Chapter 26
Tension ran thick with the royal family looking upon the newcomers from the Kingdom of Darion. Caspian holding firmly to Artemis whose body was shaking with the heighten emotions rolling off of everyone. Her head feeling light with the on slaughter of animosity given off. She holds Caspian's hand that is glued to her hip. Navene is standing partially in front of the young princess who is looking back and forth between her father and King Maximus. The queen is standing tall by her husband's side looking only to the King.
"King Maximus, we were not expecting a visit."
The queen says keep her voice level. Her husband holding her hand while waiting for the King to reply. He stands back up looking to the royal couple before glancing to the others standing before him. His face stopping upon the young silver beauty. His eyes slowly going over her form from her unique colored hair to captivating matching eyes down to her arm. Artemis can feel his eyes and shivers in disgust. Caspian pulls her so she is attached at his hip feeling his rage hitting a boiling point. Artemis slowly rubs his back in a soothing manner.
"Queen Analee, King Casden." He turns his attention back to them. "I felt we had urgent matters to discuss. My sincere apologies for the intrusion. May we speak."
Caspian looks to his father who forces a smile and gestures for them to enter. His parents leading with King Maximus following along with the royal adviser. Caspian turns to walk with his beloved but it is stopped by a tug on his elbow. He turns to see Princess Lena batting her eyes at him.
"Caspian you will escort me in, won't you? It is part of your royal duties." Caspian clenches his jaw hanging his other arm for the princess. Artemis attempts to pull away to walk behind however Caspian refuses to release her. She looks to him and can see his eyes pleading her. She stays and rubs his arm hoping to help. Navene and Cassandra make a quick escape after entering the castle. Artemis looks back just long enough to hear their feet pad away.
They arrive to the grand hall to see the King and Queen have taken their respectable seats while King Maximus stands in front of him. Caspian shrugs Lena's hand out of his arm releasing her with obvious disdain while continuing to hold Artemis. Caspian walks up to stand by his parents with Artemis at his side.
"Alright King Maximus, what is it you wish to discuss?"
His eyes turn to Caspian's companion yet again. This time a veracious low growl stops the King from further analyzing her. He looks down to see a large wolf standing in front of Caspian and the young beauty's legs. He then turns to the king and queen and notices one also sits with the queen.
"So it is true then?" His question more of a statement.
"Is what true Maximus?" The King ask sitting forward in his throne.
"That my daughter was denied due to sorcery. That you have chosen a witch to be your successor?!"
His voice raising causing the wolves in the room to get in a defensive stance. Artemis hums lowly beckoning them to stay seated. The queen sits forward rubbing Goliath's head calming him. Her own blood begin to boil.
"Our son has chosen his future bride, that is a fact." The queen says making direct eye contact with the heated king. " However, she is no witch."
King Maximus scoffs at her ignorance looking between them all. "You are all fools to believe that you could have anyone better than my daughter sitting upon that throne. This witch will be the downfall to your Kingdom, Casden!"
"That. Is. Enough." The king stands up his voice even yet with finality. Everyone stayed silent as the king proceeded to step down slowly. Caspian's form rigid waiting to have his turn. "Your daughter is not fit to be ours or anyone's future queen with how she behaves. SHE... will be your downfall Maximus. Artemis will be our future queen and she will rule like any other before her."
Artemis couldn't believe her ears hearing the praise she was receiving from her king. Her body feeling elated with his approval. She stands tall refusing to bow to these intruders. King Maximus could breathe fire with his eyes the way they were cast on her. She stands tall with Caspian next to her.
"How dare you imply that this- this WITCH could rule better than my daughter! One of royal blood, it is her birth right to rule! She was supposed to wed Caspian!!"
Caspian having quite enough steps down to meet his father letting go of Artemis in the process. Vatalanie walks down by his side. King Maximus sees the creature and steps back timidly.
"King Maximus, let me make this perfectly clear... Your daughter and I have NEVER had a relationship of any kind, nor will we. I am in love with Lady Artemis who can put all others to shame. Your daughter should learn from her."
King Maximus steps forward not regarding the King standing in front of him. A sword shooting out from the side has him stop in his tracks. The guards now have blades pointed at him on both sides protecting the king and prince. He raises his hands in a surrender form stepping back chuckling darkly.
"My daughter is a gem unlike any other. She is still pure and will continue to be so til wed. Can you say that for your son's choice? How do you know that she is not a whore!?"
