Info on the powers for IDontKnowBoi
Air: Air is a somewhat rare element that enables the user to manipulate the winds. They can summon clouds, rain and in rare cases, lightning bolts. They usually just use what's there and manipulate it, but if they were to summon something out of thin air, it would take heaps of effort and exhaust them greatly. They are weak to nature, and are not absorbed easily.
Electric: Electric is an element that goes well with Air. It can summon lightning and generate power for lights and engines. There is a group of Electric animals working in King Alaska's dungeons, to power all his machines. Electric is a pretty common element, although rarer than nature.
Snow: Snow is a slightly common element, giving the user the power to summon snow and sometimes ice at will, with minimal exhaustion. However, the power will melt when touched by fire, leaving its user defenceless with no power. This element gets more powerful with practise.
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