Gary raced through the streets of Gotham, as fast as his little legs would carry him. If he was thinking straight, he would have hailed a cab. But he wasn't. All he could think of was what he had seen. All he could think of was his friend. All he could think of was getting to (Y/n). After all, this was all her fault. No, that was cruel, Gary managed to think, as he continued to run. (Y/n) had put up with so much. She had given Arthur nothing but love. She had taken care of him. Yet, no matter what she did, Arthur always seemed to hold back. The little man never able to understand why.
Gary hadn't been able to believe his ears when a smiling Arthur had told him that he finally had a woman in his life. That he had found someone that didn't appear to dislike as much as the rest of the human race seemed to. And Gary had been able to believe his eyes even less, when he had finally met said lady. When he had met (Y/n). It had been obvious to him, that she was just what Arthur needed. That she was sweet, loving and kind. And not just that, she was beautiful too. And despite the bets that all the other men at Ha Ha's had made, (Y/n) had stuck around for longer than any of them had thought.
The little man had heard (Y/n) tell Arthur that she loved him at least a thousand times. Yet he could never actually remember Arthur saying it back. Which again, Gary thought was odd. Arthur had always been desperate from love. Love that he never seemed to have had. So, Gary had never quite been able to come up with a reason as to why Arthur would appear so cold. Why he didn't touch her. The little man eventually just putting it down to the fact, that even thought Arthur wanted to be loved more than anything in the world, now that he was, he didn't know how to deal with it. Didn't know what to say or not to say. Didn't know what to do or not to do. And given that, Gary could sort of understand why (Y/n) had left. He had seen that even though (Y/n) had done nothing but raise Arthur up and love him. Arthur had brought her down without meaning to. And despite Arthur never managing to confess his feelings to (Y/n), he had done so to Gary on numerous occasions. Arthur always telling his little friend how wonderful she was. How lucky he had been to find her. And that he loved her. So now, now he had to get to (Y/n) and make her see that no matter what she might think, Arthur did love her more than she knew.
It had all started when Arthur hadn't been into work for a week. Hadn't called in sick. Hadn't anything. And despite how many times an irate Hoyt had tried to call him. How many times Gary had tried to call him, Arthur had never picked up the phone. And as work had ended that day, Gary had decided that enough was enough and that he would have to pay a call on his taller friend. At least to make sure that Arthur hadn't become just another statistic. Another lonely person in an uncaring city, whose life had ended without anyone noticing. Well, at least not until the smell got so bad, and juices from the body had begun to drip through the ceiling. And as Gary had finally reached Arthur's door, the little man's concerns seemed to have been well founded. The door to the dark apartment, ajar. Without a noise coming from the other side.
Slowly, he had reached up his hand and pushed the door open wider, a terrible smell hitting him, as Gary made his way into the little home. A large lump forming in his throat as at any moment he expected to find the worse. But then, to his relief, he heard it. A faint sobbing. Gary reaching into his pocket and pulling out his lighter. The tiny flickering flame doing its best to illuminate the room. Gary growing wide eyed as he saw Arthur curled up on the sofa looking sallow and ghost like. Looking even thinner than he usually did. Arthur letting out another weak sob, as he finally opened his eyes and looked at Gary.
"She left me." Was all Arthur had said, as he pointed to something on the coffee table. Gary making his way over and picking up a piece of paper that was the only thing to be seen. The little man reading the tear soaked page. Reading the raw emotions that (Y/n) had finally allowed to spill out. How she would always love Arthur. That she would never want anyone else. But now, it was obvious that Arthur would never love her in return. Would never feel for her, as she did for him. And thought more of The Murray Franklin Show, than he did of her. But from what Gary had seen tonight, it really was obvious that Arthur did love (Y/n). And that (Y/n) leaving had had more of an effect on him, than he or anyone else would have thought. Gary trying to make a frantic call to (Y/n). But with no reply, he had set off into the evening. Racing to find the only person that he knew could step Arthur from spiralling any further out of control.
Gary stopped as he got to the large front door of (Y/n)'s apartment, doing his best to catch his breath before he knocked. He didn't know what kind of reception he would get. What he was going to say. But he knew that no matter what, (Y/n) would help. That even though she had left Arthur, as soon as she knew what had happened, she would be back at the old apartment building that was on the wrong side of town.
"Gary? Are you alright? What.........what's going on? Its Arthur, isn't it?" (Y/n) asked, as she opened the door. Her eyes falling on the sweaty and out of breath little man. The look of concern in his eyes, telling her more than words ever could.
"Yeah. He.......he's in a bad way, (Y/n). He............." Gary began. Dropping his head as he thought about how to tell her the next part.
"He........I don't think that he's been taking his medication. I think he might be........." The clown finally confessed. Gary looking up, as he heard (Y/n) gasp. Her body falling against the door.
"Is he................."
"No. He's alive. He just............I know what he did (Y/n). How he made you feel. But he needs you. I know that even though he hasn't been able to say it or show it, he does love you. You are the only one that can help him, (Y/n). The only one that he will listen to. He won't do it for me. He won't do it for himself. But I know that he will do it for you. He's my friend, and I don't want to lose him, (Y/n). And I know that you don't, either." Gary explained. A sense of relief flowing over him, as (Y/n) grabbed for her coat and keys. As she grabbed his hand and raced out into the street. Hailing a cab and pushing the little man inside, as she gave the cabbie the address. Offering to pay the man more, if he could get them to apartment building, quickly.
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