14 January 2020
Hey, guys! How are you all? I hope you're all doing amazingly? So, here's the next chapter of 'Arranged or Love?', sorry to keep you waiting so long! Enjoy!
"He is my world and my world is him and without him there is no world." - Lauren Oliver, Delirium
Alayna's POV
'Alayna? Zayan? Do you want some coffee?' Yusuf Bhai asks us. We're at my parents' home, and we've just had dinner. We'll be staying the night here tonight, before returning home tomorrow afternoon.
I shake my head, yawning. "No thanks, Yusuf Bhai. I'm actually quite tired, for some reason. It's only 9:30pm, but I'm exhausted!"
Zayan nods, smiling at me. 'I'm alright too, thanks Yusuf.'
Yusuf Bhai nods, sitting back down with us. Me, Zayan, Mum, Dad, Yusuf Bhai and Sara are sitting together in Mum's living room, talking happily. We just had dinner together, and we've spent the whole day here at my parents'.
I've never seen my parents so happy before. They're ecstatic. I feel like I've done something right by marrying Zayan, as it has made them so happy. And it's made me the happiest.
"I missed you, Alayna! But seeing you and Zayan together and so happy, it makes us the happiest. You both make the most perfect, most beautiful couple," Mum says, grinning at the both of us.
I blush, thanking her. 'Thanks, Mum.'
"Thank you, Aunty. It means so much to us," Zayan says, giving Mum his dazzling smile.
'So, I heard you two are going for your honeymoon!' Sara says to us, winking.
My cheeks burn brighter. Zayan nods. "We're going on Saturday, to Italy."
Sara grins, as do Yusuf Bhai, Mum and Dad. 'That's amazing, Zayan Bhai! You two better not forget me though!' She teases.
I chuckle, shaking my head at her. Zayan smiles. "Of course we won't forget you, Sara!"
Dad, Yusuf Bhai and Zayan start to watch a cricket game on TV, when I stand up.
'Zayan, keep my phone with you for a second? I'm gonna pop upstairs for a second, I'll be back soon,' I say to him, handing him my phone.
I just got a shooting pain in my lower abdomen. My period's due to start any day now, so it probably will very soon. It's so annoying.
He nods, taking my phone and putting it into his trouser pocket. He's dressed casually in a white button-up and light blue jeans, and he looks amazing.
I go upstairs and use the bathroom, before going to my old bedroom. I open the door and step in, smiling softly. So many memories are associated with this room. It's still my room and always will be, but it doesn't feel like my own anymore. It feels like home, but at the same time it doesn't.
Home now is where Zayan is.
I spend some time in my old room, just reminiscing with tears in my eyes. They're happy tears, though. My whole life has changed completely, in such a short amount of time. Zayan makes me very happy, though.
I head back downstairs ten minutes later. When I enter the living room, Zayan tells me that I've been getting calls on my phone.
'Oh? Who's been calling me?' I ask, confusedly. I take my phone from him.
"Armaan," he says, his voice cold.
I look towards Zayan, who gives me a passive expression. He's annoyed.
'Why is Armaan calling me at this time? He's given me 4 missed calls. Zayan, you should have answered!' I say, redialling Armaan's number.
Zayan rolls his eyes. "No, thanks."
Armaan answers on the first ring. 'Alayna!' His voice is panicked.
My heart starts to race. I'm scared. I hope everything's fine. Armaan sounds very worried. Aliya..
"Armaan, what's wrong? Why do you sound so panicked?! Where's Aliya?" I ask, panicking myself too.
Sara places a hand on my arm. Everyone's listening, worried.
'W-we're at the hospital. Please reach soon, Alayna.'
"Hospital? Why? Is Aliya okay?!" I ask, my voice rising slightly.
'She's having a miscarriage,' he tells me. I can tell he's crying.
"N-no. This can't be true. Armaan, please tell me you're joking. Please," I beg, a tear spilling out of my eye.
Zayan stands up and holds my shoulders, seating me down next to himself. I shake my head, standing back up.
'Please reach soon, Alayna. Aliya needs you,' Armaan says, upset.
"I'm coming," I say, turning off the call.
