Sorry I Startled You...
Little edit thing from the Azaad x Rani AU I finally got to write out. This is when Rani and Azaad first met, which I imagined going somewhat similar to how Louis and Haru first met.
(Link to the story)
(Here's a bit from the chapter)
Rani and Ullu continued making their way towards the border of Tree of Life, better known as the Mountain Pass. From the distance, it looked almost too narrow to get through, but in reality and up close, the long pathway that cuts between the pass was actually pretty big and had plenty of space, making it really easy to get through.
"I can take it from here." Rani said as she slowed down near the entrance to the Mountain Pass.
"You sure?" Ullu said. Rani nodded insistently.
"Okay then. Happy to help, Rani," Ullu then hooted before leaving Rani at the Pass.
"Thank you," Rani said in response. The lioness then entered the Pass and began to make her way through. After a while, she exited from the other side, there, was a snowy forest habitat where rarely any animals inhabit other then a few moose, deer, squirrels, raccoons, and hares.
Rani looked around, she only saw an endless see of pine trees and rocks and large mounds of snow, but not the hurt cheetah Ullu claimed to have saw. Where could he be? Rani wondered, padding out a little further to inspect the area a little better. Maybe he left?
Then she suddenly froze. "AAAAHHHH!"
Rani jumped back a little as she let out an alarmed cry. Standing before her was the cheetah, he looked about her age, maybe about a moon or year older. He stood there, his breath coming out in short gasps, his front foreleg was being held up as if it were injured, but the biggest injury was a large, gruesome, tender gash almost the size of Rani's paw on his head. Blood continued to trickle down the wound, dripping from his head and onto the snow, staining the white floor. Despite his condition, the cheetah still manage to keep his head held high, as if vainly trying to show that his injuries hurt less than they look, though Rani could clearly tell that they must've hurt a lot. There were some scars and bruises on his body and a few of his front claws were chipped.
"Oh... Sorry I startled you..." the cheetah then spoke, his voice steady despite his weary appearance. "I was out hunting earlier... When suddenly, I had an unexpected fall..."
Rani suddenly realized she was still gaping at the cheetah, Rude! she scolded herself. She then forced her fur to lay flat and to not look so tense.
"I was on my way to the Tree of Life," the cheetah went on. "I heard it's a good place for the hurt or sick to get better. Do you know where it is?"
"Oh, um, yes," Rani replied when she finally found her voice. "Uh, actually, you're here. Well, at the border at least. The Tree of Life is just through the Mountain Pass."
"Can you swear?" the cheetah asked, his voice suddenly grew hard and stern. "That you'll never tell anyone?"
"Uh, what...?" Rani whispered, she fought the urge to back away when the cheetah began approaching her.
"Swear that you'll never tell another soul," the cheetah said, "That you saw the cheetah, Azaad, lamed and with a head injury, from a failed hunt?"
Rani tipped her head to the side, her fear now replaced with confusion. "Um, okay...? But who is this 'Azaad' fella?"
The cheetah then gasped softly, his eyes widened with surprise. "Then you... You don't know...?" he asked, his tone softened a little. Another drop of blood from his wound fell onto the snow with a light plop.
"Afraid not," Rani replied, shrugging. She now realized that 'Azaad' might be the name of the cheetah himself. A very proud one, this Azaad. He's really this embarrassed of his wound that he made me swear I wouldn't tell anyone about it, despite the fact that we've only just met.
"Anyway, you're being way too unnecessarily self-conscious, you know?" she went on. Azaad seemed taken aback by Rani's honesty, he stared at the lioness with a mixture of shock and confusion.
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