"First day of college?" a girl asked chirpily to another on her way.
"Hmm.." the girl nodded her head innocently and clutched her books nervously.
"Woah great. It's my first day too and I'm so excited. Aren't you?" the girl asked.
The other girl nodded her head again.
"I'm Lavanya. But you can call me Lav.. It sounds cool right?" Lavanya said smiling.
"I'm Khushi Kumari Gupta.." Khushi smiled shyly.
"Khushi.. Cute name, but you didn't need to tell me your complete name na.. I'm not teacher! .. I will call you Khush.." Lavanya giggled.
Khushi nodded again, and walked with Lavanya, a new friend she found in this college. She's so scared to be in a new place and unlike her school where she knew her friends. She was shy and nervous of what would happen in her life ahead now.
"Hey stop!!" both heard a man's voice towards them.
Lavanya looked at Khushi and whispered, "Don't turn. It's our seniors and they want to rag us because we are freshers.."
Khushi nodded and both started walking fast but unfortunately Khushi bumped with some group of friends on her way and she lost Lavanya who just went running from there.
The boy got the chance and caught her hand pulling her towards him.
"Junior student ahn?" he smirked "You wanted to escape from me?"
Khushi nodded sideways and her eyes were brimming with tears.
"Le..a..ve me.." she whispered scared, trying to push him with her tiny hands.
"What's your name?" the boy asked pulling her more closer.
"K..Kk.." she stammered extremely scared now.
"Kkkkk..Kiran?" the boy laughed.
"Hey Arnav just spare her.. She is so scared.." Sheetal, one of the friend of their group said with a fake pity face.
"Spare her? No way, she dared to ignore me when I called her.." Arnav turned to Sheetal, still holding Khushi firmly.
Khushi was crying now.
"Aww baby is crying!" another man, Aman said laughing out loud.
Khushi looked at them, "Please..leave me.."
"I didn't hold you to leave you!!" Arnav chuckled.
"Oyee filmy boy!!" NK shouted and his group cheered for him.
"I beg of you.. Please.." Khushi said trying to push him again.
"Why are you beggar to beg me?" Arnav asked smirking.
The crowd stopped to laugh at them, they were curious to know what ASR was going to do with this girl.
Khushi cried more seeing everyone staring at her laughing and gossiping around.
"OK!! Crying doll stop crying. I will leave you, but first you have to answer my question. Will you?" he asked.
Khushi nodded her head.
"They were 2 little fishes named "kiss you" and "kiss me", the kiss you died. Who's left?" Arnav asked.
"Kiss me.." Khushi replied innocently, she still didn't figure out that this was his way of ragging her.
"Please leave me now.." she said.
"Aree.. Why? You only told me to kiss you.." Arnav said blinking his eyes.
"No.. I never said that.." Khushi said.
"Why guys? Didn't you hear she say kiss me?" he asked to the crowd around them.
"YES.." the crowd shouted.
Arnav smirked and raised his eyebrow, "Since I'm a gentleman, I can't let you go without fulfilling your wish.."
Khushi widened her eyes horrified, now she only it struck on her mind that all this was his plan.
He tilt his head to reach her lips, and the crowd and his gangs reached to him.
Khushi pressed her lips and looked away crying, "Please don't.."
Arnav cupped her face and brought her closer to him, when he was about to kiss her.
He saw her shut her eyes tightly, she was sobbing and sweating in fear. Her whole body was trembling and she was surely not Sheetal's types.
He stopped his actions immediately.
"ASR stop it.." a girl pushed the people in crowd and made way towards them.
She glanced dangerously at Arnav and Arnav immediately left Khushi.
Khushi crying bitterly clutched her hands on her books hugging them close to her heart.
The girl hugged her tightly caressing her hair, "It's ok. Stop crying.."
Arnav signaled his group to shove the people away from them before his Di embarrass him in front of everyone.
And that's exactly what they did.
Anjali glared at him, "When you were humiliating her, you asked these people to stay. And now that's it's your time you ask them to go away?"
"Di.." Arnav whined.
Anjali: Can't you see how much scared is she? Just because you guys are seniors doesn't mean you take advantage of her..
