Chapter 4
Ever since you arrived back at the Jedi Temple, you couldn't get an ounce of sleep. Even if you did get sleep, it was only for a few hours, then you would wake up in a cold sweat, just suddenly. There wasn't a pattern either, it was always a random time. Sometimes you'd be asleep for three or four hours and wake up, and sometimes you'd only be asleep for an hour--but it was all for the same reason: Anakin.
Every night you'd dream of that situation that happened in the tent where he loomed over you, except in every dream there were different endings. You remembered one dream he had stabbed you with a lightsaber, and in another dream, he choked you to death, and in another dream, you couldn't believe it--but you had sex with him. Now that dream you remembered thoroughly as you recalled you woke up that night gripping your bedsheets. It was like the Force and your actual woman hormones were conflicting with one another.
You sat up in bed and rubbed your temples, thinking to yourself. No, gods. Just because you saw a man half-naked doesn't mean you have the right to act up. Compose yourself.
You blinked and rubbed your eyes, taking in the surroundings of your bedroom. Your eyes adverted to the blinds and saw that it was morning, as the Coruscant airways were as busy as ever. You felt so exhausted from the lack of sleep over the past few days. You didn't want to get up at all, but you knew your Jedi responsibilities were a bit more important than your sleeping schedule.
You threw your legs over the side of your bed that felt like weighted blocks of lead and picked the rest of your body up, no matter how much you wanted to be connected to that comfortable mattress.
You quickly threw on your Jedi uniform and made your way out the door, and walked quickly to the banquet hall to get some food for your starving stomach.
You made your way down the Jedi Temple and eventually arrived at the banquet hall. You went through the line and grabbed a tray of food and a cup of water to go with it and found an empty table to sit at.
You started to eat, focused on your food until you looked up and saw Obi-Wan heading your way.
"I see you look as fresh as ever, " he chuckled, squeezing into the table, sitting down right in front of you.
You swallowed your food and rubbed the bridge of your nose. "Ha, ha. Yeah, I feel great, " you mumbled sarcastically, while taking another bite of your food.
"Don't worry, I've got your caffeinated drink right here."He pulls out a paper cup and slides it over to you, its trademark steam rose out of its lid.
Your exhausted frown turned into a smile as you cupped your hands around the hot beverage and took in its familiar aroma. "Thank you, Obi-Wan. I think I'm going to make you my official drug dealer, " you joke before taking a sip of the beverage.
His eyes widened as he let out a big laugh. "Oh no, I don't think the Jedi Council would approve of me doing so," he watched you take a big sip of your drink. "Why aren't you sleeping well anyway? Your under-eyes are quite baggy. "
You blinked, trying to think of a response you could tell Obi-Wan without giving away the fact that you had hormonal feelings for Anakin. "I keep having horrible nightmares. It's the same nightmares over and over again-"
"But they end differently each time?"
You raise your eyebrows, concerned as to why he knew that. "Yes, exactly. How did you know?"
Obi-Wan sighed and stroked his auburn beard before making eye contact with you. "Anakin told me that he was having trouble sleeping as well. He told me that he kept having the same dream over and over again, but the ending was always different each time. He told me that yesterday as we were aboard the Venator. "
You didn't think that Anakin could dream of you, ever, for that matter. You always thought that he had bigger problems than you. But then again, you had bigger problems than Anakin as well, for instance, winning this war--but that didn't mean you couldn't dream of Anakin. Well, now you had supposed that it was possible.
All of these thoughts raced throughout your head, bringing upon a stressful headache. You took another sip from your hot beverage in hopes of resolving it.
"I don't know what's going on, " you tell him truthfully. "I just want to sleep, and I want to feel focused again. I want to feel good about myself again. I haven't been the same since I started encountering Anakin regularly. I feel like shit, " you whispered that last part, in hopes that no-one would hear you cuss, as the banquet hall was filled with Jedi who probably would frown upon your choice of words.
Thankfully Obi-Wan hadn't minded. "I know. Unfortunately being a Jedi comes with a lot of burdens. This... Whatever it is, just happens to come with it."
