Chapter 12
For the rest of the flight, you had slept in your small sleeping space, undisturbed by the outside turbulence of the ship.
However, your sleep was still provoked by the erotic reoccurring scenes that protruded your mind.
After Anakin had shoved you down on to the ground, the small, invasive feeling of butterflies wouldn't seem to go away. You had to admit, you liked it when he was dominant, when he had you shoved down on the ground in front of him, his body crawled on top of yours, his hand around your throat--all of it made you excited, and apparently that excitement bled into your dreams.
The ship landed on the planet of Ancem, waking you up from your thoughts, the engines whirred down, coming to a complete stop, the power had cut off on the ship.
You threw your legs over the side of the bed and stood up. You called your lightsaber from the floor, sending it flying to your utility belt, then threw on your brown cloak, and grabbed your knapsack from under the bed, and tossed it on your back, the leather bag hit your spine with a soft thud.
You exited your quarters and made your way back to the cockpit, where Anakin had his dark brown cloak over him, along with his knapsack on his back. He sat at the pilot's seat, turning off all the switches until all of the buttons were turned off, the colorful lights that were spread across the dashboard were once no more.
He stood up from his seat and flipped his hood over his head, walking towards you, where you stood at the exit of the ship, with R2-D2 following behind the tall man.
You turned your head away from them and pushed the button that opened the ramp to the ship, the ramp pulled down from the ship, the legs extending from underneath the body of the cruiser pulled out to lay underneath the ramp--the ramp landed on the earth with a solid clang.
You walked down the ramp, the sounds of heavy boots beat along the metal as well as the whirring of the droid that followed behind the both of you.
You stopped at the end of the ramp and examined the terrain in front of you.
You weren't familiar with Ancem, it wasn't a planet you would exactly hear about unless you were a padawan studying in the Archives.
You remembered the planet well, knowing that it was inhabited by small local tribes of foreign creatures, as well as human villages scattered here and there about the planet. The human civilization would build small cities made out of stone and other natural resources, meanwhile, the small tribes of aliens were nomadic, using old forms of hunting and gathering.
The planet was mostly agricultural, seeming that it was a planet well connected to the Force, it made sense. The Force was a natural being, and it was logical that the things that surrounded it would stay natural.
Looking at your surroundings, you recalled Windu's information about the planet dying out, his words now more apparent than you expected.
Instead of full, lengthy fields of tall grass and tall trees that covered the planet, you only saw dead, lifeless plants--brown dirt laid out for miles ahead of you and dead trees were scattered about like someone had waved their hand across the field and cast some sort of spell.
"I guess Windu was right, " Anakin mumbles from behind you. "This place isn't anything like I remember studying."
You nod, looking at the once wealthy forests of green, now splattered with fallen oaks and leafless trees. "Artoo, scan the terrain. I want all the information we can get about this planet."
The droid beeps politely, doing as it's told.
You walk down the ramp and walk forward, the dry dirt crunched underneath your boots. Reaching into your knapsack, you pulled out your macrobinoculars from the leather pouch and brought the device up to your eyes.
Rotating the knobs around on the device, you scanned the area in front of you, peering through the thick forest of dull, dead trees, you zoomed in with the binoculars--the device beeping each time you did so--and looked at what looked like a small city of stone buildings gathered in the distance.
You pulled the device away from your eyes and shoved it back into your sack. "There's a small town ahead, past the trees, " you point to it. "It's about ten klicks north. We should get moving. " You peer up at the sky, the sun hung in the distance. It didn't look like the sun would set anytime soon, so you had plenty of time.
The walk to the town was long and aggravating, and as if being around Anakin wasn't aggravating enough, you had to listen to him talk to his droid, carrying on meaningless conversations, as well as the few arguments that came up between the two of you, and then the occasional threats of trying to kill each other, or more threats of Anakin wanting to fuck the shit out of you.
"I will not listen to your bantering Skywalker!"
"Yeah, I'd bet you'd rather listen to the sound of me stabbing the shit out of you with my lightsaber."
"Oh fuck off, you fucking prick."
"Oh please, you'd be begging for me to fuck you."
Needless to say, it was interesting. Along the walk, there were a few close calls where you either could've killed him, or he would have you pinned down on the forest floor. You weren't sure how you were going to manage several nights here with this man.
Eventually, through all of the death threats and the endless thoughts about how your feet ached, you arrived at the small village.
Surprisingly, there were locals, bustling about, the square had open markets and delis, and mothers sitting in front of their homes, taking care of their sons while fathers banged away at carpentry centers.