"I wouldn't kiss her dammit.." Arnav said angrily.
"I see.. Thank God Akash called me in time and I could save her from my devil brother!!" Anjali said.
"Say sorry to her now.. " Anjali said.
"No! ASR doesn't say sorry.." Arnav said sharply and went from there with his group.
"I say sorry to you on his behalf girl. I'm really sorry, you know my brother is like that.. He loves to tease and play prank on others.." Anjali patted her cheeks.
Khushi: You don't need to say sorry. I should thank.. you for saving me in time..
Anjali: Come. What's your name?
"Khushi.." Khushi replied wiping her tears and going with Anjali.
They chatted for a while, till Khushi found her classroom and got in bidding bye to Anjali.
Anjali smiled at her and went from there.
She found Akash on her way, "Such a sweet girl she is. God knows what Chote is up to always playing pranks. She really got so scared, I felt so bad.."
"I knew it only you can stop Bhai from doing this Di.." Akash said adjusting his specs.
"I'm going to my classes now.. You should go also.. " Anjali said.
Akash nodded and went to Khushi's classroom. He is also in first year like Khushi and Lavanya, doing computer science.
"Where were you Khush? I just lost you on the way.." Lavanya asked her worried.
"Nothing.." Khushi nodded sideways and looked down still thinking about what happened to her.
Time passed by and Khushi was more comfortable in this college now. She was friendly with people that were her friends, and that mean Akash, Payal, Lavanya, Anjali and Sam. With others she was still shy and nervous. And with Arnav, she just avoided coming face to face with him, she forgot the incident but never talked with him after that even thought she know Arnav was connected with Akash and Anjali. She used to visit their mansion to meet only Akash and Anjali but never crossed way with Arnav.
Whereas for Arnav, it was a complete different situation, after that day. Anjali complained to her mother what Arnav did at college to poor Khushi and his mother scolded him a lot and gave him a long lecture. In between her speech, the question "Would you like if someone did this to go your mom and sister?" just pricked his heart and he knew he did wrong with Khushi, he felt guilty about his behavior after all, she's someone's daughter, sister and so on. He shouldn't force her to something without her will. He tried many times to say sorry to her but she always avoided him, that irked him more.
He tried to wait for her in her classroom, to catch her and say sorry but her teary eyes always made him take a step back in fear she cried. He followed her to the canteens, library, and so on but always Khushi escaped from him. He never step in college library, but for her he did and she doesn't even acknowledge that.
One fine day, Khushi was waiting for bus to take her home.
Arnav was going home on his car, he noticed her alone waiting for bus.
"This is the right time.. I should ask forgiveness now.." saying this mentally, he got outside the car and moved towards her.
But Sam came to Khushi with his bike, "Let's go Khush.."
Arnav clenched his fist seeing this.
Khushi nodded sideways, "No Sam you go. I will catch the bus.."
Arnav smiled.
"Offo Doll bus will take time. I will drop you home safe and sound.." Sam said.
"What the.. How dare he call her Doll? Are these both dating? No! Akash would have shared with us at home.." Arnav thought burning in jealousy.
"No. I will wait, thank you Sam!" she smiled.
"She never smiled to me.." Arnav gritted his teeth thinking.
"You never gave her reason too.." his heart mocked him.
"Are you sure?" Sam asked worried.
"Yeah, dammit.. Leave her alone you fool.." Arnav clenched his fist ready to punch Sam's face.
"Yes.. Sure.." Khushi smiled.
Sam ride his bike and went from there.
Khushi waited clutching her bag and looking around.
Arnav reached to her. Khushi took a step back in fear as she saw him.
"Relax!! I'm not any serial kisser.. That day was just part of ragging and nothing else.." Arnav raised his hand as if surrendering.
Khushi gulped and looked away.
"The best way to say sorry is to change one's behavior! So I promise to you Khushi, I will never tease any women like this. I promise I won't hurt anyone eap you. Please forgive me for what I did. I've been trying to say sorry but you're always ignoring me!! Only today I got chance.. You know I even memorized how to say sorry to you.." he said.
