redwrooder sides
Ok so i like sander sides.
Soo i drew my Sides.
My last name isn't really Redwrooder but it's my pen name so /shrug.
Heere it is:
From Left to Right: Anxiety, Creativity, Kelli (me), Logic, Morality.
Hey um, future Kelli here. So, after completing about half of this chapter, I went back to my drawing software to make a duplicate drawing that only had the background so you guys could see it better. Turns out my drawing software decided to literally delete the layers that took the most work. Luckily, I got back here in time to take a screenshot of it, and crop it back to normal.
Ofc this means all the layers are merged now and I'll probably never be able to edit this ever again.
As for the background stand-alone image, I just deleted all the other layers that weren't already deleted so it was just the background by itself.
I guess it all kinda worked out.
They're all so adorable!
I drew their rooms too cuz why not.
Here's the rooms by themselves, without the Sides.
I'm most proud of Creativity's room even tho all i really did was import a bunch of art and draw book spines. But /shrug.
I kinda wanna make this a thing.
Like a book.
I've seen others on Wattpad.
Like, I'd tell some tales of my sides or something? Give you all an insight into my brain.
Should it be a thing?
No really I need opinions.
sHoUl rEdwRoOdeR sIdEs bE a tHiNg
Actually, I'd have to come up with a better name cause Redwrooder sides doesn't really have that spicy alliteration. Redwrooder Rockets? Redwrooder Ricochets? Redwrooder Riot?
Nah I'll stick with Redwrooder Sides, thankyouverymuch.
Anyway, should this be a thing?
Stay gay, gay gals and lesbian pals.
(Remind me to never rip off Thomas's catchphrase ever again)
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