Forty Nine: Jinxing It
His hair is crazy soft. He touches me gently, but firmly at the same time. His hands are everywhere- holding my head, tracing my face, pressing into my waist and squeezing my thigh. His lips are full and warm on mine.
They are just thoughts, but there is thousands of them running through my head as Dick and I make out on the sofa like a couple of teenagers.
Our privacy has been fulled stamped out over the past week. I've been communicating with Melissa, he's been investigating something as Nightwing (I can tell) and we've all been organizing the gala.
The most intruding thing though is the kids. They are staying at the manor and absolutely loving it. Even though the beach we live on is considered private, it doesn't feel that way, and often we have to accept that being outside the house means we're being watched.
At Wayne manor there are woods to explore, a butler they get along with and are allowed to talk to and a big gate, a fence and even more forests surrounding and protecting it.
I'm not even worried about the animal I sensed the other day because they'll either scare it away or fend it off with their powers. Knowing Ignatier she might even befriend it.
Despite all of those positives, they still want to spend most of their time with me. Once they found out where I live they were over every night for dinner. Because Dick doesn't want to come between us he basically swaps places with them and heads to the manor. I don't see him during the day because of work.
By the time Sandy takes them back to the Wayne's I'm exhausted and Dick is out Nightwinging, so we don't get to have any fun then either.
So we're stealing this moment while the kids are out getting milkshakes with Sandy and Cass before the gala, which is tonight.
"I love them," I laugh when I draw back from him, "But they're really driving me crazy."
He grins, "Know what's driving me crazy?" He kisses me quickly, "Not having you to myself."
Soon, I think, but I can't say it because we're kissing again. Just as he starts to push me back down onto the sofa, the elevator dings.
I pull away quickly and let the frustration show on my face just for him, before preparing a smile, assuming it's the kids returning with my milkshake.
"Are you hoping to scar the children for life?"
I recognise the voice. Over Dick's shoulder, I spot a head of red hair bobbing through the living room.
"We're busy here," I tell Mai, trying to pull Dick's head back down. He doesn't budge though, giving me an apologetic kiss on the forehead before he draws back. "Traitor."
I sit up to watch her disappear into our bedroom. Dick's hair is all disheveled from my hands, so I flatten it down for him. He grabs my wrist and kisses my fingers once I'm done. I feel like I can't remember a time when we weren't so lovey-dovey.
Mai storms back out and tosses a dress bag on the kitchen table.
"For the gala. It's been here for weeks but I know you haven't opened it. Since you don't care I let Ignatier pick. It's a teal halter gown from Demonica's Siren of the Sea Summer Collection."
She's right, I don't care, and that's why Dick is the one to go over and inspect it. He zips the bag open and holds it up.
"It's pretty!" He exclaims, looking back a me with a big smile. He turns at Mai, "I have just the tie to match."
Instead of staying plain or rolling her eyes, she gives Dick a small nod and smile. I can hardly believe she has finally accepted my overzealous husband for what he is, but it's a nice thought.
Ignatier and Fantasia usually pick my dresses. This gown is a pretty dark teal with a curved, split mermaid cut, jeweled halter neck and an open center-chest. For some reason when Ig picks, it's always on the more revealing side.
"Here's your shoes," she drops a box on the table.
I groan, "Do they look uncomfortable?"
Dick opens them too and produces a dark green bejewelled heel, strappy with an open toe.
"Your feet are so small," he chuckles. Mai visibly cringes.
"Wherever your mind just went is your problem," I tell her.
She glares at me, "Believe me, I want to leave, but I need to talk to you." Her eyes shift uncomfortably towards Dick. He understands quickly and retreats to the bedroom with his head ducked down.
As soon as he is gone, Mai turns around and darts into the kitchen. I know what the 'talk' is about. It's really just a refilling of my pills. It's just our luck she comes here one of the few times Dick is home too.
When I reach her, she is dividing them into weekly pill containers.
