Raylen Smith
Name : Raylen
Age :18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Hair color: Red
Eye color:purple
Skin : brown
Cloths :white one shoulder shirt on the left and whitesleeves and ,gray pants, black pants .
Personality: nice,kind,Caring,Sweet,independence,loyalty.
Born : 19,2001 June
Day or night: Day
Favorite color: Red and purple,white
Favorite place :
Like : make friends, cooking,dancing,listening to music and singing/Rapping,pizza,Fries,hang out with her friends and family,Drawing,writers,making Dress.
Dislike: Rude,lies, Abused,mean, Disrespectful,Cheated, Annoying,Raped,Death, Murder,used,Manipulative,Ruin her stuff,spoiled b,Rudeness behavior,Annoying,being followed,Creepy guys,bullied .
Backstory of Raylan
When raylan was born she saw her father is Rapping and singing and her mother is fashion design so she watch them and learn how to rap and singing and fashion designers and so when she became 18 years olds she went to school became friends and graduated and she moved away from her family and move into a apartment since she was going to college and so on she went to college and made a lot friends and she went home she is practicing rap and Fashion designers and so she was happy but then the apartment was set on fire people made it out but raylan died in the fire and so she woke up and saw a red fire gem and in the middle has a fire symbol in front of the gem and so fire gem and Raylan merged together and she became a fire beast she was a
She was a hedgehog/cat and her personality changed and so she was in a floating island and met other became friend with them and she miss her family and friends she can't go back since they won't believe that she was alive? But they won't believe her so she was shocked she wasn't the only one but so does the others so she was happy she won't be alone anymore.
Name :Flame Fire beast
Real name : Raylan
Age : 18 or 19
Gender: female
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Fire type beast hedgehog/cat
Hair color: orange and yellow and white striped
Eye color: orange and red
Cloths :white short and off shoulders and white sleeves,white pants,gray and white shoes .
Personality: Stubborn,Rude,smart,Caring,kind
Like : make friends,help other,Training,rap and singing,Dancing,Fashion designers,practice her power,Relaxing,Hang out with her friends,listening to music,cooking
Dislike: Rude, Rape, Abused, Cheated,Betrayal,used,Lies,manipulative, Death,harming her friend, bad guys,Spoiled b,Destroying everything,Destruction,being followed,force something she doesn't want to do,left alone .
And also she can transform back to her human self and she can even transform her fire beast like when she goes into the fight or she can transform into fire beast with other beast hand out ( do you get it what I mean .)
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