I wanna thank everyone so freaking much, never in a million years did I ever think I'd get this many people to pass by my account and think "You know what? I'm gonna give this asshole a try." AND BOOM!
I've only been here for two years! It's just- so unbelievable to me!
I remember posting the first episode of my first Em story when I had just recently turned 14, getting so excited over my first view, my first vote, and my first comment, and I had thought that it would take so many years to even get to a hundred, but here I am!!
I've had people comment in my books, freaking out when I reply and treating me like I'm some sort of celebrity here, which feels so odd to me because I'm only a weird 16 year old girl trying to survive her junior year of high school and trying to keep herself entertained.
This app did make me feel certain about how I want to make books for the rest of my life, it makes me happy, it makes my readers happy, and it makes me happy that it makes you happy!
I'm so grateful for all the people I've met in my experience here, so thankful for my girlfriend Sage (Sage_Jade_Cipher) and my friends Laurie (Detective_Quackson), Weenies (Narrowed_Weenies), Luna (lunathewolf949), Gen (Genevieve_tan10), and more!!
And boyf-_-riends, I saw your message on my Message Board, But I've never been able to write things there because of something with my email, but thank you!!! 😄
I love you all so freaking much!!!❤️❤️❤️
To celebrate this, Sage has given me the idea of making my own 'Draw This In Your Style'! 😁
So here it is!
Posted on September 8th of 2020
The deadline will be in three weeks from now, on September 29th, 2020, since I know school's been rough for everyone.
Again, thank you all so so much for all of your support, I really appreciate all of you, and I know most of you won't even see this message, but still.
I love every single one of you beautiful readers, and as always, 'till next time!!!
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