" Moira i don't have a stress disorder and i'm not suicidal , i'm just pissed at the fact that you don't ever agree with anything i say ." I said calmly face palming myself
"I don't agree with you because you keep bossing me around like some toy." She said frowning her tears were still dropping freely
" I'm sorry for bossing you around ." i whispered
" It's okay Lan i'm sorry for being stubborn ." She said looking at her toes
" That's more like it now that you guys have made up i think it's my cue to head home ." Zain said smiling a little
" Thanks Zain." Moira said she was still crying after a little talk about the company Zain left Moira had been in the room i wonder what she is up too now i got into the room which smelled more of her and she had changed my duvet from my navy blue to a multi color like duvet ugh this lady is crazy i thought . Two minutes later she came out of the bathroom wearing grey pa short shorts my eyes skimmed down her beautiful legs then back to her face she was blushing profusely aware of my attention on her she slowly walked towards the vanity and grabbed her phone which i didn't even notice was ringing
..." Belv how are you ." She said quietly .
" Moiraaaa gosh i have missed you so much bitch." the caller said in a cheery happy voice
"oi language Belvina.".She said smiling
" Yeah yeah sorry mom how about the hottie you get to marry." The persons aid happily Moira blushed realizing i just heard what her friend had said
" Keep quiet Belvina he's here ugh God ." she said clearly frustrated at her friends bluntness i stood up from the couch leisurely and got a bottle and a glass from the mini fridge in the room she continued talking with her abt what and whatnot
" So are you guys at it already." the caller said i could feel a smirk on her friends face . Moira's face went pale , i chocked on my water loudly the caller just laughed and said
" Definitely not then."
" Belvina i've gotta go ttyl ."
" Yeah sure my regards ." Belvina said still laughing and Moira just hung up on her friend
"I'm sorry for ........"
" It's okay so dont worry." I said she just nodded and dropped her phone and turned around to sleep
"Why did you change the duvet." I asked calmly
"Because i'm not comfortable with the room i sleep in looking so dark and gloomy like a grave yard ."She said it like it was obvious and turned to sleep when i was done with processing some important files i joined her on the bed gently she moved her back closer to me , oh no i thought and she was asleep she moved again this time she was firmly resting on my chest it was an automatic action i let my arms snake around her waist then i got used to the rhythm of her breath and slept off . I woke up the next morning we were in a more intimate position her legs were tangled against mine ,her chest pressed sturdily to my chest , her hands on my waist mine on hers her beautiful hair was sprawled against the pillow . i want to wake up to this every morning i thought smiling wait what am i thinking i thought quickly .she woke up immediately i tried to remove my hands from her waist , then she noticed our position she blushed profusely then she tried to stand i don't know what got over me making me pull her back she instantly landed on my chest
"Lan stop being an idiot and let me go."She said giggling like a little kid and her cheeks the color of a rose
" I'm sorry for being a dick Moira give me a chance to fix my shit ." I told her , she just smiled and said
" It's okay Lan i'm also sorry . Friends ." she asked extending her hand towards me
" Friends ."I repeated shaking her tiny hands in mind lan this while she was seating on my torso she smiled with satisfaction and tried to stand up again i pulled her back she landed on my chest then she looked into my eyes i know this sounds so cheesy and cliché but i got lost in her grass green eyes that's when someone bathed into my room
" Hey man......."
" Taylor yes." I asked he just smirked asshole i thought Moira just buried her head in the nook of my neck out of embarrassment
" i wanted to go to the office with you. but i see you are busy ." He said raising his eyebrows
"Shut up i'll be ready in five ." I said gently carrying Moira off me she was so skinny and weightless
" Heyy." She said waving to Taylor
" Hey Moira right."He said smiling
" Yeah do you know my name ." She asked clearly shocked
"Internet dear who wouldn't know the fiancé to a lister bachelor Lan sanchester." He said smirking
" woaw." Moira said shocked
Taylor and i went downstairs together and started breakfast about twenty minutes later Lan came downstairs in a grey suit black dress shirt no tie only a gold rope like chain lying on his neck lazily he joined us with breakfast and left immediately after with Taylor i didn't bother to speak with Nata i just went upstairs for a warm soothing shower had my teeth brushed and got dressed in a short white dress with a cute cape around it's neck when i went downstairs i quietly went into the art theatre and started designing something then Nata came in gently
"Hey Moira."
" Hey Nata."
"uhm i wanted to say good bye before leaving ." she said
" Wait what why are you leaving?!!" I asked confused
" uhm Lan wants you guys to get to know each other better so i'll be in the sanchester mansion for now but i'll back ." She said calmly i got up and gave her a hug and told her that if she needed anything she should not hesitate and that i'll visit her after we talked about some necessary things she left i was alone in this house i thought then went to my art theatre and started on a drawing of africa's perspective of art it took my about five hours to finish one thing about art is that time flies as you are trying to put all the colors and lines together then somebody opened the door as i was cleaning up all i had used i almost had a heart attack
" Hey."Lan said
" Hi Lan gosh you scared me ." i said putting my hand on my chest to steady my breathing
"Sorry." He said
" oh my gosh i didn't make you anything i was too caught up in the picture ." i said realizing that Nata was not home to make the meals again
" It's okay i ate out with Taylor anyway ." He said shrugging
" oh cool." I said
"Well i'll be upstairs ." He said and walked off like a model doing a parade down the hallway his suit slumped over his shoulder non chalantly . then i smiled at how cute he was when he was not the annoying person na of him . i then went into the living room after filling a bowl with haribo gummy bears then switched on the television and there was absolutely nothing interesting to watch so i headed upstairs to get my flash drive i don't like watching netflix on a tv it always feels weird i ran upstairs then barged into the room to see Lan in only a towel my eyes wandered around his chest his stable six pack his prominent v line Moira are you mad my mind told me i snapped back into reality and looked at him shyly my cheeks must have been deep red he just smirked and moved closer seeing the effect he had on me , bastard i thought.
"Lan please don't come any closer." I begged
" Why ?." He whispered smirking
"Because i'm going to kick you ." I said raising up my finger in protest
" I'll really like to see you try Moira ." He whispered gently in my ear i blushed at our closeness
"L..l..an please move back ." I stuttered
" Nope." he said breathing on my neck gently. God what is this man doing to me i thought i was not ever the kind of person that falls for someone i just met that was Megan's character not mine .
My legs where all jelly like then he steadied his hand on my waist and whispered "don't get too caught up in the moment." then pulled away then i finally came to my senses and rushed to the vanity to search for my flash drive making my hair cover my face to hide my red cheeks ,then I went downstairs to watch my movie ............... ............ .........
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