I'm crying, my entire body racking with sobs. This can't be happening. Not to Aliya! She was so happy. She saw her baby's heartbeat on the ultrasound a week ago! She can't be having a miscarriage. Everything was going perfectly!
'Z-Zayan, please take me to the hospital. Now,' I say, pulling him up by his arm.
"Alayna, what's wrong?" Mum asks me, worried.
'Aliya's having a miscarriage. I need to be with her,' I say, managing to sound as calm as possible.
Everyone in the room goes into panic mode, and they start rushing around. "Oh, no! Alayna, do you want me to go with you? And Sara?" Mum asks, starting to cry. Aliya's always been close to Mum, and Mum loves her very much.
I shake my head. 'N-no. Zayan's going with me,' I say, looking towards Zayan.
He nods, holding my hand gently. "I'm sorry, Alayna. I don't know what to say. Please don't cry, I can't see you like this."
I shrug. 'Can we please go?' I ask.
He nods, grabbing his car keys. We rush out of the house. Mum and Dad tell me they'll be there soon too.
Zayan drives faster than ever to the hospital, and we reach within ten minutes. Somehow, I manage to control my tears in the car. I'm getting the worst headache, because I'm holding my tears in. I just need to see Aliya. And I know that I won't be able to control my tears when I see her. The entire car journey, I'm silent. Zayan doesn't say a single word either, but he keeps looking over at me in concern.
We rush into the hospital, knowing our way around it very well. I know each corridor of this hospital like it's my second home. We get several stares and smiles when we walk through the hospital. Many nurses and doctors congratulate us on our marriage.
When we walk into the early pregnancy unit, we're both very aware of staff members gossiping nearby. God knows what they think!
'So this is why they got married! She's pregnant,' a nurse I've never seen before whispers to another woman. I ignore her, my face heating up.
Zayan turns to them, but I grab his arm and shake my head. Now is not the time. People will always gossip, no matter what. I'm more than used to it now. I've had people whispering like this about me for all my life now. It's not always so great to be in the public spotlight.
We rush towards the short-stay wards in the maternity unit. Aliya has her own room, and we reach her room quickly.
Armaan's outside, sitting on the chairs in front of her room with his head in his hands. When he hears our footsteps, he stands up. His eyes are rimmed with red, he's been crying. It breaks my heart seeing him like this. I no longer have any romantic feelings towards him, but Armaan has always been amazing to me and my family. He's very caring and protective of me. He's like family.
He walks towards us, looking extremely helpless. I don't know what to say to him, my own eyes have welled up again with tears. I know I'm going to cry badly when I see Aliya. I want to stay strong for her, but I won't be able to.
Armaan surprises Zayan by crushing him into a manly hug. After a few moments of hesitation, Zayan returns the hug, looking uneasy. I roll my eyes.
'I'm sorry, Armaan. Is Aliya awake?' Zayan asks.
Armaan shakes his head, pointing towards the door of Aliya's room. "She's awake. She's been asking for Alayna since so long."
'Armaan, you should have told me sooner! Is Aliya alone inside? Is Aunty with her?' I ask, sadly.
Armaan shakes his head. "It's been happening since this morning, but we didn't know exactly what was going on. Mum has been with Aliya all day, as has her mother-in-law. They just left now for an hour. They'll be back later tonight because Aliya has to stay the night, as she's been having severe cramping and bleeding. Kabir and his cousin are inside with her."
I nod, placing a hand on Armaan's arm gently to comfort him. 'I'll go inside and see her. Zayan, do you want to come with me?' I ask Zayan, pleading. I know I'll need him in there with me, for support. It's going to be heartbreaking seeing Aliya like this.
"Sure, if that's alright with Aliya," Zayan says gently.
Armaan nods. 'Of course.'
I open the door slightly, taking a deep breath. Then I open it wider, stepping inside.
"Alayna," Aliya whispers, her voice breaking. She sounds so weak right now.
Tears flood my eyes as I rush over to my best friend. I hug her as she's lying down, and she hugs me back weakly. 'I'm so sorry, Aliya. Kabir Bhai. I'm so sorry, I don't know what to say. I.. I.. this isn't fair.'
I swallow hard, blinking back my tears as Aliya grabs my hand gently. "It was meant to happen, Alayna. I've been crying all morning, but what's lost is lost. I'm heartbroken, I feel half dead, but there's nothing I can do about it," Aliya says to me, trying to stay strong.
