So Makenzie and I made this story one sentence at a time, alternating who writes the sentence. The first sentence and last 3 sentences are me.
One day, there was a dogo named wowo. Wowo wasn't you average dogo. In fact, he wasn't even a dogo He is something even more powerful. He was something you can never see. He was... John Cena. Not only that, but he was John Cena with an invisibility cloak. That is double invincibility right there. And Wowo, - or John Cena, choose a name, - lived in this beautiful fountain. And of course, this was a completely normal fountain. A rich fountain, indeed, though, with over 10$ in pennies. It was unknown how that many children had donated to the almighty Wowo. Wowo's mission was to find out the children who were donating to him and... How they even knew he existed. And the quest of Wowo begins.
But, what was his first move? It's unknown, even to this day of year 2385097235345 what Wowo's first move was. All we know, is that it involved two things. A match, and a god. Why would Wowo need a god and a match, you might ask? The match was for setting things on fire. The god was for infinite power.
But little did Wowo know that he was the god all along.He was just getting powers he already had, which was useless. So Wowo decided he needed a god stronger than himself if he wanted to truly find the children. The issue was that there wasn't much time. So Wowo completely gave up on having a god, and just went into the forest with his match. He realized he didn't even know how to use a match.Suddenly, the forest caught on fire, and Wowo thought: Wowo, wouldn't this be a good time to get a strong god? But instead, he decided to try to use his match, thinking that might put out the existing fire. This, of course, made the fire worsen. Nice going, Wowo. Suddenly, a beam of light shined upon Wowo. He was getting new godly powers. But where were these godly powers coming from?
The sky, duh.
Wowo accepted the fact that they came from the sky for only a moment, because then he remembered only gods could give gods godly powers. So he wondered why he didn't give himself more godly power in the first place. Until he realized that gods could not give themselves godly powers. He felt like an idiot. But this still left one question unanswered; where - who - were these godly powers coming from? Some god in the sky. There were so many gods, Wowo just HAD to figure out which one it was. And here is where Wowo gets sidetracked. Wowo decided that the mysterious god, if he was smart, would show up eventually and reveal himself. But the mysterious god wasn't smart. Wowo did not know at the time, though, so he continued his quest with hope. Legend says today he is still hoping for the god to come forward. Eventually, they will. But not this century. "I need to stop this god nonsense or-" Suddenly, a god descended from the sky. Sadly, Wowo had gone blind at this point from staring at the sun, and could not see the god.Little did Wowo know that the narrators were sick of this god nonsense, and the only reason it kept going on was because one of the narrators wanted an inside joke to be conveniently placed here. The narrators have given up, and decide to have an actual conversation.The End. Be satisfied. We tried.
Did you like it? I didn't it sucked.
As you can see, I was fighting to bring Makenzie to our inside joke, but she didn't uNdErStAnD.
Here's some POST-STORY conversation.
Makenzie: S a T i S f I e D
Kelli: its was laurns makenzie
i am disappointed.
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