Khushi looked at him surprised and shocked. From what she hears from everyone, is that he is a spoilt brat and he make sure he get what he wants. He likes to change girlfriends like clothes and life is all about fun for him. His specialty is although he loves to bunk classes, he's really intelligent, he catches up everything with just his friends notes and always is a class topper making everyone in his class jealous of him.
"Am I forgiven?" Arnav asked hopefully, putting his both hands on his pocket quite embarrassed to say sorry for the first time to someone.
"Yes.." she nodded.
"Great.." Arnav smiled brightly, he was so happy and relieved that she forgave him.
"So friends?" he asked extending his hand.
Khushi nodded sideways.
Arnav frowned, "Why not?"
"You're not my type.." she replied.
"I will change for you!! I promise today onwards no party, no flirting, no pranks, no bunking.." Arnav said desperate to make her his friend.
"And.." Khushi stood there thinking if she should say or not.
"And? Tell me.." he said.
"No girlfriendsssss.." she stressed the word girlfriends, "It's bad cheating, and you keep cheating all those girls.. Have only one girlfriend.. That's okay, but 20, 30 and all.."
"Okay done. Seems like Di and Akash told my all life to you, isn't it?" Arnav bit his lips embarrassed.
Khushi cursed herself for telling this to him.
"Friends?" he asked again.
Khushi nodded, "Friends.."
"Let's go. I will drop you home.." he said and both walked towards his car.
What surprised him was that she said no many times to Sam, while he just asked once and she agreed.
Khushi sat on the car and found roses behind at the backseat.
Arnav smiled sheepishly, "Each rose for each girlfriend. But since you made me single, let's just throw this once and for all.."
He gathered the roses and was ready to throw it, when Khushi nodded sideways.
"Can I keep them?" she asked sweetly.
He nodded sideways, "These aren't worth you! I will buy another for you.."
He threw the roses and dropped her home.
Like a good boy he took her to her home, they were welcomed by Shashi.
Shashi asked Arnav to come in, and it's first time Khushi introduced her friend to her family.
"Is he your best friend bitiya? Very handsome.." Buaji asked smiling.
Arnav smirked, "Thanks Khushi's??"
"Khushi's Buaji.." Buaji replied.
"I'm her mother and Shashi ji is her father.." Garima said cheerfully.
"Okay.." he nodded his head, "I'm Khushi's friend.. Arnav Singh Raizada.."
"Friend? You're her best friend na, because Khushi brought you first here at home. She always talk about her friends but never brought them home. Only you.." Shashi said smiling.
Khushi widened her eyes, and Arnav smiled amused.
"Thank God that Sam didn't come here yet. I'm the first one.. What the.. I'm acting so childish.. What's wrong with me??" Arnav thought.
"Do you want tea or coffee?" Khush asked him shyly.
"Whatever you bring, I'll drink.." Arnav said lost in her.
Khushi looked at him confused, "Ji?"
"I mean.. Coffee.." he said and looked away hitting his forehead secretly.
"Bring jalebis for him too bitiya.." Garima said.
Khushi nodded and came back with a tray with coffee and a plate with jalebis for Arnav.
Arnav gulped his saliva and widened his eyes, he had diabetes and Khushi brought jalebis for him. He curse his Di for telling Khushi all his bad habits and forgetting about his poor health.
"Coffee.." she hand it to him with a small smile playing on her lips.
Arnav took it from her hand, brushing his fingers with her in the process.
Rabba vee.. Rabba vee..
Khushi looked at him, he too stare at her forgetting about her family present there. Both kept looking at each other so lost in their world.
Only Shashi cleared his throat smiling and Arnav jerked, the coffee cup slipped from his hand and landed on his chest.
"Ouch.." he hissed in pain.
Khushi panicked, she brushed his shirt trying to help him, "Oh DM.. I'm so sorry.. Are you hurt? I'm sorry.."
"I'm fine, relax Khushi.." he said hiding his pain behind a smile.
"You're lying. I know it must be hurting.." Khushi said like a baby crying.
"No, I'm not. I'm strong you know.." he shrugged his shoulder.
"I need to change this shirt now. I'll get going now, bye aunt, uncle and babes!!" he winked at Buaji.
