random drawing of Haven
A draft I did of Haven's backstory
I winced as my body slammed into a tree I screamed in pain, blood seeped through my clothes I could see seven Angels glaring at me "I thought hatred was a sin?" I laughed through the pain they glared daggers at me then quickly disappeared with a flash of light. I winced again, "this is going to hurt," I thought as I braced myself then grabbed a spear that was stuck in my wing I screamed as I pulled the bloodied spear out of my wing. I pulled the other spears out of my wings and my right eye I couldn't see anything in that eye and there were holes in my wings I crouched then took flight I flew onto a branch of a tree, blood still dripped from my wings and face but I could still fly I breathed a sigh of relief.
I flew down onto the ground and looked at my surroundings "hello?" a young voice said unseen I stayed silent and hid in a bush. A red-skinned girl walked through a bush near me "hello? Is anyone there?" she repeated, I grasped the spear in my hand that thing is not a human it's a demon an Imp to be exact "hello?" the Imp said coming closer to where I hid. I jumped out of my hiding place and pointed the spear at the demon "stay back!" I yelled, the imp smiled at me "are you a new friend?" she said smiling I looked at her with confusion "I'm not your friend!" I said "oh" she looked at me sadly; I felt pity looking at the young demon "actually I'll be your friend," I said smiling while lowering my weapon "really? Yay!" she said grinning, "what's your name?" I asked, "Oh it's Adalie what's yours?" she asked "it's Hanna-"I stopped that was my old name, I thought for a minute then smiled "my name is Haven" is finally answered, Adalie smiled "that's a pretty name!" she said joyfully. I smiled at her; her Childish innocence warmed my heart "what are you doing here?" I asked, " i don't know mommy and daddy just left me over there" she said sadly looking at the ground
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