Carina (Long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, 16, 5', NO S/Rrp): * You were my older brother's best friend, and I had always had a major crush on you. My parents knew, and so did yours. Right now we were sitting in my living room, with our parents on either side of us. I was in the middle with my mom on my left and my dad on my right on one couch. You were in the middle on the other, with your mom on your left and dad on your right. For some reason they were discussing money and apartments and dates and court papers. I was wearing a pale yellow dress that went to my knees and had three spaghetti straps on each side on my shoulder to hold up the dress, with a white ribbon that tied in the back around my waist. My long hair was held out of my eyes by a white headband. My small feet were covered by white flats. The outfit made me look young and innocent. My mother, on the other hand, was wearing a short black cocktail dress that barely went to her mid thigh while standing and hardly held her boobs- that were clearly implants- in her dress. Her long hair was down and curled, and she wore a black smokey eye with bright red lipstick. She had on black high heels that were three inches tall. My father wore a white button up with black dress pants and black dress shoes, along with a black tie. I sat there quietly, picking at the end of my dress in boredom.*
Leo (M,18,platinum blonde hair, brown eyes, smart,likes to eat tomatoes): *I sat in my seat, bored out of my mind. The sleeves of my black dress shirt was rolled up to my elbows, accompanied with a deep purple tie. I was nervously straightening out my black dress pants and dark brown shoes were covering my feet. I quietly sighed as my parents kept talking. My mother wearing slightly different apparel as your mother, except she had purple hair. My father, on the other hand, he wore a purple button up with black dress pants and dark brown dress shoes. If people didn't know my family, they would have said we were royalty.*
Carina (Long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, 16, 5', NO S/Rrp): * My father cleared his throat, "So it's settled, tomorrow at noon the papers will be signed by everyone, and I will notarize it. The two will move into the apartment this afternoon after packing their belongings. I believe questioning would be appropriate now?" My father suggested. My mother, and your parents agreed. "Out of manners," My father started, then looked at your mother, "You may begin."*
Leo (M,18,platinum blonde hair, brown eyes, smart,likes to eat tomatoes): *I wasn't paying any attention to the issue. I kept thinking to myself 'Why did I have to come? I could have stayed home.' Thank God my parents didn't hear, otherwise they would have gotten mad at me. I usually just stay quiet when I'm home and in public, but when I'm with my friends, that's a whole nother story. I look over to you for a second before looking back down, a light shade of pink dusted my face.*
Carina (Long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, 16, 5', NO S/Rrp): * Your mother asked me about what chores I do, and how well I did them. If I knew how to cook, and if I was good at it. I was asked what I thought of marriage and children. She seemed satisfied with my responses. Then, my father said it was your father's turn. He declined, telling my father your mother asked all of his questions. Then, my mother had a turn. "Leo, do you have any chores at home?"*
Leo (M,18,platinum blonde hair, brown eyes, smart,likes to eat tomatoes): *"Yes, I have many chores." I snap back to reality again, answering my mother's question. I got slightly embarrassed knowing my mind went off into the clouds."
Carina (Long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, 16, 5', NO S/Rrp): * My mother nods, sitting up straighter. "How well do you do them?" My mother asks you.*
Leo (M,18,platinum blonde hair, brown eyes, smart,likes to eat tomatoes): *"V-very well. I know how mother likes my chores to be done correctly and perfectly." I shift a little in my seat, slightly uncomfortable with the questions. Not to add the satisfying looks yours and my parents had on their faces.*
Carina (Long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, 16, 5', NO S/Rrp): * My mother looks to my father, and nods to signal that she was done. My father then takes his turn. "Do you have a job?" My father asks you, and I shift. I finally picked up on what was going on.*
Leo (M,18,platinum blonde hair, brown eyes, smart,likes to eat tomatoes): *"Well, I'm looking for a job. Although I'm taking college courses to become a teacher. But with a job, it would help me pay for my tuition fee." I say nervously, not knowing how your parents would react to that. My parents already knew and likes my decision.*
Carina (Long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, 16, 5', NO S/Rrp): * My father nods, seeming somewhat pleased. "I have one final question. How do you feel about marriage and children?"*
Leo (M,18,platinum blonde hair, brown eyes, smart,likes to eat tomatoes): "M-marriage? Well, I-I like the idea of marriage. Children would be nice as well, get some responsibility as a parent on rasing a child." I got more nervous answering the question.*
Carina (Long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, 16, 5', NO S/Rrp): * My father nods, and both of my parents seem pleased. "Shall we tell them our decision?" My father suggests, and your parents and my mother agrees. Your father clears his throat sitting up straight, "Carina, Leo, tonight the two of you will be packing and moving into an apartment together. In the apartment you will find plenty of money for the next few months stashed away in a safe. The combination for the safe will be on a sticky note on the fridge. The kitchen will be stocked with food already. A car will already be parked in the parking lot for the two of you. Tomorrow you will meet us at the court house at noon to sign papers for your marriage." Once your father finishes talking I've turned a ghostly white color and become as stiff as a person could without being dead.*
Leo (M,18,platinum blonde hair, brown eyes, smart,likes to eat tomatoes): *I froze, color almost fading from my face, almost as white as my hair. Shocked at what they were talking about, I wanted to say something, but I couldn't speak. My breath hitched in my throat, my mind was racing thoughts after thoughts.*
Carina (Long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, 16, 5', NO S/Rrp): * Slowly, my face turned red. Not out of embarrassment, but because I was scared you would always resent me because of what my parents had done with your parents. Tears welled in my eyes, and my heart ached. I was in love with you, I had been since I was ten years old, but I wanted too marry you, but not like this.*
Leo (M,18,platinum blonde hair, brown eyes, smart,likes to eat tomatoes): *I gulped, slightly shaking. I knew that I loved you. But this would be way to soon for me to marry you. I was thinking in a couple years to marry you. Not a forced marriage. 'What if this doesn't work? What if I'm not wanting to raise children yet? These things take time.' My mind was still racing. 'What is going through my parents mind exactly?'*
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