I don't know what to do as I lay here in my bed, cringing as the events of last night replay in my head like a haunting nightmare I wish never happened. I can't wrap my head around the fact that I tried to kiss Draco Malfoy and got rejected, not once, but twice! I don't even want to go to class today, let alone to breakfast - which starts in fifteen minutes - because I just know Draco will have something to say and I've had enough humiliation for this school year, and it's barely day two.
On the other hand, I know Hemera would pester me non-stop about my absence in class and meal times and I wouldn't be able to lie to her, it's nearly impossible. So, I have no choice but to get up, get dressed, and attend breakfast, or in other words my funeral.
Maybe I'll turn my cheer uniform black since I have to wear it today, I'll be prepared for when Draco decides to murder me with embarrassment.
As the noise outside my door starts to rise with conversations of people heading to breakfast, I figure it's time for me to get out of bed already. I slide my body lazily off my mattress, dragging the bedsheets down with me as my feet and bum meet the cold hardwood floors, my back leaning back against the bedframe.
I can't get his smirk out of my head, that condescending smirk that after years of rolling my eyes at it, I'm starting to find attractive. Even after last night, I can't lie and say I wouldn't make a fool of myself again just to see it.
Gosh, I have to pull myself together what is wrong with me?
I tug the hair at the sides of my head softly, groaning loudly with the frustration that Draco Malfoy is making me feel. My hands drop to my sides as I push myself off the floor and make my way into my bathroom, looking into the mirror right across from the door as I turn the light switch on. My eyes look puffy, I barely shut an eye last night, just cursing at myself for what I did and now look at me. I look horrible and I'm supposed to be recruiting new cheer girls today.
I look away from my reflection and turn the water on for my shower before testing the temperature and sliding my shirt off right after. As I walk into the shower and shut the curtain, I close my eyes and let out a relaxing breath, finally feeling a second of peace.
As I'm rushing around my dormitory in my cheer uniform, looking for my green lace ribbon for my hair, I hear a knock at the door and frantically stop in my tracks, turning to face the sound. I spot my lace on my dresser next to my couch and reach for it as my eyes remain on the door, tying it around my high ponytail and creating a bow.
"One second!" I shout, slightly frightened, and grab my school books and bag.
I wrap my shaky hand around the door handle and pull the door open, revealing Max leaning on the opposite wall with his arms folded across his chest. He smiles shyly at me as I step out of my room with a confused look on my face, closing my door behind me.
I look around awkwardly with my eyes and laugh, "Hey."
The interaction was awkward, him just saying hi doesn't leave me with much to answer and now we're just standing in the corridor staring at each other. To be quite honest I kind of want to laugh and walk away but I'm sure he'll say something right now.
"Can I walk with you to breakfast?" he asks and reaches out to hold my books, and I don't hesitate to drop the heavy weight on his hands. "I wanted to apologize about last night, I realize how immature I must've looked just pushing Draco around in the lake."
"Just a tad." I shrug
He laughs as we walk out of the Slytherin common room, side by side, and I laugh too, shaking my head at how silly they both looked last night. Honestly just thinking about it makes me lose that thought of Draco I've had; it was a little icky watching him in the water like that.
"I'm just not the kind of person that enjoys fights or letting someone drag me into one." I sigh with a head shake, "Giving into Draco's idiocy is something you'll learn not to do the more you get to know him. Draco may be a part of the friend group but that doesn't mean we don't all receive his attitude and trouble."
Max nodded his head with raised eyebrows as if he can already tell Draco's attitude is a problem with just knowing him for less than a day.
I give him a little elbow nudge, to show him everything's okay as we enter the Great Hall. So many girls turn their heads to Max, watching him like he's their prey and they're ready to pounce the moment I leave him alone. Max is that term people call new students, "fresh meat".
"I see Hemera, I'm going to grab her and I'll see you at the table."
I catch his kind smile and nod before I've already turned and I start jogging slightly toward Hemera who's fixing her lip gloss in a muggle travel mirror. She turns just in time as I approach her and take her arm with a smile on my face and one on hers.
"Hi, bunny." she taps my nose, "Saw you walk in with Max and he has all your books, what was that all about?"
