Chapter 11
You stood there in the hangar next to
Master Windu, waiting impatiently in front of your transport ship.
Skywalker was late. Five minutes late, to be exact.
You peered around the hangar, looking to see if Anakin Skywalker would come running through the maze of ships to head towards you, but no, he was still late. Your jaw clenched, your patience began to wear thin.
"I told him to be ready in an hour, that was plenty of time to pack, " Windu mutters, crossing his arms.
You nod, agreeing with him, although, it wasn't really an hour since you had taken up thirty minutes of that time cumming in front of Anakin. Whoops.
Finally, in the distance, you see a flush of dark brown fabric rushing towards you--his cloak flew behind him as he ran, trying to make up for the lost time.
"Sorry master, I was held up, " Anakin says, bowing his head as he finally arrived in front of you.
Windu flicks his eyes at Anakin, disappointed, but at the same time, not surprised. He sighs disapprovingly, "Alright Anakin. Since she's been showing more responsibility, I'm trusting her with the lead on this mission. She will be the one to report back to the Council, as well as staying in charge of the mission. However, I still expect both of you to cooperate with one another. "
You smirk, gripping on to the leather straps of your knapsack, excited that you could finally feel like you were ahead of Anakin. You finally felt like you were getting some recognition. It seemed Anakin's failures were starting to bring out the best in you.
To this sudden news, Anakin didn't seem to be pleased in the slightest. He furrowed his eyebrows, flicking his eyes to you as if to say, this is your fault, before looking back at Master Windu. "Yes master. We'll try our best." He gripped on to his knapsack straps out of pent up anger.
Master Windu raises an eyebrow, glancing between you and Anakin. "You both better do more than try. I expect to see both of you alive when you return. If either of you are dead, I'll assume you killed each other. Is that clear?"
"Yes master, " you both say in unison, bowing your head to Windu.
"Good. I'll see both of you depart. May the Force be with you, " Windu says, nodding his head towards you and Anakin. You and Anakin nod your heads back, wishing Windu a farewell before boarding the ship.
You and Anakin walk up the ramp, boots clanking against the metal, leading up into the wide compartment of the ship.
You turn around as Anakin walks past you--he heads for the pilot's seat of course--and push the button that closes the ramp to the ship, a series of whirs and air thrusters emits from the ship, the ramp closed behind you.
You made your way past the seats in the cockpit, down the bleak, white, small hallway and eventually stopped at the grey metal doors that held your quarters.
You pushed the button on the panel on the outside of the doors, it slid open with ease, revealing a tight, small room with a small twin bed and enough floor space for maybe four astromechs to fit inside. The only storage that was available seemed to be under the bed. You shrugged, throwing the knapsack under the bed, and made your way to back to the cockpit, where Anakin sat in the pilot's seat with his droid R2-D2 beside him.
You look at Anakin and then look at the droid--the ghostly blue image of a hologram appeared near Anakin's boot--an image of Ancem, along with the coordinates for the flight.
"Are we ready for takeoff?" You ask, crossing your arms, looking at Anakin expectantly.
His eyes flick up towards you, a glint of annoyance shined in his eyes, before swiveling around in his seat to face the dashboard that was loaded with buttons, switches, and levers.
"Artoo, patch into the datajack and send the coordinates to the hyperdrive system, " he directs the droid as he flips a series of switches and levers, before grabbing on to the yoke of the ship, the two metal gray handles latched under his clutch.
R2 leaves his side, the blue image of the hologram disappears before making his way to the back of the cockpit to plug into the datajack as directed.
Sitting down, you examine the spread of switches, a menu of information flew through your mind as you glazed your eyes over each button, figuring out which one did what.
The ship stirred to life--the roaring sound of the ship's engine broke the stale air, now adding on to your excitement--you hadn't been out of the Jedi Temple in several weeks--this feeling felt somewhat foreign to you, it made you feel like a giddy schoolboy. It felt great to be back on a mission.
Anakin flipped another switch before pulling on the release lever--the ship's engines flared up, the platform of the aircraft pulled underneath the body of the ship, allowing for the transport to move away from the hangar, and pull out into the atmosphere overhead.
"Alright Artoo, as soon as we're out of the atmosphere, I want you to prep the hyperdrive for light-speed, " Anakin says, his focus remained on the controls in front of him.
The droid's beep and whirrs echoed from the back of the ship, sending a compliant message back to Anakin--a small smile formed on his lips. It was strange, it seemed that even though the droid spoke a completely different language, he could still understand him somehow. You had had your fair share with astromechs, but even after all your years spent with them, you could never understand Anakin's attachment to such things.
The ship flew past the busyness of the speeders and the bustle of the city of Coruscant and steered the ship into the overhead clouds, the rich blue sky disappeared slowly, enveloping itself into the dark and dim vast output of space--the sky now littered with stars and ships leaving the Coruscant system.
"Is the hyperdrive activated Artoo?" Anakin asks, fumbling with more controls on the dashboard in front of him.
