"So, my attorney, huh? Ya not quite what I was expecting. What happened to the fat, old, bald guy from the public defender's office?" Joker asked as he looked (Y/n) up and down. His hands reaching to pull out another cigarette from the packet in front of him.
"Yes, Mister Fleck. As I said. And the fat, old, bald guy, was Mister Bannister. The public defender's office handed your case over to our firm. They believe that given our reputation, we are more suitable to give you the best defence possible. I............"
"Bullshit." Joker interrupted as he blew out a plume of smoke. (Y/n) coughing as she breathed in the exhalation.
"I may be many things, Miss Thomas. But I'm not a fool. They are just scared of the case. Scared of having to defend a guy like me. A guy that everyone in Gotham is afraid of. A guy that they all want to see fry, just in case I get out of this hell hole and wreak havoc again. And I know that they were going to let that happen. So, tell me. What makes you so much different from the fat guy. Oh, and please, don't call me Mister Fleck. Fleck is dead." Joker continued, as he leaned further over the table. His green eyes fixed on (Y/n)'s.
"Look." (Y/n) began with a huge sigh as she dropped his brief on the table.
"Firstly. I was advised to not call you anything, but Mister Fleck. Not even Arthur. And certainly not Joker. That I was not to encourage your delusions. Secondly, and to be brutally honest. Because I think that you can take the brutal truth. I don't want to be here anymore than Bannister did. I'm not even sure that I really do want to defend you. And it's not because I care about you putting rich peoples noses out of joint. I don't care about your Freudian issues with your adopted mother, your problems with your work colleague. Or the fact that you shot that irritating ass, Franklin. I am not sure about defending you, because I was planning on a very long career. To do something special and important. And, well, defending you could fuck that up completely. But........... whether you do or not, I believe in the law. And I also believe that each man deserves the best defence possible. Even you. So, I won't pretend that I am going to come here and somehow work a miracle to get you off scot-free. I am not going to pretend that you will walk out of here a free man. I'm not even going to lie and say that you might possibly have a chance of seeing anything but this damn place, for a very long time. But I will tell you, that I am going to do everything I can to keep your ass out of the chair. So, you don't have to like me. You don't have to trust me. Though I can assure you, that I am the best that you are going to get. And it's either me, or nothing. Mister Fleck." (Y/n) replied. Taking a deep breath as she leant backwards in her chair. Crossing her arms and staring as deep into her client's eyes, as he was into hers.
"Oh, I like you." Joker suddenly exclaimed with a loud laugh. (Y/n) trying to pretend that her heart wasn't firmly in her throat. Despite the fact that the man in front of her was not the first murderer she had come across, there was definitely something different about him. A presence, an aura that she couldn't deny. And the whole thing, even without the makeup, the green hair, and the infamous suit. This shadow of Joker was still no less, well no less intimidating.
"Don't get many lawyers as up front as you. And at least we know where we stand. So, were do we begin, (Y/n)? I can call you (Y/n) can't I? I mean, this is not a case that is going to be over in just a week. And I think that we should at least be on friendlier terms." Joker asked, as he finally leant back in his seat. Another large plume of smoke hiding him momentarily, as he let out another chuckle.
"Very well, Mister Fleck. I think that you are quite right. Even though I do normally prefer a more professional relationship with my clients, I believe that in this case, that a first named basis is the least I can do. So, I am quite happy with you calling me (Y/n). And I, despite what I was told, will call you Arthur." (Y/n) replied, trying as best as she could to sound as professional as she could, despite the cries of some of the other patients cutting through the otherwise quiet room.
"Never been here before?" Joker asked, as he picked a stray tiny piece of tobacco from his mouth. The former clown not failing to notice the uncomfortable way that his new lawyer shifted in her seat.
"No. It's not my first time in a prison. But in a..........Yes, its my first time here." (Y/n) replied, as she opened the case notes and the notebook that she had scribbled little messages in, to herself. The pages of the book filled with questions she wanted to ask and observations that she had made.
"Yeah, I can imagine that it's a little different from the normal prison. But I can't imagine that there are any less crazies. If you ask me, we're the sane ones in here. It's you guys out there living the daily grind of 9 to 5. The TV dinner eating morons that sit, comatose in front of the idiot box night in and night out. Slogging your guts out for a boss that doesn't even know your name, until the day they deem that you are too old and now longer of use. Then they throw you on the rubbish heap of life, were you end up drooling into some gruel that a nurse is trying to force feed you, before dropping dead and being shoved in the ground. To be forgotten by anyone that you ever foolishly thought loved you. Now, doesn't that sound crazy to you.......(Y/n)?" Joker enquired. His brows furrowing as (Y/n) began to chuckle.
"I hope that you are not slotting me into that little pigeonhole, Arthur. Because I assure you, that not a single one of those things is true in my case. I can't remember the last time that I worked 9 to 5. I have never eaten a TV dinner in my life. Most of the time I am lucky to get a sandwich as I work through a pile of case notes, so that I can defend guys like you. My boss certainly knows my name, as he gave me it. And I am never ever just going to be thrown away when I get too old, by the firm. Because I will be the firm. And I guarantee you, that as far as drooling and death are concerned. When I die, it will be in the arms of a gorgeous toy boy while I am on my eighty foot yacht, drinking champagne and eating caviar, in the Bahamas." (Y/n) replied, feeling confident for the first time since she had arrived at Arkham. The lawyer hating the idea that the man before her may be underestimating her abilities.
"And in fact, from what I have read. That life you are describing sounds just like yours before you started on your little path of murder and mayhem. Now, what do you say to cutting all this, you trying to scare, shock, or intimidate me, crap. And we get down to the business of saving your ass?" (Y/n) continued. Unable to stop herself from smiling as Joker grinned widely at her.
"Oh, I definitely like you. I can already tell that we are going to get on famously. So, what do you need from me?"
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