Rose Petals
This was supposed to go up yesterday, but it didn't, so have a late Valentine's Day oneshot.
"He's going t' hate it."
Jesse stared down at the blue roses in his hands, some of their original white color peaking out from the edges of the petals. Behind him, Genji was dumping a vase of blue, food-colored water down the drain. The cyborg scoffed at what his friend said.
"Please. Hanzo hates many things, but you are not one of them." He started rinsing the vase out, the remaining blue droplets standing out on the clear container. "Besides, it's the thought that counts."
The cowboy rolled his eyes, giving the flowers a sad look. "Tell that to Angela," he grumbled miserably.
"Hey," the Shimada snapped, setting the vase aside with more force than necessary. "We don't talk about the chocolate incident, alright?"
He raised his hands up in surrender. "Sorry, sorry..." He let his hands fall and sighed softly. "But seriously, he's gonna hate it. I could've gotten him somethin' so much nicer than this." He holds the roses up weakly. "Hell, he probably got me somethin' amazing and this is all I have for 'im."
Genji shook his head, a loud sigh coming from him. "Trust me, his gift isn't something super expensive either. Also, that isn't the only thing you got him."
McCree glanced up at him, an eyebrow raised in question. "Whaddya mean?"
The ninja held a finger up and quickly went into another room. He came back seconds later with sheets of thin, light blue sheets of paper cut in squares. "This," he said excitedly, tossing it down on the table in front of the southerner. "Is kami paper. Or, for you Americans, origami paper. Hanzo fucking loves origami. He used to make the most complex things when we were kids. Hell, he made a dragon that was two feet tall once." As he spoke, he started folding one of the sheets into squares. "You could do something simple for him."
He stared at the paper, doubting this would work. "I don't even know how t' make origami."
"And that's why I'm showing you," Genji answered bluntly. "We're making the letter 'H'. Now, fold this section over twice..."
After thirty minutes of struggling and complaining, the "H" was finished. Jesse turned the blue letter over and over in his hand, biting his lip nervously. "Are you sure this'll work?"
"I'm relyin' on you..." He carefully tucked the origami into the bundle of roses. "But thanks. For helping me with all this, just for a silly holiday."
"If it matters to you..." The Shimada murmured, "it is not silly. Now, go give my brother his gifts."
The brunet rolled his eyes playfully as he walked towards the door. "Yeah, yeah..." He went to push it open and froze. In the doorway was his boyfriend, Hanzo.
The archer looked up at him, surprised. "So this is where you've been..." he mumbled quietly. His gaze flickered over to his brother. "Do you have... You know... The thing?"
Genji seemed to know exactly what he was talking about. "It's back here, follow me." He started walking out of the room, leaving the two alone.
McCree coughed nervously, clutching the roses tightly behind his back. The ravenet looked over at him curiously. "What are you doing here, exactly?"
"Gettin' yer Valentine's Day present," he responded quickly. "Speaking of..." He pulled the flowers out and held them out sheepishly. "Happy Valentine's Day, darlin'."
The Shimada looked down at the flowers, his eyes wide and his mouth parted slightly. "Oh my..." His fingers wrapped around the stems and around the gunslinger's hand. "They're beautiful..."
A moment later, he spotted the origami. With a quiet gasp, he lifted it up and stared at it, a look of amazement in his eyes.
"Did... Did you make this yourself?" he asked, turning the letter over and over in his hand.
Jesse shrugged. "With help, of course." He felt his face flushing with heat. "Do y'like it?"
"I love it." Hanzo quickly set the roses down on a nearby table and threw his arms around the other's neck. In an instant, their lips were pressed together. A second later they pulled away. "My gift is shit compared to yours."
"Han, please," His hands found their way to the Asian's waist. "Yours is prolly better than mine."
They heard the sound of footsteps and turned. The younger Shimada looked between them, his emotions hidden by his helmet. "Am I interrupting something?"
In the blink of an eye, the two pulled apart. "Sorry about that..." The ravenet apologized, sparing his brother a glance. "Do you have it?"
"I do." Genji held a closed fist out to him, and he intercepted it without McCree seeing. He turned back to his lover at took a deep breath. "Close your eyes and hold out your hands."
The cowboy did what he was asked, curiosity gnawing at him. He felt a warm chain hit his hand, along with something else. His eyes fluttered open and he looked down at it. In his hands was a necklace with a revolver charm on it. It was a dull silver, making the gun look worn and beautiful. His breath caught in his throat. "Han..."
He couldn't get the words out, so instead he slipped the necklace on and pulled his boyfriend into a tight hug. The archer returned it, laughing quietly.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Jesse."
"Happy Valentine's Day, sweetpea."
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