Mikey to the rescue and kidnapped with Melody Part 29
Goldie had just found out that Freddy was a yandere and had killed his bullies and he was the reason that he was the size and age of 2 years old but he took it too far by dressing Goldie up like a girl and putting him in a secret nursery he had made for Goldie and just Goldie, Goldie misses his best friend Michael but Mikey for short, Mikey had found out by Mike about what happened after 10 years of being apart from Goldie, he goes to rescue Goldie but had to get passed Freddy which he did, by drugging Freddy's cranberry soda with properal, Mikey finds Goldie in the secret nursery and gets Goldie and out of the nightmare before Freddy wakes up and Melody has the car started to help them get away and fast before.
shadow came and turn Melody into a toddler age of 5, Mikey doesn't know it yet as he runs out of the pizzeria and gets in the van soon they drive off till Mikey felt like something wasn't right, but it was already too late, the van stopped at what seems to be a worn-down pizzeria as Mikey sees it he was knocked unconscious by the shadow bear, and drugged which turned Mikey into a toddler as well same age as Melody as he takes all 3 inside after getting a stroller, of course, he takes them into a nursery and lays them each down and dresses them up expect Goldie since he was already dressed, as Shadow smiles and covering all 3 up with a blanket as shadow had successed of getting all three out of the pizzeria but had shrunk Mikey and Melody and plan on changing their hair colors to a different color while he re-erase Goldie's memories that Freddy did so long ago of him and Goldie being friends his first friend before Mikey and Melody was as he does plan to turn Mikey and Melody back to normal when he finishes making the cure for Goldie first to turn him to the normal age and size since he did it by accident when it was meant for Freddy ( yes I'll make toddler Freddy to show you what he would look like as a toddler) but Goldie got in the way so he wants to fix the mistake he did and finally get his revenge on Freddy once and for all.
will Shadow's plan work or will he suffer the same fate as the others by Freddy's yandere grasp?
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