Hemera doesn't even try to hide the judgment in her tone when she asks her question, pulling me closer to her body as she scolds Max from across the hall. I know she finds him shady and she wants the best for me but I feel horrible for Max if he now has to put up not only with Draco's attitude but now Hemera's.
"Hi Hem's," I roll my eyes with a smile. "Max came to apologize to my room this morning so please don't give him crap; he's already going to be dealing with Draco's bloody attitude so just hold back Hem please."
Hemera holds her free hand to her heart and gasps, "I'm an angel what are you talking about?"
I break out into laughter and push her away from me playfully, making her give me the finger with puckered lips. Once we both get to the table where everyone's sitting, I give Pansy's shoulder I little shake and she turns to smile at me but before I can smile back, Draco's already killing the mood with his snarky comments.
"Those uniforms are getting shorter every year." Draco scoffs, looking down at my skirt. "It's ridiculous."
I pull down my skirt uncomfortably and take a seat with my head down and a frown on my face. Draco has a way of saying things that make me insecure about my own body but when I feel Hemera's hand on my back, giving me a comforting rub, I forget why I was even mad in the first place.
"Isn't that what you wanted mate?" Blaise laughs
I feel my heart drop to my stomach hearing those words, delusionally thinking they're talking about the skirt getting shorter on me but of course, I'm wrong.
"Yeah, on anyone else but her." Draco groans with disgust and I furrow my eyebrows, "Just looking at that thing makes me lose my appetite, seriously."
"Good then maybe you should go since you're not going to be eating." Hemera chimes in, inching over the table to scold Draco, "Your presence here isn't needed anyway with that attitude, seriously!"
Draco's piercing eyes move away from Hemeras and turn to lock with mine, my heart starting to pound like crazy as we both stay like this for a moment. I let my eyes drop down to his jaw as I watch it clench with anger and when his lips slightly gap to say something that would probably insult me, the bell chimes echo the Great Hall for us to get to class.
Too bad Malfoy.
I give him a devious smirk, knowing he couldn't get the last word and I push myself off the bench, grabbing my books and starting to walk out of the hall. I feel a set of hands slide across my back and I turn to see Pansy on my left, holding my waist to guide her through the corridors since she has her head buried in a book. Without budging, I continue walking, watching Max, Blaise, and Hemera walk in front of us, arguing about Merlin knows what.
Noticing that Draco is nowhere to be found, I turn to look behind me but can't seem to spot him anywhere; maybe we hurt his ego a bit too much that he's gone into hiding. Serves him right.
As I'm about to turn back to ask Pansy a question about her book, I'm yanked into a closet on my right, my other hand reaching desperately for Pansy but she's too distracted to notice. I whip my head to see who's grabbing me and see Draco breathing heavily, pressing his hand against my mouth so I don't yell at him for this.
"Just don't speak." he exhales and inches closer to me, "Do you have any idea how crazy you're making me in this skirt? With your hair like this, that smirk, that scent, how are you doing it?"
My eyes scan his face like crazy, my thighs squeezing together as his free hand pins my wrists together above my head. Our eyes hold onto each other and he drops his hand from my mouth, inching forward as a tease.
His breath warms my lips as he speaks, "I won't pull back."
I slightly inch forward enough for us to be closer but hesitate to try and press my lips against his, I don't want to be humiliated a third time. I feel his free hand starts to slide up the side of my thigh and instantly I'm snapped back into reality, feeling like a bloody idiot for letting him do this to me after everything.
With every ounce of force in my body and pull my hands out of his grip and push him off of me, grunting with anger as I do so. His heavy shoes echo the closet we're in as he trips back with anger that I rejected him.
"I don't know what your problem is," I rage as I pick my stuff from off the ground between our feet. "but just leave me alone, will you? I'm done getting constantly mistreated by you!"
I push open the heavy wood door and rush out into the corridor, hearing his steps far behind me, paced but quick. I don't even turn around, scared I'll stop in my tracks for him but when I hear him, I nearly do.
"Laurier stop running from me!"
His words echo as I continue running, ignoring his pleading for me to go back, and as I reach the large doors for my next class I finally stop. My head drops back for a gasp of air and I feel a small drop of relief in my body when I start laughing in shock at what just happened.
Draco Malfoy tried to kiss me.