"There's something I want to ask you," she mumbles quietly. I can tell it's torture to say out loud, which means it refers to something personal.
I fold my arms and lean against the counter next to her, "Spill."
Before answering, she closes the pill boxes and puts them back in the cupboard, hidden in a box of corn wheat crackers, something Dick doesn't enjoy.
"After the contract ends, are you really going to stay here with him?" She asks, still not meeting my eyes. "In other words," she continues softly, "Should I prepare to move here fully?"
All I can do is grind my teeth. I think back to when Dick asked me to continue our relationship after the contracted divorce. I knew that would mean staying here. It's what I yelled at my family, after all.
"What will you do here?" She presses.
"I have some ongoing projects at the company. They'll take longer than the contract."
I can't seem to get the words out to answer her other questions. I know the feeling. It's fear.
Mai finally looks at me with a frown.
"You can't say it. Why?"
I glare at her, "Why do you care? It's not like you have to stay if I do." I leave the I can get pills anywhere out, because the elevator dings again.
The ruckus the children cause fills the apartment. Cookie and Luscious run away from them into the office.
My glare is replaced by a smile when I turn to face them.
"Cleo, do you think if I started a fire Batman would have to come?" Logan says right off the bat (ha) as Ig hands me my milkshake.
"No, the fire department would come. Then Batman would have to figure out how the fire started. Then he'd arrest you," I respond, ruffling his hair, "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll spot him some time before you go home."
I only notice then that he has two milkshakes in his hands.
"You let him get two?" I raise an eyebrow at Sandy.
"No, this is for Dick," Logan holds it up to me.
Ignatier grins around her straw, averting her gaze.
"We guessed he likes chocolate, like you," Klover says before she and Jeremy drop down on the couch where Dick and I were just laying. A representation of them crushing every opportunity we've had this week.
Mean. I love having them here. But I love him too. And now it seems they are starting to warm to him.
"They did it themselves," Sandy murmurs to me as she passes by.
I grin, "Dick! The kids brought you something."
Jeremy smirks at Klover over the use of his name, but she jabs him with an elbow. Girls really are the problem solvers.
His head pops out. Though he looks neutral on the surface, I can see the suspicion in his eyes. I nod my head at Logan, smiling. He returns the look and approaches his brother-in-law with no hesitation.
"Chocolate?" He asks, holding the plastic cup matching mine out to him.
I sit in the stool behind me and watch as Dick takes the beverage with a smile, asking Logan what his own drink is.
Relief floods my chest, as well as the thought that maybe me staying here won't be so bad for them.
I try not to look at Jason as he wanders around shirtless. Not that he doesn't look good or anything, but it just feels...wrong.
Heather, Ignatier, some of Alfred's waiters and even Mai don't seem to hold themselves to the same rule, ogling the guy like he's a piece of meat.
"Heather's not shy, is she?" Dick mumbles to me.
I push back from the banner and laugh, "Never has been."
Down below the gala is being pieced together while Jason waits for Alfred to find him another shirt. Apparently it's been a while since he had to wear something with buttons.
"You should get dressed," he tells me, fixing his cuffs.
The truth is, I'm waiting until the last minute because I'm expecting Melissa to have something for me tonight. It's not unusual for her to get speedy with these things.
Since she wants to get rid of Citrine I assume the motivation is tenfold.
"Later," I wave him off, turning around and heading to Logan and Jeremy's room.
He has probably figured out that I'm waiting for something, and that it has to do with my disappearance last time. I'm glad he doesn't press. In a way he's returning the favor for all the times I haven't questioned his flimsy excuses.
As I near the next corridor, I hear hushed talking.
"I'm not really good at it," Logan's voice comes from around the corner.
"-Tt, you need to practice."
The undeniable vocal tick freezes me at the wall. I peer around it to see Damian standing over Logan, who is much shorter than him. If I hadn't heard the conversation, the way Damian's arms are moving would make me think he's strangling my brother.
I can tell though that he's helping Logan with his tie.
