(Warning: Angst)
The day I learned Genji had feelings for Jesse, I was supportive of him.
The day I realized I too had feelings for him, I realized how doomed I was.
It hit me when my brother asked me to give him a letter. A love letter, to be exact. I was tasked to deliver it to him nonchalantly and walk away. Get in, get out, and be done with it.
But when I saw McCree firing round after round at the training bots, not even missing a beat, my heart hit the floor. I slowly realized how impossible this task was going to be, and how heartbroken I was going to end up. Taking a deep breath, I approached him.
"Hm?" He turned around and flashed me that stupid, bubbly grin of his. "Oh, hey darlin'!"
The words stung a bit, knowing he only meant them in a friendly way and not a romantic one. "Hello..." I held the envelope out to him, the green dragon on it laughing at me. "This is for you."
Curiously, the cowboy took it. I started to walk away as I heard him tear it open. I pretended to look busy and climb a wall. When I reached the top, I pulled out my stormbow and started firing.
"What on earth...?"
"'I'm not good at poems, but...'"
Thunk. "Double-kill."
"'Roses are red, violets are blue...'"
Thunk. "Triple-kill!"
"I'll be your huckleberry if you want me to.'"
Thunk. "Quadruple kill!"
Jesse laughed, and it was music to my ears. Remembering it wasn't for me, I continued to shoot.
Thunk. "Quintuple kill."
"Genji Shimada."
"Ryuu ga waga teki wo kuroa!" I yelled in frustration, watching my dragons soar through the air. I heard the robots explode and Athena praise me, but I ignored them. I was too focused on McCree, who was staring at me like he was impressed and concerned. "That was... Somethin'," he commented.
"You're telling me," I muttered, looking away from him. I went out of the training room and was surprised to see Genji outside waiting. He saw me and perked up. "So? Did you tell him?"
I sighed quietly. "He saw it," I murmured. Genji's visor lit up and he ran inside. "Thanks, Hanzo!"
"No problem..." I grumbled, starting to walk down the hall. However, curiosity got the best of me and I shot a sonic arrow at the floor. Their outlines appeared and I watched them closely. My heart sank as I watched them hug, and, eventually, kiss.
"What a tragic sight, non?"
I drew back my bow and spun around, seeing Widow maker leaning against the wall. "How'd you get in here? And what are you doing here?"
She shrugged, her long ponytail swaying. "That's for Talon to know, and Overwatch to find out. She looked back where my sonic arrow was and sighed. "Such a shame, seeing someone else with the person you love..."
I pulled the arrow back further. "Don't try to sympathize with me."
"Oh believe me, I'm not," she chuckled, pushing herself off the wall. I was surprised to see she was unarmed. "In fact, I wasn't even planning on running into you." She had started slinking towards me. "But your grief makes this all so much easier."
I lowered my bow some, but it was still drawn. "Care to explain?"
She hummed in response and started to pace. "You see, Reaper sent me to 'borrow' the cowboy. He figured he could talk him into joining us. I told him he was crazy, he said McCree's stubbornness was no match for him, et cetera, et cetera."
The sniper had stopped pacing, and he back was towards me. The logical part of my brain told me to shoot her, but the part that was in control told me to hear her out. I did the latter.
"I always tug ought you had potential..." she said, looking over her shoulder at me. She had a wicked smirk on her face. "Reaper won't mind. He'd be happy if I recruited anyone, ce putain d'imbécile."
"What are you implying?" I ask, fulling lowering my bow. She laughed darkly. I gritted my teeth. "Amélie..."
"My offer..." she said coolly, "Is this. You could join us, and we could restore what you've lost. Your home. Your honor." Her voice lowered, and it sent a shiver down my spine. "Your lover..."
I gripped my bow tightly. "Or?"
She shrugged. "If you refuse, I'll just have to take McCree." He eyes, usually dull and emotionless, flashed with excitement. She turned back around so that she was facing me. "What do you say, archer? Join us, or watch your love go?"
Impulsively, I wanted to say no. Angrily, I wanted them to take Jesse away - he deserved it.
But then ration and reason set in. I remembered the whole reason why I had given him the note. I did it for Genji. I did it for his happiness. I looked back over at the sonic arrow, seeing their silhouettes cuddling together happily. I saw Genji rest his head on McCree's shoulder and winced. "I have to do this. For him. For both of them. And if not for them, than for me."
With a sigh, I pulled the sonic arrow out of the ground. I watched their outlines fade and disappear. I looked back over at Widow maker sadly. "Take me to Talon Headquarters."
She smiled, and it was unnerving. "Gladly."
French Translations:
Non - No
Et cetera - And so on
Ce putain d'imbécile - That fucking imbecile/fool
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