Chap. 21. Ill stay
Bring that memory back always killed me and since that day I had never forgiven myself for it. but to know that he died smiling with him in my arms gave me a bit of relief. I brought my hand up to my collar bone and traced the scar with my fingers. A single tear fell down my cheek and landed on my scar. I smiled remembering all of the good time we had, and all the promises we made.
"I'm not going to let this boy die" I said wiping the tear away and facing Zen.
"you and your big heart" He crossed his arms and chuckled "he's your responsibly. if he pulls anything funny in this castle, he's out. got it?" I nodded my head. "Shirayuki can you go tend to him please" he let out a sigh "and obi, tie him up once she's done, I don't want him to wake up and attach someone."
(a/n: hehe zen being a dad)
Mitsuhide, Shirayuki and Obi headed towards the infirmary. I started to follow but Zen had grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. what's with he wrist grabbing today. I turned to him and glared. signal sent..........................signal confirmed, he let go.
"you have some explaining to do" he said
We went off to the stable and I had explained everything to him. From the moment I left Prince Raji to the moment I got into his castle grounds.
"so your father just let you go?" he asked a little shocked
"yup" I said, we were now heading to the infirmary.
"and he said that to your mother" Zen continued
"I'm not sure if I should be happy at your father or not" he said putting his hand to his forehead
"why" in my eyes I don't see anything wrong
"WHY?!?" Zen screamed "I'm happy your father stood up to your mother but he let you go without any guards and look what happened" he signed
"its fine I made it here in one piece" I laughed and skipped along
"you really are naive" Zen chuckled
We got to the infirmary and headed towards there room where they had the boy. By this time Shirayuki had completed his treating and he was resting in one of the beds.
"so how is he?" I asked as we walked into the room.
"well you were right, he just broke into a fever and if we didn't help him any sooner he wouldn't be here right now" she said wiping her hands down.
I walked up to the bed were he laid, he was profusely sweating and breathing heavily. The more I stared at him the more I realized he wasn't young, he seamed older than us. Maybe in his late 20? Not too sure but once he wakes, I'll find out.
"there's nothing els for us to do now. He'll just sleep for now and hope the fever brakes." Shirayuki said. ill stay close incase something happens"
"no you go get some rest, I'll stay here" I said grabbing a chair and sitting down in the corner of the room.
"y/n I think it would be best if you get some sleep. you've had a long journey today" Zen said walking up to me.
"im fine really, I've been doing nothing up until today. plus my adrenaline is still pumping so I won't be able to sleep anyways." I got up and walked toward Zen. I pulled his sword from his belt and place it on the table near my chair. "if anything happens I've got this" I chuckled and sat back down on the chair crossing my arms.
They all gave a look of concern and questioning "I'm fine seriously go to bed it's late" with that they left. All I can think about right now is seeing Raji.
An hour went by. I had found a book and started reading it. Another hour passed. I was half way through my book when I started to hear groans coming from the boy. I got up and peaked at him. His eyes were still closed and he was still tided to the bed posts. He kept groaning and tossing around. I grabbed a cold damp cloth and placed it on his forehead, once I did he immediately stopped and went back to a peaceful sleep. with a dry cloth I dabbed the sweat from his body.
"What could you be dreaming of?" I said and went back to my chair. After that I ended up falling asleep on the chair.
The boy's POV
I woke up drench in sweat and my body aching in pain. What happened? I tried to remember what happened and it came to me. The boys and I found girl in the forest, we were going to attach her but some dude showed up and knocked me out. Bunch of jackasses for leaving me behind.
once I opened my eyes I couldn't tell were I was. I wanted to get up but my hands were tied to the post above my head. What an erotic way to tie someone up. I tried to brake free but nothing was bugging. I started to scan the room when I saw her. She was the same girl we had found in the forest. She was sleeping peacefully on the chair across the room. Then my eyes glanced across the sword on the table.
If I reach with my legs I could get it, but it might wake her up. I scrambled to get up, even with everything hurting I managed to flop my body off the bed and started reaching with my toes to toward the sword.
"wow is that anyway to treat yourself after we just helped you?" she said startling me. I kept reaching towards the sword, my toes were just touching the table. I only concentrate on getting the sword and nothing els.
"is this what you want" she picked the sword up and placed the blade on my foot. I dropped to the ground. With each stretch that I did, it pulled more and more on my hand and I was in a lot of pain. "cmon ill help you back up" she said. she put the sword down in the furthest corner of the room and then came back my way.
she grabbed my waist helping me back up "i'm not that strong so you'll have to help me here" she said. I planted my feet to the ground and threw myself back onto the bed. for some reason I couldn't stop myself from doing what she asked. But with every word that came out of her month, it was warm. Even after what I did last night she was being nice to me.
Who the hell is she?
Lmao this is going off topic but I have plans!
Ains 😬
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