This is the situation
Ok, so I forgot I did A second revamp of the Gacha stereotypes excluding the hybrid princess and separating the spoiled brat from the bullies. The only three I remembered where the bad way revamp (which I have to say wasn't the best), the depressed kid revamp (you guys already saw how that one went initially), and the OwO cat revamp. And I revisited one of the stereotypes not realizing it was a revamp of the spoiled brat and I have to say this is one of the best revamps I did
this one is the depressed kid, and I think I did a terrible job at making a queer character, I hope at one point I can redo this design but I will keep the demon elements (if anyone is questioning why I made this character a demon, I just thought a demon that could control electricity would be interesting because if anyone insulted the queer community this character would just have the ability to zap them an annoyance, but the fact that I recently thought of them as not using their electricity related powers really means I need to rework this entire character and the reasoning behind the electric demon or the reason why they don't use their electricity, all in all I need to rework this character a lot.)
This is the male bully, and I actually like his design, and the reason he is a bunny is is the same reason that the previous bad boy character which I made on my phone is also a bunny, show the bunnies aren't really weak. It's also to give more personality to the world of humanoid creatures, as they can I have emotions and personalities that are on the exact same level as humans. But all in all I really like his design and how he came out
This is the female bully and I have to say I am not as impressed with her as the male bully but I will say that this girl is rich which is probably a play to why she is a bully. You have to understand I didn't have explanations for why the characters are the way they are when I did these revamps. So I need to rework a lot of things behind them but I like the fact that this character is pants, gloves, and headband provide a solid pop along with the eyes.
I'm regretting how I did this OwO cat dirty with the hair, I should've made the hair a bit more of a solid color and I also should've taken away the skirt because it makes less sense on this character, especially playing into the fact that this character is the one I have the least knowledge about other than it's in a polyamorous relationship with the second revamp depressed kid (calico) and the first true rework of the OwO cat I did, which I did a much better job on mind you and there was more flesh in his character (his character was more fleshed out is what I was trying to say but it just came out weird) considering that OwO cat dressed more feminine in hopes to be excepted by his biological parents. Another thing about Kyler is that I think I intended on this one being queer character, but that's dropped more and more from my mind and went more to calico. All in all I need to fix a lot of things about these characters
Honestly I don't know what I was doing with him, but I wanted to make him look cool and at the same time break some standards with the stereo typical Bad boy, but I ended up with a design that's extremely cluttered and not really good, this is another one that I really despise of with how I designed it, at the time it seemed good but it really isn't
Here is the goddess among characters, are usually try and make good designs for animal characters but I somehow managed to create one of the best human characters ever with her, I even have a bit of a personality for her, being that she's sassy but she's still kind. I also have it to where she's friends with the OwO cat Number to revamp (kyler) Wiley I still need to work a lot more with her character she has a decent personality and doesn't act snobbish. Another thing I like about her is her design considering that it's a God tier design among the others! Where Kevin was decent Cali Beats him and everything he fails that, including pop! The socks and pants for Callie provide an extremely good pop without crowding the design, the purple streak was also added for a pop of color edit works extremely well with her character! All in all I was initially planning on these characters entering the most recent story I'm working on but at this point I think Callie is the only one going to enter because of her design and the fact she's the only one that has a truly fleshed out personality (to a degree mind you, I have yet to give her flaws but that will come with time. I don't see her being introduced in one of the earlier chapters but probably in the later chapter. I'm also thinking of giving her biological relations to Leo which will be interesting.)
All in all out of all these designs Cali is the only good one, nahy , she's the only perfect design. Just a heads up for anyone who's confused about the characters appearance in later chapters of the aftermath
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