I look straight ahead of me, bringing my head back down and cup both of my hands over my mouth and nose, almost pressing my palms together. My heart starts to return to a normal beat the longer I stay standing here and once I feel calm enough, I open the classroom doors, making heads turn in my direction.
"Is there a reason for your tardiness?" Snape asks angrily as usual.
I shake my head as I take a seat next to Hemera, "No Professor, just girl problems."
Snape's face almost goes cherry red and his shock causes him to miss Draco coming in late too, rushing to the seat behind Hemera. Blaise, who's sitting behind me, mumbles something to him and Draco just shakes his head, turning his eyes to catch me staring. I turn back to Snape and move my ponytail to cover the right side of my face so I can't see Draco anymore.
"Next time bring a note from Madam Pomfrey or I'll have to give you a detention for the disturbance you've caused."
I quickly nod my head and grab my D.A.D.A book out, slam it quietly on my desk, and open to the page Hemera is on. My hands are still shaking slightly and I can't seem to properly grab my quill, or even pay attention to whatever it is Snape is saying right now. My mind feels like it's running in circles, I can't focus on one thing when Draco is taking over every thought I try to form.
My hand drops my quill and I reach to place my hand on the back of my neck, stretching my neck anxiously as I rub my hand softly against my chilled skin. I close my eyes as I do so, exhaling a stressed breath.
The calming moment I'm trying to experience is quick to be interrupted by a loud bang on my side of the desk. I nearly jump out of my chair, leaving my daydream, and look up to see Draco standing next to me with his book in hand and a cocked eyebrow.
"Really Draco not now leave me alone."
"Were you not paying attention, Laurier?" He scoffs and kicks the leg of my chair for it to push back, "We're project partners, now get up and let's go, I actually care about my grade unlike you."
I turn to look at Hemera but she's already off, talking to Pansy about their project and I just stare off into the abyss with my jaw slightly dropped. How could I be paired with Draco Malfoy when there are so many other people for me to be with? Why wasn't I paired with Hemera?
Draco's hand wraps around my forearm and before I can turn to protest, he's yanking me out of the classroom, behind others who are probably looking for a quieter place to start working.
"Ow Draco! I was going to get up already!"
I massage my forearm when he pushes me away, pressing his palm against his forehead, not trying to hide his anger towards me. After a couple of seconds of unusual quietness, Draco storms at me and I step back until my back is touching a cold pillar and his feet are touching mine.
"You talk back too much you know that?" he asks breathlessly, scanning my face. "If you were mine-"
He cuts himself off before he could finish his sentence, his hand forming into a fist that he presses against his lips. I take a deep breath and push my back off the wall, inching closer to him with curiosity.
"What Draco?" I whisper against his lips, tilting my head. "What would happen?"
My mind can't process it fast enough to explain but the next thing I know I'm folded over his shoulder, his arms wrapped around my legs and bum and my hands are gripping his waist from behind. With a quick reaction, I stop my school bag from slipping off my arm and I hold it as it nearly drags on the floor, while Draco carries me into the dark dungeons towards the Slytherin common room.
"What do you think you're doing?" I shout and try to protest but his grip tightens.
"I'm answering your question, so shut that mouth if you don't want to make this worse."
I almost choke on my saliva when I gasp at the realization of what's about to happen. I'm not saying I don't want it but I'm not ready for this, I never thought I'd need to be ready for this.
I'm grateful everyone's in class so no none can witness this.
Draco says the password to the Slytherin door and my stomach turns, making it official now that we're not far from his bedroom. Both of our bags drop on the floor of the common room and he easily switches my position so that my legs are wrapped around his torso and we're face to face. My eyes catch his eyes and like magnets, our lips collide, his feet continuing to walk toward his bedroom as we make out. His hands grip my thighs harshly and I bite down on his bottom lip, dragging it with me as I pull apart the second my back brushes against the opening door of his bedroom.
His pace quickens and soon enough he pushes me down his bed, my eyes taking this quick moment to scan his bedroom which I've never been in before. I turn back to face him when he's getting on top of me, making me lay flat as his lips attacked my neck, sucking while his tongue slides across my skin.
I reach for the hem of his school robe and slide it off his body, tossing it on the floor and immediately gripping his biceps through the white dress shirt he has on. With how tall he is, his feet are flat on the floor, pressing against mine which are on their tiptoes, keeping them apart so he has access to the throbbing between my thighs.