Buaji giggled and waved at him, he earned another giggle from Khushi.
She smiled!! Because of him!!!
He wanted jump in happiness but somewhere controlled himself till he left their house, as soon as he was out going to his car, he jumped screaming a "Yes" laughing.
Khushi smiled staring at him through the window of her room.
"Ajeeb ladka..(strange boy)" she thought.
It was Sunday and Anjali and her group were going out. Arnav was silently watching them ready to go out.
He grabbed his apple and stood beside them, "I'm coming with you guys.."
Khushi looked down blushing, she knew it's only for her, he is coming. All weeks that passed by, Arnav always finds a reason to come close to her. She knows it, starting from dropping her home, going to canteen to have lunch with her, following her to the library, even passing by her classroom just to wave and smile to her.
She admits it, she likes when he does all this to grab her attention. No one ever treated her like Arnav did.
And didn't he say he would change? He did change only for her.. He quit doing bad things and he left his girlfriends also.
For whole college, someone did black magic on Arnav. But only she knew, why did he change!
He looks cute now, a good boy!!
She smiled thinking and Anjali's voice brought her to reality.
"Khushi will you in Chote's car?" Anjali asked.
"It's OK Anjali. I brought my bike here, so me and Khush can go together.." Sam said.
Arnav wanted to break Sam's teeth right now.
"Khushi is very scared of bike. She will go with me.." Arnav said grabbing his car keys.
"No, she is scared of full speed driving like you guys drive. So she will go with me.." Sam argues.
"She will come with me.." Arnav said.
Sam held Khushi's hand forcing her to go with him.
Khushi shove his hand lightly, "I will go with Arnav ji.."
Arnav ji.. Uff.. It's sound like music to his ear..
Sam frowned but let her go. Arnav smirked and took Khushi with him.
"Can I know why you choose me over your Sam??" he asked curious while driving.
"My Sam!? Aisa kuch nahin hai (Nothing like that).. We are not.. lovers.." Khushi cleared to him, she didn't want Arnav to misunderstand her.
"And I choose you Arnav ji because you..because.." she didn't know what to say further but something came in her mind.
"You're only my friend that Buaji, Bauji and Amma knows.." she smiled sweetly.
Arnav too smiled, sometimes he wonder if he didn't apologize, he wouldn't have such a sweet, cute, shy and understanding friend like Khushi. She's one best friend he got, although she doesn't talk much he really enjoys her company..
One year later..
First day of college, and the students entered through the huge gate all excited.
Arnav walked through the corridors looking for Khushi.
"Hey Lav.. Did you see my Khushpie?" he asked.
"Library!!" Lavanya rolled her eyes, "I don't understand what she is doing there.."
"She's waiting for me dumbo. Couldn't you say to me earlier?" Arnav hit Lavanya's forehead playfully.
"Arnav I'm not dumbo.. I will complain to Khushi about you.." Lavanya glared at him.
Arnav stuck his tongue to her, and went running to the library.
"Khushpie.. Khushpie.." he called her loud, and the students glared at him for shouting in the library.
Arnav bit his tongue sheepishly, he stare at her giggling at him, standing in front of the shelves of books.
Arnav walked to her and hugged her tightly, and lifted her by her waist.
Khushi giggled softly, "Arnav ji put me down.."
Arnav did as she say, he held her hand tightly, "I missed you Khushpie.. Why did you went to Shimla for one week? Just because of your cousin wedding, you left me here missing you for one whole week.."
"Sorry.." she held her ears smiling.
Arnav nodded sideways and hugged her again.
"Can I ask you something?" she said.
Arnav nodded placing soft kisses on her hair.
"They were 2 little fishes named "kiss you" and "kiss me", the kiss you died. Who's left?" she asked.
He broke the hug and smiled amused, "Kiss me.." he replied smirking.
Khushi tip toed on her feet to reach him, she pecked his lips softly.
"I love you Khushi.." he said smiling, it's their first kiss after being in a relationship for six months. And it couldn't be better than this!!
"I love you too Arnav ji.." she buried her face on his chest, blushing. Their first meeting wasn't a good one, that's why she wanted to recreate the same moment but in a good and sweet way!!
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