I nod, blinking harder because the tears are about to escape. 'W-we planned everything, Aliya. I feel as though I've lost a niece or nephew. It's so difficult for me, I can't imagine what you and Kabir Bhai are feeling right now.'
"What the hell are you doing here?!" Zayan's voice booms through the room, making me jump.
I place a hand on my beating heart to control its pace, before I turn towards my husband and frown at him. Aliya wipes her eyes and turns towards Zayan too, in confusion.
'Zayan, why are you shouting? What's wrong with you?' I mutter, glaring at him.
His jaw is set, and he looks furious. Murderous. He's looking across the room, towards the chairs. I glance over to where he's looking. A young girl who's probably a similar age to me is sitting in one of the chairs, staring at us.
"What the hell is she doing here? Am I going to have to call security to kick her out? Or will she get lost herself?" Zayan shouts rudely.
I place a hand on his bicep to calm him, before turning towards the girl. 'I'm so sorry, I don't know what's come into him. I'm Alayna, and this is my husband-'
"It's nice to finally meet you, Alayna. And I know, he's Zayan," she says, giving me a short smile before looking at Zayan. "You haven't changed a single bit," she says to him.
My brows crease in confusion. 'Do you two know each other?' I ask, looking at Zayan and the girl.
Zayan doesn't speak a single word. He looks like he wants to kill her.
The girl stands up and comes towards us. Zayan tenses beside me. She holds her hand out forward for me to shake. 'I'm Mariyah. You might have heard of me? You seem like a lovely girl, Alayna. I'm sure we'll be friends. And oh yes, I'm Kabir's cousin.'
My eyes widen in surprise, and I turn to Zayan. "Don't you dare talk to her. Do you hear me? You're not going anywhere near her," Zayan says quietly. He sounds angrier when he's talking in this tone, to be honest.
'Zayan, you don't need to worry about me. And yes, Mariyah. I've heard a few things about you,' I say, my heart racing.
She's back. Mariyah is back. The girl Zayan used to.. care about one day. He had feelings for her. And now she's back. I hope it won't change things between us.
"Yes, Zayan. You don't need to worry. I'm sure me and Alayna will be good friends! And it's nice to see you after so long. You're married, hmm?" She asks him.
I raise an eyebrow, turning to my husband.
'Kabir, we didn't know she's your cousin. Aliya?' Zayan asks, annoyed. He's angry, but he's trying to sound calm.
Aliya shrugs. "Yes, Mariyah is Kabir's first cousin. What's going on? I'm so confused," she says, sitting up slowly. She doesn't know anything about Mariyah and Zayan's past. I haven't told her.
I rush to her side and help her up. 'I don't know,' I mutter.
"Kabir, it's only because of you that I'm not kicking her out of the hospital right now," Zayan says angrily.
'Zayan, stop! She's not even saying anything to you! Please, calm down. We've come here for Aliya, so shush,' I say, frowning at him.
He glares at Mariyah, who just shakes her head at him amusedly. I don't say anything, but I see the way she looks at him. It irks me to no end.
"Alayna, do you want coffee? Anything to eat?" Zayan asks me softly.
I turn to him, shaking my head. 'No, thanks. I'm not hungry at all. And I feel sick. I don't think it would be a good idea to drink coffee right now.'
He feels my forehead, frowning at me. "Why do you feel sick? Shall I take you home?"
'No, I'm staying with Aliya tonight. You can go home if you want,' I say. I don't know why, and I know that it isn't his fault, but I'm feeling slightly annoyed right now.
Is this a coincidence? Mariyah being Kabir Bhai's cousin? Her meeting us? I sure hope she's not back for Zayan. The look in her eyes told me something.
"I'm not leaving, I'm staying here with you," he promises, giving me a small smile.
I return the smile, before he leaves the room.
'You need to tell me everything later, Alayna. I had no idea that Zayan and Mariyah know each other,' Aliya tells me.
I shake my head. "Okay, and it's alright. Please lay back down, Aliya. You need to rest."
Mariyah and Kabir Bhai nod. 'Alayna's right, Aliya. Please take rest, you're very weak right now,' Kabir Bhai says.