The droid chirped another series of whistles, signifying that the hyperdrive was indeed activated.
Anakin looked at you, without saying a word, he nodded his head to the hyperdrive lever that laid on your right, the bright red handle that would send you flying into space.
You grabbed the handle and pushed it upwards slowly, the ship's energy stirred to life, a loud whir came from within the cruiser's exhaust before the split between time and space occurred--the black particles of space were conjoined with the energy--until finally, the emptiness of space disappeared, lurching the ship forward until it was swallowed by the blue and white wormhole that leaped into hyperspace.
Now, you wait.
You sat in the co-pilot's seat thinking about how aggravating a thirty-minute to forty-minute flight this was going to be. You could already feel some sort of anger that was tingling at the tips of your fingertips, as well as the silent growing tension that was growing between the both of you.
You glanced over at Anakin who sat in the pilot's seat, leaned back, his fingers on his left hand sat underneath his chin while his leg bounced--either from the pent up anger or the fact that he knew he had to sit here and suffer an entire trip with you.
It was probably both.
"I still don't understand why Master Windu would give you the head on this assignment, " Anakin scoffs under his breath, catching you off guard.
You raise an eyebrow and cross your arms and turn your head to the Jedi who seemed to be avoiding eye contact with you. Although, you really couldn't blame him. You were trying to avoid eye contact with him to prevent the feeling of anger to control you. "What don't you understand?" Anakin looked up from the dashboard, now facing you. You continued, "He said I was more responsible, and someone who shows up late to a deadline clearly shows that you were being irresponsible. It's plausible that I got the head for this mission because I was the one who showed responsibility. "
He rolled his eyes, letting out another scoff. "That was your fault anyway."
Laughing, you tilted your head back into the seat, astonished at his audacity to say that it was your fault that he was late. "Oh really? How so, Skywalker?"
Anakin leans forward in his seat, resting his elbows on his knees, his hands locked with one another, his chin rested on his knuckles. He looked at you as if he wanted you to say it, for you to admit that it was your fault.
Deciding against that, you leaned forward and copied his exact moves, now, leaning directly in front of him, you raised an eyebrow, looking at him expectantly--a smirk pulled on your lips, a satisfying feeling; knowing that you weren't going to respond, to leave him to have to fill in the gaps.
Anakin narrows his eyes at you, annoyance coursed through his veins. He was annoyed at everything, you, your sudden dominance, the need to be in control--it infuriated him, and with the assignment Master Windu had given you, only showed up Anakin once more. "Gods, I fucking hate you, " he chuckled under his breath, turning away from you. He shook his head, muscle tightened along his jaw, his arms crossed over his body as he turned back around to face the dashboard. You could practically see the anger flowing through his body as he tried to ignore you and the fact that you were actually winning.
"Answer my question, Skywalker. How is it my fault that you were late?" Your tone stirred with anger and frustration--you were over this petty Anakin Skywalker bullshit.
"Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that you pinned me down on to the table and..." He took a minute, shaking his head, not believing the words that were fumbling out of his mouth. His leg began to bounce again. "...and took up half of our packing time just so you could finger yourself in front of me. "
You let out another laugh, not believing that Anakin was still blaming you for being late. "And we finished at the same time, did we not? Sure, I left a little earlier than you, but I still had plenty of time to pack, Skywalker. You still packed the same stuff as me, even. Why were you late?"
He rolled his eyes, clearly not in the mood for responding.
"What? Were you heated that I had done that in front of you? Is that why you took so long?" You were surprised at your boldness--usually you would just say fuck you and leave the conversation there, but something was stirring inside of you that came from gaining dominance over Anakin. It felt great to be in charge, no wonder Anakin was practically squealing under you as you removed his privileges of touching you.
Quickly, Anakin rose up from his seat, his boots planted on to the ground, his eyes narrowed at you--you could feel your heart beating in your chest against your sternum, surprised at his quick outburst. He reached out with the Force, grabbing hold of your body, lifting you into the air, and then slammed you down on to the metal flooring--your breath flew from your body, you were shocked to no end.
Your back arched in pain, your breathing was amiss--everything in your body ached from being slammed down on to the floor--shockwaves of severe discomfort flooded your body, now sending you into a quick, numb relapse.
"How does it feel, huh?" Anakin climbed on top of you, his metal hand clamped around your throat, pushing you back down on to the floor every time you tried to sit up.
You squirmed, trying to get up and away from his clutch, the feeling of anger had risen up from just at your fingertips, to bubbling inside of your stomach, churning embers into chaotic flames.
He leans down, a sly smirk spread across his face as he watched you squirm underneath him. "To be pinned down, to be forced into submission? Not so great, huh?"
Every time you managed to gain a breath, it felt like you were finally allowing your body to pick back up to speed. Your body shook with loss of breath, and the fact that Anakin had knocked the breath out of you then continued to wrap his hands around your throat and choke you didn't help your case. You needed to breathe, however, of course, there was a small part that was betraying your actual needs, that was deciding that you liked being put down into this form of submission.
