56. last year's stuff i forgot as well jesus
So I've decided that it would be better for me to format this book using like proper english and stuff and capital letters so woo let's see how long this lasts!
I have a huge amount of horrible school drawings that i feel compelled to share with the 2-3 people that are going to read this trainwreck of an art book!
Here they are!
First off:
Here are Pelly The Can's relatives. Long story, but I have a character called Pelly The Can, who is a Pelican. Yep, thats right.. Here we have Pelly herself, Helly, Cospelly, Fatelly, Emmy and Welly. I don't know why they exist, but they do lol
Pelly the Can and some flowers. Yup that's it. Oh and also some fish-looking dude in the corner?
Ah, then there's Bazza.^ In HASS (humanities and social sciences) we were wasting time drawing "typical Australian Bogans" instead of having time to study for a test. We drew bogans for a week. And then this is what happened.
I completely forgot the context of this, but (also in HASS) i drew some dude who you can clearly see has "no legs"
Some flower, idk man
This nice bear dude, don't know the context though.
A jacket, a shiny rose a cloud with a rainbow coming out of it and a comet. nice job, me. Ah don't forget the random scribbles.
A candle and a cobweb. Yep, that's all it is.
And here's another candle, nice
There's also this attractive slug.. nice one
Spot the dragon face! Did you find it? Nah it's pretty obvious tbh
Here's a weird mirror, yay
Then there's this dude.
Crowder, probably some evil crow version of Pelly the Can?
This creepy chicken^
Laurence the duckington: halloween addition!
Pelly the Can: Halloween addition!
This weird and sleep deprived dude^
19: last of all...
Misshapen lenny face. Yep he's attractive all right.
That's all I have for now, see you another time!-Trash
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