"I thought Windu said that these anomalies were killing the locals too, " you mumbled to Anakin, standing at the edge of the small town.
"I thought so too. Maybe it's not in large numbers, " he mumbled back, peering around the small village.
"Should we talk to one of the locals and ask what's wrong?" You ask, turning to Anakin.
He keeps his attention on the square in front of him, looking at all of the bustling people. "You're the one who's in charge here."
You roll your eyes in utter disbelief about his attitude. That was also another topic you argued about on the walk on the way to the village.
Deciding that it would be best to ask the locals, you walk out of the forest and make your way into the clearing of the small town followed by Anakin and R2-D2. You walk along with the bustle of the town, trying to blend in as much as possible, even though it was hard to, especially since you wore your Jedi robes that concealed your identity.
As you walked, you couldn't help but notice the strange glances the locals would give you. The people would turn to their neighbors and whisper something, or point and giggle at the three complete strangers in this small abandoned town who obviously didn't fit in with the rest.
"I don't see any signs of modern technology here, " Anakin mumbles, as he walks by your side.
Among what you've seen is far, you couldn't even see a basic protocol droid in sight, nor that of a pit droid. The Archives were right about one thing--this place was ancient.
"You're right, I don't see anything either. I don't even think they have any communication devices either, " you mumble back, now approaching a small carpentry shop, where a burly old man with a long, silver, wispy beard adorned his face, sat in a wooden chair, whittling away at a small wooden doll while humming an upbeat tune.
Arriving at the shop, you see two tables: a table full of interesting devices that looked like they were used for carpentry, while another table showed off the shop owner's work--the table adorned with chairs hanging over the edge of the table, small dolls, axes, weapons, as well as rolls of paper blueprints used for constructing larger objects.
They even had paper here. That wasn't something you'd see every day on Coruscant.
"Excuse me, sir?" You say, grabbing the old man's attention.
He looks up from his project and offers a warm smile, the wrinkles on his skin pushed up into kind textures. "Hello, what can I help you with?"
You feel your anger created from Anakin vanish, a warm feeling fell into your heart, a smile formed on your lips. You pushed your hood off of your head to reveal your identity, feeling somewhat bad that you may look like some sort of evil intruder, especially after that warm smile you were given. "Hi, my friend and I here are with the Jedi Order, and we were wondering, have you or any other people of this village been noticing anything strange happening with Ancem lately?"
The man's kind smile drops, an immediate frown formed on his face. "Jedi Order? I haven't heard anything about them in years. What in the world are you doing here on Ancem?"
Your eyes widened, shocked that he hadn't heard about the Jedi Order in years. That's all people talked about these days--especially with the war that was going on. Were the people of this planet this secluded that they didn't even know what was going on? Or did they even know of the war?
"The Jedi Order has sensed that there has been an imbalance in the Force on this planet. We were sent here to check it out, " you say warily, finding everything about the situation you were in getting odder by the second.
He sighs, turning his attention back to his woodworking, carving out the wood with a spoon-shaped carving object. "Now that you mention it, our planet is dying. We don't know what it is... But as you can see, " he nodded his head towards the dying forest that surrounded the village. "The life here is dying. My people are dying as well, they are plagued with unimaginable things. We thought it was the gods telling us that it was simply our time to go... But a few others think differently."
"Who are these... Others?" Anakin asks, your attention now on him. His arms were crossed over his chest, his brooding facial expression was as prominent as ever.
"These monks who live in the city, " the man responds casually, nodding his head to the farthest stone building that laid at the edge of the town. "They're there in that building. Always have been. They're self-proclaimed Jedi, claiming to be Force users, but they've never really come out of that building to prove anything, so everyone else just assumes that they're just monks."
You turn your head to look at the building he's talking about. It's dome-shaped but made out of stone. It stood tall, isolating itself from the other buildings, as the other buildings were regularly shaped like houses. A chimney stood at the top of the domed hut, smoke rose out if it slowly.
"Thank you sir, we'll be sure to check it out, " you say, bowing your head to him.
"Is there anything else I can help you with?" The man asks, blowing on the wood dust that's formed over the doll.
"Actually, yes. Just out of curiosity, is there anywhere, or any space available to my colleague and I, where we can sleep and store our items safely for the night?" You ask, really hoping you wouldn't have to pitch a tent in the middle of the forest.
He nods. "Yes. Apparently, so many of our people have died that homes have become vacant. "
You raise your eyebrows in utter shock. You weren't sure if you wanted to sleep in a dead person's household. The tent option was beginning to sound a bit better.
"Yes, if you could tell us how we could acquire one of these homes, that would be great, " Anakin says, interrupting you.
