We got down from the Limo together I made an attempt to put my hand on her back she just walked away quickly Unlocked the door and was about to rush inside I grabbed her and spun her around
" Moira what did I do?" I asked confused she eyed my irritatedly
" Leave me alone Lander." She said her voice dripping with hate her eyes displayed hurt and she never called me Lander
" Not until you tell me what I've done this time because I've been nothing but nice ." I said
" You've been nothing but nice did I ask for your niceness gosh I'm so stupid I'm so very stupid ." She said hitting her free hand on her head i was about to stop her she just removed her hand from my reach
" Moira you are not stupid what did I do please just tell me ." I asked
" Leave me the hell alone Lander ." She screamed into the night
"No Moira until you fucking tell me what I've done ." I screamed back at her
" Is it compulsory ,stop being such an asshole and just leave me alone I need to sleep." She said struggling to free her hand
" No Moira I'm not an asshole I'm just trying to know what I've done to deserve such rash treatment "You should go to Aria and have a nice time instead of pestering my life here." I said and scowled at him and turned to enter he just froze realizing I just found out his perfectly hidden secret .... I walked up the stairs painfully slowly I felt my heart beating painfully fast and my head seemed to bail out on me and my hands and legs they just sagged hot tears started dropping one by one I was actually having intentions to fall for this guy ..... I entered the room and ran to the bathroom had a quick shower and changed to one of Lans round neck shirts and a some sport shirts from high school . I walked downstairs to see a partially drunk Lan
"If i had sex with Aria so what ." He asked slurring in his speech "Why does Moira seem to care all of a sudden I thought she will give anything up for my downfall." He continued his ranting the tears in my eyes dropped freely now seeing Lan in such a state hurt me
" I freaking told her in the easiest words not to get attached to all this shit because I always messed things up I mean Bailey, Aria I don't want Moira to get hurt if she had followed my advice and not gotten to caught up in the moment ." He said slamming the tumbler harshly against the island Bailey who was Bailey I've never heard him say the name Bailey before I helped him upstairs pulled off all his clothes leaving his boxer briefs of course (*you really thought she would let him sleep naked*) and sat down on the small sofa and resumed her crying she remembered all those nights she spent the last few days that she and Lan actually had a chance but it seems no she checked the time 1:20am I need to walk out before I die here I said to myself and dropped my phone grabbed one of Lan's hoodies and sweatpants and left the house I walked rot closely 2hours before I heard footsteps behind me I turned around alarmed and saw a very calm Lan
" You got to be shitting me." I groaned
" Moira listen to me I'm sorry I was not in the right mind when I did it." He pleaded
" Ohh." I said not listening
"Please Moira I'm sorry." He pleaded truly sorry
"Lan please leave me alone ." I said trying to shrug his hands off me but he won't budge
" Moira please forgive me this one last time ." He begged his eyes portraying apology
"Lan why do you care if I forgive you so much I'm not exactly angry I'm just hurt ." I said looking down
" I care about you Moira that's why I care so much if you forgive me please." He said once again
" Lan it's fine I forgive you ." I said
"Thank you Moira I'll make it up to you I promise ." He said lifting me up in the air I just giggled
" On one condition though." I said to him
" What is it anything ." He said eager to hear what I have to say
" Who is Bailey??" I asked he just froze ad dropped me down and ran his long fingers through his hair
" Who told you about Bailey ." He roared I flinched at his tone ." Who the fuck told you about Bailey answer me , MOIRA ." He was shouting this time tears started to drop from my eyes
" Stop crying and tell me who told you about Bailey." He shouted unaffected by my tears . I just turned around and left when I go to the house I took my duvet and a pillow and went to my art room i later comfortably on the sofa their and slept off
"One one condition." She said
" What is it anything." I said eager I thought she would say let's go out or something then I heard a devastating question
"Who is Bailey??" She asked innocently
"Who told you about Bailey." Se didn't answer she just flinched at my tone "Who the fuck told you about Bailey,MOIRA " I said louder this time she just started crying. Great I made her cry twice in one night but I couldn't care less now all I cared about was how she knew about Bailey
" Stop crying and tell me who told you about Bailey." I shouted she didn't say anything she just walked away slowly crying harder into the night
I fell on my knees shedding a few tears when I was stable I walked back home slowly . I got upstairs I didn't see her in the room . Panic settles within me
" She has left !!!" I said face plaming myself I checked everywhere but I still could opt find her I finally checked her art room I found her laying peacefully on the large sofa and she had taken her beautiful duvet . I just signed and went back to the room and worked all night when it was six in the morning I decided to get ready for work I'm not planning to see Moira this morning I thought as I got out of the shower and and got dressed and applying some cologne. Few minutes later i was jogging downstairs I had to go to the office duh!