Upon hearing Dick's footsteps I back off, turn and hit his chest, scaring him. I continue pushing him until we're out of earshot. Then I grab the front of his shirt and tug him down to my level.
"Damian is tying Logan's tie!" I whisper excitedly.
"Damian is tying Logan's tie?" He repeats, bewildered.
"Damian is tying Logan's tie!" I confirm.
A smile blooms on his face, "Damian is tying Logan's tie!"
Our excitement probably looks insane, but to Tim, who hears what we're celebrating upon approach, looks unimpressed.
"You're sure he wasn't tying it into a noose?" He suggests. There are deep, dark bags under his eyes. He starts going down the steps to the bottom floor.
"Tim, you look terrible," Dick tells him.
Tim waves, "Thank you."
It's not a smart ass comment. It's sleep-deprived delirium.
"Oh man, he is not okay."
Dick follows him down the stares, concern clear on his face. I move to follow but my phone finally, finally chimes. I rip it out of my pocket and see it's Melissa.
Once again, Hoodwink Bar, 15 minutes. \
My legs move before my brain does.
"I'll be back!" I yell, running down the stairs. I duck into the coat room and grab my jacket.
"Where?" Mai demands from her seat beside it.
"To kill the president," I respond sarcastically.
Heather frowns, like she can't quite tell if I'm serious or not. Before I leave I lean down to her ear and tell her what I'm actually doing. Mai looks jealous.
The door is wide open as the waiters carry in the assorted foods for the night. I duck around them out into the dusk and make a beeline for Dick's car, his keys in my pocket.
Thankfully, tired Tim keeps him distracted, so I make it into the vehicle and out of the estate unhindered. No doubt he'll notice I'm gone soon and will send a crying-emoji filled text wondering where I am. I'll deal with that later though.
The streets are quiet as I make my way through the city. As per usual, the buildings get shittier, the people get seedier, and I come to recognise the area the bar is in. I hide Dick's car in the same alley I hid mine.
Though it's not completely dark, there are a few unsavory types lingering around the bar. And it's not to celebrate the Fourth of July. One of them makes kissing noises when I get to the door. I'm not packing, so I throat-punch him and watch him choke, before stepping inside the building.
It's not open yet, made obvious when the barkeep locks the door behind me. Melissa is at the same table as before and there are no other patrons. No one lying on the floor or gathered around anything.
She waves me over, not that it's necessary.
As soon as I sit down her smart-assery begins.
"Was hoping to see you in a ball gown."
I can only frown, "I'm sure I'll be in some magazine tomorrow. Got something for me?"
She reaches into her jacket and produces the same thumb drive I gave her at our last meeting.
"I've added my findings to yours. Better to look at it yourself than talk about it here."
She's just as paranoid as Eric.
"You think I'm paranoid." I have to remind myself that she doesn't read minds, but body language, when I flip out briefly.
"Not at all," I lie, "How do I know you're not just handing me back the same information?"
This doesn't surprise her, "Have I ever let you down before?" None of my team ever have.
"Fair enough."
I take the USB from her hand and put it in my pocket, safe. A part of me wants to look at it right this second. She probably got to the bottom of it faster than anyone who was already investigating it.
"Didn't take you long."
"Never does," she responds, downing her drink before straightening up, clearly getting ready for the more confronting part of this meeting. Those critical eyes move over me slowly. "Can I ask you something?"
"No, but you will anyway."
Amethyst and Cyan are tingling, knowing what's about to happen.
"Do you love him more than you loved Jack?"
My first thought is what the fuck. I thought she'd ask about how Cyan was transported onto me, not about that of all things.
"Yes," I answer simply, not wanting to go into further detail about my feelings for either of them.
"Good," She smiles, actually smiles, "I love Eric. I want to spend my life with him."
I knew they were sleeping together, but I had no idea it was deeper than that. Suspicions, but nothing for sure.