You laid your head down on the table, almost on the verge of tears. Your whole body felt like it was being weighed down by a bag of cement tied to your feet, as well as a cinder block constantly being pounded at your temples. The drink you held in your hands was the only thing that was keeping you from crying, as well as the fact that Obi-Wan was sitting right in front of you.
"I know being a Jedi comes with burdens... I just really hope I find a solution to whatever this is, " you said glumly, playing with the lid on your cup.
Obi-Wan frowned and knit his eyebrows together, a wave of concern washed over his face. "I have to admit, this seems pretty bad. I've never seen you like this before, nor Anakin. He's been pretty down as well. "
You nodded, feeling kind of better now that you knew someone else knew what you were going through.
"Have you spoken to master Yoda about it?"
You sat up and took another drink from your cup. "Yes, I have. He said that I need to work it out with Anakin, but every time I'm around him..." You wanted to tell him that the pit in your stomach grew into two separate fires, but you figured that he would freak out and end up lecturing you as Obi-Wan was always a stickler for codes. "...I just always get angrier and it always gets out of hand. I can't ever control it, and I always end up telling death threats to Anakin."
Obi-Wan raises an eyebrow. "Death threats? Do you hate each other that much?"
"Pretty much. It's always that way. "
"Strange. I honestly have no idea what could be the fuel for this anger, except the Force. The Force-"
"...Works in mysterious ways, I know. " you took the last big gulp of your drink before setting it down on your tray. "I just want it to work normally for once."
"Well, I'm sure you'll find a way to work it out with him. And if you don't, I suppose you could both just avoid each other for your entire existence, " he laughs, but his face softens as he looks at you, who isn't amused. "Again, I'm terribly sorry you're both experiencing this. I'll talk to Master Yoda to see if he's come up with a solution."
You smiled softly. "Thank you, Obi-Wan. I appreciate it."
"Of course. Now, if you excuse me, I must go console Anakin. He's probably in need of therapy as well."
You laugh and shake your head. "Yeah, sorry about that Obi-Wan. You're being a big help though!"
He shrugs. "It seems as if I've adopted two children that I can't un-adopt, so it's fine. I'm here for you, whenever. "
You put a hand over your heart and smiled, touched by Obi-Wan's generosity. "Thank you, that means a lot."
"Of course." With that, he bowed and left the banquet hall, heading for what you assumed was Anakin's quarters.
You got up and threw your tray away and exited the banquet hall, making your way towards the meditation chapel to clear your mind of all of these stressors.
As you walked down the Jedi Temple's halls, you couldn't help but notice how quiet it was, especially with these times being the height of the war. You couldn't count how many times this war had taken the life of several Jedi--people you had known practically your whole life--away from the Temple. And to think, younglings were being trained for war instead of for being a Jedi. They learned more combat skills and strategies more than anything. You wished you were back to simpler times--in specific, times before you met-
Out of nowhere, you were grabbed harshly by the wrist and pulled out from the hall and into a dark room--someone's quarters to be exact--and suddenly let go of, with your feet being unable to catch yourself by the sudden force of being thrown, you tripped over your robe and fell on to the floor.
"What the hell?" You hissed, quickly getting up from the floor.
"Why are you doing this?"
The voice was deep and raspy. You couldn't see the man's face--or you assumed it was a man anyway--as it was too dark to tell.
"Doing what? What did I do? You were the one who threw me into the room! I don't even know who you are!"
Just before you finished that sentence, you felt a fire blazing in your stomach--an angered fueled fire to be exact, so now, of course you knew who it was.
Now that your eyes had adjusted to the darkness, you saw that it was indeed who you suspected, as Anakin took a step forward, his body brooding as ever.
"Oh, " was all you said, making the situation more awkward, as you just now realized who you were talking to.
"Yeah, oh. " You could see what Obi-Wan was talking about now. His hair was disheveled, his eyes were droopy, and his posture sulked. "I don't usually get this angry, " he continued, "but you're sending me over the edge with these dreams, and I want to know why you're doing this to me. "
With every word he said, he seemed to be walking towards you with you backing away from him. His anger seemed to be controlling him.
"I'm not doing this on purpose! And for the record, I've been having dreams too!"
He stopped taking steps towards you as soon as you hit the wall, his figure now loomed over you. "You have?" His tone seemed to be genuinely concerned.