I thought I was in charge of the decisions, you thought, refraining from rolling your eyes in front of the kind old man who was willing to help you out.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Anakin's eyes snap to yours as if he had heard you, giving you a glare.
"Yes, of course. Miss Mira is the housekeeper, " he points to a stone building--a wooden sign hung from the side of the building, a key engraved in the wood. Apparently it seemed as if it had become some sort of hotel business. "She'll let you rent the rooms for free, no problem. Just make sure you mention you're with the Jedi Order, " he mumbles that last part. You raise an eyebrow, taking note about how this man seemed to hold a distaste for the Jedi Order.
With that, you and Anakin finish off the conversation with polite gratitude and made your way to the building the old man had pointed to.
The door opened with a ding, both of you entered the small lobby followed by R2. In the lobby, there lied a desk, with a silver bell on top of it, the interior of the room matched that of the outside: stone and cement. Behind the counter lied several room keys, small cards that looked like they slipped into slots, just like they did on Coruscant. Maybe there was some sort of technology on this planet.
"There's no one at the counter, " Anakin mumbles, approaching it.
You follow suit, with Artoo following close behind you. "That's when you ring the bell, dumbass, " you replied, tapping the silver bell with your fingers lightly, the bell ignited a bright chime from its interior.
Anakin simply rolls his eyes, the bell to the door simultaneously opened, revealing a woman with dark curly hair and dark brown skin, along with a bright smile as she saw the two of you.
"Oh! Hello, how may I help you?" She asks, making her way behind the counter. She takes her beige scarf that hung loosely over her shoulders and threw one end of the scarf over her left shoulder.
"Hello, yes, we're with the Jedi Order and we need a place to stay," Anakin says with his smooth-talking voice, making sure to flash her an award-winning smile.
You purse your lips together to prevent yourself from letting out a chuckle. Watching Anakin smooth-talk or charm someone into letting them get something for free was surely entertaining.
The kind lady--who you assumed to be Miss Mira--smiled shyly, casting her head downwards. "The Jedi Order?" She looked back up at him with deep brown eyes. "It's a blessing that you people showed up, we could really use your help around here," she says with deep concern in her tone.
"That's what we're hoping to do, ma'am," you say kindly, also hoping to save yourself from having to look at Anakin's antics any longer.
"Good, I'm glad. The Force knows we could use it," she mumbles, shuffling around with a few pieces of paper on her desk, and you and Anakin exchange knowing glances. "Anyway, so, you need a room?"
You nod. "Yes ma'am. Anything will do, really."
She nods and turns around to pick up a key off of her shelf, handing it to you. "Here's your key--free of charge. Room number's on the back of the key. "
You smile and bow your head. "Thank you, ma'am."
"Of course. Tell me if you need anything."
You and Anakin thank her before bowing your heads and wishing her well before departing to the designated house--or, room--with R2 trailing behind.
You find the house, finding it rather small and quaint from the outside. You take the key and push it into the door and open it, slowly stepping inside to reveal a small living space.
To the right, there was a kitchen with a wood-burning stove that could also probably count as a fireplace, along with a few countertops and cabinets. Further to the left of that sat a desk, an empty floor space, and a bed, and what seemed like a small hallway that led possibly to the refresher.
You quirk an eyebrow. "One bed?"
You can feel the anger beginning to simmer off of Anakin. "I think we need to go back and ask for another room."
He goes to turn away but you catch his arm. "Anakin, I hate to disappoint you, but all of these houses look the same. I highly doubt there's another house that has the space for two beds."
He groans, turning back around. "Fine," he mumbles through gritted teeth. "But I get the bed."
"Disagree, I'm in charge of the mission, so your ass gets the floor. "
He frowns. "You realize you can't use that excuse every time you want your way, right?"
"Well, you're not stopping me from doing so. So, you're getting the floor," you poke his chest and cross your arms. He narrows his eyes down at you, the anger simmering in his was coming to a boil.
"You know I'm very capable of doing so," he says lowly, standing over you like a dark, looming shadow, blue rings of ice bore into your eyes.
"And you know I'm very capable of fighting back," you snap back, standing your ground.
For once, Anakin seemed intimidated--challenged, even. The pair of icy blue faded away as he backed away from you, making his way towards the empty space on the floor, slinging his backpack down.
"I'll comply," he says, getting down onto the floor, opening his sack. "For now."
"Good," you smirk, making your way over to the bed where you plop your stuff down. "Now, since we've just arrived, how about we get this information from Artoo and give our first report to the Council, hmm?"
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