Chap. 24. Start of the Journey
Hello there 😏
Didn't think I'd post this fast huh
Think again
Your POV~
Today was the day we set off on our journey. I couldn't be more excited and nervous all at the same time.
"are you sure about this" Zen asked as I mounted my horse.
"you're busy and I trust Jun so I don't need you to come with me." I said settling in.
A few hours before Zen had mentioned his concern about the travel and how he still didn't trust Jun yet. he wanted to bring me himself and join us on our journey but I convinced him otherwise since I know he doesn't like the Prince moron as he would say.
"ill be fine" I smiled and patted him on the head.
"you ready princess?" Jun said riding up towards us on a horse.
"all ready" is said
I looked back at Zen and smiled. He still gave me a concerned look then turned to Jun "if anything bad happens to her, you'll be answering to me."
and with a lovely treat and goodbye we started our journey.
It had maybe been an hour since we parted from The Wistaria castle. Not much had happened if anything I was dying of boredom.
"So how do you and The prince of clarines know each other" Jun broke the silence. "You two seem very close"
"Ah that's a long story" I chuckled
"It's not like we don't have the time for it" Jim said sarcastically. I turned to him and glared. He quickly notice "sorry"
I chuckled again. I looked up to the sky and remembered every memory I had growing up with Zen. "We first met when we were about 5 years old, my father had business with his and they had brought me along to Clarines."
I continued telling my story as we rode down a path on our horses.
"It took a while for us to get familiar with each other but since my father and his were close we got to see each other quite often" I remembered every time my father told me we where heading to Clarines I always had a fit. I did not like Zen at the time. I thought he was a preppy boy who never had fun since every time we went there he would only sit in a chair and read a book while I played with my toys
It wasn't until maybe a year of seeing each other he finally got out of his shell and started playing with me. "I remember this one time when we were playing with some toys and he ended up stealing mine and I just cried" I chuckled as I remember "I guess Zen was smart enough that he realized what he did because after that he gave back my toy and his and then hugged me and apologized"
And from that moment on Zen and I became almost inseparable. Every chance we got to hang out we did and we made the most of it. I couldn't have ask for a better friend.
"Wow you two are really close huh" Jun said
"What about you? Do you have any one special like that?" I asked
"I-" he paused for a minute and went quiet. I could tell it was a sensitive topic just from that reaction. "I had a lover once"
"Oh? A lover huh who was she?" I asked getting curious.
"She was actually a He" he said in a shy voice. "We grew up together, he was my best friend, and even the love of my life but-" he stopped again
"You don't have to tell me if it's to hard to say. No judgement here" I said reassuring him
(A/N: I support all you beautiful souls🏳️🌈💕)
He took a deep breath and continued "no I want to say it, I've been having nightmares about that time and I think it'll help if I let it off my chest" I nodded to let him know that my ears are open and I was ready to listen
"We spent 18 years of our lives together, our parents were friend in the village so us being close was always ment to happen but we got a lot closer then we had thought" he smiled "it wasn't until we both turned 16 that we realized how we really felt and that what we felt was more then friends so we started dating in secret, not a lot of people accept us so we had to keep it secret"
"You say 'was' is he not around anymore?" I asked being fully intrigued.
"Yes two year after we confessed he got sick and because his family wasn't on the wealthy side he couldn't beat the virus he had" Jun turned his head away from my view and wiped his face. I knew he shed a few tears. Jun cleared his voice and turned back to me "I was with him in his last moments and I'll never forget it"
Tears started streaming down my face as well "I'm so sorry" I said now wiping away my own tears. "Does that have something to do with why you're where you are today?"
"It has everything to do with that" he shook his head "I left everything because I couldn't handle his death. I left my family and my little sister"
"You have a sister?" I ask
"Yes she was 5 when I left home" he looked down "she's probably a lot older now"
"You'll see her again" I said as I made my horse go closer to his and lightly punched him in the arm "I promise you. You will see your family again"
He looked up at me in disbelief but gave me a reassuring smile "how"
"Common I'm a princess I know how to find people" I kicked my horse to speed up a little and strode froward in front of him "have a little faith" I giggled turned around to face him
Jun smiled back at me and shook his head again. Then caught up to me. We both races side by side as the sun was slowly setting for the day.
And our journey continues
Don't know where that idea came from but it worked!
Also I don't think I've ever said it but I love you all in every shape, colour, size, gender or no gender! Y'all be who YOU want to be and don't let NO ONE tell you other wise! YOU BE YOU BOO!
I'm proud of you!
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