You swallowed, maybe a little too loud for your liking, but you were starting to be afraid of him, as he got more intimidating by the moment--especially with this sudden change in his tone. "Yes. You're in them too."
"Damn it, " he looked away and ran a hand through his hair before turning back to you. "That's just what I was afraid of. "
"Afraid of what?"
"I don't know, being connected to you through the Force, somehow?! Clearly we are, because if we're in each other's dreams then that has to mean something. " he turned away from you and started pacing the room.
You watched him pace the room as you sat against the wall, unsure of what to say. He had to be right, there was no other logical explanation--not that the Force was logical anyway.
"Well great. The last person I wanted to be Force connected to was you. So now that we know what's going on, I'm going to leave, " you mumbled, getting off of the wall and made your way towards the door.
"Oh no you don't."
Suddenly you felt yourself being pushed into the air and slammed back on to the wall, surely bruising the backs of your shoulders.
"What the hell?!" You shouted at him, now more angry than ever. "You don't decide on whether or not I get to leave!"
"Tell me, " he approached you, his eyes dark with fury. "What were your dreams about?"
Your eyes widened. You couldn't tell him anything or else he might tell Obi-Wan. You couldn't ever let Obi-Wan find out what your dreams were about. "They were about you at that camp we were at. "
"And, every time it's a different ending. Sometimes you would kill me, sometimes I would kill you--there were a lot of different endings, especially with a variety of ways we could end each other's lives."
"No, there's something else, isn't there?"
"Why, did you dream about something different than me?"
This was it, this time it was your turn to see Anakin's thoughts.
You put up your mental shields and took the opportunity to see his thoughts while his mental shields were down, as his focus was more on his anger than on his wit.
While you stood underneath Anakin, you used the Force to enter Anakin's thoughts, wondering what he was thinking of, and of course, it was his version of that dream.
It was that night at the campsite, but instead of him killing you off, he was thinking of the dream where you both endured a session of hot, angry sex.
You bit your cheek as you looked back at Anakin who was still waiting for an answer, and clearly unaware that you had read his thoughts.
Now you hadn't minded being under him so much, especially with another fire that was kindling in between your legs.
"No, I don't know if I dreamt something other than you, that's why I'm asking you. I would read your mind but your mental shields are up, " he snapped, now putting a hand on the wall, his face ever so close to you.
You decided to stay quiet and lower your mental shields for him, thinking about the similar dream that occurred for you. You hoped he would figure it out.
You watched his eyes search your face as he waited for an answer, but they soon came to a standstill as he read your thoughts.
As you both stood there in silence, you watched his pupils grow as he continued to read your thoughts, his eyes not moving an inch, not even to blink.
You had stayed still, using all of your might to not rub your legs together, as you didn't want to let Anakin know that you weren't that desperate for him, yet. But at least you both knew that this was eventually destined to happen.
You continued to watch Anakin, his facial expression finally changed as he tightened his jaw, and his eyes finally making eye contact with you. Your chest rose up and down more rapidly, now frightened with confrontation as Anakin had seen your deepest desires.
You looked him up and down, scanning his body carefully, wanting to touch him now more than ever. You glanced over his body, your eyes raking every surface of his features. Your sinful thoughts guided your eyes, sending them into a pit of wonder, knowing how Anakin felt about this situation as you saw his uncomfortable stance. He was waiting for you to notice it, and so you did--the black and brown fabric was pushed upward by his stiff member as if it was waiting for something--a touch, most likely.
Immediately you drew your eyes back up to Anakin's eyes, wondering what in the world he was thinking at the moment. His thoughts were probably racing. You could feel the air in the room start to condense around the two of you; it twisting out every single breath you had, just to the point where you could hear the both of you breathing in each other's ears.
At last, you couldn't stand the pressure building--it felt as if it wasn't allowing you to breathe--so you shifted from under his arm, breaking free from his Force hold.
"Goodbye Anakin, " you said, the words dripped from your lips, letting him know that this wouldn't be your last encounter, you purposefully brushed past his pelvis, it invoking a small groan from the man who continued to hold on to the wall.
You walked away from him, still able to sense his pain as you walked away. Whatever that encounter was, you weren't sure you wanted to see him like that again.
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