"Did you two stick together? You know, after?" I ask. The barkeep comes over and pours a drink for each of us. Melissa doesn't answer until he leaves.
"We tried to, but his paranoia kept getting the better of him," she says sadly, "So he left, for my sake." They must have been together for a while then, because the first time I saved Eric was only three months before I met Dick. "You freed him when you took Cyan from him. Thank you for that."
I shake my head, "I'll be honest, I didn't know that's what was happening. He just started sawing his arm open and I tried to stop it."
"Maybe so, but Amethyst wouldn't have accepted Cyan if you didn't."
I look down at my open palm, at the head of my serpent. She was given to me as the leader. The leader of the serpents for the leader of the squad.
"You want me to take Citrine," I state.
When I look at her, she nods solemnly. She brings her arm to her face and pulls her sleeve down, showing the golden-coloured tattoo winding around her wrist tightly.
As if saying goodbye.
"Citrine has been my partner for many years," she speaks in a gentler tone, "but so has Eric. We can only move on once we're free from Waller's grip."
The mention of Waller makes my stomach turn.
"You were made for this life."
I shrug, "So were you. It's why you're good at it."
"I'm good at it because it's all I've ever done," she counters quickly, "It's all he's ever done. I...We want to try life."
That admission is what ties it up for me. I haven't seen Melissa talk so lovingly about anything. There is hope clear in her eyes. A true wish to do something other than destroy for other people.
I hold out my hand, "Got a knife?"
She looks at my offering with surprise.
"I-...I won't be the only one you know," she says it like an argument, "Once word gets around, the others might want to offload their serpents onto you too."
I smile, "They can. I'm gonna get pretty powerful."
It's obvious she thought she was going to have to fight me on this. She looks at me with concern as she feels around her cloak for her knife.
"You're giving up your chance at a normal life. You can't come back from three serpents."
She produces a knife and I pull up my sleeve.
"For the first time ever, I love my life."
Damian's eyebrow twitches when his oldest brother releases another dramatic sigh. He is holding a little hors d'oeuvres fork in his hand and heavily considering stabbing Dick with it.
"You look absolutely pathetic," Jason tells him, a champagne glass full of whiskey in his hand, indicating he plans to die again tonight.
Dick doesn't take to the insult, his pout deepening.
"I'm sure she'll be back soon," Barbara pats his shoulder.
"That's what you said ten minutes ago," he whines, downing another flute of champagne. He tries to get a second one off of the platter that passes by, but Cass slaps his hand.
"I'm trying to drown my sorrows," he snaps.
Cass rolls her eyes, "You're such a drama Queen. You've had one. Hardly drowning."
"I don't think that's the problem at hand, Cass," Barbara tells her gently.
Dick continues to stare at the entrance to the gala intensely. The manor ballroom is filled with people, but none of them are his wife. There are girls itching at the chance to ask one of them to dance, but Jason hides behind his siblings, Dick is clearly off limits, Tim is mentally on another planet and Damian scares off any stare with a look.
With another dramatic sigh, Dick drops down into one of the fancy sofas lining the wall. They are hiding in the corner as a collective. Bruce is stuck in a conversation with Commissioner Gordon and several other city officials on the other side of the room, so he can't tell them off for huddling.
Dick slumps down further and further as the minutes pass.
"Todd's right...words I thought I'd never say. You're pathetic!" Damian growls upon the next sigh, "I would never degrade myself over a woman like this."
Suddenly, an amused voice cuts into their little clearing.
"Oh c'mon kid, you'll find yourself a little ray of sunshine one day," Damian is quickly engulfed in a headlock. A ballgown-clad Cleo mashes her knuckles into his scalp, "We'll all pity her of course, but you'll cry when she's not around too."
"I'm not crying!" Dick exclaims, suddenly lighting up like a Christmas tree when he lays eyes on her.
"He's about to," Barbara murmurs to Tim, who is lethargic to the point that he doesn't hear her.