Me and Mariyah help Aliya to lay back down, and we stay with her. Mariyah attempts to make small talk, which I answer with brief responses. I'm not too interested in talking to her, but I can't be rude either.
Five minutes later, Aliya's in immense pain. She's crying, holding onto me and Kabir Bhai for support, wanting the pain to stop. As she was quite far into her first trimester, she couldn't miscarry naturally. Therefore, she was given medications to speed up the process. That's why she was admitted to the hospital, so she could miscarry fully tonight. And it's happening now.
I can't see her in so much pain. She's having pains similar to labour pains. She's one of the strongest girls I know with a high pain tolerance, but she can't take the pain right now.
'Alayna please, make it stop!' She cries, clutching onto my hand hard.
I stare towards Kabir Bhai and Mariyah, who both look helpless.
"Aliya, please breathe properly. This pain will only last for about an hour! The pain will go quickly lovely, please don't cry," I say, starting to cry myself.
A crowd of nurses rush into the room and increase Aliya's painkillers, but it takes time for them to kick in. She's in a huge amount of pain, and there's nothing I can do to help her. I'm a doctor, but I can't help her.
I go to the other side of the room as Kabir Bhai goes to Aliya to comfort her. I slump onto one of the chairs and place my head in my hands, crying. I can't see Aliya like this. I can't see her in so much pain, but I can't leave either. I need to be with her and support her. I need to stay strong for her.
I feel a hand on my shoulder, rubbing circles. I lift my head and meet Zayan's worried gaze. 'Zayan,' I cry, tears flooding down my cheeks.
"Come here," he whispers, engulfing me in his arms. I cry into his shoulder, hugging him as tight as I possibly can. I cry for what feels like an eternity, until I feel like I have no tears left. Aliya wants both me and Zayan in the room, for support.
'Alayna, please don't cry,' Aliya calls out to me a few minutes later. It's evident that she's in lots of pain, but she doesn't want me to cry.
"I'm not," I lie, my voice breaking. I'm still in Zayan's arms, because it's the only place I want to be. He's comforted me, made me feel so much better. I don't want to move from here.
It's nearly midnight. 'Are you okay, Alayna?' He whispers to me gently.
I nod, lifting my head from his warm chest and taking a seat on the chair. He sits in the chair next to me. My cheeks are bright red.
I nod. "Yes, thanks to you. Zayan, you look exhausted. You can go home if you want, honestly. I'll be absolutely fine here with Aliya."
He shakes his head. 'No, I want to be with you.'
Aliya smiles at us, as does Kabir Bhai. "You two are adorable," Aliya whispers sleepily ten minutes later. The painkillers are finally starting to kick in, and they're making her feel drowsy.
I blush even in the state I'm in, before leaning back in my seat. 'Sleep, Aliya. You'll feel better. We'll be here when you wake up.'
"Mariyah, go home. You must be exhausted too, you've been here all day," Kabir Bhai says to her.
She shakes her head. 'I'm not tired, Kabir. I'm worried for Aliya, I'm staying too.' Why do I have the feeling that she's not here for Aliya right now, she's here for Zayan?
Kabir Bhai nods. "Okay. I'll be right back, I need a coffee." We nod, and he leaves the room.
'Alayna, you'll fall ill if you don't sleep,' Zayan says to me worriedly.
I hear Mariyah cough from the opposite side of the room. She's looking at us, a passive expression on her face.
I don't know what to say to her, and she doesn't say anything either. Zayan ignores her completely, not looking over at her once.
I yawn, suddenly tired. I lean back in my seat, closing my eyes. All the worrying and tears have tired me out. Aliya has finally fallen asleep, and this somewhat calms me.
I don't realise when I fall asleep a couple of minutes later, my head resting against the back of the uncomfortable chair. I just about realise when someone pulls me towards themselves, resting my head on their strong, warm shoulder.
'Aliya,' I mumble when I wake up. My eyes fly open when I realise I'm still at the hospital. I remember what Aliya is going through, and tears rise to my eyes again.
My mouth widens in surprise when I realise that I'm resting my head on Zayan's shoulder. I try to lift my head, but I freeze when I feel Zayan's cheek resting on the top of my head. My heart rate accelerates and my hands start to feel sweaty. He's asleep, resting his cheek on the top of my head. My heart soars, and I can't help but smile softly.
