Chap. 13. First kiss p.2
Your POV
Raji had sat beside me on the bench. I could feel butterflies in my stomach. He made me so nervous but it was a good nervous.
"What song were you playing?" He asked smiling.
Oh my god he heard me. I feel so embarrassed. I probably sounded bad. "You heard me?" I felt my cheek get hot so I covered my face with my hands.
"Yes, it was lovely" he said
My heart started racing. I felt more and more hot by the second. I moved my hands away from my face and starred at Raji. He was only starring at me. I could see his eyes move from mine to my lips.
"Does he want to kiss me?" I asked myself. I do want to kiss him too. But what if he doesn't. I'm going to be making a fool of myself. But I really want to.
I moved my hands to his cheeks. He was warm. And his cheeks were red. I looked at the lips and I could just imagine us kissing. He must have soft lips.
All of a sudden he puts his hand around my waist a pulls me closer to him. So close, I could feel his breath on me. He started to lean in and so did I.
I closed my eyes and then felt his lips connect with mine. I was right. His lips are soft, almost like what a cloud would feel like. I moved my hand to the back of his neck and he placed his to my cheeks. I wanted to play ins hair and never move from this spot but it was like this kiss took the air from from my lungs. so we parted and took a breath.
I opened my eye and so did he. We both starred at each other like it was the first time we saw each other. "woah" was all I could say. He gave a little smiles and leaned back in. We kissed once more and it felt like forever again.
I started to get a worried feeling for some reason which made me back up from Raji. I couldnt put my finger on it but in the heat of the moment I got up and ran out of the room. I say nothing as I left.
"y/n?" Raji called after me. I heard him get up but I had booked it to my room by then and didn't see him follow me.
Once I got to my room, I slammed the door shut and jumped onto my bed face down. "what the hell what that y/n?" I asked myself. "he's gonna think he did something bad or that I regretted kissing him." dammit. I lied in bed facedown for another few minutes till I hear what sounded like a carriage and horses riding closer tenth entrance. I got out of bed and looked out of my open window to see the carriage stopped at the entrance and prince Zen walking out of it.
With everything that just happened, I forgot that Zen was coming to check up on me. oh god. this is going to be so awkward now. "ohhhh no...." I paced around the room with my hands on my cheeks. "I am going to have to be around all of them and Raji and act like nothing happened...... no its fine I'm a grown woman I don't need to be awkward about this with my long time friend Zen............" I sat down on my bed again. "ohhhh but I walked out of Raji without saying anything so its going to be awkward with him ohhhhh"
"Why will it be awkward?" a voice said from my window. I spun around and saw Obi sitting on my window sill with a smile on his face.
"Obi, you scared me... how did you even get up here?" I asked but then thought of it a little "you know what, don't answer that." I walked to him " how long were you even sitting there?"
"long enough" he asked hopping off of the windowsill and walked towards my vanity and stared at himself in the mirror. "so are you going to answer my question?"
"ugh. no I wont actually" as I said this I could hear zen calling for obi from outside the window. I walked over to it and looked out. Zen looked up and waved. "Zen!" I said and waved back. I turned and saw Raji standing out there talking with Shirayuki. I immediately started to blush. Raji turned and looked in my direction which made me fall back into my room lading on my butt.
"I get it now" Obi said standing beside with leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.
My eyes went wide "no you don't!" I screamed and ran out of my room.
Great now Obi knows. or does he?
I'm really gonna try and post every week! if not every week every two. im really trying and I hope y'all are okay with that. I really hate that I disappointed y'all. im not a good writer if I post a Storie and never finish it so I will try my very best
I love you
Ains <3 :)
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