15: Pictures
There there is our Bailey my fingers have been itching to post this picture 😂😂
When we got home I felt Moira shedding a few tears into my shirt
"He just said he wanted to have coffee." She whispered I smiled at how innocent she was but frowned at the fact she was crying I hugged her tighter and closer and whispered comforting words in her ears . She deserved all the care in the world wait a second did I just say that what is she turning me to My God
"Moira look it's okay don't cry again I know I wouldn't have forgiven myself if he had done something to you but thanks to God nothing happened ." I said patting her back gently she just nodded and sniffed "Wait who is that guy ." I asked suddenly
"He's my ex." She whispered
"Are you drunk why would you go out with your ex he obviously wanted some thing ." She flinched at my tone and I frustratedly ran my hand through my hair
"Don't raise your voice at me! ." She said glaring at me
"I'm sorry , I'm sorry." I said quickly she just nodded and went upstairs
He shouted at me for no reason in particular I remembered what he told Chris back at the park I just smiled as I walked up the stairs but I was still angry with him
"Owww." I screeched as I hit my foot on a cupboard making it open from the impact then pictures of Lan and a beautiful blonde. I was shocked she looked so much like Taylor but she had white blonde hair . Bailey . I whisper and almost instantly Lan walks in his eyes .open widely they look like they are going to fall off honestly
"W...w...here did you g...g...et those pictures ." He stuttered
"Here I hit my foot on it and the cupboard popped open and all this pictures came out ." I said
"G...give them to me ." He stutters again
"Not until you tell me how much she means to you Lan . I can help you let it all go ! ." I screamed
"I can't tell you I did something shameless ." He said hiding his face from me
"I'm not going to judge you I'm going to help you common ." I said cupping his face with my hands well I was on my tippy toes and they hurt them I pulled him inside the room I made him sit down gently on the bed and sat down on his legs
"Talk Lan I promise I won't judge you ." I whispered in his ears he just nodded
"Bailey was my fiancé . We've been dating since middle school we were so different she was outgoing and friendly and I was the concentrated and rude and considered a sadist by everyone we always fought but that didn't mean I didn't love her . We even took each other virginity." He smiled a little maybe at the memory then continued." I gave her the promise ring In our senior year of high school she was so happy . We went to college together studied the same course oh and I forgot she was Taylor's twin sister they loved each other very much . But Taylor was not in full support of the relationship he felt I was not capable of making anybody happy but he had no choice than to support us . I proposed to her on our Graduation party from college . I was with her for over 7years and I didn't know she was suicidal . I did something very wrong I was hooking up with Aria we were even having an affair and Aria was her bestfriend few days to our wedding I think she found out but she didn't say anything . She didn't show up on the alter on our wedding ." He whispered. "Then I found the letter she dropped let me get it for you ." He handed me a folded piece of paper it read
You've made me see the cruel part of the world you did something so wicked and heartless though you know me ,I hold no grudges against you ,and I'm definitely not showing up for that joke you call a marriage tell your side chick that she can have you ,you two deserve each other . (Sniff) I'm 2 months pregnant by the way I wanted the baby to be my wedding gift to you but it's too late now . Don't you dare look for me or else you know how violent I can become . Thanks for ruining my life .
- B.
After I read it out loud he continued "We found her dead body on a an abandoned hill downtown . Taylor almost died I couldn't shed a tear cause I know I killed her . I fucking killed the love of my life Moira and all Aria could say was ohh she's dead wow her own bestfriend can you imagine I know I know I did wrong but I broke it off with Aria immediately that's why she hates my guts ." He finished I know this must have been hard for him I didn't know what to say to him I just kissed him and he dropped a tear then we cried together .
"I'm so sorry for breaking down like that ." He said finally after he went to wash his face
"It's okay to let it all go Lan." I said calmly "She loved you She might have forgiven you ." I continued
"Oh she did forgive me she wrote the letter and kept it in my phone pouch here have it ." He said extending a similar paper to the first one I collected it an open it slowly it read .
I forgive you I'm not angry with you because I love you and I want God to receive me because I didn't sin , I only decided to leave the cruel world ....
She was so kindhearted I thought as tears dropped from my eyes I gave him back the paper
"I had an elder brother you know ." I whispered he just turned and looked at me shocked .
"Yeah he and his girlfriend died together because my Dad said no to their relationship and the painful part was that I watched them die he was way older than me then I was just twelve he was twenty and Megan was fifteen ."I stopped to wipe a tear. '' He told me that he loved me and he had to do it or else He would never be happy ,he asked me if I loved him I told him positive then he told me that people that love each other always support each others happy decisions that this was the only way to make him happy he hugged me and he and his girlfriend pulled the triggers to their guns together." I whispered." I wen mute for a two years countless therapists my parents hired could not even get me to say HEY . But the first day of high school I was fourteen then I met Belvina well I don't meet her she has always been In my school but I never spoke to anybody so she summoned up courage and came to ask me if I was dumb as usual I ignored her then she told me I looked like dumbo for not talking for the first time In two years I laughed actually it was like a miracle for the school they called my parents instantly and told them the good news for that Belvina was given a scholarship all through ." I stopped and smiled at the memory ." From then we became inseparable her morale rubbed off on me I started being playful and more outgoing and discovered I love art ." I said finally and let out a short breath by now tears were dropping freely from my eyes he just pulled me to his chest gently I just put my hand round his torso we were like that for a long time until I decided to go make dinner . Today was more of a confession day I thought as I walked down the stairs and smiled sadly
There you have it an update and Baileys identity thank y'all so much for a hundred reads I really really appreciate 🙏🏻 we can go higher I'm certain . if you have any thoughts or comments kindly message me privately
Xoxo Xendaya ;)
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