I don't move, not wanting to wake him up. I glance into my lap and realise that his legs are pressed against mine. Our hands are inches apart.
I realise that we're not alone as Kabir Bhai walks into the room, giving me a small smile. I return the smile, blushing hard as I try to lift my head from Zayan's shoulder. He's fast asleep though, and he doesn't budge.
I glance towards Aliya, who's also awake. Thankfully, she's no longer crying and she doesn't look to be in as much pain as before, either. I give her a small, sympathetic smile.
'Aliya, how are you feeling?' I whisper to her.
She looks my way and returns the smile with one of her own. She looks exhausted, and very weak. "I'm okay, Alayna. As okay as I can be. You and Zayan are so cute."
My cheeks warm up. 'Thank you. I don't know how I fell asleep, what's the time?' I ask.
"11:40pm," she tells me. "You should both go home, you're so tired. And you're newly married. You should be having fun, not be at the hospital with me."
'Aliya, you're my best friend. Right now, you're most important. I want to be with you,' I whisper.
Her eyes fill with tears. "I love you more than you can imagine, Alayna."
'I love you more, Aliya. What did the doctor say?'
"The main part has happened. The bleeding will continue for a few days, but I've passed the clots. They'll let me go home in the morning," she tells.
I nod, my heart aching for her. 'You need to take full rest at home.'
"Don't worry, Alayna. I'll make sure that she stays in bed all day." I hear Mariyah's voice from the other side of the room. Great. She's still here.
I look over to her and give her a forced smile. 'Thank you,' I say.
Then I turn to Zayan. I'm feeling the same cramps again, that I felt earlier this evening. My period is about to start.
'Zayan, wake up,' I whisper, pulling his arm gently.
"Hmm?" He whispers in reply, opening his eyes. When he sees me, he grins, looking handsome as ever.
'I.. need to use the bathroom,' I mutter, embarrassedly. I really hope my period hasn't started yet. It ruins everything.
"Oh, sorry," he says sheepishly, straightening up.
I blush, standing up and leaving the room. I quickly use the bathroom, and thankfully my period hasn't started just yet. It will soon, though.
When I go back into Aliya's ward, my face breaks into a smile when I see Zayan giving Aliya a lecture about how she needs to rest properly, and tell her about the painkillers she needs to take if needed.
Zayan smiles at me when he sees me walk in. Aliya seems to be in a better mood, which I'm glad about.
'Alayna, I just told Aliya about how the two of us are going to her home tomorrow, and staying the night,' Zayan says to me with a grin.
My eyes widen with happiness, and I nod. "You too?" I ask him, chuckling.
He beams. 'Of course! Aliya's my friend too, she's like a sister to me now.'
Aliya smiles, holding my hand. She thanks the two of us, and I shake my hand.
"Aliya, shh. You don't need to thank us! And Zayan's right. We're coming over to see you tomorrow evening, and then we'll stay with you."
'Alayna, I swear, that makes me so much happier. But if you tell me that you're going to stay with me tomorrow night, then it's a no. You and Zayan will both stay in the guest room. You're newly married, and you need your privacy!' She says, smirking at me.
I burst out into a coughing fit, while Zayan chuckles. I roll my eyes at Aliya, not saying anything.
"Of course, I'll be there with you to take care of you Aliya!" Mariyah says, smiling. Of course she'll be there.
Soon after, Mum and Aliya's relatives reach the hospital to meet her. It's around 2am when I tell her that I'm heading home.
'Yes, Alayna. You look exhausted. Go home, both of you. I'm as fine as I can be, honestly. They'll send me home in the morning too. I'll see you tomorrow evening,' Aliya says, giving me a brief smile.
I nod, grabbing her hand gently. "Rest, okay? Try to sleep for as long as you can. And drink plenty of water. When you reach home, make sure you stay in bed and take full rest."
She nods. 'Thank you so much, for everything,' she says sadly.
"I'm always here for you, Aliya. Always," I promise.
Words cannot describe how upset I'm feeling for Aliya right now. I'm drained, but I still want to cry. She was so happy about the pregnancy. She had believed she was having a boy. She had started planning the baby's room. My heart aches for her and Kabir Bhai.