" It was you ." I heard some one say startling me
" What Moira what are you doing up so early ." I asked steadying my breathing
" I heard about Bailey from you when you were blabbing last night turns out the alcohol left your system under three hours and you could not remember all the trash you said ." She said her eyes cold and her lips were drawn into a thin line
" Ohh My God Moira...." I said
" Save it of course you are going to use the I'm sorry card again and then forgive me this one last time shit and the I really care about you line to cliché uh and I'm not ready to hear that." She said coldly
"Moira I do care about you ." I said
" Barely one week about you were telling me not to think of a fairy tale life that nothing can bring us together so that's what I'm doing not thinking of a fairy tale life." She said twirling the empty paper coffee cup with her fingers
" Moira I was ignorant about how amazing and nice you were I was angry that my parents just expect me to get married to someone I barely know." I said
" Okay you should get going to work you'll be late." She said not caring about my speech
" Bailey was a part of my past Moira and she left with painful memories I'll tell you when I'm strong enough mentally I promise ." I said quickly her cold eyes softened I know Moira can't stay angry with me for too long
" It's okay but I would have appreciated it s little more if you had just told if you have told me in a nicer way ." She said
" So you are not angry with me again ." I asked relieved
"Yes and no she said and stood up to leave ." I pulled her back and kissed her quickly she was too shocked to kiss back and I had to get to work anyways . She pulled away blushing
"Bye Lan ." She said and went upstairs
" God this girl is killing me and wait is that my shirt ." I asked she just giggled and stuck out her tongue at me typical Moira I waved and left the house got into my black Ferrari and drove off to work . When I got to work I had so many unprocessed files Gosh and I had a meeting by 10 with Lithe Batteries . They wanted to partner with our company for our new Device . Kate and I got to work instantly we were working like Maniacs I had to get to least half way before I go into meeting I decided to stop and send Moira a text quickly
Me: Moira I think I'll be home late today. I have so much work to do.
She replied instantly
Moira ❤️: awww poor you
Me: 🤧🤧
Moira ❤️: Sorry dear see you later today then 😌
Me: Yeah bye 👋🏻
Moir ❤️:Bye 😁
I switched off my phone and got back to work today was going to be a very long day
"My man ." Taylor said entering into my office without even knocking
" Taylor I'm busy ." I said noticing how happy he looked
" I know . Kate please excuse us ." He said in the best polite way
" Sure I'll be back ." she said and left
" So why are you here and why did you chase my assistant out of the office ."
" Well I wanted to ask you how are you ." He said the fool had nothing to say I thought and laughed inwardly
" Moiraaaa she's making me loose my fucking mind and I've been making her cry too much I just don't know what to do I'm just confused ." I groaned
" ohh sorry man what did you do ??" He asked
" You know I told you Aria and I hooked up ." I said
" Oh about that what then happened ." He asked
" Aria told her I guess she never told me who told her though but it's only you and Aria that know about it and you were with me the whole time ."I said running my hand through my hair thinking of how she cried
"Ohhh Aria has always been a phsyco." Taylor said casually
"Moira being Moira she forgave me that same day and I fucked things up again that same time she forgave me ." I said
" What did you do ." Taylor asked drinking from his glass of Hennessy.
"Well while I was a little drunk I think I mentioned Bailey ." I said whispering the last part . Taylor almost chocked on the alcohol and shouted
"I don't know why so she asked me out of anger I shouted at her she just started crying and went home alone but we made amends this morning ." I said calmly
Taylor just stayed there in shock nodding his head And walked out slowly oh I'm in deep shit right how .............
Why was Taylor's reaction so bad wait do you think he has anything to do with Bailey oh no this can't be good see you next update ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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