My fingers start to undo the buttons on his shirt but he pushes himself off me, immediately doing them up and staring at me. His broad shoulders are rising and falling quickly because of his heavy breathing and his hair is a mess from my pulling, he looks so good.
"Take off your clothes." he huffs as he undoes his belt, not taking his eyes off me. "Now!"
I don't hesitate to pull up my green jumper, revealing my bare breasts that he groans at the sight of, throwing his head back as he grips the belt in his hands. My fingers teasingly tug at my skirt and I keep eye contact with him as I do this, enjoying the desperate look on his face because he wants me to be naked for him.
I stop taking my skirt off and kick off my shoes instead, pushing myself higher on his bed with my feet which are covered in white knee-high socks.
"You really want to be like that?" he raises his eyebrows. "Stop teasing and take off the skirt."
My head shakes as I smile deviously and he clicks his tongue repeatedly, laughing. I get chills down my spine when he walks around the bed and opens his side table, rummaging through what sounds like metal objects.
I turn to see what he's doing and see him pull out muggle handcuffs and I'm caught off guard when he closes them around my wrists, hanging them to his headboard so my hands are stuck above my head.
"Draco." I gasp when I try to move my hands, "You're insane."
I've had sex before this, I'm not a prude or anything but having my hands above my head and not being able to use them is another level.
Draco doesn't respond to my statement; he simply hooks two fingers around the hem of my skirt and pulls it down. I swear I could've heard a whimper leave his lips when he saw my black thong was the only thing covering me. He wastes no time pulling that down either, leaving it to dangle around my ankles.
Expecting him to fuck me already, I pull my thighs apart slightly but he chuckles with a head shake, not pulling his eyes away from my cunt.
"Oh no I don't do missionary." he licks his lips, "I like to fuck a different way."
My heart drops when he pushes my ankles together and uses them to whip me around, making me lay on my stomach. The handcuffs twist uncomfortably, hurting my wrists, and he ties my thighs shut with what feels like his school tie. His fingers slide across my cunt, dragging my wetness up until his fingers are drawing circles on my vagina, his thumb pressing against my bum as he pushes his fingers inside of me.
I moan at the feeling of his fingers curling inside of me and my back arches slightly. My body starts to shake with the anticipation and I practically shut down when I feel his hardened tip push inside with his fingers still stretching me open. We both grunt and pant as he slides himself inside of me, his fingers sliding out to play with my clit. The way my thighs are shut together is making this all so much more painful and pleasing and I can't help but scream his name.
"Fuck Draco!"
"I told you I'd have you screaming my name."
He pounds mercilessly inside of me, his pelvis colliding with my bum so harshly I can feel it burn red. It was all so enjoyable until I felt his hand snake around my neck and around my throat, stopping me from breathing. I shut my eyes in pain and tugged at the handcuffs, trying to get a word out that I was done but his grip was too hard.
"Fuck you have no idea how much I wanted this." he moaned as he pounded hard, making my legs shake. "And I always have to have what I want."
When I pound back against him, the pleasure makes his grip loosen around my throat and I gasp for air.
"Draco stop!" I gasp and feel him pull out, "Stop, let me go."
Immediately his hands pull off the tie from my thighs and I hear him shuffling to zip his trousers back up before he uses a key to unlock the cuffs around my wrists. My hands fall above my head and I groan in pain as I push myself off his mattress, eyeing him with anger.
"That felt like torture!" I gasp and grab my clothes to cover myself, "What is wrong with you, you get off on making girls feel pain? You like seeing them helpless and vulnerable huh?"
His eyes widen and he steps back, "Wait, don't leave that's not what I was doing, I thought you wanted this?" he paces after me as I gather my things. "You were enjoying this don't act all innocent and hurt, you wanted this!"
As I'm about to open the door to leave, his hand pulls me back and I don't hesitate to turn around and push him so hard he nearly falls back.
"Don't touch me!" I threaten with my body shaking, "Stay away from me you're sick!"
I watch as his face drops and I run off into the common room, picking up my bag off the floor and running to my room. I felt so disgusted with myself as I threw myself on my bed, my body curling into a fetal position. Draco Malfoy was not what I expected, that was so hateful and cruel. How could someone be into any of that?
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