As soon as Cleo releases Damian, Dick rushes into her arms and spins her around onto the dance floor. Cleo doesn't show an ounce of embarrassment as people look on at them. Once she gets Dick to settle his hands on her waist, they start moving with the other couples.
"Are you drunk?"
He smirks and shakes his head, "Just happy to see you."
Warmth blossoms in Cleo's chest, taking her mind off of the new addition to her body. Cyan and Citrine, much like their previous owners, are happy to be together. They are tied around her waist beneath the dress.
She rests her head on his chest and closes her eyes for a moment. Even if this is all a put on, it's a romantic setting. Everyone can see them, can see how in love they truly are. Barbara shares a smile with Bruce over it, Damian flattens his hair but seems satisfied with his brother's new state of mind.
"You were right," Jeremy tells Ignatier. Klover nods along with him as they happily watch their sister get twirled around by their brother-in-law.
"Always am," Ignatier smirks, about to sip the champagne Heather had handed off to her. Sandy spots it first and snatches it from her, eyes searching for the Marine for a scolding.
The nanny spots her the same time as Cleo does. From her resting place below Dick's chin, she observes Mai and Heather following Jason out of the room, the man smiling, the doctor blushing and the Marine smirking.
"What the fuck," she mouths, but decides not to alert Dick to it. She didn't think Mai had it in her- probably wouldn't if it weren't for Heather.
"Where did you go?" Dick asks. Cleo looks up at him, almost blushes under the tenderness of his gaze.
"To see a friend," she answers honestly. "An old teammate."
"Oh yeah?" He responds, but doesn't press. She appreciates it.
"While I was talking to her, I realised something." Her hands move from his hand and shoulder, sliding around his neck instead.
Dick smiles warmly at her, "What?"
She leans into his ear, "I've never been this happy."
When she draws back, Dick kisses her quickly. Cleo smiles into it and tightens her hold on him, wanting him as close as possible. Nothing could ever feel this good. Pure elation expands in her chest until it feels like it might burst from her eyes.
Tears of happiness? That's a new one.
She holds them back though as she takes his face in her hands. They stop turning in the manor's golden lights, the dancers still moving around them.
Within their own little world.
"I love you. More than I've ever loved anything."
It's a bold statement. The most vulnerable thing to ever come out of her mouth. Big cerulean eyes stare at her with unbridled wonder. How had they been so lucky? To meet their soulmates by such a wild circumstance?
On the same level of bewilderment of their powerful bond, he takes her wrists in his hands.
What else is there to be said?
"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." It comes into his head with inevitability. This is the only conclusion to the heaven between them.
In that moment, they can both agree that this is it. The end to the search they have unknowingly been on their entire lives.
"I love you too," he whispers.
They kiss, all but consummating an agreement to forever.
As they return to their dance, cheek to cheek, Cleo can't help but think that nothing could possibly ruin this moment.
Similar to the couple on the dance floor, another couple cuddles up to each other miles away. In love, a night out on the town, celebrating the Fourth of July.
It's a cold night in Sunset City, despite the season.
Half the people out and about are rugged up, while others are used to the climate, faces painted, waiting in anticipation for the fireworks.
"I heard the best view is on the beach," the young man says, unlocking their car parked on the street, "From the lookout on one of the cliffs."
His girlfriend squeezes his arm as he reaches for the handle to open the door for her.
"That's where we'll go then. I hope we don't get hit with any-"
She is abruptly cut off when something crashes down into the roof of the car with such an impact the sound is deafening. The couple stumble with glass in their eyes, then fall backwards, tumbling onto the pavement.
Screams fill the quiet street. The sparse bystanders quickly gather around the car, helping the couple as they desperately try to make sense of what has happened.
"Who is that?" Many ask, either alienated by horror or drawn in by the curiosity.
The first person brave enough is a middle-aged woman. She lets go of her husbands hand, steps right up to the car and peers into the caved in roof of the sedan.
There, she stares upon the lifeless, bloodied face of Brittany Perich.
Forgive me.
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