rear of the eatery, his thoughts had been on her. The clown absentmindedly fiddling with the piece of paper that he always kept in his pocket. A piece of paper, that since he had penned it, had gone everywhere with him.
Some time ago, Arthur had written (Y/n) a letter. A letter that told her all about how he felt for her. How he loved her despite the fact that he was sure that they would never be able to be together. It told her that he would give anything to take her into his arms, even just once, and kiss her. He had never delivered it of course, how could he? She was from what would be called "the right side of the tracks" and he most certainly wasn't. A woman whose family may not be rich by the Wayne family standards, but still they most certainly weren't having to scrimp and save just to keep a roof over their heads.
It had been strange how they had met, Arthur still not able to believe that it was real. Still not able to believe that he had summoned the courage to help her when some men had tried to mug her. When he had seen them pull her into one of the many dark alleys. He knew that he shouldn't be surprised that no one else seemed to notice what was going on. Seemed to care what was going on. But he did. He knew what it was like to be hurt, beaten, mistreated and abused, and he wasn't going to let it happen to someone else. Not while he could do something about it.
He could remember racing towards the alley. The shouts filling his ears as he rounded the corner, his eyes growing wide as he saw the woman in all her glory, fighting back at her would be attackers. Arthur feeling the urge to laugh in disbelief as she had kicked, punched and hit the cowering men around the heads with her bag. Arthur steeling himself as he continued down the damp back street. The sight of someone rushing at them in a clown outfit, shouting at the top of his voice, sending the already battered and bruised men, scurrying like scalded dogs away from the scene.
Arthur could remember stopping at her side. His arms raising above his head as (Y/n) had swung her bag in his direction. The sight of a clown seeming to shock her as much as it had her assailants. But the bag had never hit, Arthur finding instead, that arms were thrown around him. His body pulled tightly against hers as she had sobbed onto his shoulder. (Y/n) thanking him over and over as he held her shaky form.
From that moment, they had been friends. Often meeting in the diner where he now sat. The diner he had taken her to so that he could make sure that she was ok. It had become their thing. Meeting at this exact table, once, twice, three times a week or more if they could. But tonight, was not like any of the other nights that they had met. Tonight, he was going to give her the note that he had written so long ago. Tonight, he hoped that she would tell him that she felt the same.
Arthur had never been parted from the note. The small piece of paper that he had torn from his notebook, folded neatly and swapped between his jacket, or his pant pocket. Or even a little pocket in his clown outfit. A pocket that his fingers would instantly find their way to, whenever he so much as thought about (Y/n). The page of paper, now a little tattered and torn. Creased and dogeared from how many times he had taken it out and read it. Not that he needed to read it. He knew it word for word. Sometimes even seeing it in his sleep when he managed to rest. Now all he could hope was that (Y/n) wouldn't mind the slightly worn appearance of the note. And would instead appreciate the simple words that he had written on it.
"Well, hello there Mister Fleck. Long-time no see. It must be all of, hmmmmm forty eight hours since we were last here." A happy voice said. Arthur looking up to see the face of (Y/n) smiling down at him.
"I didn't know if you already had a drink, so I ordered you a cup of momma Mary's dishwater coffee. Though it looks like you've already suffered though one cup." (Y/n) laughed. Indicating to the white mug in front of him, as she took a seat.
"Hey. You ok Arthur? You look a little nervous. Has someone said something to you? Has someone hurt you again?" (Y/n) asked, as she reached across the table and took his hand. Hoping that the man she had grown to love hadn't been hurt yet again by some mindless thugs.
" (Y/n). I'm fine. Honestly. It's nothing like that. Its just........well, its just that I have something for you. Something that I've wanted to give you for a long time." Arthur replied, as he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the paper. Unfolding it carefully before he handed it to (Y/n). The clown not wanting to look up from the table as she began to read.
I don't know how best to tell you this, or even if I should.
I know that we come from very different worlds, and I'm sure that your family would never approve. But I can't keep this to myself any longer.
I love you, (Y/n). From the first moment I saw you fighting off those guys in the alley, I have known that I loved you. And the more time we have spent together, the more that love has grown.
I know I don't have anything to offer you. I'm just a clown that lives in a crumby apartment on the wrong side of town. But the way you smile. The way you laugh. Makes me feel happier than I have ever felt before. Safer than I have ever felt before. And I want to make you feel just as happy and safe.
I would give everything to be able to tell you all this in person. To hold you in my arms and kiss you even if it was just once. To ask if you would be mine. But I know that it is one of the many things that I am not brave enough to do. So, instead, I will write you this and hope that you might just feel the same.
All my love and devotion,
(Y/n) couldn't help but smile as she read the beautiful words scribbled in Arthur's shaky hand. She knew that he wasn't one to express his emotions well. That he had never been able to express himself even when he could. So, she knew how difficult this note might have been for him to write. Why it had taken so long for him to finally give it to her. But know that he had, she knew that there was only one thing that she could say in reply.
"Arthur Fleck. My silly hero." (Y/n) chuckled. A large smile pulling at the corners of her lips as Arthur's eyes flew up to meet hers. The clown feeling his heart beat faster than ever before, as she lay her hand delicately on his cheek.
"I love you too. In fact, I have loved you for as long as you say that you've loved me. I just wish that it hadn't taken so long for one of us to summon up the courage to say something. And, if you still feel the same for me as you did when you wrote this letter. I wouldn't mind if you took me in your arms, kissed me, and asked me to be yours. So, what do you say to us foregoing the dubious delights of momma Mary's coffee, and going somewhere slightly more conducive to us being alone?" (Y/n) added. Offering Arthur her hand and helping him up from the booth.
"I.......I'd like that a lot, (Y/n)." Arthur replied, as (Y/n) led him out of the diner and onto the street. The clown taking her into his arms as she stood before him in the cold night air. And as their lips finally met, Arthur knew that despite what the world may throw at them in their future, they would now face it together. And instead of just writing that he loved her, he would make sure to tell her, every chance he got.
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