all we do
Facts worth noting:
-When Nico visits his mom and thinks of the poem that Zoey told him about, the "i carry you in my heart" by e.e. cummings, it's the same poem that Walters read to her & the last thing he ever really said to her.
-Nico has talked about Zoey everytime he has visited his mom since he met her (Zoey).
-Throughout Mailboy, Nico was the one afraid of saying the l-word to Zoey. In Artgirl, Zoey didn't tell him that she loved him until they met again in Ottawa. It took her almost five-six years after he left her to say it again. Nico and Zoey reunited seven years (approximately) and confessed their love in the same spot that tore them apart before.
-Lots of characters needed more screen time, like Diana & Joel & Jessie & Adrian, & my baby Camilla.
-The story was never meant to have a triangle plot, I always strayed away from that.
You asked...I answered!
Q: Do you feel like writing this story, whether in terms of Hunter and Forrest's love story or even their individual journey, has helped you or will help in the future for your personal life?
It has helped me in the sense that when Zoey and Nico feel lost. Feel sad or confused about what their purpose is, it has been me talking. Writing this story has helped me figure out what self-love is, through Zoey, understand the value of being kind to others, through Nico, and the value of being kind to myself. They have grown through so much, and so have I. Without them, I wouldn't be the writer I am today.
Q: What is Zoey's favourite color? And Nico's?
Zoey's is the orangey, warm colors that merge in dawn. Nico's is the one of Zoey's eyes: hazel, a dark honey.
Q: Nico suggested Zoey the name 'Elisa' for her art shop. But why 'Elisa'? Is there any chance that it is because of Beth?
Elisa was because of my all-time favorite writer on wattpad, @beautyatwork. I loved her name and found it suitable for a lil art shop place!
Q: Were the chapter titles song titles?
Yes, most of them were! They were inspired by the songs that would help me write each perspective.
Q: Will you ever publish this book?
Tbh, probably not. It might be involved in other things/deals, but not publishing. Partly because I don't think it's good enough, and also because so much of my life is dedicated to a field that is much, much further to writing. Publishing a book takes time and effort, and that, I had, with AUKOL. But not now, unfortunately.
Q: Who took over the mail duties after Nico and Zoey and Walter?
Elisa, their daughter, helps out in the summer. Mainly, though, it is one of Silvercrest's residents: a woman in her forties who was close friends with Walters' wife, Bea. She was holed up in her house, unable to overcome a severe social anxiety situation. When Walters died, she found that her knowledge of the town and her severe yearning to get better would be helpful in delivering the mail. Her name is Adalia, and in the summer, Zoey & Elisa deliver mail with her when they visit!
Q: Why did Mailboy finish like that? If it was a standalone book, would you have done the same? What took you so long to write Artgirl?
Mailboy ended like this because literally 90% of teenage relationships don't work out. Zoey and Nico would have never worked out if Nico had stayed: she wouldn't have learned how to be tough, and he would've held it against her. Nico was broken when he met Zoey, he needed to heal and at the time, she was whole.
If it was a standalone book, I would've done the same tbh. Mailboy wasn't supposed to have a sequel, in the beginning anyway. This would always be its ending.
Artgirl took me forever because, mainly, I started college and my goals shifted from writing to achieving a much, much bigger dream. I barely had time to sleep, to think: my writing side faltered a little. Artgirl was also harder because I was losing inspiration for the story, I was tired and frankly, a little depressed and I wasn't proud of my work.
Q: Where do they end up living? Do they have kids?
They live on the outskirts of Ottawa, and they have 2 kids. It's in the previous chapter!
Q: Will there be an epilogue?
No, because I find that the ending wraps them up quite nicely. But maybe a spin-off starring one of their kids (Elisa). (Big, big maybe, though.)
Q: What happens to Lucy? Aaron? Amir?
Lucy, Aaron & Amir, like many of high school friends, have drifted away to having their own lives, far away from Silvercrest.
Q: Does Adrian find someone else? Does Jessie ever settle? What's up with James? Did Zoey and Nico ever sleep together? And was James her first?
Yes. She doesn't settle for anything: she gets 2 beautiful kids through adoption and they are the light of her life. Previously mentioned. Yes. & Yes.
Q: Does Nico ever see Beth after he returns to London? Did Nico's mom actually give her approval of Nick and Zoey's relationship? How do you feel about this ending? Do you love this book as much as I do?
They met for coffee when he came back to London. They talked everything out, once Nico was less angry. Beth and Nico were never truly, truly in love and she realized how badly she messed up. She loved him, though and that would never truly go away// Nico's mom passed away years and years ago, but she does give him her blessing by kind of warming his heart when he is worried of her approval.// I love this ending, I've had it planned since the first chapter of Artgirl. This is always how their story was supposed to end. // This book is my heart, my soul, my most beautiful and precious escape from reality.
Q: What is Nico's reason for not contacting Zoey the last two months before moving?
He wanted to surprise her about his move to Ottawa! & he didn't want her to see the process of him moving, especially since they mainly would facetime. He didn't want to lie.
Q: Do Adrian, Camilla, and Jessie find love (again)? What about James? What is Rafael's story before he met Amanda? How old are Nico's dad's girlfriends kids?
The specificity tho! Adrian, yes. He meets another radio show host & it takes him a good three months to convince her to go on a date with him. Camilla, yes! I don't have the details worked out though. Jessie, through her kids.// Rafael is an immigration lawyer who saw his dad get deported before his eyes. He grew up in a poor neighbourhood and persevered to get into law school, being the first in his fam to go to uni. He & Amanda met when working on a case together. // Nico's dad's gf's kids are around 15-16 she's a few years younger than him and had kids later on!
Q: What was it that inspired you to come back and give these two an ending?
I was so fed up with myself: not finishing their story was like me having an unfinished chapter in my life. I felt guilty writing other stories when theirs wasn't done, I wanted to wrap up their story and give the readers, who have been so, so patient and lovely, an ending that is well-deserved.
Their story is one of my greatest loves, and it has been a pleasure to tell it.
I'd love to hear your thoughts about these books. So, let me ask YOU some questions.
What did you love the most about the Paperweight series?
Who was your favorite character and why?
If a spin-off happened, who would you want it to star, other than Nico & Zoey?
What was your favorite moment?
I could never say it enough, but I do love you. Thank you for this incredible journey, it is one I will never forget it. I despica you all.
And I, like Nico and Zoey, carry your heart with mine.
with all the love in the world, yas.
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