Chap. 2. Voyage to Clarines
Today was the day we set of for the nearby town of Clarines. I wore my long red dress. It was almost like a ball gown but not as big. I could move around in it okay and it wasn't to tight. Those are the dresses I enjoy wearing.
But today wasn't the best day to wear a dress. I would be sitting in a carriage all day. And by time I actually get to the Wistaria castle, it'll be late.
As the day went one and ride feeling like forever we finally made it to the castle. Although it wasn't as late as I thought it would be. I guess the journey was much faster then I thought.
"Darling we are here" my father said
"Yes we are" she said smiling and looking out of the window
"Yeah finally" i said stretching my arms. My parents rolled there eye and stretched as well. The carriage stopped and the door was swung open.
My father was first to walk out, he then helped my mother and soon after me. The setting sun was bright and still hot which didn't help. The heat underneath these types of dresses were horrible. It was like a sana.
"Welcome To Clarines" a blond man said walking up to us, his hair was long and falling over his eyes. Beside him was a shorter and blonder version of him. "My name is Izana and this is my younger brother Zen."
"Izana it's nice seeing you again" my father said and we walked into the castle.
"You as well" Izana said.
My arm was grabbed and pulled to the side. I looked over to see Zen holding onto me. He smiled.
"God it's been so long" he said and hugged me.
"Too long" I said hugging him back.
"So how have you been? We haven't seen each other in years" he said letting me go.
"Yeah how long has it been? Since we were 10?" I laughed.
We stopped talking since my mother and Izana called us both over. As my father and Izana talked we followed close behind as we walked through the castle. They talked about financial stuff and trading works with nearby countries. The boring stuff as I would say.
We had stopped in a huge garden. My mother when down the steps and check out all the plants while Zen and I stayed at the top.
"So What are you doing here anyways?" Zen asked turning towards me with his hands behind his back.
"I'm getting married" I took a deep breath.
"To who?"
"You're not going to like it when I tell you" I smiled and raised an eyebrow at him
His expression dropped "don't tell me it's-" i nodded "seriously? Your parents pick him?"
"Yup, they said that they wanted another ally country and the only way was to marry me off" I said as we walked down to meet my mother.
"Sorry but that's insane" he said shaking his heads
As we made it to my mother, I notice something. Something bright red, to big to be a flower but. To bright to be anything els. Then it suddenly had a body. My first thought was who has that red of hair, then I thought.
"This prince, didn't he want to marry a girl with red hair?" My cook asked
"Yeah apparently he wanted to marry her because she had unusual red hair" I said
•end of flashback•
"Who is that?"
So I'm gonna try and post a story every week but only if I finish writing a chapter so basically I will post chapter 3 when chapter 7 is completed so that give me about a weeks to do so.
That okay with y'all?
Hope you are enjoying it so far!!
And I LOVE hearing from you guys, it honestly makes my day!!
Love you
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