So, this is my first time being tagged and I'm super excited. Well, technically it's not. I think I did get tagged before, I just didn't do it. So, here it goes! I was tagged by KAZtiel_InTheImpala!!!
1) Do you have a crush?
Unfortunately, I do. I have a crush on my best friend who has a girlfriend and my other best friend who, sometime last year, told me that he was not into girls. Yup, I certainly know how to pick them. This is also accompanied by celebrity crushes.
2) Middle name?
3) Height?
Five feet and three inches
4) Shoe size?
5) Eye color?
Dark brown. I love my eyes.
6) Last time you cried?
Um, I can't remember specifically, but it was sometime last week. My life is a wreck, haha.
7) Biggest fear?
I have many. I guess if I had to narrow it down to two, it would be my mom/siblings dying and my best friend graduating and forgetting about me (he's a grade above me).
8) Last song you listened to?
Part of Your World from the Little Mermaid. What? Don't judge. I love Disney!
9) Last person you texted?
I told my friends about my upcoming birthday party in a group message.
10) Favorite app?
I'd have to say Wattpad, but I also really like Facebook Messenger because I don't have cell service at my house and it keeps me connected to people.
I don't know how many people to tag, so I'm just gonna do five:
(And if any of you guys that I tagged, don't want me to tag you, just let me know and I'll try not to do it again!!!)
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