Caspian draws his blade faster than he can think pointing at the pompous king's throat. His hand shaking with need to defend his beloved. His father watches half wanting him to do it and the other half not wanting to start a war. A giggle stops them all from continuing their argument as the look to the queen who is covering her mouth with her hand to attempt to not laugh out loud. She finally stops and stands up in her spot looking at the men and the 'gem' of a princess.
"King Maximus, I do believe you may want to watch your tongue for it spouts nothing but lies."
"Excuse-" She holds up her hand stopping him from interrupting her further.
"Your daughter had sexual affairs while staying within our walls. Your royal adviser and her have a very... hands on approach. I have many guards and maids that can profess to these statements."
She turns and looks directly to the royal adviser who now is as white as snow. The group of men looking to the adviser and seeing his reaction. King Maximus then turns to his daughter who looks petrified. He knows what the queen speaks is true but still can't get over their decision to name another.
"Queen Analee, that still is no right for a witch to sit in your seat."
The queen steps down finally having enough of the arrogant man. Goliath glued to her side. Artemis stands alone feeling her head spin. She rubs her temple hoping to relieve some of the pressure. The queen stops between her husband and son. Caspian still holding his sword out in front of him. Her voice dropping lowly making even Princess Lena stagger back.
"I will reign hell upon this land before I ever consider handing my throne to your daughter."
With that King Maximus snaps stepping forward. He is thrown off when a wolf roars throughout the chambers stopping him in his tracks. He just now notices how many of these creatures are throughout the chamber. He looks to the enchantress with pure disdain.
"Do you have no tongue! Do you not wish to answer for your own validity?" He spits out.
Artemis feels her emotions being so consumed by others that she has to breathe deeply to keep them in control. The feelings of hatred she can feel emitted not only by Caspian but by her pack causing her the want to lash out. She closes her eyes and emits a low hum before answering to the enraged bull. She chooses to stay where she stands and clasp her hands in front of her.
"Why waste my breathe upon someone who believes that only he is correct. It would do no good... Your daughter has chosen to draw conclusions about me that she instilled in you. You have come here to cause nothing but harm."
"Do you not want to claim to be other than a witch?!"
Artemis refuses to continue this banter especially when she begins feeling the tightening in her chest. She looks around and Vatalanie catches on slowly leaving Caspian's side. Artemis shakes her head telling her to remain with him. She turns and graciously walks out the room even with the king still bellowing accusations at her.
She feels her chest inflamed as she walks out. She makes it to the back door to find a familiar face flying her way.
She turns to see Caspian racing down the hallway with some guards accompanying him. She feels her mind becoming glazed over unlike ever before. She falls to the ground causing Caspian to sprint to her fallen form. He kneels down gathering her in his arms as a loud roar erupts from the heavens. He looks up to see Kaleo flying directly at him.
He hears his father's voice but can't look away from the winged creature. His eyes narrowed on the size of the familiar dragon. His dad runs in standing behind his son completely petrified of the unfamiliar beast. Caspian disregards all else and looks down to Artemis whose body is on fire. He touches her head, then neck and feels the temperature abnormally hot.
"Dad, she is burning up."
The king looks down to Lady Artemis and can tell something is wrong but can't seem to focus on anything other than the wing creature. Another loud roar emits and everyone's eyes go up to see the dragon flapping directly above them as he slowly descends to the ground.
Kaleo could feel his savior's heartbeat slowing and knew he needed to act fast. He believed it was something the young man did but one look to his eyes and he could see the clear concern yet again. He kept his eyes narrowed scanning all the humans before him. He looked to the man with the golden ring upon his head and could see his terrified form. He turned his attention back to silver savior. His tail slowly coming around to wrap around the young man holding her.
"Dad, don't! I know of this dragon. He will not harm me!" Caspian stops his father from attacking. Kaleo watches as the King contemplates before nodding to the other ironclad men around. Kaleo uses his tail to lift Caspian and Artemis onto his back. Caspian still holding firmly to his beloved who is getting hotter by the minute.
Caspian... Trust
Caspian can hear Artemis and holds onto the dragon's back while wrapping his other arm around Artemis holding her in place. He nods to his dad who still looks upon the scene with a horrified expression. He closes his eyes as Kaleo lifts off the ground, his final thoughts going to his love.
You will be okay Artemis
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