Me and Zayan head home, exhausted. I don't bother to change my clothes when I reach our room. I get into bed wearing the same clothes I wore throughout the day, and I'm asleep in seconds.
Zayan and my new family do everything they can to cheer me up the next morning. I'm still very upset about Aliya, but there's nothing that I or anyone else can do about it. I call her early that morning, and she tells me she's at home.
I spend the day with Zayan and our family, and they manage to cheer me up. I try to help Laiba and Hanna in the kitchen when they're preparing lunch, but they won't have it. I'm newly married, and they just want me to spend time with Zayan.
'Alayna, go upstairs and spend some time with Zayan! Enjoy, both of you! We'll handle everything here. Lunch will be ready in an hour,' Laiba tells me, smiling gently.
I blush, returning the smile. "Are you sure?"
Hanna nods, literally dragging me out of the kitchen. 'We're positive! You know, I want someone to play with Adnan soon! Someone of his age.'
I burst out into a coughing fit, and my eyes widen in shock. I can't believe Hanna! "Hanna! I'm going. I can't hear anything else!" I rush out of the kitchen, while Hanna and Laiba are laughing from behind me.
'Zayan? I'm so sorry, for how things are turning out. I'm busy with Aliya on text since this morning, and we're going to her house this evening. We're newly married-'
"Alayna, why are you apologising? Aliya's your best friend, and she needs you. I'm not upset at all for you spending time with her. You're doing the right thing," Zayan says gently.
I stare at him, biting my lip. He's too handsome for his own good. How can someone be so good-looking? It's unfair.
'You're a great guy, Zayan Khan,' I say truthfully.
He grins, coming to sit next to me at the edge of our bed. He grabs my hand gently. "Why thank you, Alayna. You're not too bad yourself!"
I blush, hitting him playfully on his muscular forearm. 'I'm looking forward for Saturday,' I say shyly.
He grins, staring deeply into my eyes. "So am I."
I lean back against the bed, sighing. 'It's crazy, right? How we got married?'
He looks into my eyes, nodding. "It is, but I'm glad it happened."
'So am I, Zayan,' I mumble.
He smiles, tracing patterns on the back of my hand with his thumb.
'Zayan?' I whisper a few seconds later.
"Yes, Alayna?"
'Mariyah's back. I have a feeling she doesn't like me,' I say, annoyed.
Zayan chuckles. "I agree. Please stay away from her, she's no good news."
I stare at my husband, thoughtfully. 'She still likes you,' I mutter.
Zayan's head snaps to look at me, and he frowns. "She doesn't."
'Wasn't she supposed to be married by now?' I ask.
He shrugs. "I'm not at all interested, so I don't care."
'You don't... like her even now, do you?' I ask, afraid.
Zayan laughs humourlessly. "Alayna, I don't like her. She's a stranger to me. You're my wife, and I promise that I will always stay loyal to you. You're much better and much more beautiful than she is."
I blush hard. 'She's gorgeous.'
He raises an eyebrow, scoffing. "Her looks may be average, but from the inside she's disgusting."
My mouth falls open in shock. 'Zayan, stop being mean! Actually.. I don't care.'
He smirks. "You don't mind if I'm mean to her? Were you feeling jealous?"
'Me?! Jealous?! I'm Alayna Ali, and I'm not jealous of anyone!' I say, frowning.
Zayan smiles. "Alayna Ali, and Alayna Zayan Khan."
I blush deep scarlet. 'Yes,' I whisper.
"You're Mrs. Zayan Khan. My wife. Don't ever compare yourself to Mariyah or any other girl for that matter. You're gorgeous, not her."
'Zayan!' I hide my face in my hands, and it's as hot as fire.
He chuckles, and my heart soars. I love the sound of his laughter. I want to hear it all the time, it's like music to my ears.
We head to Aliya's house that evening, and guess who's there. You're right.
How was the chapter, guys? I hope it was okay? It was a pretty emotional chapter, I'm sorry about that. I hope you still liked it though!
What was your favourite part of this chapter?
What do you think will happen next, when Zayan and Alayna go to Aliya's house?
Thank you guys so much for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment!!
Question: When was your last argument?
Bye guys!
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