No. You couldn't. You couldn't let Anakin have that, especially after what you told Anakin back in the briefing room.
"Look at you, you disgusting whore, " he spat, his eyes pierced into yours, before gazing down at your body.
You grunted, trying to lift Anakin off of you, to gain back that feeling of being in charge, but it felt like no use--especially now that the feeling was beginning to take control of those angry flames.
"You like it when I force you into submission, don't you?" He chuckled, his breath in your ear. Your chest rose up and down from the anger and the betraying feeling of butterflies rising in your lower abdomen. "When my hands are wrapped around your throat, when I degrade you?"
You continued to squirm underneath him, your body jerking left and right, trying to pull yourself together. Your lungs were picking back up to where they once were before Anakin had slammed you down on to the floor, back to a somewhat normal speed, however, your mind was still baffled at the fact that you had met the ground in a number of seconds, and your emotions were racing back and forth between one another like a jack-rabbit in a busy road. Despite all of these conflicting emotions, you still couldn't help but feel the need to keep your word about not allowing Anakin to touch you for the rest of the day.
"I can hear your thoughts, I can sense the conflict within you, " he pulls his lips up from your ear and puts his face back in front of yours, his blue eyes piercing the thick, tension-filled veil that laid between you. "I should fuck you where you lie, you slut, " his voice was a low murmur.
Shit, you thought, now very conflicted. Just about every fiber in your being was repulsed by the idea of Anakin fucking you, but now, his low voice telling you that in your ear made you question those fibers. Even the butterflies in your stomach began to flutter more rapidly as if they wanted to be crushed by Anakin's dick.
"Don't you want me fucking you? Don't you want to scream my name while I pound into you?" His mechanical hand left your throat, opening up your airways, alleviating the endurance of having to sit there, trying to regain a normal breathing pattern. His hand grabbed your chin, his robotic fingers pressed into your skin until they pushed at your bone underneath your flesh, forcing you to lie back down.
The arousal began to worm it's way back into you, pushing back almost every conflicting emotion that fought back to have Anakin under your control. That feeling was telling you to flip over and arch your back and lay down in complete submission for him, but your dignity was too prideful. You felt as though if you gave him that sense of control, then he might feel like he would be the one in charge of this mission.
You could see it now, he would remind you of how you begged for him to pound into you, and how he would comply, degrading you, while you asked for more. He would use that against you--he always did.
You thought back to the time when he reminded you that it was you who was on your knees sucking his dick, who accepted his cock in your mouth. It made you wince, that same insulting feeling washed over you again.
Going along with your pride, with your dignity--the many things that the Jedi Order had taught you to keep--you moved your hands away from Anakin's Force grip, pushing them on his shoulders, as well as bringing your knees up to his stomach--kicking him until he fell over on his side, you moved swiftly from under him and moved on top of him until you were straddling him.
Now, that betraying feeling of arousal had lessened, the anger rose back up within you, powering your hand as you pulled it back from Anakin's face, then brought it across his flesh, a loud smack emitted from the meeting--a scorned scoff breathed from his mouth, pushing his face to the opposite side.
He sighed, his tongue swiped over his lips slowly before turning back to you, that familiar wild look in his eyes adorned his gaze. "You know I like it when you do that."
You huffed, whipping out your lightsaber from your belt--clearly, your sign of frustration was not apparent enough for him, so you needed another method--you ignited the blue blade and held it at Anakin's neck, the blade hummed with anticipation, ready to strike an opponent down.
Underneath you, you felt Anakin's heart rate speed up as he saw how close he was to death. His eyes remained the same, enticed, wild gaze, but you could sense the stress rise from underneath him. Maybe it was what you needed to do all along--show him just how close he came to death every day.
"You know, if I push this blade any further, you're dead. Don't say I won't, because I will. There are two solutions to these dreams, Skywalker. Not just one, " you warn him, an edge in the tone of your voice.
Anakin remains silent, not moving an inch, afraid that the blue lightsaber could pierce his neck any moment.
"So, if you refuse to be under my command in this mission, then so be it, but I will not tolerate any backlash from you, is that understood?" You narrow your eyes at him, your posture not flinching. You knew your place to be intimidating, and apparently, now was the perfect time.
You could sense every bone in his body wanting to resist your command, but he had to comply, seeing that his life was at stake. "Understood, " he mumbled, eyeing you and the blade.
"Say it loud and clear, Skywalker."
"Understood, " this time his response was more pronounced, giving you the satisfaction that you needed, you pushed the button on your lightsaber, the warm blade disappeared with a hiss.
"Good. " You get up off of him and stand up, looking down at him with a disgusted look on your face. "I'll be in my quarters. Don't disturb me until we arrive. "
Anakin sits up and quickly gets to his feet, looking back down at you. Apparently his need for dominance was so apparent that he couldn't stand having someone look down at him. "Fine. "
You nod, before turning on your heel to walk out of the cockpit and make your way to your small sleeping space.
Maybe next time, Anakin.
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