new grunt background character's!
some information about the six;
Eddy: (ed-dee) [he's just Eddy.] ["kindest" grunt, but has anger issues.] [pretty egocentric..]
gile: [(his name is pronounced; g-ill.)]
[strongest of the group, and has beef with kacklie] [was giving a death sentence, but knocked kacklie out, making him unable to attack.] [trying to bite him, kacklie only left a small scar on his face.] [his boss spared him cause of his strength.]
bon: (bah-n) [the eye monster of the group, and somewhat "friendly"] [very curious boi.] [loves candy, and was given the nickname bon, as bon bons is candy in french.]
Axie: (Ax-ee) [nicknamed axolotl, (Axie for short.) cause of the way his hair sticks up like an axolotl's fins.] [got too close to kacklie's cell one day, and "payed the price"] [kacklie bit a huge chunk out of Axie's face.] [has a small metal piece installedinto his jaw, so food doesn't fall out when he eats.] [he recently tried escaping, and aswell, was given a death sentence.]
Zach: (za-ck) [crushes on Axie, and admires him deeply.] [close friends with Axie.] [became very depressed over Axie's death.] [also pretty close friends with Rollie.]
Rollie: (raw-lee) [crushes on Zach, but respects Zach's crush on Axie.] [likes to roll around on the floor sometimes, out of bordem, thus the name rollie.] [also loves to stick out his tongue.] [tried helping Zach with his grieving over Axie's death.]
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